Snyder Blows Out Nolan

>“Oh like, ‘Batman killed a guy’. I’m like, ‘Really? Wake the fuck up,'” Snyder said. “So I guess that’s what I’m saying about, once you’ve lost your virginity to this fucking movie and then you come and say to me something like, ‘My superhero wouldn’t do that’, I’m like, ‘Are you serious?’ I’m like down the fucking road on that. You know what I mean?”

>“It’s a cool point,” Snyder continued. “Look, I’m 100% fine with it. It’s a cool point of view to be like, ‘My heroes are still innocent. My heroes didn’t lie to America. My heroes didn’t embezzle money. My heroes didn’t commit any atrocities.’ I’m like, ‘That’s cool but you’re living in a fucking dreamworld.'”

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Other urls found in this thread:

"But I feel like Batman and Superman are transcendent of superhero movies in a way, because they’re Batman and Superman. They’re not just, like, the flavour of the week Ant-Man – not to be mean, but whatever it is. What is the next Blank-Man?"

[Superman] is the freaking […] biggest superhero on the planet. He’s the father of every superhero. [Deborah and I] were just talking about this – I’m like, really? Thor? Thor has a movie? [Laughter.] Really? I mean, come on. And there’s no Superman movie? This is, like, the world’s out of balance. It’s like, we’ve lost our minds here, people, come on.

The average movie audience has seen — well, I can’t even count the amount of superhero movies. Fantastic Four, X-Men, Superman, Spider-Man. The Marvel universe has gone nuts; we’re going to have a fricking Captain America movie if we’re not careful. Thor, too! We’re on our second Hulk movie. And Iron Man — $300 million domestic box office on a second tier superhero!

-Zack Snyder

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>no link to the old thread in the OP

>we’re going to have a fricking Captain America movie if we’re not careful.

Okay, so this was way back when.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice. The symbolism is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Christian Humanism most of the Greek imagery will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Superman's Jesus imagery, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from religious scripture, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this symbolism, to realize that they're not just entertaining- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Batman v Superman truly ARE idiots and Disney Shills- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the pathos in Ben Affleck's existencial catchphrase "MARTHA," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Mothers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Zack Snyder's genius unfolds itself on the big screen. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Jesse Eisenberg tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

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>Zack Snyder RAPES angry comic book fanboys in PRISON using NO LUBE and then MURDERS their ANUSES

Based and redpilled

As has been stated numerous times, the problem is not that he had Batman kill people, it's that he was lazy as fucking hell about it. Also, in a Batman V Superman movie, it's kind of a stupid idea to have both of them be completely agreed on this aspect of their ideology. And it's just lazy to have their stance on murder be "Who fucking cares," and have them just casually do it whenever you can't think of a way to have them address a situation non-lethally. Batman killing is fine, if you do it right. But someone who just wantonly machine guns people to death is not Batman, he's the Punisher. That's one of the cornerstones of the character, that while he breaks the law, he differentiates himself from the criminals and supervillains by having very strict principles. Subverting it or doing something new/different with it is fine, throwing it in the dumpster is not. And yeah, it's a good idea to address it at some point in your movie if every single iteration of the character prior has not been an unrepentant murderer.

>b-but the Burton movies
Anyone who wasn't born in the year 2000 knows that comic book fans bitched about that when it came out too back in '89. It was still accepted because it was a good movie, whereas BvS is not. But it was definitely considered to be a flaw to many people, especially people familiar with the comics.

Also I just hate how completely inarticulate and broey Snyder is every time he opens his irritating mouth. He does not come across in any way shape or form like a deep thinker. "Like, we wanted to have Batman kill people because like, dude, what planet are you on, or whatever?" Fucking insufferable, I can't imagine how anyone takes him seriously.

Nolan at least carries himself like a grown man. Also, he makes far better films.

Blankman is real and is actual kino compared to modern capeshit

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>Snyder is a retarded, edgy idiot
Fire is hot

reminder that 100% of Snydercucks are angsty permavirgins

He just flew too close to the sun.

Fucking based!

>And there’s no Superman movie?
There are numerous Superman movies.
No wonder Snyder is such a shit director, he's completely ignorant of everything that has happened in movies before he started directing.

How can one man be so based.

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>talking shit about ant-man
what a fucking faggot.

He's just in a world of his own.

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and this is in like 2009 or so, since he's talking about Iron Man just coming out and them being on a "second Hulk." There had been a Superman movie like 2 or 3 years earlier.

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Blank-Man was unironically better than the (failed) DC run that he had.

>batman kills grunts but not murderous villains

His parents were killed by a grunt. If there's even a 1% chance one of those grunts does it again he has to treat it as an absolute certainty.

>holy shit dude what if batman and superman started KILLING the bad guys
truly too deep for modern audiences

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And yet, he doesn't kill villains who kill literally hundreds of people, including other people's parents. Snyder is just a retard

this unironically

Even if there's a 1% chance those villains could be redeemed he has to treat it as an absolute certainty.

>kills random security contractors LEGALLY doing their job
>doesn't kill, or even brand, Lex Luthor, who literally wants to invite space demons to destroy humanity
what did they meme by this

a thread died for this

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>haha yeah like umm what if I just totally change the character and ya know like shit on every established lore for like the past umm 50 years or so like just who cares you're living in a fantasy world and like my batman is real guys and totally dark and grim like come the fuck on you fucking incels

So it begins. The rage. The fever. That turns good men cruel.

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It sucks that all the ironical memery died by 2016. The BvS shitposting was a lot more bitter and contentious thant the TDKR shitposting.

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And Perry White is retarded as fuck the whole movie and just gets a pass

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>an edgelord so edgy that he caused his own daughter to an hero

what a faggot

Prime Snyder there. First panel is subtle, a small detail. Second panel is blunt, on your face, off putting.

I wonder how Laurence felt about his role.


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how do you feel about getting a fat paycheck for ten lines of dialogue and an action scene

I get what he's trying to say and I agree with him but God, the guy can't articulate himself at all.

>and I agree with him
About what, exactly?

yeah because the snydershits were unironically defending it and shitting up the board about it constantly and still do to this day (see: this thread)
fun dies when you have a group of autistic faggots making a billion reddit posts per day about how deep and mature their retarded capeshit flop is

Zack S E E T H I N G

>And I'm like, so what if Batman is supposed to be based on Bats? Who cares right, I'm like over it. Heres the future: Ratman, okay? Gritty, in your face, Ratman, just shooting the fuck out of the bad guy. That's what the crowd really wants. And I'm going to take them there.

was he yelling that to himself at a bar?

I wanna see a Batman movie/short story/animated/whatever where GCPD acts like the corrupt piece of shit police force it is and executes one of Batman's villains (fuck it, lets go all out and make it the joker) in cold blood and claims he was 'resisting'.
Batman loses his fucking mind because A) Nobody, including Gordon, gives a flying fuck and B) The officers who did it are hailed as heroes by damned near everyone else.
Maybe have even Alfred tell Bats he's a fucking child and to get the fuck over it.

>’ I’m like, ‘That’s cool but you’re living in a fucking dreamworld.'”

Because superheroes are so realistic to begin with.

About the fact that there's sometimes a valid reason to portray popular heroes critically and that the morals of a character like Batman and his philosophy of vigilantism and revenge sometimes need to be portrayed negatively to make a point. I mean, there was obviously a thematic purpose to Batman killing in BvS, it wasn't just for the sake of having better action scenes.

Seething mcucuck detected.


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Batman felt so right in this movie. He killed in the first movies, he killed in the most memorable movies, he killed or used massive force in the past. It's part of the character. The difference from the punisher is that the punisher deliberately seeks to kill while batman's actions should only occasionally result in death

>A) Nobody, including Gordon, gives a flying fuck
Gordon would be against it, you fucking retard. Try reading source material before talking about shit you don't know about

Sorry about your string of shitty DC movies champ. they will get it right someday...

I wasn't even aware of this until I saw The Dark Knight. I always thought Batman would kill people if he had to, he just tried to avoid it if possible. I never knew it was "a rule" of conduct he was following. Honestly, if this ever was a part of the Batman character, it's something I couldn't give one single shit about. He's been portrayed as extremely dark character for the past 40 years and this makes no sense.

there is no, and will never be, a snydercut

Yeah I don't think he even appears anywhere other than the Daily Planet set. They probably cranked out his scenes in a week or two.

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Also batman is a guy dressed up as a bat who beats up criminals violently. You need, you have to show the consequences of that. Just like superman beating up an equally powerful villain MUST result in billions of property damage, you need to show what are the consequences of engaging with hardened criminals with heavy weaponry. It won't be clean. We needed to see that.

It's huge to batfags that grew up on the animated series. It was a major theme in a ton of episodes.

Plus it's been his thing in the comics since like year 2.

The DCEU had two bad movies and four decent to great ones. It hasn't had such a bad run.

The rule of conduct is some nerd shit nerds fetishize. It's not a core element in the 80 years pop history of this icon and it's not an interesting character trait as handled in the comics or cartoons. People need to realize that batman is bigger than the current comics being Readen by 14 k people and written for the most part by hacks

The animated series was for children so it makes sense for him to not kill there. Is not a quintessential part of the character but a consequence of censorship. Has batman ever killed in the comics? Yes. Has batman killed in the most notable movies excluding bvs? Yes. Verdict: batman killing is a valid characterization and the Trudeau philosophy is not a quintessential part of the character

>It's not a core element in the 80 years pop history of this icon
yes it is. the 3 best movies about it are literally ENTIRELY ABOUT IT.

I grew up with the animated series and I don't really even remember this. I guess I just thought it's a cartoon and they obviously wouldn't have the main protagonist just kill people in a children's cartoon. I didn't think it was inherent to Batman but more of a children's cartoon thing. As for it being in the comics, I grew up with them also and I recall in Frank Miller's Batman that he literally kills the Joker by snapping his neck.

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Mail this to Snyder

>Affleck Batmans=dog shit
>Suicide Squad=shit
>Wonder Woman=Tolerable shit, at best
>Green Lantern=ahahahahaha
>Justice League=painfully bad shit

>Green lantern
Is this the part where you are only pretending to be retarded?

Joker broke his daughter's back, killed hundreds if not thousands over the years, and has done some ugly shit.
He would care for all he was legally required to then drink a beer so he would have enough piss to add to the growing river on clownface's grave.

I'd also like to point out that Snyder was largely influenced by a Batman that was older and more off the rails like he was in the dark knight returns. Here is another example of him killing someone.

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There was one in like Justice League's deleted scenes or some shit

>Man of Steel - decent, mediocre script but Snyder's direction salvages it
>Batman v Superman - The best superhero movie ever made and the closest the genre has ever come to actual introspection and pertinent social commentary
>Suicide Squad - A garbage attempt to make a Marvel movie. Not gonna defend that one.
>Justice League - The studio ruined that one. Not gonna defend it either.
>Wonder Woman - inconsistent but not worse than your average capeshit movie.
>Aquaman - Pretty damn fun. A bit campus and sadly missing the gravitas of the series better movie but all things considered a very solid action movie.

I kind of feel like Snyder was born to make The Dark Knight Returns, literally panel by panel. Josh Brolin would have been perfect for this, especially at this age. Too bad he ended up directing that frankenstien piece of shit and they didn't just let him make this comic. It could have been one of the best capeshit films ever made as long as Snyder followed it lock step and didn't try to get clever.

In the same story where Joker break his daughter's back, Gordon refuses to lose his morals and do something harsh. Have you even read it?

>The animated series was for children so it makes sense for him to not kill there.
It's not like it "made sense" for him to kill random henchmen FOR NO REASON.
>Is not a quintessential part of the character
It literally is.
>but a consequence of censorship.
No it's always been part of his character since they started fleshing him out in the golden age. They made the entire TDK trilogy about it. It's a FUNDAMENTAL part of the character mythology.
> Has batman ever killed in the comics? Yes.
Not really. Even in TDKR, the whole fucking book is about him not killing. They've had him kill in elseworlds shit to SUBVERT the trope.
>Has batman killed in the most notable movies excluding bvs? Yes.
He causes death in a similar fashion in TDKR where he makes a car crash and the antagonist dies. But other than that he hasn't killed since like 1990, and that was controversial then too.
>Verdict: batman killing is a valid characterization
IT CAN BE. It's an active subversion of his rules. So if you're going to do it, you need to have the fucking movie be explicitly about it. Not just "he kills henchmen in the second act" and then "he doesn't kill Lex at the end."
>and the Trudeau philosophy is not a quintessential part of the character
idk what the fuck autism you're talking about. Keep your faggy politics out of this shit.

When Batman ever decides to kill someone is when he transforms into the next Joker

I have. I never said Gordon did it. I said if someone else did Gordon, after everything is said and done, wouldn't lose sleep over it.


Seriously does Marvel even try? Not a DCfag but does Marvel even try?

Yes he would, kys

>Characters can't be morally ambiguous, they have to be black and white, always
It shows that all you read is comic books.

>all characters are black and white in comic books
It shows that you've never read one

>yo, fuck the source material, let's make it everyone dark and edgy!!
Go to sleep, Zack

>It shows that all you read is comic books.
this guy is the biggest faggot. literally go away loser

And yet, even slight deviation from your safety blanket norm causes you to autism all over the place.
Obvious samefag is obvious.

> It's not like it "made sense" for him to kill random henchmen FOR NO REASON.
They were firing on him with serious weaponry. That's not "no reason" it's self defense you idiot. If someone is firing a weapon at you with intent to kill you you obviously have the right to attack them.

> It literally is.
It isn't. There are comics where he has killed before. I posted them above. They are from the dark knight returns by Frank Miller, which is the comic Snyder was mostly influenced by in his version of the Batman.

> No it's always been part of his character since they started fleshing him out in the golden age. They made the entire TDK trilogy about it. It's a FUNDAMENTAL part of the character mythology.
Not all versions of batman, as I pointed out. One of the most influential version of batman on the film versions of batman on both Tim Burton and Snyder was Frank Miller. And his batman killed. I posted the panels above if you don't believe me.

I thought Sucker Punch was okay, and even teared up a bit at the end

I unironically believe that Man of Steel and Batman v. Superman: Ultimate Edition are great films, but Snyder never really offers intelligent defense of his work. Is it just an act or is Goyer the one we should be praising?

literally none of those can be a samefag you uppity retard. Seriously nobody likes you. Nobody is impressed by your toxic autism. Learn how to banter like you're not a virginal cunt.

I don’t get it why normies but especially self proclaimed combic book ‘nerds’ get upset about BvS Batman killing when a)he is based on Miller’s old and gritty character and b)Batman literally killing in nearly every incarnation of his character from his humble beginnings (even wielding two guns initially) to modern times.

>Obvious samefag is obvious

the only Snyder movie I thought was alright was Sucker Punch mostly because I teared up a bit at the end
The dance scenes were still overindulgent and lame

user no.

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>everyone gets character assassinated
>"slight deviation"

>literally kills the Joker by snapping his neck
Learn to read retard. Joker snaps his own neck there. Batman tried and couldn't do it.

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Really? BvS was "The Dark Knight Returns, literally panel by panel." with "Snyder following it lock step" . Are you A FUCKING MORON? Open your eyes and READ my comment before responding asswipe. In fact, stop writing on message boards and neck yourself you fucking idiot.

>guy who makes shitty movies in a franchise
>whose only two decent movies are adaptations of other peoples' comic books
>tries to teach character writing to guy who made the best movies in the franchise

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>They were firing on him with serious weaponry.
The ol' "I'm a pussy" defense.

And remember that he's a fucking ninja. He's not supposed to rush into shitty lose-lose situations where he has to use the conservative "stand your ground" vigilante autism to justify murdering people. I get that retards have been trained to unironically shill for psychopaths like Zimmerman that stalk people until they get into situations where they have to use lethal force, but Batman is generally supposed to Be Best.
>That's not "no reason" it's self defense you idiot.
He's attacking them. They're doing their jobs defending a shipment. Nothing they're doing is really even illegal. They're just security contractors. And he's murdering them.

And more to the point, it's for "no reason" in the narrative of the story. IT GOES NOWHERE. He ends up just breaking in later after he fails. He murders a bunch of dudes FOR NO REASON. At least in every other instance of Batman killing people in movies it was a big deal in the third act.
> If someone is firing a weapon at you with intent to kill you you obviously have the right to attack them.
He's attacking them first you fucking autist. He literally rams his truck into their truck and crushes some dude's head with a blindside attack. You can't pull your cuckshill political justifications for this shit. He's no longer being a super-hero. He's no longer doing Batman shit. He's being an idiot asshole.
>It isn't. There are comics where he has killed before. I posted them above. They are from the dark knight returns by Frank Miller, which is the comic Snyder was mostly influenced by in his version of the Batman.
>Not all versions of batman, as I pointed out.
Shut the fuck up dumb asshole. They're exceptions that prove the rule.

these can't be samefags

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snyderfaggots are the same as they're pretentious faggot hack idol
they try pretend their garbage movie is omg 2deep4u because it's supposedly based on these award winning comics that not only have they not read, but also AREN'T really the source material of these shit movies in any meaningful way.
>edgy manchild hack snyder speedreads TDKR and only remembers a panel where batman shoots a machinegun
>both completely miss every single point frank miller made with that story

But if he kills, why would Joker or any other villain be still alive at that point in his career?

Today I will remind them

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They can with a Yea Forums pass.

If there’s one thing that Zack Snyder excels at it’s completely missing the point of the comic he is trying to adapt.

>We're on our second Hulk movie
Was this interview before The Incredible Hulk came out?

Press X to JASON

yeah in response to Iron Man

the fuck is this?

>hey what if we remove the squid and make MANHATTAN the false flag attack instead? That'll unite humanity just like an alien threat, right? It won't turn literally everyone on earth against America, right?
>also what if we got rid of Ozymandias' iconic outfit and replaced it with Schumacher-style fake abs and NIPPLES ON THE SUIT LIKE ON GEORGE CLOONEY BATMAN
>hey what if Night Owl could kick ass like a real superhero despite being an impotent, out-of-shape middle-aged man? Eh? EH?
Fucking hell Snyder just stop making comic book movies.
Or at least make Miracleman.

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I stand corrected. I guess you are technically correct that he didn't kill anyone, so it seems. I still haven't seen a definitive statement by Frank Miller that he didn't though but I will grant it to you since it does appear that more people feel this way. But in order to believe this you would have to believe the absurdity that the joker twisted his own neck and killed himself rather than it just breaking on its own as a result of batman and that the mutant was just shot in the arm or something and not the head. It's heavily implied that he killed both in this comic though, especially if you are a kid reading it. I guess Miller left it open to interpretation for autists who NEED batman to not kill. It makes more sense that he just avoids killing and doesn't like using guns because they are a cheap way of killing people.

>what if everybody also gets superpowers crushing stones with bare hands, sending people flying by simple kicks, shrugging off being thrown spine first into stone monuments across the room. It's not like being just humans had any importance.

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>But in order to believe this you would have to believe the absurdity of what is shown and narrated happening actually happening instead of my preferred headcanon happening
user stop. You're not seeing the things that are there, only the things you want to be there. There is nothing to interpret. Batman never crossed the line in the canon of this book.
That's not to say Batman in the main universe has never killed. He left the KGBeast to starve to death because he accepted that was the only way to stop him. The Dark Knight Returns is not the main universe though, it has its own continuity.

Was Batman V Superman simply too deep for modern audiences to understand?

>2 deep for normies guise
ahahahaha never gets old...

Other than the metal suit and the fact that superman and batman fought in the movie it had nothing to do with the dark knight returns. There was the fucking death of superman arc, there was setting up the justice league, wonder woman, doomsday, all that shit with lex, etc. Where were the mutants in BvS? Where was the female robin? Where was the green arrow? Where was the tank Batmobile? There was no joker. Batman didn't pretend to die in the end. My statement was that it should have been a LOCK STEP retelling of The Dark Knight Returns. You responded by saying it was ALL HE WAS TRYING TO DO. You are a fucking idiot. The end.

>It won't turn literally everyone on earth against America, right?
America got blown the fuck out by Manhattan too. The guy was shown to be completely unhinged on live television. I think it was pretty convincing.

>God is real and He is American
t. America talking about Manhattan

>user stop. You're not seeing the things that are there, only the things you want to be there. There is nothing to interpret. Batman never crossed the line in the canon of this book.
Ok, what is your definitive source on this? Because as far as I can tell he shot the mutant guy and snapped the jokers neck. Some people say he shot the mutant guys arm and the joker snapped his own neck but this seems absurd to me desu.

> That's not to say Batman in the main universe has never killed. He left the KGBeast to starve to death because he accepted that was the only way to stop him. The Dark Knight Returns is not the main universe though, it has its own continuity.
Yeah, and I think that's the universe Snyder was influenced by and it's obvious he interpreted these actions as Batman killing.

And when God unleashed His wrath on America.

>what is your definitive source on this?
1. Talk-show discussion, woman points out Batman never killed anyone and nobody has a refutation of this
2. Batman's inner dialogue in the Joker scene (voices calling me a killer, I wish I were)
I don't need any more.
>but this seems absurd to me
Your problem is that you already DECIDED Batman killed those people. You can't ever change your mind based on evidence because you have chosen to believe this. There's no point talking to you anymore, you're impossible to reach.
>Snyder was influenced by
No, Snyder looked at some pictures from a popular comic and recreated those with none of the substance. He's a moron. Even the fucking Ben Affleck Daredevil movie recreated shots from the comics.

> 1. Talk-show discussion, woman points out Batman never killed anyone and nobody has a refutation of this
This proves nobody is aware that he killed anybody. It LITERALLY does not prove he did not kill anybody.

> 2. Batman's inner dialogue in the Joker scene (voices calling me a killer, I wish I were)
This depends on how you define a "killer", if he killed someone while defending a child who had a gun to it's head he might view this as something totally different. It's really not definitively PROVEN that he did not kill or that he did kill. You are right that these are strong indicators but it's simply not proof and there is no proof.

> Your problem is that you already DECIDED Batman killed those people.
Wrong. I decided it was open to interpretation. I INTERPRET it as him killing those people. You do not.

> You can't ever change your mind based on evidence because you have chosen to believe this.
Actually it's entirely the other way around.

> There's no point talking to you anymore, you're impossible to reach.
There's no point in talking anymore because it's literally been resolved.

> No, Snyder looked at some pictures from a popular comic and recreated those with none of the substance.
He did not recreate The Dark Knight Returns AT ALL in these films. Literally the only similarities are the fact that he wears a metal suit and tries to attack superman. Other than that there is literally nothing in common.

> He's a moron. Even the fucking Ben Affleck Daredevil movie recreated shots from the comics.
It was probably studio involvement that fucked this up. I think Snyder wanted to do The Dark Knight Returns because it would have been great but they wanted him to do ten movies in one and as a result they fucked it up. They wanted him to blow the audience away with The Death of Superman + The Dark Knight Returns + The Justice League setup. It was too much crammed into one film and didn't do any of the stories correctly.

Okay you convinced me Batman kills people fuck yeah Zack Snyder is a geniys WHHOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

jesus christ being THIS autistic

>yes but where does it REALLY say that batman doesn't kill people

Do you think his movies had any impact on his daughter killing herself?
They’ve gotta have some influence on it all

You guys just refuse to see the truth
It's absurd to think Batman doesn't kill

autism isn't the same as boredom and having a lot of free time to discuss stupid shit. Know the difference + I literally proved it was left ambiguous on purpose and that there is no proof that he did or did not kill. The issue is resolved. Your "hey man...that's autistic that you went into careful detail to show how wrong I am" isn't an actual argument. Just. stop. I also never said Snyder is a genius. I think he is horrible at directing anything but action sequences and panel by panel comic books. Which is why he would have been great to direct The Dark Knight Returns.

I love how he’s like “how do we not have a Superman movie?” And then references that there’s been Superman movies.

classic misquoted greentext complete with the response to a strawman. Good job!
Her death was probably unrelated to batman but probably related to his relationship to her I imagine.
Wrong. It's left ambiguous on purpose.

so you don't read the comics. You talk shit about people reading the comics. You ignore literally ALL of the stories about Batman not killing. Taking a dump on the TDK trilogy which was literally all about this. And for what? To justify why he needlessly murders a bunch of security contractors?
He's make pretend! The screenwriter has total control over the circumstances of the movie! They thoughtlessly just ignored ALL of the Batman mythology EXCEPT for the examples that prove the rule to make a dumbass action sequence that goes nowhere. Like what the fuck is your autism here?

> I literally proved it was left ambiguous on purpose and that there is no proof that he did or did not kill. The issue is resolved.
the fuck. Batman talks about not killing in hundreds of comics. It's the fundamental thing he clings to that makes him different. Literally the entire point of the Joker is that he's constantly trying to force him to break his rule. Citing an example of an elseworlds comic where he MAY kill Joker doesn't really matter. Sure as shit doesn't "resolve" anything.

Pay me white ppl

>Citing an example of an elseworlds comic where he MAY kill Joker doesn't really matter.
It does matter, because it was the main inspiration for Snyders Batman, also the main inspiration for Burtons Batman. You may view it as "elseworlds" but it's the main inspiration for the modern interpretation of Batman in film. Before 1989 most people thought of the 60's version of batman as the main "film/tv version" of batman. I guess Nolan tried to revive some aspects of the classic comic version but generally speaking the whole film version of batman is mostly inspired by Frank Miller dude.

>Sure as shit doesn't "resolve" anything.
It is LITERALLY resolved that the Frank Miller comic leaves it open to interpretation and hints at Batman having possibly not killed them. Like it or hate it, that is the reality. Unless Miller himself makes some statement about this, this is the situation.

>It does matter, because it was the main inspiration for Snyders Batman,
Yeah. Which is a big part of why the movie is dogshit. He took a few panels from one elseworlds book and tried to build a cinematic universe out of it.

And unlike Snyder and BvS, that book is ENTIRELY ABOUT how Batman has fallen and he monologues about the no kill rule the whole dang time.
>also the main inspiration for Burtons Batman.
>You may view it as "elseworlds"
literally what it is
> but it's the main inspiration for the modern interpretation of Batman in film.
>Before 1989 most people thought of the 60's version of batman as the main "film/tv version" of batman.
And in 1989 people were bitching that he killed the Joker because it violated his one kill rule. And just like Snyder, Burton just didn't give a shit about the source material at all.
> I guess Nolan tried to revive some aspects of the classic comic version
You're a dumb fucking nigger shut the fuck up. You literally have no goddamn idea what you're talking about. Are you Russian? What gook hovel are you from?
> but generally speaking the whole film version of batman is mostly inspired by Frank Miller dude.
Not fucking Returns. Year One influenced BB. That's about not killing. Even in TDKRises where they're using a lot of sources from No Man's Land and other shit with edgy sadistic batman, he still never kills. You're citing ONE STORY using the character to justify WHAT?

At the end of BvS he's back to not killing. He very specifically does NOT kill Lex at the end. The most dangerous terrorist in the world that is inviting a space demon to destroy humanity, he just dramatically punches the wall next to him. You're JUST defending why he needlessly killed some random assholes in the middle of a bad movie. Why?

He thought the future would be bright. No soifest capeshit. He was wrong...

Attached: 1514610191443.jpg (490x287, 24K)

If he thought the future would be bright, why were all his movies so dark?
Checkmate, atheist.

>lol snyderfags always says omg 2deep4u what a bunch of idiots
>omg tdkr is 2deep4 snyderfags. they missed the point.
based brainlet

Attached: 1548154563215.jpg (1040x1281, 701K)

Hahaha what the fuck...
>Snyder Blows Out Nolan
Pretty sure Nolan still has a career.

>Wake the fuck up
>living in a fucking dreamworld
Does this dumbass have no sense of irony whatsoever? He is the Rian Johnson of capeshit.

>He is the Rian Johnson of capeshit.

fuck off, zack: you can't miss the point if you don't actually read the thing

>Pretty sure Nolan still has a career.
and a daughter who's alive

What's the point of that comment, you edgy 15 year old?

>Capeshitters losing their virginity
Funniest part of the quote

Have sex

The fact that he had to swear when talking about it pretty much confirms that he is a mentally underdeveloped edgelord.

You don't even get that meme jej

batman is gay as hell and would have been better off financing death squads if he wanted to eliminate crime

He really is
Don't like BvS
Snyder and fans:
>its 2deep4u
Don't like TLJ
>Rian and fans:
>its 2deep4u

This is fucking hilarious. Was he on coke? Jesus Yikes.

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He's high off of his own ego
How he got it in the first place I got no clue

Yea Forumsmblr SEETHING

>Ant-Man is now a selling point of the most popular movies of our decade

>Ant-Man's sequel made more money than the first ever justice league movie

>He is the Rian Johnson of capeshit.
He's got like Rian Johnson's retarded impulses with Michael Bay's cocaine connection.

go back to Yea Forums bragging about how you understand character better thaan anyone on this planet just by looking in some random panels on the internet better even than Batman's creator

Attached: Bob Kane about Batman editorial.jpg (695x1024, 545K)

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>like like like like
He speaks like a 14 year old schoolgirl.

Not really, there's plenty of good storylines in the books, I don't need to watch no raggedy ass movies made by no raggedy ass directors my ni**a.


Zoomers please go.

Attached: Batman about killings.jpg (720x720, 102K)

delete this!

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Can you post the original?

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it's more like you don't read comics
Batman never had problem with killing people, until new52 or certain writers.
It's MURDER that Batman was always against, just like all others heroes.
Wake the fuck UP.

Attached: Batman Kills by Dini ult.jpg (2640x1600, 1.16M)

Do me a favor and look at the color of Joker's speech bubbles. They were white before Batman snaps his neck. If you don't understand the significance of this change, then you either haven't read TDKR or are a drooling moron.

fucking everyone understands the character. It's pretty simple. There had been batman movies in like 2005, 2008, and 2012 that were entirely about Batman not killing. I don't give a shit about the comics. It's the interesting part of his mythology. The entire central conflict in TDK is that Batman has the strength to "endure" and maintain his principles even if it means sacrificing himself or the public perception of Batman.

Like we JUST had three fucking smart movies that were entirely about Batman's ONE RULE. And then BvS just starts with some fucking poem VO on a montage of his parents dying, and that's apparently supposed to just explain why the movie is starting with him already abandoning the "one rule" from the previous trilogy.

Like that COULD HAVE BEEN GREAT! But it was terribly executed! They phoned in everything and it was just vaguely alluded to and clearly not really understood by the fucking director of the film.

Attached: snidestretch.jpg (311x317, 18K)

Wrong, mcuck

Imagine being so insecure corporate shill that you loosing humanity over capeshit.

>It's MURDER that Batman was always against
This desu.

>that were entirely about Batman not killing
Ironically enough, he kills in those movies. Multiple times.

Attached: Marvel leads vs DC leads, lol.jpg (1300x468, 230K)

>2005, 2008, and 2012 that were entirely about Batman not killing
yet Batman killed in each one of them

And it wasn't even 8 years in "life span" of THAT Batman.

does snyder not understand how fucking boring superman is as a character? i mean he's basically a god. he might be the most famous superhero of all time but people would rather see marvel movies because they're fun (something DC is now starting to emulate with Aquaman and Shazam)

>[Superman] is the freaking […] biggest superhero on the planet Louis!

ITT: Yea Forums still S E E T H I N G over BvS even as Bob Iger is raping the MCU with a big SJW dick on a pool table five feet away.

Attached: rorschach2.jpg (473x630, 127K)

Superman can be done well but zack isn't the person to do it

>reminder that the two people on the right are now playing gay superheroes in the MCU

Attached: Harley.jpg (1574x780, 340K)

I was going to ask who he killed in TDKR, but then I remember him fucking carpet bombing Talia's truck off of a bridge lmao.

This guy sounds like he was 14.

>people would rather see marvel movies because they're fun

Attached: IT'S FUN.jpg (507x319, 126K)

>remind the people on the left are in a failed franchise

Attached: Chris Evans laugh stages.png (904x401, 646K)

>Ironically enough, he kills in those movies
He allows Raj to die in BB, and causes the death of Talia by crashing her truck. And both of those are the concluding events of the third act where the entire subtext of the film is being wrapped up. He causes death when it's literally a ticking time bomb situation.

BvS Batman actively murders American security contractors (PROBABLY WAR HEROES LOL) for no reason in the second act. And then in the third act chooses NOT to kill the big bad that just tried to doomsday the world.

>And it wasn't even 8 years in "life span" of THAT Batman.
idk what the fuck you're saying. You retards are acting like the last fucking Batman movies were the Burton movies. We ALL spent our fucking lives watching Batman movies EXPLICITLY about Batman not killing people. ALL the animated series Batmans. ALL the actual continuity Batmans. They don't fucking kill people.

Even fucking Snyder's Batman doesn't kill at the end. He's just poorly being portrayed as having already "fallen" at the beginning of the movie.

Neither of the characters are gay though.
Keep seething 5.5/10 clown cosplay bitch.

>is she with you
>i thought she was with you

Attached: AUTMAN.jpg (684x644, 59K)

meme all you want, you know it's true
it would be one thing if snydershit was actually interesting and "omg deep" instead of fun
but it is neither, so marvel wins because you can at least be guaranteed a reasonably good time when you go in to watch a MCU movie

Zack Snyder is the Rian Johnson of capeshit.

He'll be rambling about his capeshit flicks in 30 years aswell, instead of making actual films.

>so like, i'm like, batman's like, and i'm like
What a fucking moron

>this is the retard who think references to religion and joseph campbell t-shirts make his shitty films "deep"
no surprise there

America would still be held responsible for Manhattan's creation and there would be lots of suspicion about it being a false flag anyway. The squid worked because it was completely out of nowhere.

>you're living in a fucking dream world
>talking about superheroes
lol what?

the irony is that most of the MCU messaging is actually pretty conservative/libertarian. Synder is a Rand cuck and his fucking movies suck dick. Captain Marvel is just Disney's Ayn Rand's Anthem and it actually manages to be "fun" and "coherent" and "competent."

You identity politiks fagoots and your need to make everything about how you're a virgin are the only real sjws. Marvel knows how to make kids movies adaptations of capeshit characters. They don't try to turn Superman into Martian Manhunter Jesus and they don't try to turn Batman into Punisher Galahad or whatever.

I'd love for the movies to have worked. But they were fucking trash..

>Admits that Batman kills people in Nolan's trilogy
>movies EXPLICITLY about Batman not killing people
What you don't seem to grasp, is that this is exactly what we're criticizing about Nolan's trilogy. The films show you one thing, but tell you another. Batman's actions don't align with his moral code. You're just stupid enough to take everything those films tell you at face value.

>The hired thugs explicitly shown to be willing to kidnap innocents, commit warcrimes, smuggle illegal weapons, etc all for cash are probably heroes
On second thought, given your idolization of Nolan's Batman, you might legitimately believe this.

>Even fucking Snyder's Batman doesn't kill at the end. He's just poorly being portrayed as having already "fallen" at the beginning of the movie.
Yes, user, this is called a character arc. You might want to learn what those are before you go criticizing movies. What you really dislike about BvS isn't the fact that Batman murders, but the fact that the film doesn't make excuses for him.

The beauty of the MCU is that whatever symbolism exists, they don't beat you over the head with it the way zack does

Yet they turned Iron Man into War Machine and Captain America into utilitarian dick.

>>Man of Steel - decent, mediocre script but Snyder's direction salvages it
>>Batman v Superman - The best superhero movie ever made and the closest the genre has ever come to actual introspection and pertinent social commentary
>>Suicide Squad - A garbage attempt to make a Marvel movie. Not gonna defend that one.
>>Justice League - The studio ruined that one. Not gonna defend it either.
>>Wonder Woman - inconsistent but not worse than your average capeshit movie.
>>Aquaman - Pretty damn fun. A bit campus and sadly missing the gravitas of the series better movie but all things considered a very solid action movie.
Retarded opinion. Stay mad at facts, mongoloid.

>he is based on Miller’s old and gritty character and
Miller's bataman does not kill

>Admits that Batman kills people in Nolan's trilogy
>movies EXPLICITLY about Batman not killing people
Batman doesn't shoot anyone to death with a machine gun. He causes an accident that causes death.

And again this is the third act resolution. It's the big deal where he's bending the rules for le greater good.
>What you don't seem to grasp, is that this is exactly what we're criticizing about Nolan's trilogy.
Who is "we?" Take responsibility for your thoughts you fuck. You're sitting alone.
>The films show you one thing, but tell you another.
No they literally tell you. "I don't have to kill you, but I don't have to save you either."
> Batman's actions don't align with his moral code.
Yeah they do. Particularly in TDK, which is the one that is primarily about it. TDKR is more about pain and death and stuff, it's similar to BvS in that it's supposed to be a "post fallen" batman.

Why are you so disingenuous? It's like you've literally not even watched ANY of this shit, and you're only interested in politically shilling for this fucking movie.
>You're just stupid enough to take everything those films tell you at face value.
No I've written pretty extensively about the subtext of the TDK trilogies, and the Snyder movies. The Nolan movies are all super coherent and aesthetically edited around specific concepts. They're like watching a debate play out in the script and the montage editing.
>On second thought, given your idolization of Nolan's Batman, you might legitimately believe this.
Why wouldn't I believe this? Essentially all military contractors are veterans. And they're all Americans. Even Iron Man doesn't kill his own countrymen.
>Yes, user, this is called a character arc.
Yeah it's very poorly done and Snyder apparently doesn't even understand it given his OP autism.
>You might want to learn what those
I know more that you you stupid faggot. Stop making everything about how pathetic and virginal you are you dumb nigger

Attached: face extinguisher.webm (888x500, 2.86M)

t never reads anything

What a fucking idiot. I'm glad this hack is falling into obscurity

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>falling into obscurity
He is producing Wonder Woman 84


Why does he sound like a complete idiot?

Name ONE (1) movie iteration of Batman that hasn't killed people
Hard mode: no Adam West or animated shit

Attached: 94. Mistakes Were Made.jpg (1947x2510, 1000K)

Faggots fighting evil in silly costumes are real fucking deal! Get over it virgins!

>Name ONE
>don't name these ones though
Who did George Clooney kill in Batman & Robin? Asking honestly, got no recollection.

>Superman tells General Zod importance of making good choices, mortality of taking a life as he beats him up with no visible blood and signs of trauma
>then proceeds to take him to Space Jail with a specialized cell having Red Lights and shit
>Zod's eyes sparkle in the post credits sequence teasing his return.

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>doesn't cause any deaths in tdk
>doesn't directly kill anyone in BB, leaves a bunch of terrorists to die
>causes Talia al Ghoulie's death in TDKR
>doesn't kill anyone in either of the Shumachker movies

I love this guy. He stick by his guns even when the entire world is against him.

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>doesn't cause any deaths in tdk
He kills Harvey Dent by pushing off a building

did he get that shirt in a tourist shop in Key West?

Fuck you, Perry was one of the best things about the movie.
>Nobody cares about Clark Kent taking on the Batman

Schumacher Batman is the same Batman as Burton Batman

yeah. and the whole movie is about that. It's his one rule getting pushed to the brink, and then they use that to rally gotham against him. It has huge repercussions. It's the entire end of the movie and the next movie is built around the outcome of it.

Compare that to Snyderman thoughtlessly killing contractors, and the whole branding "death sentence" prison plot. And his decision NOT to kill Lex even as Lex is threatening the fucking apocalypse.

If you say so

Lol no they never even adress that he killed Harvey

Kill yourself loser. Each movie is it's own production. Like James Bond movies. Schumacher batman kills nobody in either of those movies. Doesn't matter if he has the same butler and commissioner. It's an entirely different creative direction.

You're talking about the lie that he killed all those people that Harvey killed. Him killing Harvey is literally never talked about once in TDKR

>"well" "I'm like", "like", "know what I mean?"
You could listen to Snyder for a hour long on a kindergarden math subject and he'd still manage to sound retardedly.

yeah they do. They build the Dent Act around it. The movie ends with him being blamed for his death, so that Dent died a hero for Gotham to rally behind. He becomes the symbol that Gotham rallies against. The ending shot is him being chased by dogs and them explaining that he can handle it because he's "The Dark Knight."

And "they never even adress" is because he didn't fucking murder Harvey for no reason in the second act. He did exactly what Snyder ripped off in MoS where he was forced to make a choice between a kid or killing the bad guy.


>Batman doesn't shoot anyone to death with a machine gun. He causes an accident that causes death.
This is an incredibly stupid line of thinking. He deliberately took actions that led to multiple deaths (one of which was him shooting Talia's truck with a gun, but I guess that doesn't count because it wasn't a machine gun). And brushing it off by saying "it's okay that he broke his rule because it was in the third act so it doesn't count" is weak as fuck. You don't get to have your cake and eat it too. Either the Nolan movies do hold Batman to his ideals or they don't. It's really that simple.

>Who is "we?"
The two separate people you responded to. You have a really short memory.

>No I've written pretty extensively
That sounds fucking hilarious. I'd love to read something you've written. Please link your blog right now.

>Yeah they do. Particularly in TDK
There is no particularly. They either do or they don't. You're just making more excuses.

>Why wouldn't I believe this? Essentially all military contractors are veterans
I was making fun of you for calling them heroes, but I guess you autismos don't get humor. Regardless, this is still an assumption that you're making, and veterans or not they are still shown to be evil.

>I know more that you you stupid faggot
lmao you're malfunctioning

Snyder is a hack now tell me something new

yea i feel for him

>This is an incredibly stupid line of thinking.
whatever you gotta tell yourself you stupid piece of shit kid
>He deliberately took actions that led to multiple deaths
Yeah in the third act. With incredibly high stakes. Not in the second act. With zero stakes.
> And brushing it off by saying "it's okay that he broke his rule because it was in the third act so it doesn't count" is weak as fuck.
He didn't murder anyone. He didn't needlessly attack anyone. He caused a car crash. If you justify fucking Snyderman dragging a vehicle around until it explodes, but get triggered by him killing a suicide bomber, you're a degenerate hypocrite.
>ou don't get to have your cake and eat it too.
Yeah you do that's the entire point of the batman mythos. You create character stakes and then challenge them and create dilemmas. You don't just skip over all of that for no reason.
>Either the Nolan movies do hold Batman to his ideals or they don't.
He's holding himself to them. That's the point.
> It's really that simple.
Yeah you're really that stupid.
>The two separate people you responded to.
you're all alone faggot
>That sounds fucking hilarious.
You're a faggot kys
>There is no particularly.
yeah there is
>You're just making more excuses.
said the cuck trying to justify BvS LMAO.
>I was making fun of you for calling them heroes
I'm making fun of you for your faggot life you cunty nigger shill for bad capeshit. Cry more about how you don't understand why BvS is dogshit LOL.

Prove you're old enough to post on this site.

Attached: RULE 2.png (744x220, 41K)

How the fuck do you break your own spine?

The shooting of the mutant does raise a few eyebrows. snyder obviously read it wrong, but... Like Batman isn't really known for his shooting skills, so him just shooting some fucker and going the usual action movie "it went clean through" bs was, well, bs. Not to mention the chance of killing the kidnapped kid. They do mention he was being wanted for assault after that. Sure, a high powered rifle like that, no ambulance on the way. Sure, he lived. Comicbooks. I'm not saying Batman should kill or kills, but this was just Frank being edgy. Well, edgier than usual. I kind of think Miller thinks Batman should kill, but since it's not his sandbox he's not shitting in it and playing by the CCA rules. At least back then.
The rubber bullets snippet is from the bat-tank scene, so it doesn't really matter in the mutant scene.

Quote the line were Batman is blamed or agrees to take to blame for Harvey's death. You can't, because it never happens. He takes the blame for the people Harvey killed.

>"once you’ve lost your virginity to this fucking movie"

I'm not an incel anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!

please just go to and make something of yourself.

If you're going to try this hard to be annoying, do it somewhere you'll be appreciated.

All these super heroes are murderers. Why should anyone care, they murder evil people. You can murder evil people all day long they deserve to hang. The state used to do it for us before they got all pussy.

the number of deaths they say in tdkr implies Harvey is included. Why wouldn't they include Harvey's death with the rest of them?

It's hilarious how it's all literal fascists that shill for Snyder.

Does anyone fucking like his movies without it being some political thing?

>Yeah in the third act
Don't forget about him firebombing the League of Shadows.

>He didn't murder anyone, he just carpet bombed her truck off of a bridge
lmao imagine being this fucking disingenuous

>If you justify fucking Snyderman
I don't and neither does BvS. That's the whole point of his character arc. Remember those? You just told me you had a really good understanding of them. Do you even know what they are?

>He's holding himself to them
Except for when he murders people. But those don't count because you have excuses for them.

The rest of your post is just you having a mental breakdown, so I'll just ask you to link your blog again.

>CCA rules
user Dark Knight Returns didn't have CCA approval. It was published some years after DC stopped giving a fuck about those rules.

The only time Batman should ever murder is during his villain arc

So how long is shitting on fanbases going to be seen as a good business strategy and a viable way to justify bad decisions?

I was going to respond to your arguments, but I can't seem to find them.

it's not "exception" nor "confiramtion bias". It's literally how this character is potrayed MOST of the time in all medium where there is no mandated censor.
What you demonstrating here is crippling anxiety of realizing that you are objectively wrong. Just accept it. Wake up and grow up.

Attached: Batkill.jpg (2104x1600, 1.36M)

>>doesn't cause any deaths in tdk

Attached: redditisthatwaysir.jpg (1920x1080, 577K)

What? People in the marvel movies murder all the time too. Superheroes kill people, evil fucks. They deserve to die and be killed.

Watch, they will kill Thanos in Endgame, Thor tried to kill him in Snapgame. Although in my opinion Thanos was not evil and actually in the right.

Europe had a renaissance after plague wiped out 2/3rds the population. Even Gamora's homeworld is now a paradise like he said it would be. Sometimes a mass extinction is necessary for enlightenment.

>Don't forget about him firebombing the League of Shadows.
ninjas can handle their own shit
>lmao imagine being this fucking disingenuous
she died from the crash. he didn't drive his batmobile into someone's head.

And again you're doing this all to shill for Snyder Batman, who ALSO doesn't kill at the end. You can make your appeals to hypocrisy all day. You're still just defending a poorly executed movie.
>I don't and neither does BvS. That's the whole point of his character arc.
There isn't one. It's vaguely alluded to.
> Remember those?
Why does every post have to be about your virginity? Nobody is impressed by you. You're a knownothing tryhard nigger kid.
>You just told me you had a really good understanding of them. Do you even know what they are?
nope. Explain it cuck.
>Except for when he murders people.
*Doesn't save. The only film Batman to kill people for no reason to accomplish nothing is BvS.
>But those don't count because you have excuses for them.
No the whole movie is building to them. They are a big deal. They count a whole lot. They're the resolution to the story.

Like I appreciate that you're trained in Russian political whataboutist messaging strategy. But you're not making an actual argument. Batman killing COULD be done well, in fact it HAS been done well in most of the Batman movies. The Nolan movies are built around this concept and they are very well executed.

BvS was NOT built around this concept, it kind of just happens to ignore it. We are seeing the second half of an arc that is barely even implied and only really clear at all when you watch the fucking movie academically and break it down scene by scene. And any ability to justify the artist's intent is constantly being shit on by the director himself, who apparently didn't even realize it was a thing! Like keep struggling I guess. BvS will never be good. It'll always be shit on for the nonsense murderbatman bullshit. Keep crying bb.

>Hack director lashes out at someone with actual talent after his career takes a nosedive
No surprise there. Hope he kills himself too.

Attached: 1514933156458.jpg (800x600, 30K)

>It's literally how this character is potrayed MOST of the time in all medium where there is no mandated censor.
No it is NOT. You're full of shit. And for WHAT?


Seriously what country are you from? Is it a translation problem for you?

>What you demonstrating here is crippling anxiety of realizing that you are objectively wrong.
Except I'm not. There are thousands of instances in the comics and all other popular culture about Batman not killing.
>Wake up and grow up.

Hard cringe.

But the in-company reason for Batman not killing was cause CCA came down on them hard in the 40s and it eventually some writer gave it an in-story explanation that Batman hates killing cause of his moral code. So Batman doesn't kill as a byproduct of that and Miller played by the rules.

But, DC was like the last company to completely abandon CCA in 2011. They made expections, but they were the biggest sticklers to that crap.

>ninjas can handle their own shit
You see the original Ra's die on screen. You're so deep in denial that you can't even remember what happens.

>she died from the crash
How did the crash happen, user?

>And again you're doing this all to shill for Snyder Batman, who ALSO doesn't kill at the end
You quickly describe his character and then
>There isn't a character arc
lmao. You actually have no clue what a character arc is.

>Doesn't save
Kills. Takes actions that directly leads to death. Stop making excuses.

>They're the resolution to the story
So the resolution to the story of the films that are in your own words
>EXPLICITLY about Batman not killing people
involves Batman killing people. Absolutely brilliant. 10/10 argument you've convinced me.

Post your blog, user.

Doesn't matter nigger. It's still part of his myth. It's the underlying aspect of his hero status, his sadism, everything. It makes him more interesting of a brutal dark knight when he has his own rules.

Like why exactly do you hate it so much, other than that you want to defend a Snyder movie? Or is it a political thing? You just want every superhero to be some punisher fascist faggot that kills random poor people while keeping the billionaire terrorists alive?

>You see the original Ra's die on screen.
No you don't.

And again, indirect deaths aren't the same thing as "attacking a convoy with a turret-mounted tank to kill everyone sadistically for no reason." BvS Batman basically just went out to murder some folks. BB Batman was put in a dilemma between having to kill commit murder for a bunch of genocidal terrorists, or having to escape and potentially cause the deaths of some of the genocidal terrorists.

And that's his origin story. Arrow did the same shit with Oliver killing folks until he has a change of heart. It's not until he becomes Batman that the One Rule really matters. He was already a psychopath seeking out prison fights at the start of that one.
>How did the crash happen, user?
Her truck drove off a bridge after being shot in a literal ticking timebomb situation.

And you can whatabout all day loser. TDKR was bad and it was still miles better than BvS.
>lmao. You actually have no clue what a character arc is.
Well you did say you were going to explain it and now you're not. Not to mention that you just cited Bruce Wayne causing potential death in the first act of BB, to justify him causing unambiguous death in the second act of BvS. The character arc in BB is clear, the BvS one is not. There is essentially zero actual dialogue in BvS about it. Just the retarded branding meme, the retarded caravan attack, and the retarded Lex confrontation at the end.
Doesn't save.
>Takes actions that directly leads to death.
Nope takes action to save his own life.
>Stop making excuses
That's all you're doing. This is all just whataboutism to excuse BvS.
>involves Batman killing people.
yep. And it's SO MUCH BETTER than BvS!
>10/10 argument you've convinced me.
you're not engaging honestly. You're a disingenuous cunt.
>Post your blog, user.
I shitpost here you thick newfaggot cunt. Post your reddit

When did Batman kill someone?

He's not wrong here.

kills a convoy of security dudes protecting some Kryptonite and then blows up a guy with a flamethrower with Superman's mom in the room.

Because Superman was too busy to save his mom. And apparently couldn't hear someone with a flame thrower a few blocks away, even though he can hear his girlfriend in a pickle in Africa.

I don't get Snyderfags. Why do they literally know absolutely NOTHING about the source material? Like they always bring stuff up out their ass, they'll find an image from a panel on Google without ever reading said comic, or they'll find snippets of Batman movies (the lowest common denominator and easiest material to access) and claim they know all there is to know about Batman.

>No you don't.
Now you've resorted to straight up lying about the films lmao.

>indirect deaths
>No, no officer. I didn't kill them. I just lit the fuse that set off the bomb that killed them
Impeccable logic, user.

>after being shot
We're getting warmer. Shot by whom?

>The character arc in BB is clear, the BvS one is not
It's incredibly clear. You've even referenced it multiple times, but are so stupid that you haven't even realized it.

>you're not engaging honestly
You're the one explicitly lying about what happens in these films.

>I shitpost here
So you were just lying when you said that you wrote extensively about the subtext of Nolan's and Snyder's films? Starting to see a pattern here. Unless that's really what you believe these shitposts are, in which case: lmao

He straight up guns down the goon and talia with his flying vehicle in the third movie

> It's literally how this character is potrayed MOST of the time in all medium where there is no mandated censor.
no it isn't user. Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to create "alternate facts" or whatever this is just to defend this movie?

If you don't read the comics why lie like this? Why misrepresent reality with cherry picked examples of exceptions that prove the rule? Are you being serious right now?

>Now you've resorted to straight up lying about the films lmao.
citation needed on that
>Impeccable logic, user.
Yeah it is. That's literally the same argument that Snyder made to defend manslaughter batman years ago.

Stay cucked virgin

>No it is NOT. You're full of shit.

Empty words from you, no objective basis so far.


>Except I'm not.
Except you are.

>snyderfags think they're people
>snyderfags think anyone cares what they have to say

Again, no arguments, just pure denial, grow up.

>Empty words from you, no objective basis so far.
whatever you say fucking weirdo. Why not just read the comics some time? Like what even is your angle?

Are you literally a foreign shill?
yes. He doesn't brand Lex, which means he isn't giving him the "death sentence" from earlier in the film.

Honestly why don't you know what you're talking about AT ALL?
>Except you are.
Not much of an argument huh. Try harder shill.

Another issue with Batman killing was that this incarnation felt like they were simultaneously establishing a new one while also acting like we've been with him long enough to care when Batman decides to break his code after Supernan makes him snap at the same time as Zod's neck. Our introduction to him is like tuning in during the second season finale of a TV show while Superman is still in the second act of his origin story that took 3 movies to cover.

denial of what? You're the juan defending BvS m8. You're just conceding that BvS is shit by whatabouting to other shit.

>citation needed
I really shouldn't have to provide a "citation" for something that happens in a popular movie that has scenes readily available online, but I'm feeling giving so here you go:

Go ahead and backpedal/deny/make excuses though. Or continue your mental breakdown. Whichever you prefer.

why is it that Snyderfags all talk like Trumpfags?

Are there any people that like this movie for non-political reasons?

No one has brought up politics except for you, friend.

>A roof fell on him.
You're such a tryhard user. Keep going.

Maybe post next panel where it's shown he didn't shoot him?

That isn't anywhere near BvS. Dude should have been more aware of his surroundings.

Why did the roof fall?



>Batman is responsible for falling roofs.

>whatever you say fucking weirdo
stay mad or grow up

>He doesn't brand Lex, which means he isn't giving him the "death sentence" from earlier in the film.
that doesn't mean he won't manslaughter people in the future in self-defence or for shortcut, as all Batman did except new52, pre-Crisis Earth 2 or Schumacher Batman.

>Not much of an argument huh
It's much more than what you gave me so far.

>denial of what?
that you are objectively wrong, Batman killed all the time.

Grow up.

Heroes are supposed to be heroic. What Snyder is describing is an antihero. Batman is not an antihero.

I get what Snyder is trying to do, the problem is he's so full of himself he doesn't see that he goes about it in absolutely retarded ways.

You want to do a new, different take on Batman, where he kills people? Okay. Maybe your film should actually explain HOW an WHY Batman decided to break his one rule. That could be interesting. A film where Batman is pushed, where he grapples with his sense of right and wrong, and he decides to become a killer. I would like to see that.

But Snyder didn't do that. He just: *fart* here's Batman and *fart* now he killed someone. Isn't that new and interesting?

it's evident in how you're conditioned to think. Reflexive whataboutism and appeals to hypocrisy and all this active muddy waters evasion is all what you do when you're being trained by American and Russian rightwing propagandists. It's clear the political affiliations these people have from how they understand how to justify the things they support.

>Be master assassin
>Fight a trainee that has yet to officially join your ranks
>you both roll on the ground
>roof starts falling on you
>trainee rolls out the way by virtue of not being a complete retard
>scream as you watch the roof slowly fall on you instead of rolling away like the trainee

This was Batman's fault how?

You're deliberately avoiding the question, user. Almost like you know the answer, but don't like it. What caused the roof to fall?

>Like why exactly do you hate it so much, other than that you want to defend a Snyder movie?

Boy, you sure read a lot into my posts that's not there. I don't hate it, I just (in case of comics) find it annoying when they use it to shit on other lesser characters by propping up Batman being a huge moral paragon. Cause it' always turns to preaching. I have no problem with him not killing, but it's easy for him not to kill when the writers are protecting him by never putting him in situation where he has no choice. It's easy to ride the high moral horse when you got your own angels in the outfield making sure you'll never get your hands dirty. Other characters don't have the luxury and protection of being the company's most valuable IP. It's empty. Nobody even slips and falls of the roof while running from Batman so he can have that guilt to haunt him. Shit's bent to his favor. I'd rather he doesn't kill cause he just that good. Also, he inhabits a cartoonish reality so I accept that all the internal bleeding he causes by punching people through brick walls doesn't ever result in somebody dying. Just like Cobra troopers always parachuting from exploding planes. Just the rule of the reality.

And I didn't even defend Snyder. His reasoning for Batman or anybody killing is dumb. Nolan who didn't even know that Batman doesn't kill before taking on Batman Begins handled it better.

>Or is it a political thing?
I'm not American so politics aren't the core of my existence.

I don't know how you could waste your breath explaining that to a bunch of people who probably won't listen, but pretty much
You can "get away" with batman killing people as long as there's a progression for it
He just kills people like its nothing and its never really addressed. yeah okay
Supes killed zod? how about that becomes his crystallizing moment for why he vows never to kill? but nah lets just have more punchy punchy

>Officer, I just lit the fuse that set off the bomb, how is it my fault if anyone is killed by it?
I don't know, user. Must be a mystery.

>stay mad or grow up
You're wrong though. And you're talking about capeshit for babies.
>that doesn't mean he won't manslaughter people in the future in self-defence or for shortcut,
Yeah it does that's the whole "arc" of the movie. Remember arcs?
>as all Batman did except new52, pre-Crisis Earth 2 or Schumacher Batman.
why are you lying right now? To what end?
>It's much more than what you gave me so far.
No it's literally not an argument at all. You're lying and negating.
>that you are objectively wrong, Batman killed all the time.
nope. Not at all. You citing the exemptions that prove the rule isn't an argument.

>Grow up.
You're talking about a movie where a guy dresses like a bat to beat up criminals. Kill yourself loser.

And remember








>Heroes are supposed to be heroic.
Not in Watchmen.

>different take on Batman, where he kills people
there is already plenty of "normal" takes where Batman killed people or acknowledges that fact.

Kill yourself snowflake

You lost me the moment I realized you're a complete retard.

>You're deliberately avoiding the question, user.
Are you saying Batman is responsible for falling roofs? He chose to make that roof fall with the intention to kill that dude?
>Almost like you know the answer, but don't like it.
You're the one trying to justify why Batman in BvS actively just kills people for no reason. Keep grasping at roof straws LMAO.
>What caused the roof to fall?
In BvS? It was when Batman rammed his Batmobile into the roof of the truck carrying the Kryptonite.

>"you’re living in a fucking dreamworld.'”

Says the guy making movies about flying gods and vigilantes dressed like bats.

Also, no, Bruce Wayne´s Batman doesn´t kill. Not because of morality or whatever. It´s been stablished that if he could justify even just one kill, say the Joker´s, he could justify them all. He is a functional sociopath walking a thin line. He always wants to kill them but not doing so keeps him more or less sane (as sane as a billionaire that dresses as a bat at night can be anyways). The Joker understands this and is always trying to push Batman to just do it.

Still, this is not to say that Snyder can´t justify himself, i am pretty sure he could just say "it´s an elseworld mixing flashpoint batman and the dark knight returns" and account for a version of Batman that kills people. That wouldn´t justify how shitty Bats vs Supes ended up being but at the very least no one could question his Batman.

>Watchmen have literally never read a single DC comic in your life.

[Excluding the new Rebirth timeline] Watchmen is set in an entirely different continuity. They have completely different tones and are written by different people with different stories.

This conversation is over.

Don't ever @ me again.

> I don't hate it, I just (in case of comics) find it annoying when they use it to shit on other lesser characters by propping up Batman being a huge moral paragon
>Cause it' always turns to preaching.
>I have no problem with him not killing, but it's easy for him not to kill when the writers are protecting him
>by never putting him in situation where he has no choice
>It's easy to ride the high moral horse when you got your own angels in the outfield making sure you'll never get your hands dirty.


>And you're talking about capeshit for babies.
No. BvS is R rated film btw.

>Yeah it does that's the whole "arc" of the movie.
no, arc of the movie is him striving to do better, that doesn't mean he won't kill again if situation needs it.

>why are you lying right now?
I don't, you are in denial.

>You're talking about a movie where a guy dresses like a bat to beat up criminals. Kill yourself loser.
You are suggesting suicide to the man that did you no wrong besides pointing out objective verifiable facts over some fictional character's mythology. Grow up.

>And remember
that's the only thing from you so far that is correct, he would be murderer if he killed Supes.

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Snyder still thinks Batman killed that mutant by shooting him in the head in Frank Miller's TDKR
He's that lazy
Bats shot him and we don't see the result. Later you seen the same mutant with a shoulder wound.
Even Miller didn't make Bats kill people.

>Even Miller didn't make Bats kill people
It's absurd to think that.

>Later you seen the same mutant with a shoulder wound

>Even Miller didn't make Bats kill people.

Batman killing just leads to the retarded sadistically killing of henchmen while sparing the most evil of them all who deserves it the most trope
This is what made not even branding Lex in BvS, the most guilty criminal of them all, retarded and it was retarded in Daredevil when after killing of henchmen, he spared the life of the big bad who killed his father
This trope is only used for sparing a good villain for several sequels, it's not motivated by the character of the hero, but the markability of the villain
After plowing through hordes of criminals, they have to use a retarded excuse to spair the big bad, like "I'm not the bad guy" or something, yeah, yet you just killed plenty of people.
If Batman should scrap his no killing code, then just kill The Joker already, why did he even live in Suicide Squad if it's supposed to be an ongoing battle between him and Batman that has been going on for at least ten years or so? Batman intended to kill him, but he managed to always escape for a period of ten years?

BvS is very close to the mytology of comics Batman (the one from the 90s/2000s mostly).
Bats says that if he started to kill people, he would go nuts with it.
This is the movie of that. Bats started killing/letting people die because of too much personal loss and because letting the bad guys alive meant more people died (Alfred tries to make him see reason but he can't) and now he's planning on killing a hero because he might one day become a threat.
Of course it's a slippery slope and Bats isn't The Punisher, so he kills people in action and mark them and left them to their fate (to be killed in jail).
This is Bats before he goes full Punisher and before he goes full Ras Al Ghul. This is a Bats who can still be saved.
That's the reason Alfred stayed. He he said fuck it Bruce I'm out, Bats would have gone off the deep end ever faster and probably would have his own League of Assassins killing bad guys all over the world by now.

Wake the fuck up youre living in a fuckin dream world

>No. BvS is R rated film btw.
It's CAPESHIT. FOR. BABIES. Stop trying to make yourself feel special because it's stupid capeshit for big babies. And the director's autism cut is Rated R because that doesn't fucking matter. Theatrical was pg-13.
>no, arc of the movie is him striving to do better,
Yeah it starts with him having already "fallen." It ends with him as an evangelical faggot for Spacejesus.
> that doesn't mean he won't kill again if situation needs it.
Yeah that's pretty much explicitly the purpose of the "Death Sentence" branding subplot, and him not branding Lex at the end. You're now arguing that the movie is full of even more incoherent and nonsensical bullshit that goes nowhere than I am lol.
>I don't, you are in denial.
Of what? I've read Batman most of my life. I've been a Batman fag my entire life. Him not killing is 101 shit. If you had any actual frame of reference with any of this shit you'd understand that.
>You are suggesting suicide to the man that did you no wrong
You're actively lying and being a disingenuous cunt. You're being real annoying. You should kill yourself.
>pointing out objective verifiable facts
You're pointing out cherry picked instances of single pages of comics you haven't read, to try and retroactively change history just so it fits with your degenerate need to shill for a shitty kid's movie.
>Grow up.
You're acting like a psychotic person. You're actively rejecting reality and overwhelming historical consensus for no real reason. You're a cancerous asshole and nobody will care when you're fucking dead.
>that's the only thing from you so far that is correct
Yep he's a "fallen" character at the start of the movie. By the end he's back to THE STANDARD NO MURDER BATMAN. This is reinforced by him not killing any humans in JL.
> he would be murderer if he killed Supes.
No he's a murderer for killing the contractors. But at the end he's back to type.

>and probably would have his own League of Assassins killing bad guys all over the world by now.
I would legit watch that movie.

>And there's only one thing to do about him that makes any sense to me -- just press the trigger and blast him from the face of the Earth. Though that means crossing a line I drew for myself, thirty years ago..
So can we finally admit that Batman kills? WAKE UP PEOPLE

Attached: 30 years of killing.jpg (1041x1600, 491K)

Except that he kills the guy with the flamethrower to save MARTHA. He didn't even need to.

>no factual arguments, just same empty temper tantrum and denial
Grow up, Nazi.

He did it to look cool so that he could fuck Martha and brag about it to Supes later.
Batdickery thrumps Superdickery. Every time.

The sad part is that many people think that's what it actually means.
Imagine being too dumb for a Frank Miller comics lol

He didn't kill him, he shot in the tank so KGBeast wouldn't burn Martha

>Except that he kills the guy with the flamethrower to save MARTHA. He didn't even need to.
That was much more justified than the caravan. At least that involved an actual dilemma.

And it doesn't matter. I agree that the movie is barely coherent and everything in it is contradicted by other things in it. But at the end of the movie, the "death sentence" brand that was set up in the first act is paid off in the end by him choosing not to use it. This is supposed to suggest that there's been character development back towards being no-kill Batman.
>no factual arguments,
you're actively lying my dude.
>just same empty temper tantrum and denial
it's funny because you're projecting. Keep shilling for BvS nigger.

KGBeast is still alive? Wut?
Fuck, that would be pretty cool if true (but it's not). He could have been in SWISSAH SQUAW.

>you're actively lying
Where? You showed no proof of me liyng so far. Only your empty words that worth nothing.

>Where? You showed no proof of me liyng so far. Only your empty words that worth nothing.
You keep posting out of context pages of comics you haven't read. You keep suggesting that
>It's literally how this character is potrayed MOST of the time in all medium where there is no mandated censor.
this is actively lying. Or you're just really stupid and ignorant.

Like if you want to be a disingenuous troll, why not do it about more interesting shit? You're making yourself a bad person and a liar, and for what? Why try and change history just to shill for a shitty movie?

He can hear an African pickle in his girlfriend, if you know what I mean

This is why I could never meet someone who posts here in real life
You're a dumb turbo nigger autistic retard with no social skills who types like a retard and disagrees to disagree after getting btfo

>ITT manchilren crying Batman cannot kill

Why do you insist on being a dumbass every aspect of your life user

You're joking right? hehehe capekino we didn't deserve Zack. See I can joke too. No one can be that retarded to believe that Batman killed Joker there, right?

Most people here didn't actually read the comics and the rest are too dumb to know how to read a comics.

This, the comic uses different colors for the internal monologues of different characters (blue for Superman, grey for Batman, black for Jim Gordon) and that's obviously all happening in Bruce's head after he finally did it and murdered Joker.

why are you getting mad over a single attribute of a superhero

It's not just that Batman kills people- It's that the finale of the movie is him deciding that he can't cross the line to kill Superman.
Because Superman's got a mother and he is a person- not an inhuman monster as Bruce saw him.
But Batman already kills real people all the time why would that make a difference?

nolam batman killed a guy at the end of beggins

He doesn't killed Ras Al Ghul, he just don't saved him. Battfleck on the other hand used his batmobile to kill a bunch of people without any regrets.

Ah, the artistic merit of opening a wallet...

>I grew up with them also and I recall in Frank Miller's Batman that he literally kills the Joker by snapping his neck.

Snyder? Is that you?

flipping a car doesnt kill anybody
they will have some burn marks, some broken bones but they will not die

KILLING someone = ending their lives
it doesnt mean breaking their legs
I'd argue that even the guy that had the flame thrower survived the thing exploding on his back

he will suffer for the rest of his life but is survived

niggas who hate the MCU think theyre edgy and niggas who dick ride the MCU are faggots. there it is, its a compromise.

Attached: 9quvlj8n8ng21.jpg (917x500, 124K)

Why do brainlets keep trying to claim they get BvS or MoS, when they can't even follow the basic plot without spoonfeeding and can't interpret any scene beyond face value (thus still thinking superman = jeebus is the point of the scene and all there is to it)

pic related

It's nuanced, Bruce only killed people in in-direct ways or people that were shooting 50 cals at him. It's like the difference between shooting someone or throwin' them out of a plane or even leaving them on a train. He could still rationalize his actions as just before. But after he saw a part of his young self in Superman he couldn't keep up that belief as it became clearer that this wasn't the triumphant victory that would secure his heroic legac y he was looking for and instead would turn him into the kind of person who killed his family.


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don't bother user. they'll do mental gymnastics anyway

they are not DC characters.
Premise is different

he reminds me of Uwe Boll, but worse

What's next you gonna tell me Bay sucks too reddit capetard?

ahahahaha stay mad, 3rd worlder

>You keep posting out of context pages of comics you haven't read.
That's wrong. And how much "context" do you need?
>this is actively lying
that's just your words, without any proof, so it ain't
>disingenuous troll
says 0 proof guy throwing around insults and suggesting suicide because someone disagreeing with him on the internet.

>please someone explain to me movie so I will deliberately cut explanation in the future screencaps to prove my point!
no motivation, but anyway

Attached: anti BvS bots.jpg (675x1200, 107K)

>3rd worlder
keep projecting, maybe one day you will guess it right!