Was Paul real? Did Eli just pose as Paul to make some quick cash and turned to faith out of guilt?
Or was it his narcissism that made him become head of the congregation?
Throughout the movie his faith never felt genuine. Seemed like it was just a mean to pose as someone grand when he was just a poor farm boy.
Was Paul real? Did Eli just pose as Paul to make some quick cash and turned to faith out of guilt?
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I’m pretty sure I thought they were the same person the first time I watched it
>Was Paul real?
>Did Eli just pose as Paul to make some quick cash
>turned to faith out of guilt?
no, the brother was always meant to be played by another actor but pussied out because he couldn't handle the DDL
they're two different people, the father mentions it
>Was Paul real
woah mindfuck
maybe he referred to the two personalities entrapped in the same body
The final credits list them as two characters played by the same actor.
End of discussion.
>Eddie Murphy
>Sherman Klump / Buddy Love / Lance Perkins / Papa Klump / Mama Klump / Grandma Klump / Ernie Klump
I guess all those Klump characters are really the same character because they're played by the same actor.
Fuck off retard.
guys I have another theory. Henry wasn't actually Henry. He just said he was so he could get his "brothers" money. Oldest trick in the book. A surprise that Mr. Oilman didn't catch that.
Lmao you didn't even understand what he meant, you're the retard
>Lmao you didn't even understand what he meant, you're the retard
You fell for the bait, dumbass lmao
Yes he is. Apparently the actor for Paul quit so Dano suggested he play both of them, or something like that.
No u
Imagine being cast in a PTA movie starring DDL and you fucking quit. What a turd whoever it was.
he couldn't handle acting with DDL because DDL is a nutter with his CALL ME MR. PRESIDENT
How did people in the U.S. prove their identity before Driver's Licences and The Social Security Act of 1935?
they were all reasonable men back then, didn't have to give assurances as if they were lawyers
Just trust me dude
they had there guns engraved u retard
>i was just pretending to be retarded
fuck off, retard
This was the original actor
I came to these same conclusions, and I've watched this movie countless times. Impersonation for money is a running theme in the movie.
Paul was real, did you not watch the last scene? Daniel tells Eli that Paul managed to start drilling on his own, watch this
haha classic Paul Dano
This theory falls apart when you learn that another actor was cast to play Eli and he dropped out because he was intimidated by DDL. Dano only got both parts out of convince.
I always figured he was just bullshitting to fuck with Eli's head, I doubt he ever saw Paul after they first met
Why didn't they just cast another actor? This choice kind of fucks the movie up.
He literally just dressed up as someone else. I do it all the time. People are easily tricked.
I read the book it’s based on and it’s two separate characters
The book is trash though
Because it takes a fuckton to time to find good, reliable actors that fit certain roles.
Besides, Dano was a perfect fit. I also like to think it's how Eli knew that Daniel had met Paul; there's that moment when he first sees Eli where he's like, "what the fuck?" Maybe Eli saw that he recognized him.