What bible stories would make good movies? I think the story of David would be pretty fuckin epic

What bible stories would make good movies? I think the story of David would be pretty fuckin epic.

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Revelations. Jesus returning to BTFO all the non-repentant sinners and fallen angels would be awesome.

The story of the prodigal seed.

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The story of Joseph
The story of Exodus
Joshua destroying Canaan
Saul + David
Nebuchadnezzar fucking shit up
Jesus’s life, death, burial and resurrection (done right, no long hair bs)
Paul’s life
Revelation (not what people think the apocalypse is, but what the Bible says will happen, 1/3 of the vegetation burned, oceans of blood, men seeking death but not finding it, scorpions of hell with long hair loosed to torment but not kill, while God purposely keeps the inhabitants of earth alive to suffer)

If Hollywood would actually just direct faithfully what the Bible actually says, it’d be the most entertaining movies/shows ever. Unfortunately Hollywood is filled with God hating faggots who hate God so much they don’t even faithfully produce his stories, which are far more entertaining than anything they could ever hope to write.


This but it should be set at least 250 years in the future just to btfo all the "I believe it'll happen in my lifetime" fags.
Anything involving an angel manifesting on earth has the potential to be kino if you do the angel properly.

I don't believe in God but I still think these stories would be epic as fuck to see.

It shows how antichrist Hollywood is though, shooting themselves in the foot by not just using the Bible which is filled with good stories to make into movies.

They just do rubbish like those ones about Noah and Moses a couple years back, not even faithful to the King James Bible version of the stories. It’s a shame.

I read the Bible so I get the stories, but for people who don’t read the Bible they are at the mercy of idiots who just tell you what they think it says.

Like, Cain and Abel would be a crazy good movie if done right.

The scorpions of hell that John saw were just rhino tanks, bro. pfhahaha but he didnt knew how to describe it

I also think a story centered around the Tower of Babel and God intervening would be pretty great if they stayed true to the source.

The Synagogue of Satan

No, they came directly from hell.

Revelation 9:2-3 KJV
[2] And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. [3] And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.

Learn to read

The Messenger Angel vs The Prince of Persia for 21 Days until the Archangel Michael comes to his aide.

ezekiel 23:20

A story about Daniel would be cool to see

Nephilim, with generous borrowings from The Book of Enoch.

all the shit around Nimrod, he was basically the Sauron of the Bible, complete with tower and need to dominate all people. he also had body armour given to adam and eve from god that basically made him invincible and he was pissed at god for casting out humans so he basically went his own way eventually devolving into cannibalism and child rape rituals until he gets merced in his own tower in a climactic final confrontation and scattered in peices sent as warnings to his cannibal priests. the cannibal priests then went underground and became the Babylonian mysteries we know today

Book of Job

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Cain and Abel set in modern times and without the movie ever being advertised as such. Make it something people have to pick up on. Perhaps that's borderline pseud but I think that would be entertaining at least.

Not him but learn to read Greek if you want an actual accurate reading of the bible. English versions are piss poor

How the breeders got kicked out of paradise. They need to be reminded how much they suck. And how god regrets creating them.

Thats just fan fiction.

Basically everything pre-flood would make an entertaining fantasy flick (nephilim, demons, angels and behemoths living among humans in a mostly uninhabited world) but it wouldnt be very biblical.

How can a being that can see future have regrets?

Every verse where the Bible forbids racemixing.

the story of jesus christ.. might just be the greatest story ever told
