Talk to cute girl in class today

>talk to cute girl in class today
>we end up talking about movies
>says she's really into action movies
>"oh cool, what's your favorite Bond film?"
>"like James Bond"
>"Ohhhhhhhh, I haven't really seen any. I'm more into Marvel and stuff like that."

WHY do I even fucking try with these kinds of girls any more

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If she's into Marvel then that's pretty based.

You fucking idiot. You're supposed to fuck them not look up to them/relate to them. Jesus Christ.

>I haven't really seen any
that's your in. start with the modern ones because she like marvel and then branch out based on what parts she likes. comfy movie dates are the best dates

the last girl I dated was REALLY into marvel and idk it just weirds me out

ill prob end up trying this out.

lost my virginity on thor ragnarok opening night lul

>thinks he is patrician for liking bond movies

what the fuck is your problem OP?

This user is right. Sell her the idea of watching them together sometime.

imagine not liking classic astons and scantily clad women

what are you, fucking gay?

you segue to the deeper shit by referencing modern shit first, dumbfuck.

Bitches love ragnarok. Good work user.

>I haven't really seen any
how bout you invite her to watch some with you?
you know like share your interest and/or knowledge of the franchise

Imagine thinking this is what makes movies better than others. Yes I like bond movies, no they're not the best movies ever. Like one tier above marvel maybe, they're still cliché action movies.

There are no bond movies in theaters. He can't invite her to his place to watch a Bond Movie and if he picks a meme theater that plays classic movies he comes off as a tryhard weirdo. It's fucking over he fucked it up.

Imagine being such a fucking autist you try to talk about Bond within 5 minutes of meeting a woman. It's male wish fulfillment, there's a reason she didn't instantly bring up Bridget Jones's Diary, it's because she's not socially retarded so she's talking about neutral movies everyone knows like MCU.

Women don't know shit about movies except Marvel and chickflicks you could show her Bond later

Based autistic retard poster

>expecting girls to be have anything, but pleb tastes and vague opinions about things .

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calm down retard

we later discussed podcasts and audiobooks so we're on a fairly equal level of autism

>It's male wish fulfillment, there's a reason she didn't instantly bring up Bridget Jones's Diary, it's because she's not socially retarded so she's talking about neutral movies everyone knows

Jesus Christ OP is a fucking embarrassment

imagine judging all movies by the same rubric

if you disregard a piece because it isn't an arthouse film then you're just as bad as the normies

Which podcasts and audiobooks?

Except he’s right, fucking moron.Also, you’re the retard blogposting on Yea Forums

There's no winning with you fuckers

Flop House

she likes mystery novels and I like gay transcendentalist stuff

Tell us what the podcasts and audiobooks were

whoops meant for

>interacting with a walking fuck hole

I chose not to bring Cum Town, Rad Dudecast, and other autistic comedy pods so I didn't fuck up there at least

plz tell me You don't actually listen to this

the old episodes were actually good.

I'll willingly die on this hill roast me all you want idc

>talking to girls
lmao are you a faggot or something

>on first date, movies come up
>she mentions her last date took her to see captain marvel
>asks me if I watch capeshit
>half jokingly say I only watch pretentious arthouse shit
>her eyes light up and she asks who my favorite directors are
>cautiously mention some well known ones like Lynch and Tarkovsky
>turns out she's way more knowledgeable about film than me and asks about Kurosawa (Kiyoshi), Bong Joon-Ho, and some Chinese director I've never heard of
>end up at her place and fuck her while watching some obscure Korean movie (I wasn't paying much attention to it at the time)
Stop dating children OP, there are actually grills out there that are properly into film. From my experience it's not even worth speaking to girls that aren't in grad school or higher

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have you checked if that "girl" has a penis maybe?


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> scene cuts to her place where characters fuck while watching some obscure Korean movie

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>he used a meme with craig in it
>this means his favorite bond is craig

you retard ahahaha

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ask her if she thinks hulk has hulky penis, user

I think he's implying that Craig is so bad he can't even be considered as a real bond

>doesn't even read physical books
>thinks bond is high brow

This is one crazy shitpost spread.

yes, I've checked quite thoroughly. Not every girl is a vapid roastie, if people on here actually went out and met girls instead of wallowing in bitterness they'd realize that. My previous gf also had pretty decent taste in kino, she loved Jodorowsky and Haneke

nowehere did I imply that I don't read
nor did I imply that Bond is "high brow"

project more retard

>she loved Jodorowsky and Haneke
what a tasteless whore

also, be assertive and set a firm date. Don't approach with "so you want to try watching some?" go in playful with "ok so since you've never seen a bond film, we're watching some this friday night after we grab a bite to eat."

women like having shit planned for them. don't ask when it's a good time to do whatever.

>kiyoshi instead of akira
I bet she wears chokers and does anal for weed.

Women are fo fucking not sharing your gay hobbies with, grow up incel and stop fantasizing about imaginary women you reject because of dumb shit like movies

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> she loved Jodorowsky and Haneke
what an interesting taste she had for random cult cinema directors with foreign sounding last names kinda reminds me of my ex girlfriend who was into Gaspar Noé and Akira Kurosawa

She´s not.
Or even worse she watch Cpt. Fungus and liked it because WAHMEN POWAH.
Another fuk´n dump, if you want to even bother.

Yes there is you dumb bitch.
Be a virgin and have no tattoos or debt.

t. actual incel

>he can have non work related conversations with women
Fuck off this board nigger