>DCEU could never imagine crafting such an event

Who else welcomes our Overlords?

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>tfw right now this is the most powerful Hollywood producer

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>having 4 out of 20 face the other way

this bothers my autism

>the MCU can't make a movie as good as TDK
Why though? It's not even that great

This is a rebellion is it? They rebel


>Captain Marvel is like 2 steps brighter than everyone else

Remind me who's the black dude (the ones who is neither BP nor the Black Falcon or whatever)

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War Machine?

That's Samuel L Jackson motherfucker

That's it, thanks.

It's my vain hope that people drop capeshit after this

will this crap ever stop? There's one of these every 3 months or so

Those are the only 4 who live.

hope youre excited for avengers vs xmen

Is Jon Favreau going to be the one to kill Thanos?

He'll cook a grilled cheese sandwich that's so delicious, Thanos puts a stop to his crusade and surrenders peacefully

fatbeard old fucker looks out of place
gwyneth too, but at least she's hot

I can't imagine people sticking with it after Endgame.
Like, you have the conclusion to your MASSIVE, 10 years long event, and then 2 months later you're expecting people to go see the beginning of another 5 or 10 years cycle?

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Why bother to include those side characters in black panther

>Like, you have the conclusion to your MASSIVE, 10 years long event, and then 2 months later you're expecting people to go see the beginning of another 5 or 10 years cycle?
Wow just like real life comic books

the most powerful avenger

Nobody reads comics anymore, user.

Did my boy Pym also disappeared?

>shoehorning Captain Fungus into this

I see what it is that you did right there

Everyone outside the quantum machine thingy at the end of antman and the wasp got dusted so Pym, Janet and Hope.

Avenge the actors who still have two movies in their contracts

>literally a vehicle to segue into her leading the next phase of MCU
I don't think you know what that word means.

i don't think you understand what a star vehicle means

He looks like a future accidental medication overdose.

>had to make a cheat sheet telling their fans who's alive or dead because their attention spans and brain capacity are so low

Top kek.

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Makes 20ish 5/10 movies for casuals and children that barely have plots and are loosely connected by throwaway lines and a 1 minute after credit teaser. So masterful lol

Supporting non superhero characters that get barely any screen time are now important even though they weren’t even in their respective movies

big SPOILERS here:

1. eveyone looking to the left is dead or will die in the movie
2. only charcters looking to the right will survive- thats be HUNK, ANTZ, RED WEEK, Black Mamba
3. after its hard reset for the universe- with some characters returning, guess who? this is actuall ending of A:E-RESET

trust me in an insider, screencap this

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