How did Palpatine pay for the clones?

How did Palpatine pay for the clones?

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>what was his tax policy

Is there a more kino ending than this one?

were they just completely unaware that the el caminoans were building an army for 20 years? What the fuck kind of government misses that shit

space taxes

Darth Plagueis real name being Hego Damask was the magister of the banking clan meaning he managed the largest trust fund in the galaxy

He didn't. A man called Tyranus did.

Kamino is not part of the republic, it's a remote system that Obi Wan had never even heard of.

Yeah right? Imagine a real government misplacing 2 trillion dollars

Game of Thrones copied the fuck out of 1:52

Count Dooku mostly financed the entire thing. He was one of the richest men in the galaxy.

Darth Plagueis novel is so fucking good at setting up the prequels

It and Catalyst are the best SW novels I've read

Mature Star Wars is the most kino Star Wars

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The republic? More like the people's republic haha

Manipulating the banking clan.

Did you faggots even watch the movies?

An important question to be sure. Was weaponry and other military tech and supplies produced by private companies?

>Imperial March as the Empire begins to take shape

I hate that he was alive during phantom menace, thats a giant asspull

Making Plagueis Sheev's master just creates more plotholes. It works better if it's actually an old Sith legend. That way Sidious doesn't actually know how to manipulate midichlorians cause he's generatons away from the guy that actually knew that and everything he tells Anakin is actually the truth. Cause if it's otherwise all that crap about how Jedi never talk about him is nonsense. How would they talk about a guy that died like 9 years ago?

>Man known for lies and manipulation, lies and manipulates

So he was a jew?

Because they deleted the planet from the archive

Yeah but what if there was a funny alien you never saw who had a lot of cool spells that was his leader

Still the best version of the imperial march

The Clone Wars makes it quite clear they couldn’t afford them. He ordered more trying to destabilize and destroy the republic, given he controlled the people who were loaning out the money.

This is partially why he deregulated the banks.

Just another proof that the Republic was an inefficient monstrosity that deserved to be toppled.

In the old canon, yes. They contraced a bunch of extremely reclusive, no-questions-asked defense companies to build their equipment.

Yeah, but the cool part here would be that he manipulated by telling the truth from a certain POV.
Instead we get an almost JJ Abrams level of smallness to the galaxy that apparently while all the shit was happening on Naboo in TPM, Sheev was smothering Plagueis with a pillow.

i remember reading the Ep3 prequel book back in the day, can't even remember the name of it but it was written by that Luceno guy. was pretty good

>Lucas walks in and puts the palpatine toy next to the plagueis toy
Theyre friends

just remembered, was called Labyrinth of Evil

>Cause if it's otherwise all that crap about how Jedi never talk about him is nonsense. How would they talk about a guy that died like 9 years ago?

What? The Jedi are fairly tapped in to the ongoings of the galaxy. It's likely they are aware about an influential figure regardless of his death was 100 years ago or 9 years ago.

To my recollection, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan (or was it Dooku?) actually ran into Damask at a few gatherings of powerful.

Also I'm not sure if the Jedi knew about the "Darth Plagueis" side of Damask, otherwise they would be aware of the return of the Sith before meeting Maul in TPM. Palpatine could have easily just baited that bit of info to Anakin to further his distrust of the Jedi.

Ehh that book was one Lucenos weaker efforts imo. It was a bit more kid focused.

>Palpatine could have easily just baited that bit of info to Anakin to further his distrust of the Jedi.
It's this. Palpatine blames the Jedi for Anakin never having heard a story only Palpatine actually knows just to make Anakin even more resentful.

>it's an army for a huge, galactic-spanning government that controls hundreds, if not thousands of systems
>army is only over a million people, barely enough to garrison a single world

>The Jedi are fairly tapped in to the ongoings of the galaxy. It's likely they are aware about an influential figure regardless of his death was 100 years ago or 9 years ago.

Well considering they assumed the Sith were extinct for a millennia, no they weren't aware of him unless he was from that bygone era.

based noticer
Ramin Jawadi is a cheat

he wasn't evil enough. Plagueis was actually pretty chill especially for a Sith Lord.

there isn't a single scene in nuwars as cool as the clones marching onto their transports

>Mature Star Wars

Imagine back in 2002 if you would have known there would be 5 more movies after the end of the prequels and no scene would ever match the level of kino as this. God damn these soulless faggots at Disney.

How did we go from Walt "Henry Ford" Disney to this bros?


Dark Lords of the Sith, Bane trilogy and Plagueis are the best of the more recent books. It's embarrassing what these faggots are writing now.

Jews are masters of identifying the biggest threat to their infection and subverting it to their own cause.

>How did Palpatine pay for the clones?
Seems pretty easy.

>Introduce deathsticks to the Sullustan ghettos of Coruscant
>meanwhile, ram through legislation that classifies possession of deathsticks as a felony, despite possession of deathpicks being classified as a misdemeanor
>collect money from deathstick addicts and their families via direct sales and legal fees
>use money to fund clone army

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This is just incredibly depressing

what PS2 game is this?

Makes me wonder how much more the clone troopers cost than the Droid army. Were the separatists ultimately defeated by their own shortsighted austerity measures?

Show me a 2002 movie where CGI looks better faggot.
Protip: You can't.

that score is great

This. It isn't Marvel or Avatar type motion capture, but it holds up well. That was state of the art 20ish years ago.

Prequels had the best music.
Quick, remember a tune from the sequel trilogy and when it plays in the movies!

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rey's theme when she sliding down the sand hill in 7

Sheevs Master (Plagueis) had amassed one of the biggest fortunes in the galaxy. it was basically the culmination of all the Sith lords passing down their resources for this very reason over hundreds of years.

>this board has gone so contrarian they're now shilling for the soulless CGI cartoon snorefest that's attack of the clones

>That remix of the Imperial March
>That transition into Across the Stars
>That wide shot of the Clone army and all of the Acclamators taking off
>That scene of the Senators watching where Sheev gets to see his plan unfold while Bail is obviously distressed by it
Kino as fuck

Windu should've taken these guys with him to arrest Sheev.

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the board has gotten younger. the kids that watched these movies are now nostalgizing about them.

How did the planet kamino manage to house a massive intergalactic army?

watched aotc for the first time 3 years ago

its kino

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Because there were only 3 million clones to fight an intergalactic war on every major system

if the pedantic Mauler/CinemaSins nitpicking squad were around for the OT and prequels they'd have a fucking stroke

There is unironically an early episode of Clone Wars where the Galactic Senate debates military spending.

The entire sequence is godly scored. The transition from Imperial March to Across the Stars was really well done, JW went all out there.


Exactly this. Although Attack of the Clones was legitimately better than the Disney stuff with the (arguable) exception of Last Jedi. Even that's a stretch. It's all so intentional generic & off-brand. I'm guessing due to merchandising rights and fear of a bomb.

As someone who hates the prequels with every fiber of my being Attack of the Clones is unironically one of his finest works

too bad the movie itself is a fucking dumpster fire

>In the middle of a Galaxy spanning war
>Padme wants to cut military spending
Dumb cunt

This. Also,
>Hego Damask
>acquires a breathing apparatus following an unsuccessful assassination attempt
>He got a mask

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you mean the falseflag war orchestrated by Satan as a powergrab?

George always managing to low key sneak in those redpills

That's what the Muun, his race, are in essence. Scheming bankers.

There was also a later episode where the Senate debates about taking out an exorbitant loan from the Banking Clan to pay for even more clones.

Just because the war is a false flag it doesn't stop it from being a danger to the Republic.

>released prior to or in 1984
Nope, that's wrong.

You would think someone out there has a decent intelligence agency. Seriously the Jedi missed it, the Republic missed it, the Trade Federation missed it.

Hell anyone with the ability of building a large private clone army should be on a watchlist.

It was a backwater planet that wasn't on any official Republic charts. They had no reason to think anything was going on.

This acting is worse than your avarage daytime soap opera.

Right. Plus she didn't know it was a trap. The idea that more forces would prolonge the conflict is actually really dumb. Diplomacy and not going bankrupt is all great, but she should have led with those talking points instead of sounding naive.

between lucas' obsession with ww2 and his thoughts on bankers I think he may be in the know as to who the real powerbrokers are

the jedi were basically it and they were hoodwinked by the dark side and too busy chasing prophecies to carry out their duty of protecting the republic

What game is that at 1:50?

How did he get away with it for so long?

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>Nope, that's wrong.
Yeah but this way it makes it look worse

Just turn your brain off bro

>soo, what is it you say most of you do for a living? Build armies oh, okay. Guess we'll just leave you alone and forget you exist.

Yet somehow some random fat frycook at a 50's diner knew about it

esplain youlself... LIGHT FUCKING NOW!

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Even Black Cauldron is after the management turnover. Though I guess you could blame the cut scenes on the latter.
Funny. Would've been worse if the image was actually restructured to tell the truth.
Also, the Beast is a white guy with auburn hair underneath and both Herc and Megara are Greek.

Better question, how did entire galaxy somehow miss Kuat building a giant fleet for years with tons of smaller corps getting military contracts?

they just clone things, probably no more than a hundred or a thousand at a time; they never made an entire army before this one

Seriously the Jedi deserved death. Incompetent faggots way beyond their prime. Palpatine was right, shame about the kids though.

Dude it's not just Kamino. Clone armies were armed with stuff from all over the galaxy.

>In 31 BBY, Rothana Heavy Engineering received an immense order from the cloners on Kamino to create war machines for the Galactic Republic's clone troopers and army. Working in absolute secrecy for nine years, Project Icefang oversaw the development of thousands of new assault ships, dropships, and walkers. Equipment was shipped to Kamino via the Quiberon Line, where the growing clone army tested and trained on their new machines. A handful of field tests were conducted elsewhere, but they were so few that sightings of AT-TEs and other new designs were dismissed as fantasies.

And people defend this bullshit.

He knew about weapons because he used to be an adventurer prospecting for paydirt before settling down with honest work. He's not so random because Obi-Wan seeks him out precisely for that reason and they know each other from some former chance meeting. It was lucky that he happened to be able to give Obi-Wan the knowledge he needed, but it's not so lucky that Obi-Wan sought him out.

Did you miss the plot? There was a Jedi master called Sifo-Dyas that ordered the clone army in secret, then either him or Dooku deleted Kamino from the archive, then Demask aka Plagueiss bank rolled that project.

The plan hinged on Sifo-Dias ordering the army, since only a Jedi master had this much power and authority to do so. Its an ironic ploy on the part of the Sith , that the Jedi would bring their ow destruction.

Financial independents helps. He didn't have to ask for a loan since 1979.

Dude mind control chips lmao!

>then Demask aka Plagueiss bank rolled that project.
This is the only part not directly hinted at in the movie, btw.

This makes about as much sense as some African warlord ordering a fleet of carriers and nobody noticing for over a decade.

Because Rothana engineering was a secret subsidiary of Kuat, it was an RnG operation set up at the outer rim where there was little oversight. The Kuat people were in on the whole thing, just like in real life the industrial-military complex manufactures and fosters wars.

Welcome to the EU.

Because it'd be so difficult to hide something when you have an entire galaxy to hide it in.

Just like how few people knew about the Death Star.

Nothing like this happens in real life. It's complete bullshit.

For a while Pepsi had the 6th largest fleet in the entire world and nobody made any fuss about it.
Russia traded them 17 submarines, a cruiser, a frigate, and a destroyer for soda.

Now imagine this on a galactic scale.

I'm pretty sure any faggot with the $$ could have ordered the army.

getting a Jedi Master to do it was all about covering their own asses since when they found out about it the first question is obviously going to be "who ordered this?". Now instead of seeing some shady character or a guy like Dooku giving it away that the clones are going to end up fuckig them in the ass, it looks more legit that it was one of their own that ordered it. Then they killed the guy right after they had him order so nothing more would ever be found out.

That shit was so much crap, proof that some things in the EU are better thought out than the ideas Lucas has.

Lucas lived right through the Kennedy assassination and afterwards the Vietnam war. This was the biggest plot drive for the prequels, how a Republic can be conned into giving up their freedoms due to jingoistic cries of war.

>It’s simple
>We bill the Jedi

How about the New Republic not giving a shit about First Order kidnapping millions of babies for 30 years? Or First Order having bigger and more advanced tech than the Empier itself?

They could have had some kind of Star Forge equivalent from KOTOR but nope we just aren't supposed to think about it.

>another report of one baby getting taken from some backwater planet came across my desk again
>third one this galactic standard month
>those pirates must be out of control, let's bring it up in the NR Senate
>years go by and no one cares or remembers
no one in the NR knew about the First Order until Leia found them out more than half way through the 30 year period

Unfortunately I remember the Resistance theme but only because of how much I dislike it

>Be 501st soldier
>Be surrounded by compassionate Jedi like Anakin, Ahsoka, and Obi-Wan who've done nothing but treat you like humans and remember each of you individually and all of your names
>Be nurtured to think independently for yourself
>Go through several campaigns where you learn a lesson that authority should be questioned(i.e. Umbara) and should not be a mindless drone blindly following orders
>Ayyyyyyy, Order 66 just got called by the Chancellor who we barely ever see. Let's go murder some Jedi children at the temple!
It may be stupid to some, but they wrote themselves into a hole when they decided to make the Clones actual characters in the show(which was a kino decision). So I can accept the chips.

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it's funny how you guys meme about Aragorn's tax policy but then unironically demand autistic in-universe justification for how the evil space Empire funded its army

Did these fucks have do undermine the victory and the sacrifice of the rebellion as much as possible? The New Republic is thousand times worse than the old one.

>Won't you gentlemen have a Pepsi?

Confirmed this happened. But only as a barter because Ivan loves Pepsi but had no dollars. And the ships were sold to Sweden. Supposedly all scrapped.

this movie is garbage and you are garbage. flush it all down the toilet

Or maybe the clones were always stone cold fuckers and didn't give a shit about the Jedi. That show made them feel way too human.

Kylo Ren's theme is pretty good, that's the only song in the ST I both remember and enjoy to any extent.

Well bruh imagine if 30 years after the events of LotR from some unexplored land called Nordor a new previously unheard of Dark Lord Mauron appeared with an army far bigger than the one Sauron built and conquered the Middle Earth in several days? Would that be a good story telling?

Meant for

>3PO's nod perfectly synced with the crescendo

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at what point is it suggested the First Order has a bigger army than the Empire

Way preferred Battlefront 2 (the good one)'s version where they knew it was coming, were regretful, but knew they were going to follow orders because that's what they do

>Rey says that First Order will conquer the galaxy in several weeks
>If we go by third party sources the Supremacy’s crew is as big as Death Star’s I.e 2.225mil people.

They somehow occupy almost the entire Republic in the like three days that TLJ takes place over
Also all their ships and walkers and Starkiller base are all literally, physically bigger than their Empire counterparts

Emergency powers can access emergency funds.

Battlefront 2 will always be the canon 501st for me.

They will conquer the core worlds in a few weeks, which is probably a few systems at most. That doesn't mean they're as big as the Empire.

Do you think the Empire's entire infrastructure just vanished because the Rebels won at Endor? Why is it so outlandish that a new military force could emerge from the remains after 30 years?

the empire got a whole fuckload of taxes and tariffs from trade, why do you think all the empires enemies are smugglers?

>They will conquer the core worlds in a few weeks, which is probably a few systems at most.
That’s not what Rey said, they literally blew their capital and fleet. The republic has no army anymore, they don’t even need to engage them in full fledged battles, just occupy them. And they’re apparently big enough to occupy the entire galaxy in few weeks.
>Do you think the Empire's entire infrastructure just vanished because the Rebels won at Endor?
Yeah which were most like under control of the New Republic? According to shitty novels the empire remnants fleed to muh unknown regions and somehow amassed their strength to the point where it exceeds the one that of the Empire.
>Why is it so outlandish that a new military force could emerge from the remains after 30 years?
It makes sense for the Empire to have some remnant that consists of former imperial officers and soldiers. It does not make sense for it to have bigger army, bigger and badder tech, and bigger fleet. Read this

Yep, same here.

Jedi Temple March

You can't remeber cause instead of telling Williams what they need, JJ and Rian just fanboyed cause they were in the presence of greatness.

Blah blah protect democracy, people have rights etc. Also here is our slave army of brainwashed accelerate grown children.

He made Tatooine pay for the clones