>“I don’t see myself casting a white dude in a lead of a movie — it’s not because I don’t like white dudes. It’s because I’ve seen that movie.”
What did he mean by this?
>“I don’t see myself casting a white dude in a lead of a movie — it’s not because I don’t like white dudes. It’s because I’ve seen that movie.”
What did he mean by this?
I've also seen loads of movies with black dudes as leads. Does this mean they also shouldn't be made anymore?
And I dont see myself watching your movies.
What you expect, all AMericans are racist, why would he be any different?
Unbiased and strugglepilled
>black man makes movies with black leads
who gives a fuck
why get mad at this
i swear to god you niggers here dont know what you want, you say "those coons should make their own movies" when cast by white directors, then get mad when they do that exact thing
I don't see myself casting a white racist villain, cause I have allready seen that film.
>white roles get blackwashed
>make your own movies, niggers, reeeeee
>black director makes black movies
>racist niggers, reeeeee it's not fair bros
kys, /pol/fags
This. Can we just stop making movies altogether, guys? Jordan Peele has seen a movie before and if you've seen one, you've seen 'em all!
Still haven't seen his movies. Not interested. Being humiliated by some racist black while paying him money to see his latest propaganda flick must be a Western whites thing.
Problem is though he demands inclusion in white films and handouts from whitey to finance his films.
Imagine if a white rapper did the same to the black hip hop community.
A director has a preference for who he casts. Why do you care? Don't see the movies if it offends you so much. Plenty of other directors cast white men.
>expecting Yea Forums to be anything but a bunch of retards moaning about non-whites, marvel and cunny
Wrong place, bud.
Pelee supports blackwashing.
>Problem is
I see no problem. He's making movies he wants to.
Maybe when they said make your own movies they didn't mean "make race baiting doctrines about nonexistent struggle of black people and genetically evil whites" ??? I don't see too many movies about locking up niggers and sending them back to Africa.
I'm cool with it, I would only cast white actors or write white characters myself.
>Plenty of other directors cast white men.
And then get criticised for their movies lacking diversity.
I don't have a problem with it, I'd rather have this than changing established white characters into blacks
the fuck's a Pelee?
>>“I don’t see myself casting a black dude in a lead of a movie — it’s not because I don’t like black dudes. It’s because I’ve seen that movie.”
racism is a meme i guess
Problem is hee can say this openly and not get shit for it, but if any white director said it he would be lynched for "racism".
Jordan Peele was abandoned by his black father (a man who he never knew) and raised alone by his single white mother, living in a predominately white area where he went to white schools with white teachers. He desperately wants Daddy to love him, and this has manifested in him desperately wanting to be loved and accepted by black people in general, and in so doing shunning white people even though it was white people who cared for him and raised him and educated him and loved him. However, because he's a light-skinned mutt, they'll never truly accept him. He'll never be "black enough" regardless of how he casts his films. That's the stone cold truth at the end of the day.
You don't see a problem with him being a hypocrite?
How about he makes movies with black leads and doesnt constantly cry about white people or bring up white dudes? He himself is saying that race of an actor is one of the most important factors in a movie. "if lead is white dude then that movie must be the same as that other movie with lead white dude"
Like can niggers just shut the fuck up about white men for 10 seconds? This obsession is unhealthy
>pretending like niggers aren't the ones perpetually reeeeeeing about being excluded
>meanwhile niggers get into a position where they can discriminate and do the excluding and all of a sudden it's perfectly fine
and it's not even like the nigger side of the conspiracy of exclusion. the niggers openly say they're doing it and nobody bats an eye
>expecting to say stupid racist shit and not be called out for it just because youre black
Why are leftists such hypocritical incels?
Some reporter asked him, what was he supposed to do, punch her in the mouth?
>I'm going to put words in someone's mouth to make my point
This is a shit argument and you should feel shame.
If he prefers black, then it's also safe to asume he wants to preserve black, which means he's in no position to complain about white in-group preffererence or white nationalism, which he frequently do
So stop demanding forced diversity then.
No one cares that he makes movies with black leads. We are discussing his comment about why he casts black dudes instead of white dudes that is plain retarded. Of course, you just like all the other leftist redditors can only make strawmans and reee since you cant engange in a rational discussion
American blacks are truly fucked up. Blaming whites for issues within their culture and community when all that overly sexualized gangsta shit that turns them into fatherless apes locked up in prison by 20 comes predominantly from their own race - produced and published by Jews of course. Now I'm still unsure whether social engineering is real or not but there is a reason why this sort aggressive, sexual violence sells - it panders to low IQ retards who can't control their emotions and listen to this sort of garbage.
>"make race baiting doctrines about nonexistent struggle of black people and genetically evil whites"
>this is what incels think Get Out is about
>It's another white liberal leftist defending black conservative nationalist thread
You claim it's just a shallow direct to DVD horror and didn't deserve it's Oscar?
Average 85 IQ doesn't lead to good decisions. Whodda thunk?
I wouldn't know I haven't seen it. Maybe if you mentally ill leftist turbo cucks in the West wouldn't make a fuss about it creating 500 000 posts and articles writing how Get Out is everything but a movie I could actually be inclined to see it :)
Then why did you complain about the lack of black people in Tim Burton's films?
“I don’t see myself casting a white dude in a lead of a movie — it’s not because I don’t like white dudes. It’s because I’ve seen that movie"
"It’s because I’ve seen that movie"
How am I putting words in his mouth you braindead incel?
No. I'll watch movies that look interesting, I couldn't care less who makes them.
Admit that he can't see past actors race when it's not relevant to the movie plot. Don't give me "uhh but blacks are underrepresented". I see blacks fucking everywhere in movies, in lead roles too. The only ones that are underrepresented would be asian actors ironically they're the ones that whine about it the least
Yet you are raging over the lack of black actors in films directed and written by white people. Maybe they don't want black actors or characters in their movies? Just leave them alone and let them do the movies they want.
So it would be legit to say as a white director active in Hong Kong that you don't see yourself writing and/or directing an Asian lead in another Hong Kong action movie, cause you have already seen that movie?
>Yet you are raging over the lack of black actors in films directed and written by white people
I'm not raging over anything, why are you putting words in my mouth?
> I don't see myself writing an Asian lead for a wuxia film, cause I have allready seen that film
>I don't see myself writing an Indian lead for a Bollywood film, cause I have allready seen that film
He's saying if you rehash some twilight zone episode or pulp sci fi story but make the protagonist black it's a brand new and award worthy movie. I would think otherwise but the evidence seems to speak for itself.
Tariq Nasheed is one coward piece of shit.
There was this black trans guy wearing a dress and he pulled out his race card and started blaming white men for it as if they were trying to "emasculate black men". Nevermind that trans shit has been pushed on whites by the same libshits that support black lives matter 1000 times more than on any black person. Basically he hates all that "degenerate" shit that conservatives hate but instead of complaining about the root of the problem he just claims black victimhood and talks as if it is white conservatives that do this to black people because they be racist nshit and leftists eat it up because if a black man complains about muh racism he can't be in the wrong.
This is why I don't watch any new movies with black leads victims of racism from white antagonists, I have already seen that film.
I don't recall a Twilight Zone episode getting an Oscar, which shows how ridiculous it was to award Get Out with an Oscar
Why doesn't he make a movie with an asian dude in a lead role?
Fucking racist piece of shit
These are weird analogies though. If a Catalan made a Catalan movie with Catalan actors in Spain, would this be a strange thing?
Where is he demanding forced diversity? He's making films with black actors, what the fuck is your issue?
No, I fully expect Catalan cucks to pull that idiocy shoving their pig language and terrible haircuts in everyone's faces whilst pretending they were ever an independent state.
So you and him both would have no problem with if a white director specifically said he wanted to do movies with white actors?
No, since you have already seen those movies, how many Japanese movies with a white or black lead have you seen?
But the default has been white movies. The vast majority of movies already have white leads so it would be a nonsensical thing to demand. Also, none of his movies have an entirely black cast. There are lots of white actors in 'Us' and 'Get Out'.
How many catalan lead films have you seen? Maybe Peele should cast them.
It would strike me as weird but it would definitely have a different feel to it than what Peele is saying. I think neither statement is le racist. He's obviously not a hypocrite when he acknowledges that his reasoning is based on "because I've seen that movie".
>ask black director if hes interested in making movies with white roles
Are whites becoming the new blacks?
t. Asian
So you're saying if I make an almost all-white movie but the bad guys are all black, that'd be cool. Gotcha.
Go fuck yourself.
Man you are such a pathetic passive agressive nigger, you are literally obsessed with black people I can tell. You're the type of incel that demands to say nigger because blacks are using it too.
FAggot, grow the fuck up
Only cause white is the majority population, you would loose your job in Hollywood if you claimed your preference is white actors.
Read your original comment, before your last minute after the fact damage control, asshole:
Woah its almost as if dynamics shift when a majority group holds power or something
Good asian or bad asian?
Also there were few things as cringe worthy as Asians making a huge deal about that shitty rich asian movie.
I can’t help but always imagine myself as the lead in most of my movie ideas
That last reply in your post is a different user retardo, obviously Hollywood has an anti-racism agenda and racism only ever "stings" when it's done to a minority.
No one cares if you're "classist" to a banker, why the fuck would the banker or anyone care.
You're arguing with like three anons you subhuman NIGGGGER
I don't live in 'muricuckland faggot, and probably wouldn't be considered white. There are literally no blacks where I live. I see from the outside how pathetic your country is that all you dickless sissies spread your cheeks for them.
You're pathetic.
So, you're a woman.
Stupid analogy. Black people are making films with black actors in the USA. Japan has nothing to do with it, plus we all know Japan is ethnically uniform.
Sure? I think villains can be great characters, I don't see any problem with well written black villains
Not my comment but okay. There's no need to have a preference for white lead characters because you can cast them by default anyway.
he's slowly turning into madea
Lmao, I don't live in America either. I love how your speech is drenched in low-IQ /pol/ memes or 9gag comment section memes. If you're not white then grow the fuck up and move past identity politics THAT HAVEN OTHING TO DO WITH YOU YOU SUBHMAN RETARD HOLY SHIT HOW PATHETIC OF AN INCEL MUST YOU BE GO OUTSIDE RETARD FUCJ
>white doppelgangers are much more effective at killing their originals than black doppelgangers
What did he mean by this
I would be OK with this if white directors could say the same thing without drawing rage from people who are platformed by the media. Our culture's dishonesty about how this stuff works for people of all races is what makes it evil.
Again with your loopy cultural Marxism.
Niggers have plenty of power, one was even the president, for 8 years amazing!! looks like your entire world view is faulty, and has only made see everything through racism on power structures, amazing!!
Daily reminder that Hollywood is run by jews for jews. Don't give them your money.
HAS BEEN, not anymore though, you damn well know you can't consciously make an explicitly white movie today, like the inclusion rider campaign etc. never happened
If Peele wants to do movies with black people, then what is he even complaining about then? The complaint he has been building his whole career on and which he based Get Out on
You better shut your whore mouth about "Oscars so white" then, since you just stated white directors or writers have no obligation to include black actors or characters
Holy Fuck literally seething. Yeah, ok Ahmed, whatever you say.
No i just can’t find another man living today that has any sort of artistic depth in their visage besides myself with my Castillo dark angular features
>Are whites becoming the new blacks?
God, I wish. Get back to me when whites have entire degrees in university devoted to their victimhood and there's a white NAACP, and then we'll see how they're doing.
I wonder if these people know that Get Out movie they love so much was completely irrelevant and ignored outside of their cuck country?
And now the muslim memes, man fucking REFLETO N YOUR LIFE OHOLY SHIT DUD WHAT THE FUCKKKKKK
I see. Carry on then old chap. Make some good ones.
First line has never been posted or suggested, stop being a lying kike snake to make your low-IQ points, faggot
I'll remember next time I visit China.
>it's a "americans flip their shit over race" episode
Multiculturalism works guys rofl
You're killing me man, I haven't actually laughed at something in here in ages, please continue Swedecuck
I don't care about what he wants to do with his own movies. He's just tiresome to me because his entire schtick blatantly revolves around racist victimhood, which people lap right up. I don't care if it was a white guy doing the same thing, it gets old. We should be past this.
Nice try, dipshit. He said he has already seen white lead US films, how many Asian lead Jap films is there already? He didn't say anything about equal opportunity, he said he's tired of seeing white actors everywhere, so logically he should be tired of the raciall homogeneity in Asian film if he's an Asian film buff
I assume he means that he wants to make movies from the perspective he himself understands the best. That is really what most movie makers want to do.
Literally only Yea Forums incels flip out like this, most people don't give a shit.
Kek I love it when /pol/ subhumans post cringey shit like "the tides are turning.... people are waking up!" whenever some autist incel chimps out.
It's just a vocal minority and every chimp out will make you guys look more and more deranged.
Fuck off polfaggots.
Awwww, poor little leftshit, time to run away to whine on /qa/ about toxic environment, and then fuck off to your bourgeo college to have healing circle with comrades from Afrikana studies.
You're gonna love Spike Lee.
He's half white and has a half white half jewish wife.
So his children will be twice as white than either black or jewish, but he still hates white dudes.
What a piece of shit do you have to be to hate the race of your own child?
>There's no need to have a preference for white lead characters because you can cast them by default anyway
Then there's no legit criticism for "Oscars so white" either
Nooo no no man don't leave me hanging PLEEAAASE continue Khabib!
No, it doesn't, leftshittism doesn't shift, South Afrika is 97% black and yet blacks have affirmative action everywhere.
There are many movies being released today with white leads. Honestly I wouldn't care if a film had a 100% white cast, I think as a market decision it's not going to work very well now. White people are a much smaller market share now, studios know that appealing to minorities will bring more cash in for them.
As a whole though, why is what he's doing bad? If he's complaining about a lack of black leads but goes out and makes a movie with them, at least he's making that effort.
>First line has never been posted or suggested, stop being a lying kike snake to make your low-IQ points, faggot
But it has? Not word to word but user got the idea right. Crying about whitey opressing the black folk is a part of black culture at this point
Not my business since it's not my country but that small minority voted a literal meme into the white house.
How do you even justify still using the 'small minority' bullshit anymore Justin?? You don't mind if I call you Justin do you? You sound like one.
As a liberal, i have no problem with this, because US is still a free coutry. When BBC does this. It is different.
Funniest thing is, in South Africa black still have affirmative action in hiring, education etc.
That's what happens when the entire world forces you to "elect" a literal communist terrorist who blew up schools full of children.
*huff* *huff*
I'm late
*huff* *huff*
What exactly are you talking about you incel? Far right parties are becoming more and more popular at least in europe. Keep seething lmao
America has always had a massive conservative voting base, do you really fucking think Yea Forums a) voted Trump into the white bouse b) Trump relates to the alt-right in any sense?
The guy is just your average neo-con, someone people always get tricked into voting. Delusional idiot.
Hispanic people much prefer to see all white cast rather than diversity shit. Ditto for China, Korea, Japan, probably Eastern Europe too.
I'm sure your insults and aggressivnes will encourage more white people to join your peacefull anti-racist movement and cuck themselves by backing black nationalists.
>m-muh oppression
>muh systemic racism
>muh representation
>ugh, like, move over the identity politics, I can't even right, 300% done
People still post gang weed shit?
Lol no, they've lost all of their traction ever since the refugee crisis subsided.
Only subhuman countries like in eastern Europe or fucking Greece KEK have a relevant far-right party. No one else, I'm sorry to burst your bubble.
I don't need to demand to say nigger I just say it.
You're very new if you think people here can't affect the real world Justin mah boi. People here do represent an honest look at what people think and want but can't actually say.
But I mean, we'll see next elections Justin. I'll be laughing from the sidelines regardless what happens.
Na it's the majority.
And apparently, that is a problem that needs to be changed according to the Oscar committee and Hollywood elites, don't act like the inclusion rider spectacle never happened
American organization routinelly lobby with non-US, european countries for promotion of diversity. Go cry somewhere else bolshevik.
I forgot to look it up. How were the ratings for that shit show this year?
Categories of black and white only make sense in America, I'm not American so I don't care. Europeans outside of the UK don't care about the label of "whiteness", it's literal fiction outside of America.
I love how /pol/ always acts we have fallen from great white unity and need to restore it, when most wars in Europe were fought to kill other ""whites"". Only a really smal minority cares about "white" causes in Europe, because they simply don't make sense here.
You got to ask yourself why he complains about the lack of inclusion in white directed and written films then, he would be in no position to do that.
Oh boy another uncle Tom whitey wunnabe mother fucking anti white racist.
Get out was shit
Us looks shit
Twilight zone reboot looks star trek discovery tier bad
Hard pass
Yes you nigger lovers are the majority.
I don’t see myself watching a mixed race abandoned by his black father and raised by his white mother in a rich white neighborhood racebaiting dudes movie — it’s not because I don’t like these kind of dudes. It’s because I’ve seen that movie.
I mean, kongs do look scary ugly af. That Us poster actually does unsettle me.
Holy shit that is delusional, you can check out any fringe group and they will all make the claim "we're just expressing these novel ideas NO ONE has the guts to say explicitly!!". Any schizo webzone or far-left forum will do the same. You are fucking stupid, and again: Trump doesn't embody any of the /pol/ ideals, he's a literal Jew,
You are stuck in a retarded tribal war against leftists but have no actual power to do anything about it, so you just "trigger" them by being edgy.
Oh it's one of these
Not really, but maybe thinking that. They are about to take over European Parliament. People are sick of the left. Your are a dying minority.
I really can't wait for the moment where he messes up and 'his people' call him out on his background and hypocritical bullshit.
>Literally only Yea Forums incels flip out like this
Don't forget how every dindu, including here mister Banana Peele chimped about
low IQ Black Panther and muh representation at te current Oscars, screeching how Green Book was made for wipypo to feel comfortable and good.
Thierry Baudet right wing politician started a new party and won pretty much everywhere in the country. Far rights movement are happening in scandinavia, they're not that big yet but fact is they're happening and they will only grow bigger with more problems with refugees
And I love how eastern europe triggers leftist incels because they can't guilt shame them into accepting niggers
What's wrong with wanting to make something unique and original for once? At this point you people are actively looking for things to be upset at.
This his work comes from a place of evil hate spite and jealousy
Unlike kino mummy Brit marling and zal batman who make infinitely better deep existential kino
Lol based schizo poster. What I'm saying is no one cares about American identity politics in fucking Guatemala, the only reason you care about it because your only Lebenswelt is on Yea Forums.org.
Grow the fuck out of it.
Aww there Lefty it's projecting again.
>I'm not American
You're bursting your hemorroids arguing things I didn't say and it is fucking hilarious.
You're surrounded by these people Justin, and they make decisions for you. And you can't do anything about it.
I don't see myself seeing a black lead movie, not cause I hate black people, I'm not just into african-american culture.
I occasionally listen to some Prince though,is that close enough?
Hopefully they'll take over Sweden and burn everything the lefties did to the ground.
He has seen Movies and remakes them with blacks
Prince was black???
Why the fuck are you pulling shit out of your ass, at the height of refugee crisis the AfD had votership around like 20% in many states in Germany. Now it's at like fucking 10%, 10% you nigger.
You are delusional buddy, right wing =/= far right, retardo.
No one cares about you larpers, stop mixing up claims.
I'm saying the Yea Forums brand of edginess will never be tolerated, never ever.
Most horror is sjw subversive shit tho you know what I mean
T. selfhating cuck fighting white nationalism to make way for black nationalism and black take over.
His movies are for black people that's fine they don't appeal to me
If you haven't seen a cultural shift over the past decade in the way that people view race you're a retard.
>incel incel incel
I did cringe at the wahmen message in the last Halloween.
>What a piece of shit do you have to be to hate the race of your own child?
How fucking dare you.
i've seen a black, a lady, and a black lady lead movies
guess i shouldn't ever cast them either
dumbfuck negroes always have to feel superior (like women) despite never thinking critically about what they say. they're entirely reactionary which is what dumbfuck animals do
No one outside of Americe gives a shit about race, that's the thing homo, anyone who does care and is livin in Europe only cares because he keeps watching /pol/ videos instead of dealing with his domestic politics.
I always saw that shit for femenist anti masculinity garbage and never watched the series
How can white not exist if black exist? You specifically claimed that Peele prefers black lead actors, not "black", like you write "white", so race is only a social construct when it comes to white people then?
Remember when Angelina said she resented her only biological daughter for being a privileged white fuck?
It makes more sense in europe that's the white homeland and all your countries are targets whether they're italian or german
What? Peele is an American, I'm also not saying black and white are social constructs. I'm saying the use of the words is non-existent in most places on this earth.
Why are you defending an ethnocentric nigger then and are defining his raciall heritage and culture?
Your massive boner for white guilt and black nationalism dosen't make you less obsessed about race.
Whites are a global minority, Hispanic, Asians and blacks outnumber them. Why are these nigs so fucking obsessed with whites? Even when they do make things that don't connect at all with white people, they still need to talk about white people.
I didn't, though? Is this the side effects of having a sub 100 IQ and frequenting /pol/?
Yes you do, see:
You write white with quotation marks, clearly implying white don't exist.
Did you just take a FB IQ test Muhammad? Did they teach you about that yesterday in sand school? Why so obsessed?
>stop generalizing, I'm not like every other liberal
You see what I did there?
Let me refresh your memory:
Yes, if we said those things, then you represent the liberal collective
Kek, run away back to discord to gather courage tranny, you are running out of steam. Maybe watch some capeshit to cheer you up
What the fuck, learn how to read you retard.
No that's not what is being clearly implied, that's what your bird brain put together without any justification. "White" in this context means a self-ascribed identity, which never fucking existed. Hitler fucking had no problem with killing millions of what you would call "whites", again, they are in quotation marks because "white" makes no sense as an identification method for them unless you're a fucking American.
You think Bosnians, Serbs, Croats, Slovaks, Greeks, Macedonians and the fucking French all agree they're part of one ethnic group, the "whites"? No they don't. Bosnians and Serbs for example would rather die than admit their opponent is not a massive subhuman. That's the point I'm making.
"White nationalism" outside of America or Europe is a fucking American export, it all comes from spending too much time on the internet. Hitler was a German supremacist, not a white supremacist.
>you damn well know you can't consciously make an explicitly white movie today
this is a blatant lie, skimming the list of flicks I've seen over the past year on imdb I can see plenty with white only casts.
you are a delusional faggot.
Such as?
No seriously, I'm looking for stuff to watch.
>You are delusional buddy, right wing =/= far right, retardo.
Isn't someone who opposes multiculturalism pretty much a reincarnation of hitler for american left wingers? LMAO cry more incel, your days are counted. If you think europeans will just watch their countries being destroyed and not do anything about it you're fucking delusional. Even countries like france and uk are still overal ~85-90% white
is it a rule in the industry not to say "white man?" it's always "white dude" or "white male"
This is 2019 not 1933 the ideology has evolved past Hitler's narrow ethnic centric view. All europe is under threat from outsiders regardless of what they are so all must unite for a common cause.
Learn to read, asshole, "consciously", if you claim it's a conscious choice from day one your career is over, if a reporter asks about the lack of black actors you have to use the lack of availability excuse, you could never say you concously wanted a white movie, like Peele in OP claims he wanted a black lead movie
Also, whose the obsessed and aggressive one here? That was a homophobic slur, so you are an anti-racist social justice warrior, but anti-gay? Interesting?
It's really a way to bring them down. They view white men as better than them. It's part of the race and success envy they suffer
>No one outside of Americe gives a shit about race,
as an european and i can confirm that this is not true
he's whiter than me
The only people who have that luxury are people who come from relatively homogenous places. If any place in Europe didn't care about race, they'll learn to quite quickly the moment 1000 somalians are deposited in their city center.
I'm from a 95% white state in the US that is full of "antiracists", I didn't learn to be this way until having to actually spend time around blacks that weren't brought into town on a diversity scholarship.
Exactly, refer to the second part of the sentence you're replying to. Jesus how thick are you lmao
we really do live in a society y'know
But "black" identity exist then, and therefore Peele has the right to embrace a black racial identity and only hire black leads cause of "black" raciall pride and in-group preference?
>I never said that
Yet again you defend a black nationalist and his right to hire black actors out of racial pride, while trying to deconstruct white racial identity
In your hubris, you asume you will win back white people tired of the double standards of your movement by deconstructing white racial identity only while claiming black raciall identity is legit, your are continuing the mistakes and reasons why white people left and make even more people leave
If you at least could be concistent and not anti-white, then maybe your movement wouldn't be declining, white youths will logically turn to where they feel welcome, like black people do, the white youth who isn't totally brainwashed with selfhatred that is, thankfully the internet is a cure for that brainwashing
Your movement is not only hypocritical, you are boring too, horrible sense of humor, that's also why you can't grasp why you are loosing the meme war
Bosnians and Serbs sure as hell don't concider blacks part of their ethnic group and wouldn't put up with the cuckery of Sweden
>Movies have to be race bait because people have already made other things
I'm already tired of this guy
"Black nationalism" outside of America fucking American export.
You love crying about /pol/ butb don't see that pol is Yea Forums.
Your second part of the post was you seething about /pol/. Majority of european parents would not be okay with their son or daughter marrying a non white person. Majority of people would not be okay with living in a black/paki neighborhood and etc. Racial tensions are not so present in europe because most europeans are yet to face the problems of multiculturalism. You're either an ignorant burger or a manlet incel that doesnt leave his house and does not actually interact with people
How many horror movies with black lead?
>white dude
Totally not passive aggressive
I've seen loads with Asian leads, should I be tired of them?
That's not the issue. People have a problem with the double standard.
As an European I had way more problems with Ex-Yugoslavians than blacks
Biracial people tend to be fucked in the head. His black dad left him and he was raised in a wealthy white/jewish part of NYC. Going to expensive private schools but he still hates white men. I
BLACKED videos aren't movies.
You're are right to the extent. Ethnicity is important for us just being white is not enough. However, looking at the current state of europe it seems that most countries, at least those in eastern europe are willing to unite to fight against brown invaders. After all, they all want to preserve their whiteness
Just shows you're a fat crying about /pol/ once again it if touch.
Swede here. The problem with multiculturalism and raciall tension is everyday occurrences here, not long ago my nephew and niece received death threats from grown ass Arabs while they called their mother a Swedish whore at a parking lot.
It's mostly with Arabs and blacks though, we have no problems with Asians and socialize with them.
>black movies for black actors, Asian movies for Asian actors, white movies for everyone!
>this is your brain on Afrocentricism
Finally someone says it, Jordan has more white privilege than anybody posting in this thread yet desperately wants to be accepted by black people because he thinks it will fill the father sized hole in his heart. Fucking sad really
>Honestly I wouldn't care if a film had a 100% white cast, I think as a market decision it's not going to work very well now.
But there are many white people that won't go and see a movie if there're non-white people in it. And that group of people is growing and growing was racial tensions increase. Just as there're black people that won't see a movie if there're white people in it and so on.
Bosnians and Serbs get along great with blacks here in Canadian all Bosnian women go with blacks and the yugo Slavs just sell drugs
Black people won't even buy a bag of chips if there's a white person on it, just like Dr. King's dream :D
But if you're white then you shouldn't feel sorry for him. He hates you and wants to see you genocided.
>Adam Scott as lead in Twilight Zone pilot
>also the pilot is possibly an anti-Islamophobia rewrite of Shatner's famous episode
That's true and more and more white people feel that way... Including myself and I used a be very liberal a few years ago.
*feel that way about non-white people
Appeal - Ask, beckon, call(upon)
then you don't understand what was just said. get some reading comprehension you darkie piece of shit. he's a massive "gimmie dat" who claims he's about one thing on one hand while demanding the opposite with the other hand.
>There’s a paki on the wing of the plane!
Oh if I were Jordan I wouldn't worry about my pale ass, I'd be more concerned about being JUSTed by Chelsea after all this success
I was thinking about going to see his flick today, but I’m not sure I want to, it’s like 50% black where I live and they cannot behave at the movies
I'm talking about on Bosnian and Serbian soil, they wouldn't keep up with black immigrants claiming they can't be racist against the white majority and demands of affermative action, funding for their raciall identity organizations, accusations of racism and demand of Bosnian and Serbs deconstructing their ethnic identity and making everybody with citizenship indestinct from the native ethnic group, which they do in Sweden. Serbs and Bosnians are to proud for that cuckery.
I have never been to Europe, but I suspect that you are not correct.
>You Were Never Really Here
>A Quiet Place
>American Animals
were all at least decent, although your mileage may vary with A Quiet Place, it has some serious plot holes going on
So why is there a raciall organization in Sweden then called "Afrosvenskarna" for blacks only, which strives for making the black community grow both in numbers and power?
>Also, whose the obsessed and aggressive one here? That was a homophobic slur, so you are an anti-racist social justice warrior, but anti-gay? Interesting?
>it's a /pol/cucks think that anyone opposing their delusional rambling is a social justice warrior liberal
I still consider myself left wing overall (there is still a huge disconnect between the rich and the poor and it would be nice to live in a world where the rich values the poor, as it's the poor that makes them rich, instead of just taking advantage of the poor). That said, I am sick of race politics, and am beginning to enjoy the backlash that is growing. What a lot of modern liberals don't realise is that they are only going to deepen the divide, and I don't think they're prepared at all for the inevitable conflict.
Says you, believing everybody opposing you is pol.
But why are you so concerned with black people, a concern which will gain you nothing, while being anti-gay?
I'm just asking out of curiosity, I've never met an anti-racist who is also anti-LGBTQ
"Blacks need more representation! Why is there so little representation?"
>pol: if you don't like it make your own movies!
>black guy makes his own movies and ensure he represents his own
also pol:
Have sex, incel
House of Wor$hip you mean, when did lefties suddenly love patriarchal religion
We heard you the first time.
based and mulattopilled
Raciall politics aside, when did leftists become so obsessed with consumerism and capitalism?
It's evident with the leftist media buzz surrounding the MCU as it is in this thread and with Peele in OP.
Leftists should go make and support low budget indie flicks not dependent on special effects instead.
I remember not long ago leftists hating electronic music cause of how it's produced.
Glass shatters
it's the equivalent of screaming "LEANR TO COED!" at some random journalist who lost their job.
>I am sick of race politics
Everyone is pursing race politics though and have always done it. White people are the only ones that doesn't. (They used to do it too pre-WW2 / civil rights movement.) Although young white people are increasing starting to change that, which is understandable considering how hostile everyone is towards white people, especially white men.
You mean the same journalists who wrote articles about young should learn to code if they want a job?
You're either being dishonest or trolling. People are calling out that Jorden is attacking white men while he's promoting his own racial group. That's clearly malicious. If he just promoted films with black people in it and didn't attack white men no one would have a problem with it.
Sometimes a change of pace is good.
das racist
In other words you just want to cry about black people no matter how convoluted your excuse is.
Jordan doesn't have a group really, that's where all of this comes from. Have you guys really not noticed it's all these half-whites with an identity crisis that are making a fuss about race?
>white people don't pursue race politics
You have an entire political party about nudge-wink 'subtle' racism that's so obvious even low IQ blacks and hispanics pick up on it and vote democrat instead
I can actually respect that, I could see wanting to use a black protagonist as a black director just like a white director might naturally feel inclined towards a white protagonist due to self insertion.
It would be refreshing to get a real immigrant perspective of Hong Kong.
>Vote democrat
He just straight up admits that he steals ideas from white movies, like a true negro. Nothing suprising here, except his honesty.
Mainstream republicans promote large scale immigration because it leads to lower labour costs for their donors, so no they're certainly not pro-white.
based and blackpilled
That's fine, but he's against white directors using white actors (and the idea of white directors and white actors in general) at the same time.
If I get famous and successful enough, I will tell this to his face
Sounds like you with your white people obsession
For someone claiming race isn't a big deal, you seem to point out and identify white people alot
We are suposed to not exist, yet you keep acknowledging what separates us from other people with pointing out guilt and behavioral patterns, how are we supposed to forget and enter colorblindness mode if people like you constantly reminds us of our "non-existent" white identity?
Because black movies add diversity, while white movies don't.
Or maybe I realize J-horror wouldn't be J-horror without japs
absolutely based.
Finally there is some originality is fuckwood.
Colorblindness is just denying there's color and acknowledging personal biases and prejudices that need to be worked through. It isn't treating everybody truly neutrally.
Asian horror doesn't rely solely on the character being Japanese. Same way western horror shouldn't rely on the protagonist always being a white girl.
I think he should do what he wants, but that comment is just obnoxious.
Why are you defending the Nation of Islam and Five Percent Nation then, who wants even harsher immigration politics in the black ethnostate they strive for?
Your ally Jay-Z is a five percenter, his support for Hillary was only temporary and tacticall cause it was good for the black nationalist cause at the moment.
Did people start saying "white dude" to sound more relatable while they peddle their brand of acceptable racism? Brie Larson did the same thing.
The son of an irish dock worker, and the eldest of three children, Jordan Peele was orphaned at an age where children should be more concerned with playing than surviving.
Horror is a shit genre, with more plot holes and handwaveing than even capeshit. Enjoying horror is a mark of being a lesser.
Who. Fucking. Cares.
no but police videos do
At some point His villains better be boomers named jim milli rocking menacingly
It relies on Japanese sensibilities, invite a wast black majority, or white for that matter, and it becomes something else.
Are you going to claim Eminem is as legit as any black rapper next and that white rappers replacing black ones wouldn't change shit?
Why are Americans so obsessed with negroes? The only thing left for you to do is to make a brand of cereal in the shape of little black dicks you eat every day for breakfast, would be racist to not do it
>Why are you defending the Nation of Islam and Five Percent Nation then
I don't even know what those are
But republicans are mainstream, and their not-so-subtle racism and well known
It's not a coincidence that white supremacist organizations like KKK claim support for republicans. They wouldn't be doing it if they weren't being pandered to in some form, they would go for some independent guy who will never get in office.
Yet again you reminded us of our white identity you claim dosen't exist.
way to admit you're a hack with no original ideas
Black people can't make western horror though, only hood horror.
Before you judge me, keep in mind I also think white people can't make anime or manga.
This. It seems like half the niggers who bawl the loudest in this country were raised in 100% white communities. Obama, Peele, Tennessee Coates... Their confusion about their identity becomes their identity. "My brain tells me to get an education... but my heart tells me to dance and hunt! What do I do, Great Fathers?!"
White rappers have been crawling out of the woodwork recently and proving that no, their presence really doesn't change the game that much.
Can we start petition for hosting blatant racism
So you would befriend Hitler if he had zero power and following, a person's character are only measured by what he can do and not his intentions and what he can do?
You have no problem socializing with white supremacists as long as they are Chinese citizens and you socialize on Chinese soil?
Nice logic there, bud.
People like that want to see you and your children die. There's no point in talking to them.
Plenty of Asian leads black leads Indian leads etc
Then it's no coincidence black supremacists support Bernie Sanders or Hillary until a black candidate shows up.
The Disney Star Wars sequels could be improved by casting a strong sassy black woman who don't need no man.
Even racist spike Lee had Edward Norton as a lead in one of his movies
Of course it does. White rappers are taking over to some extent and many black people rightly feel threatened.
This whole group responsibility thing doesn’t make sense.
He’s far more powerful than me, and belongs to an ethnic group that outnumbers mine globally. But with this twisted reasoning, he’s allowed to punch down at me, and I’m not allowed to punch up at him.
It would though if they took over the industry entirely and overshadowed the black rappers.
He always looked like a black version of Adam DeVine to me.
Hitler was probably an alright guy who self-radicalized because recursive thought patterns and having nothing actually important to focus on instead.
A lot like /pol/, actually.
Not a coincidence that all the /pol/ shooters are aimless young single white men who aren't good socially, don't seem to have any aspirations, nor any real responsibilities.
No, mixed movies ad diversity, black movies in itself is not diverse. A fully black individual can't be diverse.
It's not about logic. It's about spreading propaganda that makes your enemies not fight black when you attack them.
Which they're starting to do.
Nobody wants more niggers.
>I am not racist, but I am racist.
Woah great quote there, porch monkey.
and this is going to be even a bigger problem now, with the rising number of white single mothers and their mutt babies. the apocalypse is coming.
Why didn't you give a straight up answer instead of avoiding the subject?
Most grow up in more liberal white areas in the north or on the coasts. Blacks in the south seem better adjusted and happier
>Which they're starting to do
So you agree with me then that this will change the hip hop genre into something less hip hop and with more white sensibilities?
>tfw this all could've been avoided if burgers just picked their own cotton
Also this.
>I don’t see myself marrying a black woman. It’s not because I don’t like black women, I just like white women a lot more.
No it's because the west is being overrun by non-whites that commit mass rapes against white girls/women and murder white men. While the politicians in the west don't recognizes the problems continues to promote mass immigration. These young men see that and understand that there're no political solutions and that violence is the only way. Of course "aimless young single white men..." are going to be more likely to do anything about it because they've less to lose. I also recognise the problems, but I'm the CEO of a software company and have a family to take care of so I would do something drastic about it.
I literally spend most of my time on /pol/, I already do spend most of my time socializing with white supremacists.
Not everyone cares about politics as much as you do, faggot. I'm just explaining the thought process other people are going through, because /pol/ types are autistic and incapable of doing so.
>zoomer doesn’t realize /pol/ is ironic
>/pol/ is ironic
>multiple shooters directly linked to /pol/ culture, based on /pol/ ideology, killing for /pol/ ideology
sure dude
>Are you going to claim Eminem is as legit as any black rapper next
That's the general consensus, yes. Eminem's music isn't a fucking joke like Vanilla Ice.
Bad bait.
I'm ending this discussion now by stating he makes white shaming to pacify white people into accepting black nationalism, he rather laughs behind the backs of white anti-racists than concidering them allys with a common goal
The end goal is black takeover through one way gene flow immigration and a strong black family with higher birth rates than white people, which are brainwashed not to have children at all to focus on a "career" instead
Also notice how the black "anti-racists" strongly support white people adopting black people, but never promote for black people adopting outside their race, it's part of the one way gene flow plan and black take over
Of course it's convinient to claim you are anti-racist and not a black supremacist when you are producing white guilt propaganda
>black movies in itself is not divers
They are when you look at Hollywood's output in general.
it's always a white "dude". these liberal hollywood types never say a white man, or a white male, or whatever. it's always a "dude".
it's demeaning, and it's on purpose.
It's clearly not black, it lacks the African American sensibilities, and his voice is clearly white.
>I need cheap, imported labor to help my business succeed
>Due to changing market conditions, I no longer need this cheap labor I imported. They're your problem now, society!
This is the end result of capitalism. Slavery ended but the same logic is still being used to justify mass immigration.
>being called dude is now "demeaning"
White fragile egos just keeps getting more and more sensitive by the day.
Great, I’m sick of seeing ugly brown pigs like Tessa Thompson and Zendaya playing white women, so I guess it’s ok for them to fuck off now. :D
No, we get mad at their political lies, and their racism being given a free pass.
>racism is only okay when it's white men doing it to everyone else!!!
Thanks for reminding me about me being white again
Blacks would be infinitely better off if they just stuck to making them sweet, sweet ribs instead of aspiring to lofty positions.
I hope that's true. White people need a victim mentally.
Nobody gives a fuck when black people make black centred films you deceitful slimy cunt, it’s because HE chose to make a political statement about white people, which YOU would call racism if the races were reversed. Kill yourself you worthless trash.
whatever you say, white dude :)
Nonsense. Capitalism is based and redpilled. It's the socialists that pushed slavery and immigration
Of course you don’t see a problem, he’s a black racist, he could literally burn your mother alive and you still pay him reparations because you’re one of the people Hilary Clinton mocked for being such useful idiots.
>I'm not OK with rich stealing from the poor so I'm going to become rich so I can steal from the poor as a protest
Don’t you have a NYT piece to write about how evil white people are?
>Nobody cares, except I care because oh my God political messaging in a horror movie is emotionally abusing me!
We get it, dude. You're easily triggered.
You suffer from White envy.
That party is the Democrats who were always there racist party and now convinced the blacks they should vote them.
I like Key & Peele, but I really don't get the hype over Get Out or Us. Why do people jizz all over these films when they're not even that good?
Because you're in the minority. Oh snap!
The KKK was a democratic group
Diversity points.
>democrats used to be the racist and republicans were the pro-black party I read that on /pol/
Wow things change over time, who would have fucking thought. So profound.
White people need to vote for their best interests. Democrats are the anti white party.
You act like there is a trend. Ther
Pol people are more aware and educated than you are.
Emphasis on WAS.
I actually am a minority in the US. I'm of Guatemalan ancestry.
WTF is happening? Why are movies suddenly being scrutinized for diversity instead of making a good story that has characters who fit the narrative whether they're white, black, Latino, Asian, Native, etc.?
How are they in the wrong? It's the actions they took not what they believed.
Let's hope we can't let the niggers have the Monopoly on the victim complex.
Who stopped him from doing all black films? Claiming it's the lack of funding and white people's money is like demanding the Japs help you with your animated dream project.
Nobody has stopped from producing an all black film, doing it from scratch with his own money is of course the hard part.
Because the entertainment industry has a lot of racial bias against anybody who isn't white. For decades Hollywood claimed black movies didn't sell so they don't make them because of that, and then Black Panther happened and blew up the bank. They also claimed asians movies don't sell and then Crazy Rich Asians did incredibly well. When people say "don't talk about race" it translated to "just emulate whiteness."
Racism is the scientific fact that one race is better than another. We knew that whites are better than blanks.
No that's just historical fact. No amount of revisionism will change that reality.
That's because it's nothing now. Blacklivesmatter is much worse and is fully part of the Dem party.
>For decades Hollywood claimed black movies didn't sell so they don't make them because of that
Then why was Eddie Murphy so popular in the 80's? Or why did they cast Wesley Snipes in the 90's as an action star and in comedic films? Or Denzel Washington being incredibly popular as a leading man?
What about all those sitcoms with black actors like Diff'rent Strokes, Gimme a Break, Hangin' with Mr. Cooper, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, The Cosby Show, Family Matters, Benson?
>They also claimed asians movies don't sell and then Crazy Rich Asians did incredibly well.
Most Americans don't want to watch an Asian outside of a kung fu flick. Even historical films set in Asia need a white actor.
That's dumb. Black panther only made money because it was a marvel movie. Crazy Rick Asians a run of the mill rom com.
and he married a white woman and his son looks white. at least Obama married a black lady. this prick hates white people yet whitens his own progeny. Just like Meghan Markle and Zendaya, proud (half) black women who only dated white men.
>just emulate whiteness
They should and they do. Western culture is white culture.
BS. Will Smith and Edddie Murphy movies were making crazy bank so pretense that BP was revolutionary in that regard is as stupid as pretense that there weren't successful movies with female leads before Brie Larson. Fuck Disney propaganda and everyone who falls for that shit.
Wrong, many movies had characters of other races and did well because they were written good and didn't harp on race.
Honesty I wouldn't watch a movie that doesn't have a majority white cast.
They are still the same, the Dems are still there party of racists, this time it's the party of anti white racists.
Because people like Cosby, Eddie and Denzel managed to become successful despite being black. They aren't thought of as BLACK stars, just as stars. It's a thing only few people manage to do. It's that unconscious racial bias that dictates a lot of what is happening in Hollywood. It's why they're okay with some shows being black because they're specifically made to be urban and they think it will do with that demographic, and any white demo watching it is a plus. They don't think you can just make a black show or movie and make it universally accessible and profitable because they're prejudicial against anything that isn't white and thus mainstream.
>Honesty I wouldn't watch a movie that doesn't have a majority white cast.
That's because you're closed minded pleb who can't get out of his comfort zone.
FOX made a lot of shows with black casts in the 90's like In Living Color and Martin.
You're as every bit as part of the problem as Peele is.
No I just can't relate to them. Non whites bore me.
I don't see myself paying money for a Jordan Peele movie - it's not because I don't like him, but because I saw that movie. It was called Keanu.
Regardless, good on him. Everyone keeps saying "stop race swapping and make your own original movies and characters." He's doing just that. Hope he keeps up. Maybe he can talk to the guys who are making half the cast of the Witcher black and Indian.
No, I'm not a nigger.
Oh that movie...how the fuck did that even make a profit?
You can dooo what you waaaant to do