
Attached: A175C177-98C2-434D-8F08-665E43907E77.jpg (937x1024, 138K)

it's capeshitt. who cares.

I really don't want them to go back in time. In fact, I don't want them to "fix" what Thanos did at all.

there will be a bathroom break right

there will be 2 in fact

I cannot properly express the depth and magnitude of my apathy.

>what did he mean by this
one word/phrase buzzword posts should be instaban

I'm glad I stopped watching at Thor Ragnarok

Disney will provide pee bags and pay influencers to start the #myendgame hashtag

quiubo pues parce

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A bathroom break is a stupid idea, the whole room will rush to the bathroom at the same time making it harder to get an available stall (fuck urinals)

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3 hours for captain marvel, 2 minutes for the rest of the nobodies.

Is this redditors aka boomers and zoomers first 3hr long movie?

I'm going to have to bring at least three bottles of alcohol. Time to strap in.

They weren't born when Titanic came out.

I don't care just get it over with so we can finally put capeshit to rest

looks like capeshit to me, can anyone confirm?

damn you are right, I wont have time to take a shower

They'll just make a quick video of Starlord yelling PEE FIGHT and let nature run its course

3 hours for a children movie...

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That was the deal..


This is it, lads. The kino to end all kinos. Serisouly, where can movies go from here?

'I am so smart and superior' the post.

That was the deal about CM

Considering the breakneck pace of part 1 and the story they are trying to tell this seems kinda short.
My only wish is that they'd have a 15 Min intermission for movies like this

>incels still thinking they're cool with their "I hate capeshit" posts

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>capeshitter still thinks he's welcome on Yea Forums

Sure just pause the stream and piss

Does the MCU have a future after Endgame? I'm willing to bet after this, a lot of fans are going to be burnt out. They've been keeping up with all these films for nearly 11 years now.

yeah I don't thing people will see a new avengers without tiny stark, Thor and cap.

>(fuck urinals)
It's for alpha males only.

I can't wait until machine learning allows for capeshit movies to expand to 24+ hours and people are strapped into their seats with diapers all the while tubes attached directly to their stomachs pump soda and popcorn into them. The move goers credit credit cards of course will be on file so for every minute they're glued to their seats their cards are being charged for all the sugary shit that's being pumped into them

naah, i just don't wanna be 3 hours in a theatre surrounded of marvel fags, men childs and kids... i'm lonely fat fuck, 3 hours is to much for me... going to theatre has become in a very uncorfortable experience these last years... ppl has become more chaty and noisy... i don't know...

At best, people will go see Spider-Man: Far From Home and sequels like Doctor Strange 2, Guardians 3, Black Panther 2, and maybe another Thor/Hulk movie.

I really don't see a future for the new Avengers line-up of Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange, and Black Panther. Or the Black Widow prequel movie.

Good thing I won't be watching it in a theater. Imagine unironically giving Disney money to sit in a chair for 3+ hours for this

>Imagine the smells...


Jesus christ... Is it even worth it? 3 hours..? Of capeshit? In one sitting? I dunno man

Yes sharing a bunch of literal holes in the wall next to other 10 men to piss is very alpha. Sorry but I real alpha males have their own little private space to piss and shit or do whatever we please

>Lol Thor is such a fucking stupid concept it will never work
>How could a movie based on a bunch of pre-existing characters work
>Who the fuck cares about a Captain America sequel they should just make more Avengers movies
>Who are even the Guardians of the Galaxy lmao
>Sure, people will LOVE some wizard just dumped into the MCU
>Yeah like throwing Spider-Man into this is going help reboot it
>Niggerland: the movie? This one flops for sure screencap this

I tired of this franchise as much as the next incel, but they know what they're doing. If it can work, it will work; no end in sight

They're acquired Fox. They have a whole host of MCU stories they can do now. I really just want a Deadpool/Spider-man movie and I'm good.

I want to fuck the raccoon.

>3 hours of lazy CGI and high school jokes
Yep, I'm totally going to watch it.

Why do people act like a 3 hour movie is revolutionary?
Suprise, it's just a normal length for a long movie

Spiderman is finished for now. I liked the first two Raimi's, but then it became worse and worse. Now, Spiderman is just a tumblr kid.
Doctor Strange could have been good, but what i remember is the parody of a man in a costume with wow wah effects but no story.
The first Guardians was fun, the second was barely even trying.
The irony of Black Panther is that its best character is Okoyé played by Danai Gurira. You just want to see her all the time, and forget about this "who's the big black dick of Wakanda, mon?"

Me personally, I'm going to be selective with my movies after Endgame. Before I felt and they made you feel you needed to see every movie to really experience this saga. I just don't know where they will go and if the remaining characters interest me enough. 11 years is a long time but its been a great ride from Iron Man 1.

However, if something like Dr Doom, X-Men, Galactus etc is hinted at in the end credits..take all my money marvel.

The people who think capeshit is going to just stop after this a very naive

It's not gonna stop, but it will get worse with one or two things that they'll slowly ruin.

Avengers vs X-men
They'll focus in builind the X-men universe while having a few Avengers heros movies here and there and in 2025 they'll clash

The only recent movie that I’d watch for 3h are the lotr trilogy movies. I am not going to wath capeshit excess of 2h.

Kino pic

And people complained about batman v superman being too long...

3 hours is nothing, not for this kind of movie. Reality the last two movies equal 5+ hours and that's great for a finale.

She's a Wakandan warrior, not a raccon you idiot.

user I

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Do you live in Brazil or something?

when everyone is outside nobody will be there seeing you piss inside of your cola bottle

Cocalombia get out!

Urinals are literal holes anywhere in the world

No. In Africa certainly but not here.

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Will it have time travel ?

>fuck urinals
certified beta male

urinals are great because you can brag about your dick (unless you're a dicklet lmao)

incel or chad
cool or problematic

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It's gonna be kino.

nice buzzword but it gibes you away, disneyshill

does that count Credits too? Because they're atleast 10 minute long

Yes. They go back to the Battle of New York for some reason.

*closes thread lmao*

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>longer than movies that actually needed a three hour runtime like Alita
Fucking normalfags

I'm really wondering what that scene where Tony is old and Shield is about

3 hours is not long enough

would charge +30% more if pople want to see 2nd half of the movie

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O wow, three hours of pure soj for sub-80 IQ audiences.
What a joy.

>this movie is for kids
>3 hours


woooaaaah dude.

Should have pulled a Harry Potter and let Infinity War be their Half Blood Prince and then pull a two parter bullshit with the last entry in the series.

Infinity War = people get dusted
Half Blood Shit = Dumbledore gets whacked by Snape

same cliffhanger shit, different story
dumb move Disney, you could've easily made another billion releasing it half a year later in the fall with part 2

I'm giving jews better advice to jew
What the fuck has happened to my life

Faggot over 3 hours is completely retarded.

Actually, it's for people that want to stay kids. That's a totally different audience. This is probably why most super hero movies now have heroes full of doubts and concerns.
You want to bring fun to your audience but also remind them how pathetic they are before you bring the predictable yet rewarding happy ending. And this is how the audience will get bored of it in the long run.
I have no doubts Disney has big plans for us all, but ultimately it's not gonna work the way they think.

Surprised anyone remembers this.

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Guess the first quip in the movie.

Providing they cut Mark Ruffalos scenes and ScarJos 4 word quips. Then itll be bearable.

I dont see how thats a party.

>still pretending these movies are made for children

Maybe good, long epics and space operas return, because of capekino success.

Imagine not being able to sit for 3 hours without slurping on a drink or stuffing your face full of junk food? My parents never raised to be believe that movie heater concession was neseccary, because it isn’t. Whenever I go to a movie I’m going there to WATCH a movie, not order food like a fucking pig. $15 for a popcorn? $8 for a pop? $6 for candy? I can drop a $5 at a grocery store and buy enough popcorn and soda for a week, but I never would because popcorn is overrated and pop is toxic chemicals for dumb people.

posting this on r/iamverysmart, thanks for the free reddit gold!

Are people going to be able to pay attention that long. Especially marvel fans?

Have sex.

The confess threads should be bannable too

We need to do anything to lengthen their attention spans.

Imagine how long it takes to edit three hours of rapid jump cuts.

Well, at least Brandon Frazer didn’t kill himself yet.

You just did, didn´t ya.

Genuinely asking, because it doesn't happen in my country. Is bathroom-break a meme or is it a real thing? If it's real it would totally ruin the movie pacing in my opinion

YAP, it´ll be Cpt.HERo Fungus /Ghostbusteresses type shitlfics till one or two movies bomb completely, then we´ll get a "daaahrk age" like with Söy Wars.

>wants to be next to other men's dicks

theys gon have a half time so i can pee n shiet?

Literally made for npcs


Literally anyone that thinks a pause is something good should be culled.

nice buzzword but it gibes you away, incel

Fake as fuck

movies used to have in transmissions so you could stand up and buy more food

That's about 3 hours and 2 minutes too long for me.

You can live in a universe where Captain Marvel is alive but sexy Scarlett is dust???

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Just put pause and end watching the torrent some other day

Just pee in the cuck shed

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Return of the King was 3 hours long too, don't see why that's bad

lol nice try disneyshill

the pee pee breaks will be staggered.

>(fuck urinals)
well, /g/ is full of faggots

>Capeshitters seriously can't hold their piss for 3 hours

I don't understand why 3 hours is the point where people are becoming impatient. All those goddamn movies that are 2 or 2:30 despite easily fitting into a 1:30 length and nobody ever complains. But at 3 you are bitching. Would you need 2,5 bottles of alcohol for a 2:30 movie like Star Wars or POTC? No, I thought not. The real 3 hours tedium should rather be 2 hours because nowadays nobody can write a movie like that for shit except foreigners.


she's fucking ugly. Get over it

>3 hours for a capeshit movie
what a bunch of retards. at this point they could have released it in two parts like the final Harry Potter, Twilight or Hunger Games movies.

The word cuck shed always cracks me up

Sure thing incel

If only raging incel posts were machine detectable

>Before I felt and they made you feel you needed to see every movie to really experience this saga

I lost this feeling after the stinkers Avengers 2 and Ant-Man back to back that felt like crap you would watch on tv on the idiots channel. Cap 3 was the last thing to feel important and in the end they did nothing with that plot-wise. Strange just made me realize that this franchise entirely is basically a tv show so it's better to watch them when they are on.

Hateful 8 had one, I cant remember if Inglorious Basterd did as well


there should be an intermission for snaks/break. no one's food is going to last that long and not everyone has a bladder of steel.

>People literally coming to the cinema and not wearing diapers and catheters
Do you plebeians actually do this?

It already was in two parts

what if I need to reapply lube to my plug


>wanting other men to look at your dick
>looking at other mens dick

You must be one of those flaming homosexual types

Wasn't end game part 1 of this movie??

>It’s Over For The MCU, Says Increasingly Nervous Man For The Fifteenth Time This Decade


ITT: A bunch of incels trying to justify their pee shyness

>research shows you should get up and stretch your legs for 5 minutes every hour to prevent clotting
>movie expects you to sit for 3 hours
how have they not gotten sued yet?

Runtime doesnt matter if the pacing is good. The previous one was ok in that regard.

If the quality of the movie is good, who cares? It really shows what kind of hyperactive children who would rage against this. There used to be 4+ epic movies (ie Hell's Angels, Cleopatra, 10 Commandments... can't remember if Sparticus was that long or not but there are quite a few of them). Fuck, they used to have INTERMISSIONS, you know... like plays, which often were longer than just 2 hours themselves.

Even in genre films, sometimes a long well made movie (ie the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies) is preferable to trying to cram it into the "we must sell the most tickets every day" timeframe and cutting it to ribbons. Even at that, LOTR / The Hobbit movies had MUCH better Extended Editions released later on.

For better or worse Avengers: Endgame is literally Part 2 of the finale to a literal decade of movie releases and picks up after a huge cliffhanger from Part 1. They don't need to be worried about runtime.


t. tiny chode

Laughs in India

add in
>what are some [completely off-topic]
>cast [him/her]
Mods are slipping. In the old days these posts would've been filtered

>post 2016

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>people are going to sit at their computer for 3 hours watching some half assed janky low quality rip just so they can bitch about how bad the movie is on Yea Forums

As if capeshitters have the attention span for a 3 hour movie.

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Infinity Wars doesn't feel like 2 and a half hours any of the times I've watched it. I think I can stomach a half hour more

kek except the dark age of Star Wars started too soon in the franchise lol

>i'm lonely fat fuck
i.e. 'I don't get out much' the post. After a midnight release and maybe a few days afterwards, the films will be filled with normal people. You're a moron or a shut in if you think soi scum exclusively love Marvel capeshit. Actually Chads I've met have get wet over DC and Marvel stuff

>I'm going to be selective
Lol, like normies aren't also selective? Dr. Strange or Ant-Man make peanuts compared to the massive event movies. Normies already are selective but becoming less so as the juggernaut continues to grow and the films, from teamups to solos, become more and more interconnected.

just means the 1080 rip will be MASSIVE

It's real faggot. The outfit and blade Thanos is holding have already been seen on toys.

Sorry your fungal waifu gets BTFO

>(fuck urinals)
Small dick confirmed


They should master making 1 hour's worth of good material before they try 3.

Actually they complain because the movie sucks

>Sorry your fungal waifu gets BTFO

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Phoneposters should be shot on sight

This guy fucks

>Well this sucks.

No quips. The movie will take itself 100% seriously the whole way through.

this movie was 3 hours?


kill yourself

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Sorry I enjoyed a film and didn't feel like it was as long as it actually was

didn't feel like it

probably fake as fuck..but please let it be real and let captain SJW be stabbed to death in the first 5 minutes.

>Sorry your fungal waifu gets BTFO
But I don't like her

If it's real how is that those guys who have already seen the movie never leak the entire plot?

If you lurked more you'd have seen the spoilers explaining she turns up and quickly gets beaten down by Thanos and doesn't do much for the rest of the movie.

>(fuck urinals)
are you afraid of someone seeing your short circumcised penis or looking at someone elses penis who is much bigger than yours and uncut

Wtf are you talking about? Boomers were around when movies w/ intermissions weren't uncommon.

Would be cool if they actually put an intermission in the middle of it.

do you seriously believe that capeshit threads arent comprised by onions faggots that cant get laid so they have to cope by watching capeshit?

No it wouldn't, you little knobhead.

you do notice after 3rd time watching to understand the movie

begone from my presence plen

personally i certainly most likely wont watch any future marvel movies. its not just the forced diversity but every capeshit is cookie cutter writing and im only sticking around because i hate not finishing movie series that i get into even if its only the first two that i genuinely liked

user you're doing it wrong, you're supposed to take the middle uirnal and act super confident at the urinal so people think you have a bigger dick

Learn how to spell you thick cunt

>(fuck urinals)
lel, I always go to the a urinal and step back like 3 feet so everyone can admire my massive shlong and almighty stream

ok who here thinks mcu is trying so hard to be watchmen? because i certainly do

Just told my friend about this length. He basically said: "Fucks sake, I hope there's an interval."

>implying the spoilers are legit

>3 hours 2 minutes
>IW was 2 hours 29 minutes

not really that big of a deal, the credits are going to be 8-12 minutes long anyways, and there's going to be way more time put into setting up the "desolate earth" tone so if anything we'll probably see less happen in this movie in terms of categorical plot points and events than in IW - the LOTR trilogy is like 12 hours and i watch that maybe once every 6 months, if you can't sit through 3 hours of easily digestible capeshit on the level of babyfood, then i don't know what to tell you

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Marvel will die after this movie, it might be slow but it will happen

Come to and lose the weight.

Well when spoilers are lining up with trailers, toys and leaked images, id say yeah, they're fairly legit

where can I find them

Use the archive you nonce

>thinking that makes a difference

You still consumed close to 20 shitty movies.

>the LOTR trilogy is like 12 hours and i watch that maybe once every 6 months,
oh no no no no

Yeah I'll just search it right up. Faggot

Go fuck yourself

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Give me the spoilers asshole

11.4 with credits, you're right

>american uretra

>Spoonfeed meeeeeeeee

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Yes, faggot.

So what? It's slightly longer than the last one, and it's not like people haven't spent countless hours watching these movies anyways.

Slightly unrelated, but kinda

Is anyone else pee-shy as fuck for no fucking reason? Like, I've been to a bathhouse before no problem, and I can change infront of others, but once I gotta piss at a urinal, the moment someone walks near me, I can't piss anymore. I have to stand there holding my dick like an asshole, and wait for everyone to leave, or until a stall is open. How the fuck do I get over this shit? Any anons know how to correct this problem? It honestly pisses me off

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So wait for digital release. No one has a fucking gun to your head nigger

>implying capeshitters dont just soil their sweatpants whenever it pleases them


No. Learn to do things for yourself you rat cunt

what did he mean by this

>being so insecure you cannot urinate next to another man in a bathroom
whats wrong, are you afraid you'll give into temptation and look at the other guy's dick, or possibly grab it?

There isn't? In my country they just stop the movie at halfway point.

Stop being a meanie face and give them to me

You assume everyone needs to pee
and besides, in my kinoplex there's like 30 urinals and a half dozen shitters. That's plenty.

>just fuck other men bro don't be insecure
When you have the option to have your own stall or urinate next to another man's dick and you choose the latter you are probably a retard or a homosexual.


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Guess that means no monster energy drink and vodka for this film. Miss half of it pissing.

I'm mad now.

>ITT: Ew gross, why are you giving me so much more for my money!


you must have a small weiner.
im packing 8 inches and i purposely get hard before going to the bathroom. love showing it off mainly because thats the only part of my body that i like