Someone please tell me where to start with this franchise.
Someone please tell me where to start with this franchise
Other urls found in this thread:
Dragon Ball > Dragon Ball Z > Dragon Ball GT > Dragon Ball Super
If you didn't play the video games as a kid you're pretty much fucked. The video games contextualize all the key parts of DBZ and let you understand the scope of Dragon Ball so if you decide to watch it on your own, you already kinda know what you're going in for.
Swap GT and Super.
GT isn't canon but technically it would take place after super. It also has much more satisfying closure so you should really watch it last
If dubs:
Skip DragonballGT;
Dragon ball > Dragon ball Z > Dragon ball Super
The movies are fun "what-if" scenarios, that while non-canon are a fun watch.
Ignore/avoid GT entirely. Not worth your time and only enjoyable if you're a brainlet.
Only google searched in Brazil and Mexico
Absolutely not worth wasting your time on. It's not even an enjoyable viewing. It has nothing going for it.
GT is a fun yet flawed alternate ending that, while not canon, gives the franchise an incredibly satisfying and definitive finale. I think that every DB fan should watch it at least once if just for the closure it can give to a franchise that is destined to go on for eternity.
The only people who disagree obviously haven't seen it all the way through
>GT is a fun
It's not fun, it's boring.
>yet flawed
It only has flaws.
>while not canon
Thank God.
>The only people who disagree obviously haven't seen it all the way through
I've seen it, it's fucking awful and I'm glad it's non-canon so we can ignore it.
just start at the beginning. this board is crazy and you're gonna get 1000 different opinions.
having said that, the path to power 1996 condences the first few storylines
GTfags confirmed autistic.
He's still right though
No, you're not.
Fuck off, pedro
GT and Heroes is unironically better than Super at this point, Goatmans arc is shit
Imagine being this mexican.
You do not and start One Piece instead
>Ignore/avoid GT entirely.
spoke like a true pleb, super is fucking garbage compared to chad GT
>super is fucking garbage
Calling GT shit does not mean I think highly of Super, you utter fucking brainlet.
GT is a fun recap with a little fan service.
I'm Nordic but whatever helps you sleep at night
> watching anything beyond Z
Z itself was barely tolerable. Why would you go even further? What could the series possibly have to offer at that point?
I love how upset people get when I tell them I haven't watched Dragon Ball and don't give a fuck about it
Start with Z then watch super. Watch DB and GT after.
Watch it in order, just remember that super takes place before GT.
Start with DBZ Saiyan Saga if you're looking for an action sci fi with epic battles, explosions and powering up and stuff
Start with Dragon Ball (Pilaf saga) if you're looking for a light-hearted comedy adventure with martial arts/kung fu undertones
Skip GT and Super. They are dogshit and anyone who says otherwise is deluded. Personally I like the Dragon Ball series better than Dragon Ball Z; World Tournament Sagas are comfy as fuck to sit home and marathon
up to you if you watch dragon ball. it's pretty much a kid's show.
watch dbz for sure though
Honestly super would have been better if it took place after GT. At least then we would have some level of suspense.
dont listen to ANYONE ITT
im gonna give you the DEFINITIVE watch order
Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball Z is the original sequel to Dragon Ball, it's quite long with a lot of filler but if you enjoy the series you'll be happy you watched it all
Dragon Ball Kai is a remaster/re-edit of Dragon Ball Z that cuts out most of the DBZ filler and is closer to the manga, plus it has a much more accurate dub.
You can't go wrong with either, if you're in a rush to get caught up because of all the Dragon Ball hype currently, watch kai, if you're looking for a nice series to burn through over the coming months, watch Z
NOW watch Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods
THEN watch Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection "F"
The next series in the canon is "Dragon Ball: Super" the first 27 episodes of this series are re-tellings of the previous 2 movies i mentioned, if you want to watch them again you can watch episodes 1-27 but the animation is terrible (there is some fun filler though). If you wanna get to the next story, start from episode 27/28 (cant remember which)
continue watching Super from 27-131.
NOW watch Dragon Ball Super: Broly
then you are caught up on the current canon. from here you can watch the rest of the DBZ movies, Dragon Ball GT or whatever, none of this is required and is not considered canon by the show in any way.
You can honestly just watch Z, and if you like it, watch Super, and then GT only if you REALLY can't get enough of it.
The original Dragon Ball feels like an entirely different franchise all together and is so different from the aspects of Z that everyone nostalgia's over that it's almost like they were designed for completely different audiences. The appeal of DBZ and Super/GT (which are ultimately just further fan service for fans of Z) is ever increasing power levels to ridiculous heights and drawn out power up/transformation scenes. Just ask anyone their favorite parts of Z or super or GT and it's almost always going to be related to a transformation scene.
Dragon Ball doesn't really have that, as it was way before any of the super saiyan transformations, and ultimately, that's what people think of when they think of the Dragon Ball franchise as a whole, you ask someone WITHOUT anime figurines or body pillows about Dragon Ball and they'll basically reply "That's that anime about screaming until you become a blonde right? With the super saiyans?" .. and you'd deep down have to realize... they're right.
>we'll never get a sequel that takes place after GT
Well GT is written off as non canon by toriyama so the chances of that ever happening are slim to none. Best case scenario super continues past EoZ and retcons all of the terrible things about GT. On the other hand you the games which take place after the GT timeline so that's the closest you'll get for now.
Watch dragonball with Japanese dub, then stop. Thank me later.
GT sounds like it should be good in summary, but in practice it isn't good at all.
>Pilaf turns Goku into a kid and so Goku has to go on an outer space Dragon Ball hunt with teen Trunks (discount Yamcha) and preteen Pan (discount Bulma), just like the good ole days
That sounds like it could be fun...
>It isn't
>Baby, the last surviving Tuffle, returns to get revenge on all the Saiyans, so basically Vegeta and Goku's families
Oh yeah, the Tuffles, I forgot about those guys. That sounds like it might be neat...
>It isn't
>Turns out each of the Dragon Balls actually harbors a dragon entity within it, each of which are super powerful, and Goku must fight them all in order to save the day
It might be good...
>It isn't
>A few generations later, Goku Jr. and Vegeta Jr. meet at the World Martial Arts Tournament and have to learn to be friends while Goku's ghost watches from the sidelines
It isn't good, is it?
>It isn't.
You begin by reading the manga you colossal dumbass.
Super saiyan 4 was the only good thing to come out of it.
Best way I’ve heard it described is GT is good ideas done poorly and super is bad ideas done well
GT is a ple b filter. It has a more serious tone, fewer quips, a post apocalyptic atmosphere and a different color pallette that complements the serious tone. It's less 'le dumb fun' and more atmospheric.
If you want to compare it to capeshit
GT would be watchmen and Z would be Thor 3
Oh, and be sure to get the version of Z with the Bruce Faulconer soundtrack. The original score sounds like a 60's era Hanna Barbera cartoon, and Faulconer's music has themes for different characters/situations that you'll always remember.
After watching it, you can't hear
>Let me ask you, does a machine like yourself ever experience FEAR?
Don't watch it in the first place.