Donnie Darko

Deep or Dumb?

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I've used this as a litmus test for every potential gf since I was 14. Every single one

Dumb things CAN be enjoyable

I know it's dumb but i still find it enjoyable

>sudden resurgence in donnie darko posts starting immediately after the nostalgia critic review

all 0 of them?

Deep if you're a teenager, cringe if you're an adult life experience. Great film regardless. Original cut is superior desu

The director's cut is dumb, the original version is deep kino.

Jake a cute. A CUTE.


as anons before Original cut is kino and it brings up very interesting themes but only scratches them on a surface level for the sake of being smart

S. Darko: Deep or Dumb?

Director's cut is dumb. Theatrical cut is deep

This. But as another user said it's still a very well crafted film, I love it.

i just watched it for the first time with the directors cut and thought it was dumb. now i wish i watched the theatrical cut first.

>Theatrical cut is deep
Or palatable due to studio/based barrymore intervention.

fpbp. the dumbness of it is outweighed by the absurdly comfy atmosphere though. great film for a high schooler to watch, still enjoyable when you're older. FUCK the director's cut


>director's cut doesn't have the killing moon playing during the opening bike scene
what the FUCK were they thinking?

>Seth Rogen