Is there an in-universe explanation for why Simpsonians look like they're made of cheese?

Is there an in-universe explanation for why Simpsonians look like they're made of cheese?

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Is there an in-universe explanation for why mods don't instantly delete every Simpsons thread?

Why would they do that? The Simpletons are the most iconic cartoon in television history.

Thisneeds to be answered. I've always wondered what the fuck was up with that.

They always say they're white, it's never addressed that they're yellow fellows.

I'd like to feed on some cheese, if you catch my meaning.

their in-universe scientists predicted that humans would look like actual humans, 5 fingers and everything, in their future

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The simpsons actually takes place 1,000,000 years ago and is an earlier version of humanity that existed prior to cataclysm.

Does someone have that schizophrenic's manifesto that The Simpsons is a live action show of a town that suffered a radiation leak, and it's being sold as fictional comedy as a cover up?

Almost like there's a board for that



i am homar simpson



They formerly were. But current Simpsons SUCK. FUCK YOU OP.

Because they are too much seed

Black people are still black in the simpsons everyone else is yerro

Because when they die they become feed and seed and Sneeds. (Formerly Chuck's)

asians are white

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Is there an in-universe explanation for why Sneedsonians look like they're made of seed?

Sneed isn't funny

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Excuse me, JET.

You DIDN'T SAY the people on this planet were YELLOW.

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