Why did she do it?

Why did she do it?
Did she believe that her company could pull off her magic box?

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Other urls found in this thread:



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*blocks her path*

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The lack of attempting to answer your question is why the documentary sucked. The 20/20 one was better really.

The story is straight forward, the real questions are left unanswered.

tfw I will never pat her head

Can someone elaborate on what the product supposedly was?

A while ago the zeitgeist in the startup world was that anything was possible if you threw enough money at a problem (perceived or otherwise). The only concern was doing it before someone else.

Perform all blood tests only using a drop of blood from your fingertip in a small portable machine.

she cute


About 90% of Wall Street trading is people trying to offload shit-tier investments onto each other. Everyone is trying to pull off financial alchemy - taking a bunch of shit tier loans and derivatives, repackaging them, and having them emerge at the end as a AAA-stamped investment that's guaranteed to make money.

She just did the same thing with what was, ostensibly, a blood analyzer. Who gives a shit if it works or not? That's someone else's problem. It's all about convincing investors that it's the next big thing.

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This. If it would have worked it would have been amazing. My dad goes in for blood tests all the time because of his cancer, if he could do it at walgreens while picking up some paper towels the implications of that are pretty huge even for him. And I can't imagine what it would mean for third world countries or military and other places where access to a blood lab is limited or non-existant.

she has the same eyes as zuckerberg

they are both reptiles.

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Sorry about your dad, dude

I think you've hit the nail right on the head, but maybe not in the way you might have intended.
The fact that it would be so gamechanging is what made people want to believe them. If a drop of blood could be used to run a test for $15 that would otherwise require a vial and $100 with insurance would mean that you would be printing money.

The problem is, the idea started out with a "wouldn't it be cool if" without having a strong basis in science and reality.

We have gamechangers who come along and upset industries. But they are few and far between.

She thought eventually one of those indian interns will make it work and she will take all the credit. This cunt is a psycho who doesn't care about anything but herself. Why is she walkig free? Some people lost a lot of money

stop posting her, it reminds me too much of the girl i used to see. i bet they're both just as kinky and wild in bed

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Is she wearing the turtleneck because of Steve Jobs?

Thanks. He actually got his diagnosis about six years ago and has had a pretty good quality of life. He's not doing too good this year though and I think the treatments are running out of steam, so, we'll see. :/

Oh I think the blood tests costs significantly more than that in the US. I wouldn't be surprised if my dads insurance gets billed 1,000 bucks every time he gets a blood test. I know when he gets chemo they give him a standard Benedryl like you would buy at Walgreens and I saw on the bill they charge 55 bucks for that. American healthcare costs are retardedly out of control.
So, yeah, you are absolutely right, they'd make a boat load of money even if they undercut that pricing significantly.

yeah, she even tracked down the clothing designer that jobs was inspired by to come up with her suits and stuff. then she hired their tranny creative director.

She did it because she could. If she had 10 more years she might actually have been able to pull it off, too.

because she's female and knows not to push her luck.

meanwhile martin skrelli is in jail because he managed to scam the fuck out of rich people without them finding out, managed to make all the money back and repay them so they didn't lose anything.

>Oh I think the blood tests costs significantly more than that in the US.
I'm talking about the cost to the end user. Yes, American healthcare is fucked, and this machine, if it worked, would be an arbitrage opportunity. I'm not exaggerating when I say that it would mean that a 7 billion valuation look conservative by comparison.

Does she have kik?

She was a brainlet who hired mechanical engineers instead of camping at nanotech labs.

why didn't they have errol morris do the documentary when the best part of this film are his commercials?

no we met on omegle and then talked through skype. she pretty much cut off all contact with me last summer as she she getting involved with people just for fetishes was bad for her mental health

Gotta ask you for the details, senpai.

If she was more educated in the field or listened to the top shelf advisors she had in the beginning, and obviously not go to market that quickly, I suspect they could have achieved something.
They could have set more realistic goals like instead of a pc sixed machine, maybe a furniture size equipment that could do half of what she claimed her machine could do would still have been a very important advancement in that field. Coast on that product, while pouring money into R&D for the miniaturization.
Since I'm not an expert it's certain that her scientists and engineers told her this but she was just stubborn.

The problem is that you do need a lot of blood to run tests. Standard machines that could run tests for less money would have been enough to make a shit ton of money.

Christ. Silicon Valley people are the worst

>omegle lets you search by tags
>put in watersports, pee,wetting etc
>started talking about 3 years ago
>she thinks she might be borderline autistic/add
>doesnt bother me, im in it for the pee
>eventually she came for the weekend in 2017, we did some stuff
>turns out she had some extra fetishes i didnt know about (abdl)
>got REALLY embarrassed about it and wanted to leave, but i convinced her to stay even though it really didnt bother me that much
>kept in contact barely after that, i told her i wanted to visit her, she said ok cool. radio silence for a few more months
>goes back to CC, says shes really busy and that her mental heath wasnt good for hooking up with people instead of real relationships
>9 months later havent talked to her
its too bad, its the closes I've ever had to doing watersports with someone IRL. all the other people have been online or chat only.

She couldn't have done any of that. Refrigerator sized or PC sized, it doesn't matter. Her device was pure science fiction. If you're going to lie, you might as well tell the lie that will get you the most money. And that's what she did.

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its a fun fetish and you dont need to buy any weird toys and gear. just water.

Its pee

its sterile slippery and easy to clean. much better than cum which is gross sticky and ruins everything

pee is good for your health

It's gross

Enjoy your nogainz

This user knows what's up

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Another retarded female in a managerial position that doesn’t know shit about her own product that she manages. Colour me shocked.

Only if you eat asparaguses every day.

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i think feet are gross yet 90% of Yea Forums goes crazy it

based Skyler

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How did he sort them? Did he rank them?

she was just a scam artist, don't think it has much to do with her being a woman except she was probably easy to fool silicon valley douchebags who wanted to seem progressive by investing in the "female Steve Jobs"

she fooled a lot of old white guys who saw her as a tradthot or their "daughter" tho

Most of her funding didn't come from Silicon Valley itself though

Fair play lad, most people here would have called him and nigger and laughed.

She's a con artist. Does that answer your question?

"Compost Fueled Cars: Wouldn't That Be Great? Onion Talks"

Yeah, she knew how to play old men. As a fuckdaughter (a woman who you want to fuck but also reminds you of a potential daughter so you want to mentor her before fucking her)

I've worked in a path lab in the UK. Blood samples were collected by the phlebotomists in different types of vacutainers, depending upon which tests were required, and then distributed between the hematology, biochemistry, anti-coag and microbiology departments.

A variety of equipment is involved and some samples require additional preparation prior to analysis. The idea that you would be able to replicate this massive laboratory accurately using a portable device is sadly wistful thinking at this point in time.

how much blood is actually need to do a CBC, or a iron test, etc? Whenever I get my blood draw they take like 3-4 vials. dont you just need a few drops?


Is it possible to learn this power?

Delusion and psychopathy

They need quite a bit.
Imagine if a sample is mishandled, and they need more blood.

Do you have a vagina?

a lot because they have to mix and dilute it, and it can't be reused for different tests or different samples

neat thanks, always been curious

>Do you have a vagina?
No, but a billion dollars is a billion dollars

Rich men aren't looking for fucksons. Generally.

In the lab where I worked a Full Blood Count and an Iron test would require two vials. A purple top for the haematology (the FBC) and a gold top for the iron test.

We used to get vials of blood drawn from elderly patients with hardly anything in them and we could still usually do the tests.

>They could have set more realistic goals like instead of a pc sixed machine, maybe a furniture size equipment that could do half of what she claimed her machine could do would still have been a very important advancement in that field.

And what exactly did she have that the hundreds of other biotech and thousands of other academic research groups don't? Their idea was fantasy - it was unsound and not original in the slightest.

The reason why such a machine does not exist is not because people haven't been trying to make one. On the contrary because it would be such a game changer from a diagnostic POV and for POC testing every company is looking at ways to scale down and increase sensitivity of assays and portable devices.

This. She is a purely business minded person that probably thought someone that worked for her would just come up with the tech while she built the business. A lot of start ups are built just to sell. The business IS the product. She is like the Fyre Festival guy, all business and marketing but no practical knowledge of how to deliver what they are promising.

>A purple top for the haematology (the FBC) and a gold top for the iron test.

The purpose of the two different coloured vacutainers is to keep one in an unclotted state (purple top = contains EDTA which interferes with the clotting mechansm) where as the gold top allows the blood to clot and contains a handy gel which means easier separation of rbcs from serum.

this. unless she completely reinvented, not "miniaturised", the process of blood testing not even a machine as large as a shipping container could perform 200 bloodtests on a drip of blood.

How much Xanax is this chick on? Holy shit.

>same eyes as Zuckerberg
I am convinced they are both clones. No way they are not related somehow.

Startups without a product are hustle to rob investors and not a business.

>according to her childhood and teenage psychologist, Holmes “had no friends” and “was obsessed with getting rich in order to attract a husband”, going as far as saying that she was “going to be so rich the president would want to marry [her]”
>Holmes later allegedly said she had never slept with Balwani, claiming he only kept her around to show to friends, and that she had never been on a real date.
>Holmes is rumored to have been a frequent and high-tipping client of various gigolo agencies.
Is she just a misunderstood femcel? Did she deliberately get in legal trouble so she would get letters from hot guys while in prison?

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Look at that smile at the end. She just can't help but be girly. She's not cut out for this "pretend to be a man" shtick.

>imagine being a male prostitute at the high of the Theranos hype and getting to fuck the Princess of Silicon Valley

shes a lizard

She has a very creepy voice

MArtin Shkrelin is human garabge who deserves jail time. But so does Elizabeth Holmes, I don't see why we would have to choose between the two except that one pretended having a great invention and the other bragged about hiking the price of some AIDS medicine. They're both populists but for an opposite audience.

She got engaged to a 25 year old in February. Her plan is already working.

Has she not heard of Tinder? She could've had a rolling roster of chads going at her, none of them would have married her probably but after a few dad dicks she will not be thinking about that anyway

I would take her virginity.

Even if is true

Those male golddigger pics with the woman looking happy and the guy looking dead inside never get old to me. Why are there so many of these?

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Good luck to your dad, user.

what mental condition do you need to have to get engaged to her?


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>getting married to a woman 10 years your senior who's also looking at 20+ years in prison

what the FUCK is wrong with that guy?

I remember reading some article about her in 2013 when she became the first self-made young female billionaire or whatever and wondering how the fuck someone who dropped out halfway through undergrad could have come up with such a revolutionary new process in such a complex field. That was literally the only question I had.

How the fuck did the people investing in her avoid doing any due diligence?

on Yea Forums maybe. definitely not on 4channel.

Apparently he's heir to a large chain of hotels. Meanwhile, she probably has negative net worth with her company worthless and her staring down the barrel of dozens of lawsuits. She's the one golddigging, which makes him even dumber for even considering getting married to her.

Isn't he a superrich guy? Thinking about it, he's probably a fraud just like her. KEK. Imagine being cucked to that crazy bitch for nothing, no money.

They were hoping to get their's and get out before shit hit the fan.

Wishful thinking. She said it was a trade secret and when they really pressed her she pulled off some rigged demos. If she wasn't a blonde white woman any one of them would have called her out on her bullshit in seconds. Not even Steve Jobs could have pulled off what she did.

>she buys a ton of gifts for a while
>then you don’t have to worry about her for a few decades
seems like a good deal

You know the way she looks really ends credibility to the whole reptile people theory... maybe we should ask /x/

Hunchbackfu is cute here

>me on the left

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Watching it now. WTF is wrong with her voice? I can't take this shit.

Also I'm pretty sure I shifted timelines at some point because I never heard anything about this girl until a couple weeks ago.

jesus nigga, up your standards

He's the one with money, though. He's some hotel chain heir, she lost everything once Theranos went under

I forced her pretty hard in early Shkreli threads in ‘15. Please don’t tell me you missed that sperg’s early antics like his livestreams with escorts “walking in by accident”.

Like that Seinfeld episode where George dated a prison woman because he never had to worry about the drop-in

She obviously has a financial dom complex
She gets off from having more money than the men who are attracted to her

Finding girls with pee fetish that aren’t tumblr tier whales with tattoos and piercings and weed is extremely rare friend

i would instantly quit a company that stages such awkward events. its not health for the mind.

Doesn’t she still have a good amount of fraud money, but many pending lawsuits? How does impending bankruptcy and lawsuits vs company money + private money work in US law?

It’s pop-in

First her disgusting deep voice and now this guy and his freaky beard. It's official I'm in the clown world. How do I get out?

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Has anyone here ever sent letters to women in prison? Anyone eber have a gf who was/went to prison?

My company pulls dumb shit like this all the time. I fucking hate it

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the company paid her a salary between 200-390k per year from 2012 to 2015. i have no idea if you can sue her for that money.

her billions came from the stocks she held. they are zero.

You still have a lot to learn, padawan.

I have a gf who was in a mental institution but that was before I met her

The only way out is suicide

>it's a good fetish because it's free

But I'm on the left. Do you think she got that bwc?

the best things in life are free

If Theranos just owed debts, they'd all be expunged when the company went bankrupt, and she'd get to keep what she made, though obviously not as much as the company was worth at the height of its valuation.

However, since she committed criminal fraud, she can likely be held personally accountable by misled investors and people who suffered harm as a result of their shitty product. Everything she has will probably be taken from her via lawsuits.

>get rich
>in order to attract a husband
Uhhh... does she know women are the ones that want rich spouses?

>Everything she has will probably be taken from her via lawsuits.
She should be sold into slavery in order to pay her debts.
The highest bidder gets exclusive rights to her butthole and other assorted orifices.

i just wanna see her tits


theres more but im at work now so i cant post them, but shes basically the quintessential girl next door look

Scammers scam people because they believe they can get away with it. And like Madoff demonstrated, they can for a long time before they are caught.

Her idea likely isn’t even impossible in the long term. The problem is she claimed that she had successfully invented the incandescent lightbulb before she had even invented the electrical generator.

this bitches face is fucking nightmare fuel.

It's a compliance check. If they can get you to dance around like a retard for no reason it conditions you into following unreasonable or demeaning requests and orders in general.

FUN SOCIAL ENGINEERING TIP: If you want to condition someone into being submissive to you, constantly make small requests of them that a reasonable person won't have any problem complying with out of basic politeness. Then slowly ramp them up over time. They get used to doing whatever you tell them to.

I've been married for 9 years and still can't get my wife to do anal. So no, this doesn't work for everyone.

Put a name on yourself so when you do post it, I can find it

Those fake suck ups who got up to dance.

Nah, this doesn't work

i might get banned if i post a bunch of her in this thread for being off topic but ill post a new one if this thread shows up again which it probably will because everyone wants to secretly fuck theranos girl

youre right. thats why I would quit such a company. im generally suspect about companies that celebrate literally everything and have a lot of speeches about how great the company and its mission is and what privilege it is to work here.

in my company, we make a bbq twice a year and have a christmas and easter dinner. nothing fancy. just getting together having good food and some drinks talking casually about work and life.

t. low salary lifer


>tfw no financial dom gf

This. The theranos chick is endearingly plain in the sort of cute/nerdy way that all but ensures that she was a wild handful in the sack.

there are a lot of very high paying jobs outside of mindcontrolling corporations

I admire a woman who can do something like this. It shows she has a drive that most women lack.

Thank you for this post, it's the best.

It's true she has drive, but as I'm watching this doc, it's clear that she is a psychopath.

Hope your father does well, user.

Yep. Women with drive are sexy as fuck. I worked at a nonprofit that had a scientific advisory committee. I wanted to bang half the female scientists just because they were intelligent and driven.


this gets a netflix show. apparently its pretty easy to fake bank statements and stuff

healthy diet of coke

>work at nonprofit

Xanax and adderall- or something along these lines. Coke probably makes a chick like that too freaked out.

I worked there you little faggot, as a director. And put in 50-60 hours weeks. The scientists all worked at universities like Harvard and Stanford. We helped fund their projects.

Sounds like you're a little bitch, desu

How do we save her, Yea Forums?

Wow you're so cool for working so hard for a scam and a complete failure.

Wow teach me how to waste my life like you.


>freaky beard
I think he got burned or something, notice how his lip is twisted

>This. If it would have worked it would have been amazing
We don't have the tech for that, sadly. Theranos would have gone with breakthrough after breakthrough.
The Lizzie is, very simply, a psycho that thought that could lie to investor and bully some nerd into finding a solution for things she never really understood.
And for a while, she got away with it.


I heard she collects genetic material. I have quite a large sample for her.

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>wagie/NEET claims others are wasting their lives

l m a o

Sauce? Got this with sound?
Come on user. Do the wagie dance for us!

Yea I noticed that, but just have the rest off man it looks bad.

>my poorfag dad dated the ex wife of the CEO of one of the biggest banks in America
>don't think he was gold-digging, it seemed like a pretty genuine relationship and she was a smoking-hot milf so she wasn't desperate for male attention
>anyways she got a shit ton of money in the divorce plus her ex agreed to pay some stupidly huge amount on her credit card every month
>first time I meet her she takes me and my dad out for lunch at this really fancy restaurant, then afterwards she shows us a brand new motorcycle she bought my dad for their 6 month anniversary
>then she handed me a wrapped present
>"user your dad told me your birthday was last week and I wanted to get you something"
>it's a WiiU (I had recently talked to my dad about how I was saving up to get one since we played Wii games together a lot) with some games and controllers, also had a $500 GameStop gift card in there "in case there's anything else you want to get for it"
>I was in college at the time, I grew up poor and always getting secondhand stuff so I was very thankful but also a little uncomfortable with this much money being spent on me though it was kind of cool it was ultimately coming out of the pocket of a billionaire banking Jew
>later that day she spontaneously buys first class plane tickets departing a couple days later for her and my dad to Hawaii after he makes a comment about how he's always wanted to visit
That day was surreal. I saw her do some other pretty ridiculous things afterwards. She was planning a trip to some mountain town with my dad and all the resorts/hotels were full on the days they wanted to go so she just bought a fucking cabin.

What then, did she dump him at some point? Was your dad particularly handsome?

Imagine her sucking you dick and not breaking eye contact

And then imagine busting a giant fucking load into her mouth as you push her head firmly onto your dick

Yeah , imagine haha

finish the fucking story m8

hah yeah...i can relate..

It's a sad ending. They were together for almost 3 years and had been engaged for a few months when she died of a heart defect that nobody knew existed until her autopsy. She had an abnormally weak aorta that just burst one day and she died in seconds. She collapsed and died in my dad's arms. Since they weren't yet married my dad didn't get shit from her estate (it all went to her kids). She still bought him tons of stuff and took him places he otherwise never would have been able to visit but now he's back to being a poorfag wagecuck, though he has never once complained about losing access to her money which is the biggest reason I think it was a "real" relationship rather than gold-digging..

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How come that Fortune journalist was angrier than everybody else in the documentary? even more so than the investors who's money was played with. He seemed like he was about to explode with anger when he was retelling of his finding out the truth.
I felt bad for him desu.

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You have to be 18 to post here user

This has to be a larp

>im generally suspect about companies that celebrate literally everything and have a lot of speeches about how great the company and its mission is and what privilege it is to work here.

I work for an evil corporation and this is accurate. My co-workers and direct supervisors/lower management are fine people, but once you hit middle management and above they're extremely uncomfortable to talk to and they all give the same speech about how great it is to work for the company with the exact same phrasing. Basically they're repeating the script they've been taught. We're also constantly forced to talk about ourselves and how long we've worked for the company, what we like about it, etc.

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As a journalist he probably saw himself as someone who could sniff out bullshit but in this case he was completely duped. The whole debacle probably shook his self image.

No shit. This whole thread is full mentally deranged fan-fiction shit.

I loved how she knocked off the turtleneck shit once she got indicted

reminds me of that invention bit by that fat guy.

>Jussie Smollett walks away from 16 felonies
>people think Elizabeth Holmes won't walk away from this bullshit

It's not. My dad was just unbelievably lucky to meet this woman, and to answer something another user asked earlier he is handsome and /fit/ and tall and good with women so that doesn't hurt (all I got from him was tall which is why I'm posting frogs on Yea Forums). He is a handyman, dude can fix anything. That's how they met. She needed some stuff fixed in her mansion and she happened to call the place my dad worked for and they hit it off instantly.

He was overacting because he was in on it and doesn't want to get caught. Never, ever trust the mainstream media.

She will for sure cause he has connections just like the jewnigger, Kissinger and Mattis were the ringmasters behind her scam.

Tom Segura.

Reptilian with zoloft stare

She's fucking cute what are you on about

No one's ever told her she can't do something, she's never had a single obstacle to overcome in her entire life. The concept that she might not be able to just throw money at a problem until it was solved didn't occur to her.

She embarrassed a lot of powerful people. There's a chance she might do some time.

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mushrooms and lsd are huge in SV too, she seems like she's microdosing hallucinogens

Usually works out the opposite way. She'll walk because those people just want this shit to end quickly and quietly.

>unironically calling that emotionless bug eyed abomination attractive
Have you heard her speak?
>I want a degenerate slut that will let me piss on her and has probably done much worse with other guys including her dad but DUDE WEED is a deal breaker

this is 1000% cult behavior. i wouldnt be surprised if theres ritualistic orgies everywhere in silicon valley

Was it murder?

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Reminds me of this

Odd lookin duck...

Hope everything goes well for your father user.

are there nudes ???

I think she was counting on R & D to fulfill her innovation while she was taking investment money. She would have simply kept quiet that her machine didn’t work, and when it eventually did work because of the efforts of R&D what difference would it make then? I think this is the malevolence and benevolence behind her plan.

his beard had a stroke


plain but kinky

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>fuck it im going all in
honestly based as fuck, sometimes you just gotta shove, bernie madoff knew this

>those eyes

She looks like she fuck dogs

I'd rather date a girl who fucks dogs than a girl who fucks nigs desu.

I want her to give me a handjob without ever breaking eye contact or blinking.

nope but she does love pissing herself

She looks like she smells like dogs

she looks retarded bro

I don't know about you, but I would, if I could.

>according to her childhood and teenage psychologist

do psychologists not need to obey patient confidentiality fucking hell

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How many fucking times are you going to post this

>“was obsessed with getting rich in order to attract a husband”
Uh, what?

this tbqfh

how many threads are we going to have on this person?

Legal precedents omit psychologists and their records from subpeonas, but every single one of those grubby attention-hungry fake doctors will suck a mile of bloody dicks to get their names on TV.