
>only good oc Netflix has put out and Yea Forums memory holes it
The ending was fucking fantastic s3 in UK is gonna be FOCKEN

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gimme a quick rundown on the plot and entice me you shill

i saw the trailer and had no FOCKEN idea what it's about apart from a woman who wakes up

>Brit Marling
Choose one

The Octopus thing was a little weird, and the dancing robots at the end should have been smaller, but otherwise good show.

>Tfw someone kills Hap before he can even start filming s3.
What has Brit Marlin/oa done bros?

That dance scene was the gayest thing I've ever seen and you're a faggot for liking this trash.

i thought it was pretty faggy

you a fag?

Transcended kino 7th heaven/hell walls brehs
And how.
Those hueg nipples made me straight again
She was kino in Spartacus and everything else with zal batmanjig u stooge brainlet


I disagree, it was supposed to be awkward/cringe.

She's turbo cute
It's kino
Imagine being put off by this show because of a couple of weird scenes
Imagine being that sexually and interlectually insecure

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It is pretty good but people can't get over some of the silly stuff. I wonder if OA will forgive/love HAP after she fuses with her new self

Tfw I unironically like her and her movies/show in spite of her having worked at Goldman Sachs and in spite of all movies and the show basically being meditations on the same new age snowflake mumbo jumbo.

That said however: when people complaned about magical interpretive dancing in s1 Marling decided to have miniature (and giant) robots do the magical interpretive dancing in s2.

How does one not respect this move? They could have easilly kept things vague and witheld answers, merely raising more questions like lost and many others did for seasons on end. Instead marling went hard scifi/fantasy and i applaud her and her co-creator for it.

I feel like this show is like season 5-6 of LOST only much, much worse. It's a clusterfuck of loosely correlated ideas and cliffhangers that barely make any sense.

>It's a clusterfuck of loosely correlated ideas and cliffhangers that barely make any sense.

Sounds like this is your first time viewing a creation of Brit Marling, this is basically what she does.

She already did tho
Hap and Hunter are the ones that need to fuze
She's a nuwave corporate hippy but I feel both her and zals work on this is coming from a good place because it's something they are clearly very passionate about
Another brainlet
Stick to leftovers
She's my brainfuckfu
And zal batmanjig

>Another brainlet.
You're the brainlet here. Please explain how is this show any better than leftovers? OA is basically exposition on exposition, stuff made up as they go. Inconsitencies in the way the world works and worst of all, it's extremely boring and predictable.

Spoilers below
Well first of all the leftovers never fully commits
They dangle the old carrot of where did they go and never told us or showed us because as the show itself said it doesn't matter they are just gone.
Muh basic death allegory which is fine it just wasn't handled the best post s1
The oa is consistently better and doesn't pull any lame shit like that actually jumps right into the heavy shit and doesn't pull out for lame it's all a dream she was making it up bs.
Nice to see a women/show finally fully commit to a interesting premise and actually do something new and cool with it.

So many shows like this either get canned (carnvale) or pull back (leftovers) or literally lost (xfiles)

Basically there's qt inter dimentional waifu who travels between dimentions because she can
It's basically muh hard scifi animes except it's entirely Brit and zals original content
Beautifully written dialogue great acting fantastic horror and thriller elements some next level scifi doesn't hold your hand while also looking and sounding fantastic cgi is sparse but well used and it doesn't get stuck and use filler
It's only 16 episodes long around 45 minutes each so it's a quick watch
Plenty of boobs ass and pusy as well as some really deep introspection interesting philosophical questions thrown around themes of reincarnation and trans dimentional beings/concurrent timelines and shit I can't even understand even though I've seen it all just now
Might require a couple of rewatches so that's what I'm doing
10/10 so far
As for the girly dancing it does heavily serve the plot as its one of the ways oa and her posse jump dimentions
There's some religious symbolism but it's fairly generic but in a good way no particular pandering and the small amounts of lgbtia+ crap are well done and don't weigh on the show at all.
Besides it's only a reverse trap and a single gay dood the rest of the characters are straight (in most dimentions)
It's a brainmelter

>Basically there's qt inter dimentional waifu who travels between dimentions because she can
>just like my japanese animes!

>She was kino in Spartacus

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>should have been smaller,
Why not bigger?

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she's kinky

It's mostly relationship drama for female viewers.

This show is so fuckin stupid and weird I want to drop it but i can't

Homer looks like Sargon and it triggers me

It only gets worse the more you watch it.
Shits the deepest pill ever watch out user

the deepest pill? how do you mean?

Go watch Alex jones on Joe rogans experience podcast and you'll know of what pills I speak
Wake up

>alex jones
Oh god not that nonsense

It sounds like nonsense at first but so do most things
At first...
You don't wunna go down this path mate get out now

Best running show on Netflix. Recommend it to people who like Lost.

Don't be a fucking retard

Spoilers incoming.

As ridiculous as it was seeing people doing the dance moves, it pissed me off that they switched to robots. Took away most of the mysticism from the "angels" and it probably means the other 3 prisoners will not come back for S3, when any of them had twice more charisma than Homer. Plus now it means anyone can jump whenever they feel like it.
Also, why did the second movement not work on the junkie kid? Did they really need to spend half a day hissing at his corpse?

It's just that she found a better easier solution.
It would be a pita to have to re recruit the same 5 people over and over again
Then there was the whole part about going off path
And yeah in some dimentions people stay dead or have disabilities gay/bi totally different accents

well not only that but they did it to distract a school shooting which was just cheap writing. It made me feel dirty to watch, like oh its a thing now we should just come to expect school shooters like earthquakes or tornadoes. And I have the ability to see the future but im not gonna try to prevent the whole thing altogether im gonna just minimize the damage done.

She can't change shit imagine the temporal quantumn issues breh
Timelines fucked up enough as it is

is this OA? picked the fuck up

Season 1 she bites a dog as well

Diverse groups of rich suburban people can transcend space and time with hand movements and some crazy Dr guy wants to harness this power by any means necessary.

Wasn't that the shit where they start dancing during a school shooting

>its a oa wakes up in 2016 and Biden is president episode
So wait in this timeline who was 2004-2016? Al gore?
They are middle lower class?
Oa is only rich fag in some of the dimentions the rest of her followers are usually poor except for Hap and homer
It's super fucking cringe and even though I love the show I laugh hard as fuck
Sadly the delusional fanbase can't see beyond le funky post modern contemporary dance number and this happened
It's like they missed the point completely

>Brit marling is literally the oa
>zal batmanlig is a turkroach
Deepest lore?

"the movements" i cringe every tiem

Any shown with this bullshit in it gets a hard pass from me. Dumbest fucking thing I've ever seen.

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Lol your loss she's drop dead gorgeous sticc who's not a brainlet and would coo deep rambling thoughts down your ears as you cum inside her every night
Same breh I don't even like skinny women but something about her is very attractive to me mentally I feel like she's on the same thought process/wavelength
Met a couple of girls like this irl who sold their soul like she almost did ones a lawyer and unhappy
The other one is a divorced jew
Other ones are the same rich parents all into me but uni/careers broke them got on the meds and made them dead inside
Watch the interview she's very cute
Reee I wunna cum inside her brain with my brain seed brehs

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>be my gf
she's crazy
And more of the less fun crazy

Don't they know any spells with shorter cast times?

i dont care

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i don't like hap in s1 but in s2 he is very based

explain user.

Yes they literally built robots to do it in season 2
First ones where small second ones where big
Someone needs to make a webm of this shit it'd ironically some of the worst best worst tv I've ever seen
It's profoundly deep and meaningful yet looks so stupid
It's like that art hoe gf you knew had stupid rich parents and just said fuck it imma make the most absurd kino self insert drama
The tweest is its fucking amazing and she's a very crazy but talented writer
Best archs I've seen for years.
This show is legendary but like life on Mars and other obscure shows nobody will ever watch it because silly scenes put them off