>Kamala Harris
>not jailing a black man
That’s actually shocking
It's difficult to know what you want, OP. This sort of shit's constantly being posted by /pol/ autists looking to excite their fellow /pol/ autists but you were already aware of that because you're so intelligent and attractive.
>forfeit $10,000 bail
>charges disappear
lmfao @ ur legal system America
This proves pol’s point more than anything
Guess niggers should stop whining about white privilege now.
Anyone that isn't retarded has known pol is right for years. This is just proving that the average person doesn't give a shit about truth. Which desu everyone should also have been aware of for years.
explain to a yuropor what happened?
you retards were saying he had federal charges or something and he couldn't get away with it?
Corruption. Like, they're not even hiding it. They just do not want to jail this man.
I mean there's video evidence and receipts of the brothers buying the supplies. Also the text messages coordinating the attack. LOL. Chicago is a corrupt democrat shithole.
daily reminder kamala harris dated a 60+ year old man when she was in her early 30's to accelerate her career
You’d do the same
just another nigger walkin free from the justice system because of black privilege
>american justice
top kek cant imagine this happening in any other country outside of africa
Nothing illegal about that, incel, maybe you should have sex and quit worrying about people who do
the mayor is FUMMING lol
Chicago police and mayor are in full rage mode because he was extremely guilty. It’s not like he got off because he was innocent
no because I have integrity
no one cares about yank /pol/itics
Basically, city attorney's and the city police department hate each other. Police want him charged for crimes they believe he committed and want him to pay them back for all of the wasted resources. The attorney general sees it differently and let him go, free of charges. It's just basic chicago corruption, but on a more televised scale.
welp, looks like it's time to riot
Honk honk.
Talk about lucky. This dude better learn his fucking lesson because he just dodged the bullet of a lifetime. I honestly thought they were gonna make an example out of him
Time to leave this shit city, so fucking tired of it.
Niggers win
is this nig still mayor?
>he's going to jail for 40 years!
This. I'm always surprised that there are people here that haven't caught on yet.
Lol this is Africa tier court corruption.
Except it’s now being alleged that the Nigerian guys just beat him up.
Yeah, those poor idiots believing in justice, let's mock them
Yeesh, he avoided 16 felonies just like that! Hope the poor black soul learned his lesson. He didn't mean no harm. Good for him.
>Retards actually believed that
>tfw so privileged that you can get your family friend to drop the charges against you
reddit is fuming about this
Chicago is a corrupt city. It’s been corrupt literally since it’s inception
I know right? Imagine actually believing in a fair justice system lmao. Bunch of Nazis.
based american court system kek, you can basically just do anything if you have connections
>reddit getting redpilled
You're not even guaranteed to get 40 years for murder, let alone faking a meme crime. If you actually believed that you're extremely gullible.
have sex incel
>you can basically just do anything if you are jewish
fixed that for you
Feds can still get him for the fake mail threat.
>trump gets charges dropped
“haha libtards btfo! maga!”
>black guy gets charges dropped
“waaaahhh! the justice system is broken!”
City government wants him charges, state government wants him to get away with it, hail mary pass is that the fed will come in to convict him for mailing himself a fake anthrax letter.
Apparently it was the Obamas that called in a favor to get the charges dropped. Chicago police want the FBI to investigate and filed a complaint
So what you're saying is there's no such thing as white privilege?
like our dear leader, Based Trump
They literally just went "Lol nothing to see here cracka!".
The difference is President Trump is innocent and hasn't done anything wrong other than exist. The nigger on the other hand falsified police reports and tried to ruin the lives of two random fucking people.
I don't think he'd see any prison time. Community service or probation or some dumb shit. People who stage fake attacks or rapes never get long sentences. A rich person doing it would see less time.
Having all charges dropped, documents sealed, and criminal records wiped clean was a surprise. Maybe he'll get nailed on the fake anthrax letters.
>give random dumb black a position of power
>she immediately abuses it for her tribe
top kek i wonder why africa is such a shithole
CNN are magatards?
The real reason is the guys behind Empire bribed her and the judge.
So what's the deal now, I can fake a hatecrime and cite The People vs Smollett and nothing will happen?
>give random dumb white a position of power
>they immediately abuses it for their tribe
top kek i wonder why america is such a shithole
What privilege? Jussie is innocent, Trump was not.
Why is this the thing making some of you realize that the American justice system is flawed and not stuff like Zimmerman or other cases where the injustice involves murder rather than just some dumbass lying?
because trayvon deserved it for not knocking a midget spic out in one hit
Are you rich? Do you know the state attorney? If either of those two questions are answered as "no", then you have no precedent.
Racists are mentally ill.
says the white nerd incel that chopped off his dick lol
Case in point
one went to a court trial. the jury decided the other well not so much
He did it, but in Chicago they don't prosecute people for non-violent crimes.
How exactly amerilards dare to call shithole countries shithole countries?
What is going on here is some Sandnigger or Indonesia tier thing
Don't cross the memes!
Have sex incel
I just hope this whole thing forces an even larger sense of hatred and resentment towards the left
A retard might say something that is right, but he's still a retard.
So will the nigerian brothers go to jail now?
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Blind Item #3
Right now they are saying nothing, but prosecutors in this case involving the actor/singer from the hit network show are weighing dropping all the charges against the actor/singer because they are not sure they can make them stick.
seething niglet detected
Bout fucking time the normies there wake the fuck up.
Posted this in another thread but I need to remind you
Blacks and whites literally have opposing goals and views on the world
In the event jussie was actually tried before a jury of his peers and they were all black, they would literally find him not guilty because the negroids in the jury would 100% think what he did was righteous in some grand scheme. As a white person this idea should scare the fuck out of you
This whole country is gonna fuckin burn in the next 20 years
>villain escapes at the last minute
>"you didn't think it would be that easy, did you?"
What a kino ending.
>america is a first world country
it's alright though, you retards deserve everything for being smug, cringey imbeciles your entire lives. enjoy life in the fourth world
but a nig just got off, wouldn’t I be happy?
They still got the fake anthrax mailings, unless the feds decide that it's not worth pursuing.
based retard that doesn't understand the difference between the first and third worlds
>This whole country is gonna fuckin burn in the next 20 years
Mostly just the Great Plains and the West.
>until a bigger power (the feds) steps in at the last second to stop him
In old Africa niggers dont even have trials they just beat the shit out of accused criminals for fun.
>I just hope this whole thing forces an even larger sense of hatred and resentment towards the left
I voted for Obama twice but now I would happily vote for Trump if it meant we could get knocked back off of the Clown World timeline.
>No, that’s not what’s going to happen. In five minutes that door is going to open, and a man you can’t argue with will tell me I am free to go, and I’ll stand from this chair, and disappear into the world, so help me, god.
Continue to drink your sweet incel tears.
At least zimmerman had a fucking trial
Biopic directed by Spike Lee when?
I live in Baltimore and I can tell you SRB was actually a decent mayor. She didn't know handle this situation and said some stupid shit. She spent a lot of money developing and improving white areas and gentrifying others. Unfortunately when she stepped down everything keeps going downhill
His dad is a retired judge, so the trial was more-or-less a show. He was getting off no matter what.
Can you go to jail for murdering your penis? You should look into that, then join the 40%.
>trump did literally nothing wrong
there wasn't "collusion" that Dems were drooling over for 2 years but lmao if you think he's innocent dindu nuffin. He's just as corrupt as the rest of the neocons in washington, he's just not affiliated in the same way
>how DARE you tax those job creators and give us first-world healthcare you MONSTERS
The endgame is a legal system where jews can literally do anything they want to you and never be charged but if you even make a jew slightly unhappy its jail time goyim.
>implying liberals are leftists
they're just conservatives that wear pussy hats
based oh geez hon poster
Why do you want to do away with the only group of people actively trying to improve your life through technology and medicine? I dont fucking understand it, you people hate whites and want to remove them from power and get rid of them but what the fuck will you be left with? Surely a utopia like every other non white place
Fucking christ, history will look back on whites as an alien god race that tried to show you all the way toward progress, ingenuity, order, and an endless stream of other advancements and virtues, but no one listened or took their lessons, instead they burned down their gifts and drove them from their own lands
Have fun with your future hellscape I guess
They’re aware, they just want to conflate the two because left-wing economic populism actually resonates a bit with the heartland and Rust Belt.
>muhjoooz posting
Back to your hugbox incel trash
I honestly wasn't buying into the "Harris ordered this stunt" theory yesterday, but now I'm entertaining it as a possibility.
This reeks of corruption.
A kino ending would be Jussie actually getting hunted down and lynched. Like pottery
>Implying we have justice in this country
People get off Scott free for so much more in this country. There's a damn good reason why we romanticize vigilantes here
Sam Francis called it “anarcho-tyranny”
> He once defined it this way: “we refuse to control real criminals (that's the anarchy) so we control the innocent (that's the tyranny).”[12] Francis argued that this situation extends across the U.S. and Europe but especially the UK . While the government functions normally, violent crime remains a constant, creating a climate of fear (anarchy) the UK has a history of this and to this day. He says that “laws that are supposed to protect ordinary citizens against ordinary criminals” routinely go unenforced, even though the state is “perfectly capable” of doing so. While this problem rages on, government elites concentrate their interests on law-abiding citizens. In fact, Middle America winds up on the receiving end of both anarchy and tyranny
based low IQ black
Black privilege
Is that the sound of you dilating tearfully as you pull out a noose?
This. I can't wait til the sequel with the feds as the main characters starts production.
EVERYTHING that EVERY political side in the US is doing is guaranteed to keep causing internal division and breed new conflicts, no one is actually deffusing social issues, almost like there was something behind it, and thats a good thing.
Kek, your time is coming, kike. Either we get you or the Muslims get you.
How can something so salty be so sweet?
Or they want to conflate the two because every economically left wing politician is an identity politics pushing sack of shit so they are effectively the same if not philosophically.
Damn that's actually pretty spot on.
Like how in the UK the authorities knew full well that little girls were getting raped in grooming gangs but didn't have the balls to deal with it for decades, whereas they are perfectly happy going to investigate someone for a transhpobic or islamophobic tweet.
Or in America where they use gang-shooting gun statistics to restrict gun rights for law-abiding citizens, when most of those gang deaths are with illegal guns anyway
It is literally impossible to defuse anything once different cultural and racial groups are occupying the same spacd, only inevitable collapse
Boy that cried MAGA country style. He seeks help because he believes his life is in danger, but no one believes him.
>left-wing economic populism actually resonates a bit with the heartland and Rust Belt.
Left wing economic populism will never be tried because the centerpole of the DNC tent is hating white people. The DNC is a collection of racial and sexual interest groups with no underlying economic critique of capitalism or the status quo, they are just a pork barrel for niggers, spics, homosexuals and the like. If the DNC actually cared about challenging the excesses of the market they would court rather than alienate the white working class. Their current election strategy does not dovetail with this.
You are not a woman. You will never be a woman. You are a man, a hideous mentally ill man.
It's time to admit it and join the 40%.
why would they riot? The black man "won" in this case
i thought we were doing with this in like 2008. do redditfags really still type this way? like we're on gaia or some shit?
haha this is a great distraction from my frequent suicidal thoughts I've been getting after I cut my dick off
he's just baiting you
stop giving him (you)s
well first its just a street party then they get liquored up and it turns into a riot
This would be a good time to commit a hate crime against Jussie Smollett
>Foxx recuses self due to being family friends with Smollett
>decides to drop all charges anyways
Have sex
>lots of evidence, not guilty
>no evidence, but definitely guilty
You didn't get it? Found the retard
Weak flex, dawg. I actually think we’ve been way too quick to accept and encourage that solution, but I’m not going to become a Nazi incel in response.
Okay but nit with your tranny dialation wound lmao
>promises absolute transparency when campaigning
>within two years is acquitting personal friends, sealing all case files and expunging all record of the case
Bizarre post. I think we call this “word salad”
Feds will pick it up. Cap this
She cute
You just know she fucks black guys
He is actually right. DNC is a bunch of fags and nigs that hate middle american white people.
Just because you can't understand somethign doesn't mean the words don't mean anything. I be you'd call Shakespeare word salad you fucking retard.
Life truly isn't fair, the wealthy and famous are protected.
Cope, nigger
Trump was never charged in the first place. The people saying the justice system is broken are Chicago’s own mayor and chief of police: edition.cnn.com
There isnactually evidence against jussie though
The DNC is terrible, sure, but that’s just because they’re a bunch of neoliberal shits.
>my psychotic racist dribble is comparable to shakespeare
The point he made is that if the Dems really cared about the working-class, they would support the working class Americans, white, black or hispanic, that are already in the country, and not be so pro-immigration because immigration for low-skill low-pay jobs undercuts the native working class.
But instead dems have become this party that promotes everything other than straight, white males, which happen to make up the majority of the country's working class
Oh please I prefer big black cocks in my white boipussy. I remember when a black boy beat me up then forced me to suck his dick in 8th grade I felt completed since that day.
No, cityslicker Dems really are all like that. It's what's become of the "Melting Pot" in blue cities like NYC - hundreds of increasingly atomized identity-based groups competing for the spotlight, completely disjointed, except for their hatred of suburban and rural whites. Whites live in these cities are self-loathing and hate whites who live outside them too.
Scott Free did nothing wrong.
>the average person doesn't give a shit about truth
This is one of the more disturbing things I've realized in the past few years. There are even studies showing that people will pick logically incorrect answers if the answers fit their political beliefs, among other studies.
What's even worse though, is legit smart and educated people think the same way. They just believe in things to support their social identities and emotional well-being, largely regardless of the actual intellectual merit of the belief.
This is just one of the many, many reasons democracy is terrible, as Churchill said.
>Two years of nothing vs. actual evidence
I actually agree about that immigration, but I don’t think there is some sort of nefarious racist plot against white people.
Only comparable in that it is likely outside of your ability to understand.
Other posters seem to agree with me that the DNC is not working for working class interests and that their unconditional embrace of racial politics betrays this. You are a fucking moron.
youre baiting, but ill give you a nibble
>the two brothers arrested were found on footage buying red hats, rope and bleach
>when their home was searched, police found more bleach and magazine letter cutouts, likely the ones used to mail that 'anthrax' letter
All white bois should be come cute girls for black men to fuck. Become a cute girl like me and you will drown in black semen.
Press conference right now and Rahm Emanuel is so fucking pissed
Apparently or allegedly?
Because that was a messy case involving possible maybe self defense but zim also maybe provoked the situation but trayvon also maybe lashed out and attacked zimmerman
Very not cut and dry
On the other hand, jussie literally faked a hate crime, was ready to charge two innocent whites, mailed a threatening package, and tampered with evidence
And there is tons of evidence of all of this including cctv and the plants admitting it was a set up
That's how they were in the 80's and 90's. They fought illegal immigration to protect workers in California, for example until they realized illegals vote blue.
How can you be happy at this result? Suck a dick jew. Even the black cop in chicago is infuriated by this result
There was but it’s now all sealed.
He got his job back
that's really embarrassing if you couldn't understand that post quickly and easily
Whats your goal here dude
no, idiot. It was Kamala Harris, not "the Obamas". Atleast get the facts right you fucking mong.
I meant "there is actually evidence against jussie"
>Whats your goal here dude
Collecting replies allows him to temporarily ignore the nagging feeling that sitting in a room by himself isn't what God intended for him.
Did the police actually find 2 white suspects that Jussie was going to testify against?
THIS is terrorism.
magafags btfo
> dindu wants to start race war with Gleiwitz tier trickery
> not promoting violence
To keep the thread going
how would one destroy space? It's very large
Just wait until they find out that the Rust Belt didn’t elect Trump for billionaire tax cuts or kids in cages.
To make white bois undergo hormone therapy to become big butt nice cute girls for black men to enjoy. Go on put on a dress I bet you look cute in it.
So if Smollet charges are dropped, then where's the charges against his attackers? Really making me think.
But god made me a schizoid.
>judge declared that Jussie would be paid 500 million USD to compensate him for all the emotional damage he suffered
He won
/pol/ got BTFO
no, they found his two friends and told him they found a couple individuals. jussie was ready to let them take the wrap until he found out it was his friends
Black men wont hurt you if you become a girl like me just trust me.
>people will still try and pretend that any privilege matters more than money after this
Where to begin
I mean, the steel industry has been reporting steady gains, Trump gave all around tax cuts, and Obama is the one who started separating children at the border after it was discovered that the "parents" in some of the population of people crossing the border illegally were human traffickers trying to smuggle child sex slaves. He has a higher approval rating than Obama did this many years into his presidency as well. He's doing fine
Faked a hate crime, the two who he hired to do it were caught (not sure if also freed), got arrested and now he’s going free.
Likely because
1. The police broke protocol
2. They were fine with just keeping the bail and letting him walk free
The case is also going to be sealed, so there is no way to find out the reason why.
Judge actually had him pay the 10k bond
He paid 10 grand. Any employed adult who isn't a complete retard with money can cough up 10 grand when their freedom is on the line.
This is about his personal connections.
Trump already proved that one
Blacks would find a way
There are none. The chagres weren’t dropped because they found “the real culprits” but because he volunteered in the past and paid his bond. That’s literally the words of the state’s attorney.
This is pretty based, but I should point out that black men aren’t very likely to hurt you anyway, since those FBI statistics incels like to meme translate into something like 7% of black people actually committing crimes.
Whatever meme metrics you’re going to cite to make Trump look like some sort of social democrat aren’t actually being felt on the ground, and he made the cages his own thing. Just a friendly warning.
>be connected Jew
>charges disappear
There are only 5mil jews in America so why everywhere you turn they are commiting these crimes??
10k grand is chump change and an excuse for him
the real culprit is "social justice" yet again
stop describing trump
>2019, Trump is nearing his second term
>There are still people that believe he somehow colluded with the Russians to somehow rig the polls that Hillary Clinton won in, but still lost.
imagine being a tranny and seething this much lmao
Trump vindicated, Smollett vindicated. Same logic, both are innocent
They're not sitting in their back room trying to figure out the best way to screw over white people. They're sitting in their back room trying to figure out the best way to buy votes from people who hate white people.
Despite being 13%of the population over half of all violent crimes in america are commited by blacks
I hope he actually gets attacked now
Take out women. Now one in six black men are dangerous.
6.78% of Black people committed crimes in 2012 (not all of which were violent).
Thank you for bringing trump up in an unrelated thread about a television actor
>Emanuel pissed
bahahaha the tables have turned
clearly this was a move by Rahm to get the Mueller report out of the headlines
Dude, a black guy who was literally trying to incite riots and race animosity was just aquitted of all charges despite there being mountains of evidence against him
This is in no way a support of violence or anything radical, all im saying is that we need serious fucking policy change now or this place will fucking crumble
So you mean he was innocent of things he was actually on trial for you dim goon
He is certainly a connected Jew however he was not guilty of what they claimed. That was a coup, started by an illegitimate wiretap. That and the OP are examples of our justice system being abused by Liberal agendists. Any means necessary to destroy white gentiles.
Oh yeah it's for sure nothing, I was just saying as per the ruling he had to let the state keep the bail, so he did it, but since the prosecutor is a family friend she had the charges dropped and the records sealed.
>7% of black people actually committing crimes
holy fuck i probably see at least 15 black people a week. i'm scared now.
ChicANOs will become considered “white” presumably.
It sounds a lot bigger when le clown man says it, eh?
It is related. The states attorney said he was not exornated. Referencing Trump/Mueller. Her excuse is that this is her reparations for an unsuccessful coup attempt. Very Trump related. These are agents of destruction friend, weither you want to see it or not. Corruption is how you topple a Republic.
this. spics will become white soon. this is a sad end for the great american "experiment"
Kim Foxx is gonna get investigated. Probably nothing will come of it though
Bit of a stretch in my imo.
>Whatever meme metrics you’re going to cite to make Trump look like some sort of social democrat aren’t actually being felt on the ground
They are
>He made the cages his own thing
Yeah, because they're used to stop children from being raped
Sounds like not much until you realize it was about 0.7% of all whites commiting crimes in the same time despite whites being about 56% of the population. How the fuck can whites make up so much more of the population yet commit vastly less crime? Why is every majority black neighborhood a fucking shithole?
>muh poverty
>muh oppression
The chinese came here with fucking NOTHING and the largest mass lynching in united states history was of chinese, they were beaten, has buisnesses burned down, we subject to segregation into their own enclaves, made to do backbreaking work that literally killed them for virtually no pay, yet they are one of americas most successful groups today
What is the excuse for blacks?
i wasn't being dismissive. knowing i'm interacting with a criminal a week is concerning
and what if i have to walk down a street in any major city? i'll be surrounded by literally dozens of criminals.
There’s no such thing as /tvpol/ and there never was fyi
There’s just polzoomer tourists who come to this board because their board sucks and they think they matter.
What's the matter /pol/? The final report said he was innocent. I was told that we should listen to the final report and move on.
Why should I judge the 93% of black people who don’t commit crimes based on a tiny minority?
>How the fuck can whites make up so much more of the population yet commit vastly less crime? Why is every majority black neighborhood a fucking shithole?
Um, ever heard of a thing called RACISM?!
How do you keep your vsgina from scabbing up and healing? Mine keeps doing this
Difference is they never brought Trump up on charges. Despite a thorough investigation, the evidence just wasn’t against him. In the case of Smollett, the evidence was against him and they brought him up on charges. The charges were dropped because state prosecutors claim that they prioritize violent crimes and don’t see Smollett as a threat given he volunteers in the community and paid his bond. It’s two incredibly different situations such that they can’t be honestly compared.
In order to minimize the amount of crime against you i guess.
America is literally approaching Africa tier corruption lol
No it didn't, there was no final report and they made him pay 10k + community service
>drop charges as PR stunt for the CPD
>niggers still getting shot by CPD
LMAO @ libshits who think this is a "win"
This just means that society really has to go to shit for things to change. Trump is the beginning of that change. Things will only get worse and THAT'S A GOOD THING.
I'm happy he got off. Plays right into our hands.
To make your home a better place?
>93% of black people who don’t commit crimes
Source: your well-explored ass.
Paid off by studios.
Questions like that can be answered expertly by the folks at pol, my friend.
The local police did something they weren't supposed to when collecting evidence or arresting him. We won't know because the case has been sealed. The state government is making the police drop all charges and seal the case up for unknown reasons. Some say it's his ties to political figures, some say it's just Democrats at the state level trying to help one of their own, some say it's just the state and local fighting it out like they always do. Chicago police and Illinois state government have a long record of corruption. But we'll never know what actually happened unless Jussie sues the city of Chicago or something and it's brought up in that trial. But it's likely he'll just let it go.
By hating on the 93% of them who haven’t done anything wrong? That’s asinine.
>The local police did something they weren't supposed to when collecting evidence or arresting him.
The state prosecutor did not say this. You made this up.
Woah 93% of blacks never do anything wrong? Damn surely you'll move into a black neighborhood then, their areas must be utopias with that little crime, and with their housing being so cheap you'd have to be retarded not to take that deal!
>It's asinine to behave in a way that makes you experience 10 times less crime.
I disagree with your opinion.
Its not about "hating on" you fucking child, its about policy, group averages, and making informed decisions. Case in point is that you'd never live near blacks given the choice
obama made a phone call. he has major pull in chicago
People have gotten off the hook for worse but this time it's the end of the world.
Would you rather live in an all white city or an all black city?
>SEETHING this hard because I won’t irrationally hate the 93% of black people who are just trying to live honest, regular lives
No one is saying its the end, just another nail in the coffin for white america
This place will become brazil in no time and thats a good thing!
You must 18 to use this site. Come back when you've experienced more of the real world, you naive faggot.
>guaranteeing a Trump 2020 landslide victory
Answer the fucking question, why wont you live near blacks? Their housing is incredibly cheap, and according you, their neighborhoods are incredibly safe
Would you live near them if you had to pick a new place to live?
>noooo you’re supposed to say it the “despite being only 13%...” way, it makes it sound worse!
lol even democrats realize how bad this is, everyone but radical leftwing retards got BTFO
>7% of 13% of the population commit half of the crime
it's not sounding any better bro
probably this, they're going to try to force the pendulum to swing left which will make the population reject it and Trump will win again
if you're white, you realize those 93% irrationally hate you, right?
are you by any chance jewish?
Stop deflecting. Why should I hate the 93% of black people who have literally done nothing wrong?
ask any white person, me included, whose had to actually live in a majority black area what they think of blacks - you wanna know what it's like? niggers are fucking animals and it's 10x worse when they're surrounded by their own kind, it makes every single one of their common negative traits worse because nobody sensible is around to check them; i've seen children getting shot and harassed by men 5 times their age, i've seen stores get turned upside down by packs of "youths", i've seen nigger grandma's and grandpa's tweaking out in the middle of street naked and covered in all sorts of shit, there is not a SINGLE time other than straight infancy in a ghetto black's life where they aren't a menace to society and this goes for probably 80-85% of them - even the ones that aren't immediately crazy can flip on a dime into a ravenous ape
Because the outcome will be better for you. We've been over this.
I already answered that, you shouldnt hate them, yet you should make decisions based on your knowlege of group averages (and you already do, like how you'll NEVER live near blacks given the choice)
That’s why I prefer the simple
>93% of black people don’t commit crimes
Simple, straightforward and honest :^)
>trump gets charges dropped
Trump was never charged with anything you dunce.
Do think that the only things that contribute to decreases in quality of life involve crimes? Do you think every crime gets reported or solved?
The outcome of hating innocent people?
Would you drive a car that has only 93% chance of being safe? Would you eat a meal that will only not give you the shits 93% of the time? Would you cross a road that has only 93% chance of not getting run over?
Chicanos fucking hate gringos lmao, once they become a majority expect to see quite a few economic concessions go to Mexico and Latin America.
If you are so honest then answer the question
Would you ever live near blacks given the choice?
Cant wait for your next deflection. Also I also answered your question, there is no reason to hate innocents, yet there are reasons to assess group averages, tendancies, and form your life decisions around these. You already do this by the way
Send Detroit into it and you'll find out
Zim should never have been charged, he was defending himself against a black thug that attacked him.
I'll that as a huge NO based on your response.
All I know is that the FBI statistics incels meme to make me hate black people reveal that the overwhelming majority of them haven’t done anything wrong except trigger the mentally ill by merely existing.
In a world where Polanski gets a standing ovation, this is shocking? Oh right, fuck zoomers
>Wealth is a finite recourse.
>t. Economically illiterate tranny.
I can already tell at some point in the future you're going to relax around blacks and it's going to cost you.
OH yeah you basement Bolsheviks are real experts.
Existing in a way that creates completely disfunctional families cities and neighborhoods
Surey your country wouldnt change at all if they were the majorit demographic right? Deflection incoming about "not hating" all blacks or something
>the overwhelming majority of them haven’t done anything wrong
*haven't been caught
I thought Foxx recused herself?
Nah, that hypocrite doesn't even wanna live around blacks.
This is what basement dwellers think.
Yes left-tards and liberals in the US are the same thing. Idiots.
The overwhelming majority (over 90%) of black Americans don’t commit to crime, so I will judge their group accordingly :^)
Only if it’s around the slim minority of them (even less than 7% who commit violent crimes) :^)
What a reddit way of saying things.
You're probably a faggot.
I'm going to wait until Late Night with Stephen Colbert so I can get the party approved way to feel about this.
Nah you can tell he's a sheltered white guy that doesnt want to feel racist so he's questioning his inner monolgue. Deep down he'll never live near blacks, and if they stary composing more of his neighborhood he'll move out
He'll take down if 3 20 year old black men are walking his way on the sidewalk
He doesnt want his country being majority blacks
He knows all of this stuff, he's just having a hard time coming to terms with it
>once they become a majority expect to see quite a few economic concessions go to Mexico and Latin America.
You are fucking stupid. If wetbacks ever become a majority then the economy will really go into the shitter. Wetbacks were incapable of building up the economy of Mexico. What makes you think they can maintain the economy of the US?
Wetbacks and niggers are slave races. They are meant to serve, not rule.
Oh geeze. How will I cope now that Mueller was btfo but an actor who has a ruined career still walks the streets?
I’m fine living among black people, I just don’t want to live in the favelas of a quasi-apartheid state. If those communities actually got the investment they needed, my only hesitation would be the locals viewing me with suspicion.
What if you do it 20 times tho?
Ah so you'd live in a black neighborhood then?
gotcha american friendo
That's a funny way to spell "VINDICATED"
Project harder, my mentally unhinged friend.
can't wait for the debates. harris is done not sure why she is still planning to run
Not take down, take note*
Black communities have had fortunes poured into them. Fortunes poured into their schools. Fortunes poured into infastructure, fortunes poured into police to keep them safe from themselves, and yet nothing changes because they dont care to make anything better
Saying "ill live in black communities when they improve" is another way of saying "i'll never live near blacks"
Thanks for finally answering my question, took you long enough
/pol/turds seething
It's actually a tranny using discord to "troll" alt right 4channers or some shit. There are bunch of them here using discord to coordinate a raid
It's bad enough I cant get laid; first captain marvel is a runaway success and now this guy gets off scot free? It's not looking good for us brehs.. When will we finally win? This is so fucked.
This is him.
Please cite your sources regarding these “fortunes” :^)
interesting. link proofs, plz.
They literally have zero arguments so im fien with whatever coordinated dialation shit they try. I'll just end up redpilling them and exposing their biases
Hear that trannies? You'd NEVER live around blacks given the choice, literally NEVER
discord tranny
It's like that in Germany as well. I mean look at the whole refugee situation. Say you were a well-educated Egyptian dentist with a wife and two daughters who wanted to legally migrate to Germany. Applying for citizenship is a bureaucratic nightmare for this person.
But an IQ70 jihadist could just walk up to the border and claim he was a Syrian refugee who had lost his passport and got in no further questions asked.
well yeah I mean if more than 14 blacks live within crime-range of you you're going to want to look out
>hmm... this guy just pointed out that a very slim minority of black people actually engage in the behavior i hate them all for
>will i use this as an opportunity to grow and rethink my prejudice?
>no, i think i’ll double-down and desperately try to find more retroactive justification for my preconceived conclusions
Mentall illness.
>I'm fine "living" with my token pet niggers but I'll never move in a majority black neighborhood tho
A black are and highschool, Washington dc's anacostia highschool literally recieves 14,000 FUCKING DOLLARS per student yet their math and reading scores have not seen any improvement and they have a graduation rate of about 19%
Want me to keep going?
It doesnt matter though, even if I proved literally every black community is not being finnancially ignored (as you wish they were so you could pin the fact that you'd never live near blacks on some sort of systemic and internalized racism) you would pivot to some other reason thats blacks own personal lack of moral reaponsibility and character isnt the reason their communities are garbage
Who are you quoting?
>Want me to keep going?
Yes please, a single school receiving $14k (some fortune) per students doesn’t mean much out of context.
You will literally never live near blacks
>President Trump is innocent
You dont know any more than we do but congrats on being such a massive cuck
I’d tell you to COPE harder but idk if that’s possible at this point.
Just curious before I dedicate time to this, how many schools and neighborhoods do i have to provide you with the statistics for before you realize dumping money into these places doesnt work and that you'll literally never live near blacks if given the choice? Im not going to bother if you just dont want to be convinced
Id tell you to live near blacks to prove me wrong but you literally never will out of a regard for saftey for yourself and your family
Wise choice btw
What is that money going towards? How does it compare to white-majority schools? What about all of these other alleged fortunes? It’s going to take quite a bit to convince me to hate 93% of 13% of the population, desu, so you’d better roll up those sleeves :^)
I admit I was wrong, you found a way to COPE harder
Tranny status: defeated
Racists are mentally ill. The most racist people are on the far left
Toward textbooks, after school programs, supplies, and school infastrcture
Average for white majority districts is half that, 7,000 per student
>I don’t think there is some sort of nefarious racist plot against white peop
No it's a nefarious plot against working class people. To keep wages and salaries down. The bashing of whites is a side benefit to get easy votes.
how come they banned soi boi but incel is allowed?
legacy of slavery, CIA, drugs, we needs mo monay for dem pograms white boy
Dumb as fuck mods think its funny to randomly filter certain words
T b h
F a m
S o y
Worked real well there didnt it faggot mods?
>93% literally “didn’t do nothing”
When you stop hating an entire people based on the actions of 7%
Holy fuck
tranny status: decimated
I just love to imagine these bizzare coordinated discords slowly and accidentally redpilling themselves
Lemee give you hrt fellas a spoiler. When your starting point is literally not inventing the wheel, written language, or a calendar, no amount of reparation or aid will ever fix the group in question
maybe those 7% should shape up?
And we've come full circle
This was fun, hopefully you learned something today, though you never needed me. You will continue not living near blacks for the rest of your life and secretly wishing for the white majority of your country to be maintained. You'll be fine because deep down, you know the truth, seeya
Doesn’t warrant hating the 93% of them
Not the same guy but I don't think 93% blacks hate whites.
Not outright but they will vote in ways that negatively effect their communities and effectively displace whites
Well ghettos are shitholes. That is why all the alright blacks either leave those shitholes or have never ever lived there in the first place.
>stop crying about racism, im merely trying to hate your race based on the actions of 7%!
How does this btfo pol?
This proves that Cook County is Somalia.
This is the same court that was okay with kidnapping and livestreaming the torture of a retarded man because his skin was white.
>There's a damn good reason why we romanticize vigilantes here
Or bandits.
I never understood that part. They're scum, they literally make life worse for everyone else that lives a honest life. What the fuck is wrong with Americans?
What do you mean by living near blacks? Because my neighbor is black.
now imagine if all of your neighbors were black and they encouraged and supported criminals just because they were the same race as them