What does Yea Forums think about Dirty Jobs?
Also why won’t millennials take the SWEAT pledge?
Any job is a good job. Life doesn’t owe you anything snowflake!
What does Yea Forums think about Dirty Jobs?
Also why won’t millennials take the SWEAT pledge?
Any job is a good job. Life doesn’t owe you anything snowflake!
Other urls found in this thread:
wagecucks gtfo
>yes goyim, wage slavery is a good thing!"
Based, and dare I say it, redpilled
oops, meant to reply to and
If you don't like it, find a better job. Nobody's forcing you to stick around your shitty job.
>work at mcdonalds for 3 years and only make $10.50
okay shlomo
if you don't want to work go live in a tent under a bridge then
you are not entitled to ANYTHING sweetie
How many times must we go through this wagie.
The problem is the lack of work ethic with kids. I'm a supervisor at a roofing company and often times the new kids want to make as much as our master roofers and will quit when they dont get raises on the quick. I'm talking about guys making $20/h starting wanting to make as much as our most senior roofer who makes $45/h. Yeah, no kid, you don't know shit and theres a reason that guy makes $45/h.
cry more boomer
>leave Yea Forums for a few years
>decide to check it out again
>literally first thread I see is this same shit that was posted back then
Burger flippers used to be entitled to college.
The bottom 90% has been swindled and Mike "my career is in theater but I play a tough guy on TV" Rowe is telling us to be grateful for the crumbs that now constitute a working-class salary. He's an establishment hack.
but da jooz!!!! Tha (((jewzzzz))(]]) are keepin the white man down!!!!!!
>Any job is a good job
Not if you need more than one to survive.
In order to get kids on roofs they must walk across the lawn, and I know how boomers like you feel about that.
Dirty Jobs was kino
Wageslavery is just the job market's way of telling you your skillset is easily replaceable. Don't like it? Change your skillset.
Kek you're never going to make it with that attitude. The majority of the .1% are first generation.
the guy I know who works in the elevator trade fixing and building elevators owns a home, a new truck, and a bmw. He is currently moving into a bigger home
Probably shouldn't be flipping burgers if you live on your own user.
Surely you must understand that it’s statistically impossible for more than 1% to be in the top 1%. Why should everyone else suffer for the benefit of such a tiny minority?
>Why should everyone else suffer for the benefit of such a tiny minority?
Enough with your histrionics, you not getting free shit is not suffering.
Wtf is up with americans and slave culture?
>be american
>get dick mutilated at birth
>get thrown out of the house at 18
>rack up on student debts
>slave at your jew boss for 50 hours a week and get 15 days of vacation leaves per year
>get sick, rack up on more debt for medical bills
How can anyone live like this?
You don't suffer. Capitalism isn't a zero sum game.
I don’t want free shit. I just want wages to go up with inflation and cost of living for the bottom 90% like it has for the top 10%, and for income growth to stop being exponentially high for the top 1%. Is that so much to ask?
It's actually pretty kino
Most Scandinavian countries have higher debt per household. It's a great country for people who work smart.
>niggers are literal slaves bred for slave traits
>jews push niggers as "cool"
>surprised when the mongrel population acts like slaves
we live in a time where you can literally not work and get tons of free money so long as you aren't an NPC who is enslaved to social normalcy. Lower your living standards and exploit all programs you can. It's literally the slave caste giving you tribute so you don't start running them over with your car and shooting up their malls.
So become a twitch whore?
>40 years ago
>working in a sewage system, chest high in literal shit
>make enough to buy a house, car, medical coverage, and support a family with 3+ kids
>"its a shit job, but it gets the bills paid"
>working in a sewage system, chest high in literal shit
>can barely afford a rent controlled studio, 20 year old car that breaks down every other month, no medical, and fuck off with that family shit
>"this is such an amazing life I'm considering getting a second one!"
Keep blaming liberals and commies for destroying traditional values you burger loving cucks.
You clearly have never worked outside when its 100 degrees carrying ladders all day listening to boomers. No thanks
boomers are a psychopathic generation
no, just abuse welfare and shit. UBI is coming, literally commit crimes and shit to go to jail if you are white and you will quality for more programs and shit, including free housing.
I did a dirty job, it was pretty comfy all things considered.
But noone respects you and theres 0 career progression.
You forgot;
>hear liberal social media experts making 100k a year yelling down the pipe at me to check my privilege before they flush
They now blame liberals for letting in immigrants who supposedly drive down the wages for those jobs, as if that's actually how it works. Conservatives have circular logic down to a science now.
in 40 hours you earn more than 80% of russians earn in 1 month
and they probably make more than 80% of indians
We are supposed to be better than Russia.
Tough shit boomer, work is alienating garbage and no one gives a fuck about your hierarchy.
It's mostly illegal immigrants who have the worst effect, whom libbies love.
Where are you getting these stats?
No, it’s the (((capitalists))) who ship the jobs overseas who have the worst effect.
10.50$/hour is reasonable for burger flipping
>"Work Ethic and Gratitude are extremely important."
>Bern-Victim NEET's go into fits of REEEEEEEEEing about "wagies" and how "work ethic" is a Jewish Conspiracy to oppress them
Every fucking time.
t. boot licker
Remember kids, organize, unionize, don't vote for oligarcs and lobbists or else your are gonna get fucked
Just go live in the woods. No heirarchy there
Jobs are going disappearing, and not reappearing.
Automation comes for us all. Those people whose jobs were taken from them? Well they sorta invade all the adjacent jobs. More competition. Depressed wages.
It's really quite something, how few people stop and think it through.
>Calling anyone else a "Slave Culture"
Fork over half your paycheck, cuck. Those immigrants need new houses.
Well I think we may have some common ground there. Not a fan of globalization.
>work at mcdonalds for 3 years
That was your mistake.
McDonalds is literally a student job.
Imagine if everyone just gave up like you after every technological innovation throughout history.
Who should have gratitude? Easy mode handsome men or everyone? Why would you have gratitude if your life is trash?
People in America pay extremely high taxes.
It literally is. Work ethic would be important if it actually served a purpose or made the country or community better. 99% of the time your pushing some useless shit, building stuff out of crap materials to generate maximum profit that you'll barely a see 1% of. Boomers buy into this myth because their "work ethic" was rewarded with a job right out of high school with maximum security and a more or less functioning society.
It's a fucking clown show now, don't be surprised that people just genuinely don't give a fuck about your bullshit startup.
Collecting welfare is a better job.
You are over 40 years of age, right boomer?
Then who works there during the day?
>immigrants who supposedly drive down the wages for those jobs, as if that's actually how it works.
That is how it works you fucking retard.
This is why leftists aren't taken seriously on Economics. You know literal jack shit about what you're talking about.
Unions price out lower class unskilled workers by putting up a price floor for wages.
But I am entitled to everything. I'm special.
If I die, the universe and everything in it disappears.
That is why, and I say this unironically, the entire world should bend over to please me.
it's tearing at the very edges of society, nobody wants to fucking touch it with a ten foot pole, just take the sweat pledge and pray and shoot up
This is the stupidest shit in the world.
Complaining is one of the GREATEST THINGS you could ever do. Y'know that phrase, the first step to change is awareness? Well how the fuck do you expect anyone to grow aware of any negative issue unless you complain about it first? Do you just leave your coworkers on a sinking ship with a hole you never bothered to tell them about? Say you're trying to fix it yourself, but some chucklefuck is pulling rank and stopping you, insisting there's no hole to fix. Complaining is your cardinal weapon. USE IT.
ExCons mostly.
What happens when 75% of jobs are automated? A mass culling of the lower classes?
Nothing compared to the Scandinavian "utopias"
>learn to code
Uh, dumbass. This is not mechanization. This is AUTOMATION. This one's different. Gravely different.
Legitimately braindead.
Fascists are btfoing you now.
Those jobs can’t be taken by illegal immigrants if the (((owners)))didn’t hire them. Blame the (((owners)))
That shit your building results in lower prices through free market competition. Your dollar literally accrues value as productivity increases in the labor market.
>complaining about whining and complaining
Which is why we should reduce it. You animals are becoming dependent.
We pay more in taxes than Canada but they get free healthcare and we don’t.
Dirty Jobs was one of the comfiest tv shows I've ever watched, hands down. I put it up there with American Pickers.
b-but... muh creative destruction
You assume there won't be other jobs to replace them like with every other technological burst in history.
>I believe I am a product of my choices, not my circumstances
I hope this fucker gets multiple sclerosis or some other genetic illness no fucking "choice" of his would have avoided.
I'd like to see him tote that bullshit then.
>muh cheaper prices for low-quality chinese made garbage
>muh GDP! Marginal ecnomic growth for corporations!
>The world around me is going to shit but we have cheap electronic and fast food on every corner!
Fuck your free market, boomer. You just don't get it.
>we'll just get the masses to vote away entitlements that a smaller portion of the country is paying for
that sounds hard
I welfare were elimated, the (((business owners))) would have to pay decent wages instead of subsidizing their paychecks with taxpayer money, and that’s never going to happen.
I was a union pipefitter apprentice. I made $21 hr working 10 hour days six days a week. Because of the commute, I'd wake up at 4am and wouldn't be home until 6pm. I made great money, but I never saw my girlfriend, friends, and family. What's the point of making a lot of money if you don't have time to spend it? My coworkers didn't take OSHA seriously and would cut corners everywhere. The job is already hazardous as it is and I worked with unsafe morons. Would come home coughing up black shit and feeling like I had asthma. Knew I'd one day wake up with lung cancer. Realized it wasn't for me so now I work a regular 9 to 5 job in the health care field. I'd probably still do it if I could cut it down to part time and only 4 days a week. Fuck working 60+ hour weeks.
Learn to do some thing Jesus. Or go sit on your thumb in the woods for all I care.
Andrew Yang's touring has been extremely refreshing, because he talks about literally everything I'd already heard of, plus threefold things I'd NEVER heard of, all backed up with stats.
The people who just try to sum that guy up with "1000 dollars" are... quite special people.
There won’t be. Past technological advancements made jobs easier. AI will just do the jobs. And that includes many white collar jobs, including IT
Yeah that's what they keep saying. There's still going to be other jobs, and probably new ones at from the change.
Every episode I watched he would drag the guy he was working with in front of the camera and then he would all the sudden feel the need to apologize to his own father. If he thinks it is such a bad job, that doing it for just a single day demands an apology, he clearly doesn't have respect for the job. He is a two-faced piece of shit.
"I'm sorry you witnessed me doing, one time, this job that that schmuck over there does every day. I'm so so sorry."
He outright contradicts his first point as well.
I hope that people complaining about the "goals" of the SWEAT do realize that you can edit out all the retarded parts and take away the principle of it. This is best applied to people that wish to be entrepreneurs. Also Pepe here says best in point n° 4. There's no better way to spend time spent that making your own way in the world.
When economists say that new jobs will replace the old ones they mean that AI engineers will replace manual laborers. And yes, they literally expect all people who work with their hands to become senior software engineers immediately. These people are delusional and society would be better off without them
In fact society would be better off had the Industrial Revolution never occured.
Take an Econ course bucko. Capitalism has uplifted more people out of poverty than any other form of social governance in history, and you're lucky to live in the subsequential era. Our lower class ranks as middle class on a global scale thanks to the free market.
>This is best applied to people that wish to be entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs are fucking gay
that's literally not an option for a lot of people, it's a serious issue and you have nothing but learn to code or rot
stupid people need work and stupid people work that provides for shit is drying up left and right. you can't just tell them to go die forever.
Most people in America pay taxes, and it affects their happiness and financial security. You know whose happiness it doesn’t affect? The people who own the companies that willfully underpay their employees because they know the average American taxpayer will pick up the slack.
Why do you think that? Regardless your answer, here's why everyone is FUCKED regardless.
If you couldn't name them YESTERDAY, no one today is able to go acquire the education to fill that position tomorrow. It's a no go. People have to know in advance what the jobs are, or there's going to be such a massive cataclysm the opioid crisis is going to look like a prance through the tulips.
He is in the pro complaining camp. He should be complaining.
>Yeah that's what they keep saying.
Yeah, the truth will get repeated a lot.
>Take an Econ course bucko. Capitalism has uplifted more people out of poverty than any other form of social governance in history, and you're lucky to live in the subsequential era. Our lower class ranks as middle class on a global scale thanks to the free market.
Go back to watching your Prager U and TurningPoint USA videos you absolute cuck. If you honestly believe that America is benefiting from free market capitalism you're a fucking fool.
>muh material prosperity
Average lower class apartment is smaller than the ones that were around in East Germany. People are working more jobs to make ends meet. Fewer people are having families. Communities are disintegrating.
>Most people in America pay taxes
not more than they receive in the form of roads and shit
>and it affects their happiness and financial security
why don't they get a better job?
The middle class wouldn't even exist without the industrial revolution. Christ you zoomers are retards.
They'd pay better wages regardless because as their taxes decrease they'd be more incentivized to invest in free market competition which stimulates labor demand, employment, and wages - because they're more likely to see an ROI.
Michigan never recovered from what happened to them.
I dunno why you people think you can just leave it alone and it'll turn out fine after a free market seance.
Dental Hygienist
but i don't have to
I hate that shit because it's a very typical conservative mindset, and it just screams "nothing bad has ever happened to me that was out of my control"
They always feel if something bad happens to someone, they somehow did something to cause it to themselves, they have 0 compassion for other people because of this mindset.
Someone rear ends you when you're going through an intersection when the light is green to you but a car in the other street is running a red light and you brake to avoid getting T-boned, break several ribs and get laid off because you'll be laid up for months recovering? Oh I guess you shouldn't have decided to drive to work/home that day.
Someone assaults you? Oh I guess you shouldn't have gone out to where someone might mug you.
Develop a disease that's hereditary? Well I guess you shouldn't have chosen to be born to parents that carried that illness.
>All men are created equal
only in the eyes of the law. Everywhere else, there are circumstances you can't control that determine how good you will be at one thing or another and often times you can't change them no matter how much effort you put into it. You're never going to see a down's syndrome doctor or rocket scientist.
Every person who has that mindset needs something just awful to happen to them that there's no way they could have prevented so that they understand they're NOT in control of 100% of their life.
Do you really think the Walton family doesn’t already have enough to pay better wages? They don’t do it because they don’t have to. Instead, taxpayers foot the bill.
>And yes, they literally expect all people who work with their hands to become senior software engineers immediately.
This is sadly accurate. It's the dumbest thing one could possibly believe, but people do believe it because they think they saw might've seen it in a movie one time and it looked plausible enough then.
The reality is that re-training someone has extremely LOW success rates.
there is no reason to ever take this pledge. You will almost always lose more than you gain unless you work at a small business in close proximity with the owner. Most of your co workers will be lazy and insecure, and will dislike you for making them look bad. Supervisors that really liked you at first will take every single opportunity to shit on you, once they realize you'd be a lot better at their job than them.
Unless you have the education to start in a position with some autonomy, you're only option is to fucking slowly grind your way up like everyone else.
I wish you hadn't used Walmart specifically as an example. Because they actually had to started to raise their wages. I'm as surprised as anyone.
They should've done it much, much earlier.
ungrateful millennials
It's great to be autist for those and not caring about status.
I'm from some Fourth World hellhole. It is interesting to see that even here, often I can't understand what the construction workers are saying when they are chatting in their own languages.
I work as a rent-a-cop every two days and I revise texts (in my language, not English) online.
I'm single (what did you expect) and I'm happy with little. There's enough remaining money at the end of the month to keep expanding my /x/ library.
This. I have a illness that I got two surgeries for. And while I do still try my best to work to make a living (collecting a welfare check would just make me more depressed), my life is way harder now. I fucking hate people who tell me it's all about my attitude and other dumb feel good shit like that on the days when I'm really suffering.
A huge amount of their employees are still on gubmint gibs
>capitalism isn't benefiting anyone!
Raising the wages is a very gradual thing, no one does it immediately. Every 6 months there's another bump up.
You must also consider how far you can go with $10 in America and Russia (the so-called Purchasing Power Parity).
Why isn't he touching even his shooped woman?
Old habits die hard, I guess.
I wonder how many workers will coincidentally get bumped down to 39 hours a week
My dream was to become a bounty hunter
Yeah this: It reminds me of that Cromartie episode where there's two guys in a stable and one of them has to patiently explain to the other why the yen being weak against the dollar is NOT NECESSARILY A BAD THING.
There is hope in the far horizon.
As price of fossil fuels escalates ever higher due to depletion, more and more tasks will become costlier than the human-done alternatives.
This means sewer work will be done by people, not pumps, but the jobs will be there.
You're not going to have 100 million + AI engineers and Robot Maintenance Technicians (in fact some of those will be automated too, and when we hit technological singularity (machines more capable of designing other improved machines and AI capable of programming AI superior to itself with no human input, basically machines begin replicating machines without human involvement) even the human AI engineers will be out of a job, I mean at that point we might be facing a Terminator/Matrix like scenario where AI decides to make us extinct, but even if that doesn't happen, where are there going to be enough jobs for everyone?
Past technological bursts replaced jobs at nearly 1:1 for every job lost because they replaced manual labor with OPERATING a machine (the machine still needed human brain to control it, not the case with an AI driven machine), or replaced animal labor (you do see a lot less working oxen these days right?)
Why would you work at McDonald's for 3 years?
You know food as an industry has the lowest salaries right?
Why would you work in that field.
You realize that if the people with all the money footed this bill, like we're suggesting they should, that this wouldn't happen?
I'm not saying it won't happen. It's that it shouldn't. People should have a conscience how they're affecting society. It's a bad joke that companies are openly run this way. We should strive to fix it.
If a job is occupying ALL OF YOUR VALUABLE TIME it's sorta weird you can't survive on it.
On this we can at least agree, right?
If i was filthy rich i would be happy living in America.
But since i am poor and come from a poor ass family (both parents are artists) i am glad that i am from Finland.
Without free education there would have been way too many obstacles for me to escape the traps of poverty. But thankfully all i needed to do was to study and pass the entrance exam.
Now i am studying my last year in Uni on my way to becoming a laboratory engineer.
Not once did I disagree with you.
I hope this is true
You know that poor people in America are better than the middle class in Cuba and other states right?
You can be poor in America, with a car, AC, be overweight, multiple fridges and so on right
I would love to know if this was made genuinely or not. I have a feeling it's a really elaborate joke. But the thing is, it's told too well. It even gets that shitty saccharine artstyle across too well.
You have to rely on gibsmedats for that. Take those away, and you’d have food riots within weeks.
What about the people who sum him up with, "gun registration, gun graduated licensing", etc.
"Jobs" will not exist in 50 years due to automation. NEETs are just ahead of the curve.
Probably has no other opportunities. If you live in a small enough town with few jobs you take what you can get and might not have the resources to change jobs or move no matter how much you want to. Why do you think during the recession 50% of STEM field graduates were not working in their field and were having to work in retail and food service? No opportunities available to them.
Be a fucking loser then, nobody is stopping you.
Yeah but I hope trip, and then fall down exactly 3 stairs, which would kill you. With witnesses present, who assume it's a joke on your part at first. And then later, when an ambulance confirms you're dead, none of them are able to muster up any alarm or fear at what just happened. The refusal to believe anyone could die from such a fall that weak is too great, and all your death did was puzzle a few strangers for a day and a half.
That's what I hope happens to you user. Perhaps next time you won't cross swords with me, motherfucker.
Wishful thinking
>Supply of workers goes up
>Demand for that work goes down
>Clearly we need more immigration
Conservatives are the one who are too circular?
Fuck bros am I doing the wrong thing by having my parents pay for college? Should I just drop out and be a lumberjack?
based complainer
I haven't heard any of his opinions on guns. I'm sure he has some bad ones. I feel like if he just went on Joe Rogan again after a controversy, Joe (and/or a guest he brings on as well) could set him straight with sheer logic. Anthony Cumia for example.
Here in Brazil, suddenly a cell phone company, Claro, decided to expand their network. They were desperate for workers; the only way they found to fill the hole was to pay to train people to work in the cell towers. With food included in the days where you were at school.
All people who gave a shit were hired. It's a temporary job, though; when the expansion is complete, most people will be fired; only the best will be retained to work at maintenance.
It’s not the immigrants’ fault that (((capitalists))) have no morals and will hire them for pennies on the dollar. Blame the driver, not the car.
Lmao bitch nigger
That's right bitch.
So how high is the unemployment rate in America with all those jobs disappearing and not reappearing?
Not him but what's your solution? Less immigration? I'm down.
He says the same shit about guns that every democrat does. "why do you NEED a semiautomatic rifle" etc. He even made a racially tinged tweet implying it's dangerous that white people own more guns than everyone else.
Truth, but id rather have capitalism just without (((them)))
Antwan Ku’Miya is a dumb kid fucking nigger LARPing as an Italian, and he needs to go back to Tunisia where grooming and biting teenage girls is accepted. He also stopped being funny 8 years ago. Oh and his brother is a cow eyed simpleton who plays dress up and still gets an allowance.
I blame both, how about that
If only 75% of the jobs were automated at some point in the past, and we could look at what happened then for comparison...
Not him either, but yeah.
A complete overhaul of our economic and political systems so that small scale entrepreneurship is encouraged and large corporations and politicians are held accountable for their trangressions.
By the end of your post, you've kicked the ball into your own net.
And then you turn around and go "How do you like THAT?"
And I'm just bewildered because I don't know where to begin.
So I'll just say this: "Yes. Exactly. These are major fucking problems."
Mechanization is not automation. We’ve been over this multiple times in this thread; try to keep up.
Unemployment rate is not what you want to be looking at. That only measures current job-searchers who haven't found one. If you're underemployed, or gave up, you're not counted.
The stat you want, is LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION, which is rather dismal.
>going into an assload of debt when you first start adulthood and have nothing is good for you goyim
>can't go into debt? Well just take up a blue collar trade job and let all the Poo in loos and Filipinos take all the jobs that require education, this way we can pay these H1B visa holders less than it'd cost to pay you for the job. I'm sure those blue collar trade jobs will NEVER get oversaturated while the browning of America gets underway.
You're giving automation too much credit. The rules of automation are
Needs to be done many times
If your job function falls to any of those then you're screwed if not then you still have a job. Except Project Managers, they're not needed in an Agile environment lol
Based corporatism
>A complete overhaul of our economic and political systems
Uhhhhhhh like how? That sounds like a lot of shit.
>and he needs to go back to Tunisia
No no no.
The knifefighting circuit won't leave him alone. He has nothing more to conquer there anyway.
That would not be a terrible decision, you know?
Since you are getting free college and your parents are willing to pay for it, you are on the fence.
People who would drown in student debt are better off learning a trade.
What are you studying at college?
Big corporations are most effective at reducing prices and innovation due to their economies of scale though. Can't completely eradicate them or the dollars increasing purchasing power can become stagnant or possibly decline.
You’re right. He needs to die.
Have you see the housebuilding crane robot?
>3. I believe there is no such thing as a "bad job"
>4. any job can be done with passion and enthusiasm
This implies that some jobs are difficult to bring passion and enthusiasm to
Which would imply that there is such a thing as a bad job
>Every person who has that mindset needs something just awful to happen to them
Pretty much happened to me. Can't believe I used to think like that.
It's supply and demand.
If you can hire people for pennies on the dollar do it. I would prefer for there to be a lower supply of labour so their wages went up naturally. And not through government price controls+ mass immigration. Which just seems to be retarded
I'm just providing an anecdote related to the issue, I'm not trying to make a point. It was posted in the hope that someone would find it interesting.
Specifically, the training was to work with Ericsson equipment.
I never said eradicate. I did they need to be held accountable.
Campaign finance laws and outlawing professional lobbying would be a good place to start.
Does it nail?
Okay. So what's the difference between mechanization replacing hundreds of farm workers with a tractor and picker, and automation replacing the driver?
Seems like the formers replacing more jobs
That's communism. Go back to Venezuela, commie.
You'd think but then you have 1% apologists saying shit like
>Am I not entitled to the sweat from my own brow? (and all my employees' brows too)
Who do you think is pushing for more immigration? It’s the rich capitalists you seem to love so much. They’re the ones who own the (((media)))
And the three part-time jobs count as "employed."
It is true, but it is like substituting sausage for meat and saying "people still eat protein."
I think it's just a simple miscommunication what the 2nd amendment truly is. It was not made for anything remotely nice. It was made for a violent, bloody war against our future corrupt government. One of the worst things imaginable. You want your citizens ARMED TO THE TEETH so they're capable of this.
It's at this point in the discussion, the person you're talking to will respond "But the government has drones and tanks" And yet we're still ankledeep in foreign wars. I don't buy that we can't be fought back from within. Not in the slightest.
You can post all the meme arrows you want. It's not free, and it's not effective.
>trying to reason with cuckitalists
There is no ideology which is as inherently submissive as capitalism.
Labor force participation includes housewives and the elderly.
Look at the ratio of workers to population in 1900 vs 2019
You'll see similar stats.
Albeit this is correct, it is always better for you to stay out of debt.
Mechanization replaces the horse.
Automation replaces the driver.
Someone needed to build those machines. Now the machines can build themselves and soon they will design themselves.
>uhhhhh what change? I-i-i-i'm scared guys. based capitalism.
>Labor force participation includes housewives and the elderly.
In what regard?
I'm a statistics major
That sounds ok i guess, but as far as the economy goes how left wing are you? I mean im definitely a conservative but i like to hear the other side just out of curiosity.
Watch the old "Conquest of the Planet of the Apes" movie. You might like it.
And then you bring up how America lost the Vietnam War and the conversation never really progresses past this point. I just don't get what's so hard to understand.
t. seething situationist
it's true that staying out of debt is important but so many careers require higher education and every time you turn around you have managers claiming we need more H1B visas because there aren't enough qualified domestic workers, and if you push all the American workers into trades and other jobs that don't require higher education, those fields will get saturated, and we'll just import more and more Poos to fill the voids for jobs that require education.
I watch the very first film in the series. And I thought it was okay.
I don't really wanna dip my toes any deeper into that franchise. So I hope you die, user. Nothing personnel.
Rowe's entire career is just getting paid by the Koch brothers to make labor protections seem bad so the Koch's can pay a little less in their labor and safety costs. Fuck him.
I believe that billionaires should pay more in taxes than people who make $750,000 a year and that healthcare is as much of a right as clean water and firefighters. If that makes me a democratic socialist then so be it.
There's no ideology that's more beneficial as a whole. Ftfy
You could bring that up, yeah. But that was before drones, so I wouldn't.
I'm not saying Vietnam could've been won "because drones" I'm just saying to consider the type of person you're arguing with. Take it to place where they can't weasel out of a point.
The theme of that specific movie is the slaves destroying society from within with sabotage.
There are, of course, other movies with that theme.
If you're not working because you're at home raising your kids you're not participating in the labour force.
I mean, I'm sorry that that's what it took, but somehow people need to get a reality check. I'm not saying that life should be handed to people on a silver platter, but sometimes bad shit happens to good people and they need help, and we should be willing to give that help, and expect that if something bad happens to us, someone will help us as well.
It's just that they'll move out of the country, user.
It never works. It's better to keep them here, even if it is annoying as shit that they're hoarding so much UNCIRCULATED money.
Mechanization replaced the hundreds of jobs.
Automation replaces the one.
Okay this is falling into a classic trap I'll have to elaborate my problems with it
user what choice did you make to be born retarded? I'll wait while you figure that out.
But it's still a good stat. Way better than unemployment.
Then make it illegal for them to do business with America if they do that.
Exactly. This stuff is legit.
We have drones in Afghanistan and are failing to achieve results there.
user, I hoped that you would die.
Please go die!
That would be, in America, U5 or U6 unemployment. It is not what counts as unemployment in media reports.
U5 and U6 are quite high.
Don't worry, sooner or later it will happen to all of us.
These double downs will never end up with you in the place you were hoping to go. It only ever gets worse, and worse, and worse. I'm telling you, more liberty is preferable to less.
it's a mix of actual good work ethic wisdom with bootlicking complacency
Past a certain point heavy taxation on the rich has a counter productive effect because they either invest higher percentages of their earnings into tax exempt bonds and securities, report less earnings, or straight up and leave - removing your pool of wealth. And socialized healthcare isn't free. You lose out on better products, supply of doctors, quality, and efficiency. The best option would be to allow a free market to work as it should first.
The problem is that it’s liberty for (((them))) and for us. They’re hoarding more than just wealth.
Clarke's Third Law is: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. And, the argument there is that if it's a sufficiently advanced technology, you can't tell what its limits are. And I got to thinking about this because I would have debates with pundits who were saying, 'Oh, we're going to have superintelligence any minute now. It's going to destroy the world.' 'It's going to do this,' and 'It's going to do that.' And I'd try to argue against it. And they'd tell me, 'Oh, but you don't understand how powerful it's going to be.' Well, how do those pundits know how powerful it's going to be? So, as an example, I thought: What if we had time travel and we could bring Isaac Newton back from the past--the late 17th century--and transport him to today in, say, Trinity College Chapel, University of Cambridge. Trinity College Chapel had been around for a hundred years when he was at Cambridge. So, we'd transport him to the Trinity College Chapel of today; and it would look much the same. We'd probably turn off the electric light and just have a few candles around.He'd be very comfortable. It's--you know. And then, you pull out an Apple--the Apple being an iPhone, this time. And you show him the iPhone. Now, remember, Isaac Newton is the guy who figured out optics, personally--how light through a prism turns into many colors. now you show him the iPhone, and you show him this iPhone screen, which is bright in the darkness, with all these vibrant colors--that's something that he's never seen
No seriously, that's my answer. Fucking mountains.
But then you start using the iPhone for a few things. You play him a movie. Let's make the movie a country scene of England with common animals--badgers and, you know, English animals. But it's a movie, and he can see it. And so, the content is not surprising to him: the content of a movie is certainly surprising. And that this little screen is showing these creatures and the sound. Then play some music for him--that was around at the time that he was around, so that he'd know the piece of music. And it's coming out of this tiny little thing. It's amazing.
And they could go on the web. And you can find this--you go and find this personally annotated copy of his masterpiece, Principia. He--you know, he wrote Principia and then in his personal copy he then wrote in the margins, also, notes about it. Well, you show him those pages. His copy. It's inside this little thing in his hand. But there's all this other stuff. Show him more stuff. Like, counting his steps and, you know, the calculator and how quickly it can multiply numbers and stuff. You know, turn the camera on, and it would turn into a mirror for him. You record him and play himself back. Now, what would he be able to say about what are the limits on this device? You and I know some limits. You and I know that you have to recharge it. If you keep using it for a few hours, it goes dead. He certainly wouldn't think of that. How could this amazing device not just keep working? He won't know what limits to put on it, what it's capable of, what it's not capable of. He'll have no reference. He certainly won't be able to explain it.
>Jews, user
>I'm posting about JEW STUFF now.
Thanks, I hate it.
It worked in the 50s.
He wouldn't be able to begin to explain this thing. So, when you are asking questions about what it can do and what it can't do, he has no way of knowing, because it's indistinguishable from a magic device for him. And by the way--he was very interested in the occult.
And, you know, he was very interested in transmuting lead to gold. Maybe this device can transmute lead to gold? It can build this out of magic. Why can't it do that? What are its limits?
So, I think that's a good example of--really smart person. Show the person something sufficiently advanced, they are not going to be able to have an hypothesis of how it works, and not going to be able to know its limits. And I think too many of the arguments about the future of artificial intelligence today are made by people who just assume that can do anything. So you can't have a rational argument with them. Because, when you say, 'Well, won't it be able to do x?' they will say, 'Well, of course it will be able to do x. And it will be able to do y and z.
Excerpts from an interview that I think explains things well.
And you have mountains in the US as well.
It actually didn't.
Guess we need to nuke everyone else and have the only factories standing if we want American prosperity
Okay kike. If you love Jews so much, go back to plebbit. This is a website for left wing antisemites to argue with right wing antisemites
You can be annoyed about cringey stormposting all you want, the Jewish question is relevant to American geo-politics and economics. You can be critical of Jews without being a memefaggot.
Not as many.
What I hate most about modern living is how fleeting and temporary everything is. It seems like people stay at a job for 2 years at most before leaving. So basically you're just going to be like a rat, fleeing from one place to the other, seeking employment. What's the point in getting a house when you're constantly going to have to move? Enjoy your fucking bugman box, insect.
I don't know, when I grew up I expected to have the same job from my first day to the day I retire. That is what my grandfather did and that's what my father did.
Having to do the HR-pleasing song and dance until the day you retire, if you ever can, seems like no way to live.
unironically there doesn't look like there's a single major I'm capable of getting that also pays well, so I might as well just do something stupid and easy. I'm fucked no matter what
Spoken like a true npc.
I agree
I'm failing to see the part where you explain how we'll never get to a point of an AI being capable of programming a more sophisticated AI than itself with no human input and these AI driven machines will never be capable of engineering even more sophisticated machines that basically render man obsolete.
I'd advise listening to the Joe Rogan with Andrew Yang. All memes aside, there's a lot of clarity.
If income over a certain level will just go to the government, then a company will instead pay that money to its other workers rather than give it to a high level executive.
desu being a teacher is actually pretty secure and will pay a decent amount after some time
you could major in math or some shit lol
Rogan tends to babble through the points, gimme at least an idea of what I'm about to watch
You're not wrong.
When I hear Ben Shapiro bring up everything you just said, to end it with "And that's that!" I get infuriated. He doesn't have to live his life in the way he just described, and then he has the gall to act like it's fine.
>you could major in math
too dumb
And yes, I would like to be a teacher, genuinely
We may. But that point may be a lot farther out than we expect. AI will have heavy limitations. We just don't know what they are yet. In the same way every other human technology has limits
An iPhone cannot turn lead into gold. And AI will have limitations we cannot imagine at this point. Not because they're complicated, but because we don't expect it will be a bottleneck
Yang does most of the talking in this one.
You could also just look up random Yang clips and he goes through a lot of the same information with different people. It's just that on Joe Rogan it's the motherlode of most of the important stuff all in one place.
Math majors are in the top 3 for highest IQ though
along with physics and philosophy majors
It's already heavily happening right now. And even when it happens just a little, the fallout is enormous.
>If you honestly believe that America is benefiting from free market capitalism you're a fucking fool.
the problem is that america doesn't have free market capitalism, if it did far more people would be lifted out of poverty
yeah I'm a fucking retard though
The word Corporatism isn't catching on as fast as it should.
It's really annoying.
More likely they'll just retain it by funneling it into tax exempt municipal bonds, securities, or highly deductible forms of consumption (like in the 40s/50s). Also, the more you increase taxes, the less likely they are to hire workers or increase wages because your are decreasing labor demand. There's less ROI from competing in the free market. The wealthy are very good at being adverse towards increased taxation, and as a result the net economic burden often falls on middle/lower classes.
Oh lol
I thought you meant the major was dumb
But you could major in anything else that's teachable. STEM teachers would be in high demand, but you could still major in something else and maybe a school would find it nice to have that subject taught in its facility.
Daily reminder the first country to eliminate their central bank and allow free market banking will have the highest living standards on earth within 5 years.
Massive high paying service sector jobs with dominate this country's economy to consume the goods the rest of the world has to produce for it.
The workweek would shrink to 2-3 days a week and people would retire much earlier. This will also lead to more jobs becoming available.
Everyone would have high saving rates. Houses would be inexpensive. Debt would be strongly discouraged economically.
Massive automation would take place as the cost of capital goods would be extremely cheap. This will lead to massive levels of technological innovation.
It would be extremely easy for the average person to start a business due to the cheap cost of capital goods.
Daily reminder actual free markets have prices falling all the time instead is going up.
Daily reminder America never had a system of free market banking for most of it's history. There were only patches of American history with free market banking. The panics that happened during the 1800s were due to government intervention in the banking sector. Sweden had the longest most successful period of free banking and that's what made them really rich.
Daily reminder the longest period of (relatively)free banking in America coincided with the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION where wages rose and prices fell.
Daily reminder central banks are the very reason the economy is a pile of shit and our generation is so fucked.
Basically what I'm saying is if we had a free market, the entire fucking country would be disneyland or universal studios and people would barely have to work.
Why would you NOT support this unless you were a shill?
So let’s just kill the fuckers
Uh. Source on jobs disappearing and not reappearing?
Seems like you're pulling that number out of your ass
nobody knows the exact timeline of events but reaching a technological singularity with AI is as far as we know, an inevitability. Once a machine is capable of designing a more intelligent and sophisticated machine than itself the process will repeat and it'll repeat faster and faster each generation and tech will advance at a rate we're incapable of anticipating, and the limits of which we'll be incapable of anticipating as well since ultimately these machines will be more intelligent and capable than us, they could even theoretically prove some laws of physics and mathematics that we established as "wrong" or incomplete, because our definitions of these laws and theorems are limited by the scope of our intelligence to understand them. It could be 50 years it could be 100 but it's only going to take one true intelligence capable of designing a more sophisticated intelligence for it to become a runaway train and we'll no longer be in control and no longer be able to tell what's coming next.
>So let’s just kill the fuckers
okay great, we'll all split their money equally amongst ourselves and watch as prices increase and our living standards don't change whatsover
very productive
Is someone taking it away? No? What are you trying to imply here?
Y'know how when someone asks you to "name one" and you know of so many different examples, you have no idea where to start? ESPECIALLY seeing as how they already should've been aware of at least a few examples, therefore making you think "Okay, so they have to be at least a little obstinate to not know what I know. I have to pick the CARDINAL example that they can't squirm out of" But then you eventually elect "Oh fuck it, why should I even bother? Who is this guy? We don't have to slow down for this cro magnon. Enough people know exactly what I'm talking about. My time is better spent with them."
Well that's sorta how I feel.
Have a pleasant day.
Failed generation, thankfully I was born during a time when parents actually cared.
dude just retrain yourself lmao
Again you're in Lala land.
The technology has limits. As all technology in human history has.
Just because we don't know what the bottlenecks will be, doesn't mean the technology is limitless.
Cringe lolbertarian
Keep sucking at the teet of corporations that literally despise you.
Parents can care a lot, but there aren't the raw materials available to bridge a future.
Ask Venezuela.
>The technology has limits
Did literally anyone contest the idea that technology has limits
You did it. You posted boomer cringe.
Those are completely arbitrary quantitative measures that don't accurately describe the effects of economic liberalism.
Cheap electronics and some ethnic food do not make a society. Get your head out of your ass.
Lemme just post this.
There's more jobs than ever.
>Cringe lolbertarian
Stay poor and enslaved you absolute bootlicker.
The absolute state of you.
>Keep sucking at the teet of corporations
You're the one that willing allows your wages and savings to lose value while corporations get trillions of dollars printed out of thin air from the government.
Just fucking kill yourself already senpai.
Corporatism doesn't mean what you think it means idiot.
it isn't though, if someone smarter than you designs something more sophisticated than you could ever do yourself, how are you going to anticipate its limits, and if that thing in turn designs something even more sophisticated than it, it just gets further and further away from what we can understand. Something may currently be a bottleneck to us, because of our limited intelligence, but are you going to say it'll remain a bottleneck for something smarter than us?
When you're talking about an AI that's self improving infinitely out of science fiction, and that replacing all the jobs, that's implying limitless AI
Woah solid argument...So this is the power of regressive left.
>Cheap electronics and food do not make a society
they make the part i care about
Back when there were no regulations corporations would literally send children to the mines to go crawl through small passageways. People would be born and die in mining towns and in natural gas explosions. Corporations would literally kidnap orphans to make them clean smokestacks. And they still would. In Africa, they still do. Imagine being an unironic ancap.
>You did it. You posted boomer cringe.
You literally support the same policies boomers support you absolute moron.
I bet you actually think you're going to get social security when you're older lmao
>Implying I give a fuck about the current welfare state
There are two parasitic classes in society, the welfare class and plutocrats who control corporations and politics. They both need to absolutely destroyed and brought into unity with the nation.
now juxtapose it with the population growth
uh, isn't that the entire goal of conservatives and people like Mike Rowe, to eliminate all social programs?
Just you know, throw all the elderly and disabled under the bus, I got mine fuck everyone else, if you are unable to get a job it must be because you choose to be lazy, etc?
>Back when there were no regulations corporations would literally send children to the mines to go crawl through small passageways.
Before that they were dying on peasant farms of high infant mortality. Thank fuck these businesses came around to actually raise their wages.
Luckily capitalism abolished child labour long before governments stepped in with their useless laws.
>People would be born and die in mining towns
Which they willingly chose to work in because these places offered them higher living standards than other non "company town" firms.
>Corporations would literally kidnap orphans
Obviously illegal in a free market to kidnap people, strawman.
>In Africa, they still do.
Least economically free continent.
>Implying I'm left-wing
I'm a Fascist.
Wrong, Boomers who support Americanism and worship at the altar of "muh constitution" love your ideology. It abets corporations and makes your whole society dog shit.
So you're a pathetic hedonist who legitimately has no political will or higher ideals.
>Proud American
>Rips off Cecil Rhodes in the first line
"I can prove this with a chart"
No, you can't. Especially when what you're saying, doesn't exactly match the image you're posting. "Total Nonfarm Employment" Oh is this all jobs user? Or at least representative of all jobs?
Blessed be.
How can we ever repay you, user? If only we knew sooner.
All sarcasm aside, there's a reason for the phrase "Lies, damned lies and statistics" This is not a mere canned response to any time a person hears a statistic they don't like. It's more specifically referring to when people use them as flippantly and oaffishly as you just did. Shame on you, nigga.
No. You said jobs were disappearing. There's more jobs than ever
>the welfare class and plutocrats who control corporations and politics.
Why is are side the only one fighting them, while you unironically defend central banks, the source of their power?
>Boomers who support Americanism and worship at the altar of "muh constitution"
There's hardly any boomers like that, they don't give a shit about the constitution lmao
>It abets corporations
In my ideology corporations are forced to play on the same level as everyone else.
Why do you enjoy being poor?
Mike Rowe, more like "Does gay porn" Rowe
He didn't say that user. I did.
And no, user. Still not true. Less jobs per capita.
tell that to ninja and other full time streamers making billions of dollars playing video games. world's changing, gramps.
I would rather find a chart that included farm employment but it wasn't forthcoming.
It is representative of all jobs. There's more jobs than ever. I have provided labour department statistics as evidence.
>capitalism abolished child labour
[Citation Needed]
That's retarded. There's more jobs. Saying less per capita is a copout
Well, automation happens to be completely immiscible with art. But that's not exactly a well-paying field so that probably wasn't the answer you're looking for.
Also I don't wanna hear shit about "robot-written music" or any of that. What slimy tripe.
imagine typing some middle school level knowledge and thinking it's an informative comment. why don't you do some more research before engaging with people instead of hearsay. ooh boo i read upton sinclaire in my 7th grade class now i know everything about the industrial era.
>[Citation Needed]
Wages and working hours constantly increased during the late 1800s in western countries thanks to economic development.
For the first time in history, children didn't have to work because parents had enough wealth so they could take care of their children on their income alone.
It was a fantastic thing.
A nationalised bank would literally circumvent all of these problems. The problem are the plutocratic class.
>There's hardly any boomers like that, they don't give a shit about the constitution lmao
Mate, you're clueless. The people who support the GOP unironically are old and they treat the legal document like it's a gift from God.
Younger generations don't give a shit about the constitution and see it as an obstacle or a tool to get what they want. Only conservatives care about the constitution as an end in itself.
>Saying less per capita is a copout
It completely destroys you, and for a reason.
Numbers of jobs can be up, and the number of HUMANS is up up up up. And then your only argument is that "Number of jobs is up!" And then you tomahawk the second dude in the head before he can even say his part.
meanwhile the guy you're referring to lives in the age of crowdfunding and corporate bullying by the mob and he thinks that businesses can go around violating human rights without repercussions. zoomers sure are smart aren't they.
>Back when there were no regulations corporations would literally send children to the mines to go crawl through small passageways. People would be born and die in mining towns and in natural gas explosions. Corporations would literally kidnap orphans to make them clean smokestacks. And they still would. In Africa, they still do. Imagine being an unironic ancap.
Why do anti-libertarians pretend we haven't heard these retarded strawman arguments a million times and haven't written countless books debunking them? lol
>Wages and working hours constantly increased
I meant wages increased and working hours DECREASED, but you knew what I meant anyway.
>ly (both parents are artists)
How is it a copout? It's a literal btfo.
All of the jobs are located in one place and are basically humiliating.
ahhh thanks capitalism for rewarding my improved production.
Political will is for normaltards who identify enough with the mainstream to delude themselves into thinking their opinions had something to do with decisions that were made. Pure cope from powerless people who want to feel in control of their lives.
>you can't care about things unless you're a collectivist
ok retard
>A nationalised bank would literally circumvent all of these problems.
LOL Nationalized banks are literally the main fucking problem.
Many countries have nationalized banks and they are shitholes.
We need to abolish central banking entirely, let anyone come up with their own currency.
>The problem are the plutocratic class.
Yet you want to give them more power, they LOVE when the state consolidates things, it's easier for them to control. They can't control free banking.
>Mate, you're clueless.
You are.
>The people who support the GOP unironically are old and they treat the legal document like it's a gift from God.
So? They don't respect anything in the constitution, they shit all over it.
>Younger generations don't give a shit about the constitution and see it as an obstacle or a tool to get what they want.
Yeah, they want authoritarianism and poverty because most of them are dumber than boomers.
who works the nationalised bank if not the plutocratic class. who has the skillset to manage monetary policy if not people who worked in high levels of finance who have undoubtedly gained corporate ties.
>Still doesn't name 1
I'm on a type of autismbux that's basically retirement with benefits in my 20s off work credits I never personally earned that doubles when my dad dies, and I keep it all in addition to any future advent of UBI. I ain't budging, there's literally nothing anyone on this planet can do to force me to w*rk. My friend has been doing a $50k/year 45+ hour/week STEM office job for 6.5 years and you can see the soul getting sucked out of his body day by day. No one should be that jaded before 35, much less 30.
Why do central bank supporting leftists constantly get BTFO by reality?
Literally gas yourself you bootlicking shitstain.
Completely incorrect. Liberalism enitirely depends on idiots being depoliticised and engaging in shallow consumerism. This way they delude the masses into thinking they live in a free society.
Stay mad brainlet.
stop trying to convince central bank supporters, they're just so used to their chains they refuse to imagine a world without them
>who works the nationalised bank if not the plutocratic class.
You get rid of the plutocrats first, or bring them into order with a strict, unified state ideology and then nationalise banking.
yeah let's just kill people or confiscate property, your system sure seems much more humane and intellectual than what the other person wrote. step outside of your own shoes and read your own comment and ask if any normal human being would prefer to live in that situation rather than the other.
>You get rid of the plutocrats first, or bring them into order with a strict, unified state ideology and then nationalise banking.
OH yeah lmao that's going to magically work.
Everything about what you said is extremely retarded but I'm going to mock just one thing:
>hurr we need the 'entity that destroys the purchasing power of our wages and savings' in the PEOPLE'S hands, only then will we be free
listen to what you're saying retard, central banking is always terrible
what country
how to get it? do you have legit autism?
You being a wannabee political activist will never have any effect on whether "idiots are depoliticised and engaging in shallow consumerism". We will both get the same result in the end independent of what either of us do. The only difference is you're stupid and socially dependent enough to waste your time impotently virtue signalling.
But they would control free banking idiot. The idea that plurocrats won't be in charge in a decentralised bank is utter lunacy. You're operating under the assumption that this would be fair and people would engage in mutual transactions when it would be used to set the agenda of globohomo.
>n-n-no u are
You got btfo, lolberts are the most autistic species of idiot.
It did work retard. And it'll work again.
Once I watched a Frankenstein movie where the doctor saw a digital watch (from the future) and concocted an explanation to how it could work, with mercury and stuff.
yawn, actually a waste of time including your own. brainlet level dialogue.
I stayed a bit less than four years at my former work (I was fired due to outsourcing) before the current one, and the HR woman told me "Wow, good stability!"
Is this where we are now, three years is great?
>But they would control free banking idiot.
Nobody, it would be completely decentralized, you brainlet.
This is how it occurred before, banking was much more local and the entire fucking economy didn't depend on 5 banks.
>The idea that plurocrats won't be in charge in a decentralised bank is utter lunacy.
We have historical examples of free banking in history, Canada, Sweden, USA. Guess what, they were pretty decentralized.
How are they plutocrats if they are increasing my living standards and not destroying the value of my wages and savings?
>lolberts are the most autistic species of idiot.
Wow look how mad you get when people simply suggest you should stop licking boots.
>It did work retard
It always fucking failed, central banking always fails.
How come liberals can't into Econ?
yes most people are encouraged to jump around staying minimum one year and hoping to find a new job by the second year. the reason being that it is easier to negotiate pay increases at a new employer rather than your old one.
This image is quite uncool, given that in Chile, during the right-wing dictatorship, they literally did this.
They hate economics and they hate science.
They only do feelings.
>Is this where we are now, three years is great?
We're expected to be happy as spastic, aimless hyenas.
Stockholm syndrome is one of the most relevant terms of our time. The sheer shit people will put up with and even advocate for, after they realize it isn't going away. Disgusting.
1. Change is bad, America is great. Beepboop.
2. Whoa whoa, 'entitled'? Sounds like socialist talk to me.
3. There's no such thing as bad jobs, but there are certainly bad managers, owners, corporations, working conditions....
4. Corporate will beat any passion you have out of you in short order.
5. Nobody should ever own a house or a car. Nobody should build credit.
6. OSHA is for shitty people who like unions.
7. Doing work you're not paid for is bootlicking and will not get you anywhere.
8. I'll work 12 hour shifts with 5 hour turnaround and now that my place of work has no OSHA compliance thanks to #6, it's my fault if I fall asleep or get hurt.
9. I'd love to get an education but pledge number 5 says I can't have debt so....
10. Except if I'm a boomer and my business fails. Then it's those fucking millenials again!
11. Better get used to others having success while you're being a bootlick.
12. I'll choose not to be mad when all my hard work gets me nothing and promotions go to the guys with charisma, the black women with racism complaints, and the family members of the CEOs.
Signed by a tv personality who's entire existence is to pretend to be something he's not.
The first country to do this will be smoked out to stone age by America. Again.
>given that in Chile, during the right-wing dictatorship, they literally did this.
Pinochet did nothing wrong.
Free helicopter rides for commies.
Literally 0.0000001% of the population faggot. Even people back then in boomer time got absurdely rich for doing retarded things a big group of people enjoyed.
Murrika, and it's Title II DAC/CDB SSDI benefits on a disabled/retired parent's record, which is what Chris-chan has. Autism, anxiety, doesn't matter what you call it as long as you have a paper trail of difficulties in your school/medical/work records (preferably zilch in that third one, they'll use anything they can against you). You'll probably have an easy time getting SSI, but SSDI on a parent's record is an uphill battle on the basis of mental illness. You'll apply at the SSA, get denied, appeal, get denied, have your case sent over to the OHO, probably have to get a disability lawyer along the way, send an OTRRQST, get denied, wait months/years for a hearing, and still probably get denied, all being the worst case scenario there. The worse you are, the better your chances will be.
Now you know why it's so important to abolish central banking.
Freedom is important.
i wish they atleast articulated feelings well. if they said that they wanted illegal immigrants regardless of the legal or economic consequences because of those quotes from the old testament and the virtue of human kindness i would actually buy it. at this point, i'm convinced the entire left hemisphere of the political world is just virtue signalling because there is just no depth to any of their arguments from a moral, economic, legal, policy, etc perspective.
>Nobody, it would be completely decentralized, you brainlet.
>This is how it occurred before, banking was much more local and the entire fucking economy didn't depend on 5 banks.
We live in global capitalism with mass communication networks and heavy urbanism, decentralsing banks would have the exact opposite effect. Decentralisation would be a god send to plutocrats and they'd use it to consolidate capital and create a new type of corporate centralisation.
Corporations would literally be sovereign powers. You're a fucking retard to not see how this backfires by giving complete dominion to people who have no loyalty other than money.
The free market is literally how you end up with a communist/fascist revolution you electric faggot.
>It always fucking failed
It was working very well until crapitalists literally declared war on them.
ok so .0001 are billionaires, but there are still a lot of people using techonology to pursue small business opportunities. versus working blue collar jobs and sacrificing their bodies for money.
The Kurzweilite acolytes and their nerd-rapture Singularity. Diminishing returns are nowhere near the minds of these fools.
Furry/Anime porn artist/g-artist
your move whiteboi
Freedom is a canard that means literally nothing in modern society other than reducing corporate taxes. You aren't free.
>We live in global capitalism with mass communication networks and heavy urbanism, decentralsing banks would have the exact opposite effect. Decentralisation would be a god send to plutocrats and they'd use it to consolidate capital and create a new type of corporate centralisation.
This makes absolutely no sense.
Banking is extremely centralized now.
How would decentralizing it make it more centralized.
Abolishing central banking would literally DESTROY the global financial system and we would be forced to restructure the economy on its ashes.
and it's a good thing
>Decentralisation would be a god send to plutocrats
How? They already do everything in their power to fight against free banking.
>and they'd use it to consolidate capital and create a new type of corporate centralisation.
lol what?
Right now they get billions, even trillions of free dollars from central banks, you're saying if we took this away it would give them more power.
>Corporations would literally be sovereign powers.
I fail to see your logic here.
you'd think so, but the other half of the argument is crony capitalism. i'm not looking to convince you of anything because i don't particularly care, but atleast come into the discussion being aware of how the government enables monopolies to exist and how corporate favoritism works with public policies. basically i'm asking you to be intelligent, have your opinion but layer it in good dialogue.
>It was working very well until crapitalists literally declared war on them.
This should be hilarious.
>You aren't free.
But I want to be free and that's the point.
Meanwhile, during the Dark Ages...
too low effort to be a real post. don't bite on this one.
>Juliet Schor (born 1955) is Professor of sociology at Boston College.[1] She has studied trends in working time, consumerism, the relationship between work and family, women's issues and Economic inequality, and the environment and concerns about climate change.[2] From 2010 to 2017 she studied the sharing economy under a large research project funded by the MacArthur Foundation.[3][4]
I remember you posted this bullshit unverifiable article before.
Crony capitalism is just capitalism. As it stands, corporations jusy lobby the government to get their way. Deregulation just cuts out the lobbying part and skips straight to the end result, which is still the same.
Feudalism is better than corporatism at this point.
The idea the people before industry worked less hours is absurd. They had to work year round just to survive.
no because there is no agency to enforce the policies. please try to keep up with the debate. have your opinions but be cognizant of each side of the argument. if you have a low understanding of the arguments, then what is the purpose of voicing your opinion or having others engage with you. bring something new to the table or be insightful about what has already been discussed by others. these are core elements of political debate. the 101 topics. impress me, i'm giving you another chance.
unless you want to kill yourself you're kind of stuck here once you're born
>Crony capitalism is just capitalism.
Yes, north korea is just capitalism, the ussr is just capitalism.
They had some capitalist activity in their economy so obviously they are capitalist because this is how that works.
>Deregulation just cuts out the lobbying part and skips straight to the end result, which is still the same.
"deregulation" or abolishing government intervention in the economy takes AWAY their power and benefits consumers.
And local grocery stores turned into wall mart, restaurants turned into mc donalds. Success is only for a small percentage, its just that our living standards have increased.
Imagine you mostly live from agriculture.
Is it absurd to think plants can't be tended every two days?
depends, do you have a high level knowledge of agriculture, irrigation, etc. have you worked on a farm. are you informed in farming practices. how do stages of the harvest affect farm work. etc. try a little bit harder, zoomer. you don't have to be right, but be smart.
Government intervention caused this.
We need a free market.
>he thinks farmers didn't work in the winter too
come on now
Imagine if we never had a central bank, imagine having a 10 hour workweek and a massive quantity of consumer goods to enjoy.
Why wouldn't you want this?
Did you check the Sources section at the end?
It was less stressful. You didn't have to worry about employment. You didn't have to worry about commuting which is probably the worst part. You worked where you lived. I would gladly work in the field if it meant I didn't have to spend four hours every day just going to and coming hole from work.
You also fucking starved to death and died if the weather was bad.
You also were beaten and had your wife/daughteres raped by noblemen if you didn't pay your taxes.
bad faith posters go to Yea Forums hell when they die, remember that
More anprims lol
>da jooz
I can smell the Reddit from here
>It was less stressful.
>extremely primitive tools
>barely surviving
>wondering if you're going to make it through the winter
>less stressful
the absolute state of anarcho-primativists
>You didn't have to worry about commuting
Who gives a shit?
Who the fuck thinks this is an issue, it takes me 15 minutes to drive to work lmao
>I didn't have to spend four hours every day just going to and coming hole from work.
Have you ever held a job in your life?
Idiot, wealth isn't a finite resource. Just because a billionaire is a billionaire that doesn't mean someone else suffers
>you were beaten and raped if you didn't pay taxes
>you starved if the weather was bad
And if you can't find a job today you just go homeless and get stabbed under an overpass. Clearly an improvement.
Gentrification is pushing people away from where jobs are.
My daily commute, by bus, is of about three hours.
Why don't people understand this fact?
>And if you can't find a job today you just go homeless and get stabbed under an overpass.
lmao you're clearly projecting your own fucking problems in your posts and we get to laugh at you
Do you know how easy it is to get a job? Even a shitty mcjob?
>wealth isn't a finite resource
I suppose the planet Earth is not a finite environment.
holy shit are you a nigger?
Gentrification makes neighbourhoods nicer.
Would you want them to be shittier.
Also I doubt you have a 3 hour commute.
Do you live in LA or something?
I also doubt you have a job.
>living off a mcjob wage
You don't know what wealth means.
Wealth needs to be created.
How will you create infinite wealth from finite resources?
I'm not American.
Not him but I live in Europe. It takes me about 20 minutes to drive to the nearest town with a bus to the city, and then another 50 minutes riding the bus to my workplace in the city center.
man where do you live?
you must be making this shit up.
>How will you create infinite wealth from finite resources?
Asteroid mining, space exploration.
>I'm not American.
Where are you from?
buy a car lmao
>I live in Europe.
Then you don't even have to work. Everything is socialist and better than America, remember?
I am from Brazil. I work as a security guard in an international airport, one city away from mine.
>Asteroid mining, space exploration.
Let's round this--down--to five grand per pound.
This is the cost for low Earth orbit.
Mining from the asteroids would cost way more. Whatever you mine should be worth more to compensate.
Is it just inconceivable to you that people live far away from their workplace? Even if I drove directly to work it would save me about ten minutes, and that's not accounting for traffic.
>I am from Brazil.
must suck being from one of the most economically unfree nations on earth
I hope Bolsonaro can sort your shit out.
One of his advisers is a secret mises bro I heard so you may be in luck.
> I work as a security guard in an international airport, one city away from mine.
You probably can't get anything closer because your economy sucks so bad.
>This is the cost for low Earth orbit.
Dude this is only the cost now, obviously when the technology gets mass produced, the cost will come down.
>Is it just inconceivable to you that people live far away from their workplace?
I don't know why they do it. It's just weird to me, everywhere I've worked has been close to my home.
Brazil can't succeed. They will always and forever be pulled down by blacks.
To reduce the cost would require fuel that is not available--say, nuclear fusion. This process works in stars because of their immense mass--per volume, nuclear fusion inside the Sun's core generates less energy than a 100W incandescent bulb.
It is quite possible that we will never be able to achieve controlled nuclear fusion on Earth's conditions.
abolish their welfare
let the citizens have guns to defend themselves
bolsonaro will fix this
okay bro, technology changes all of the time
Someday we will reach nature's limits. Science was a lot about discovering what we cannot do.
Time will tell, though I'm not optimistic.
You know absolutely nothing though but okay.
Then let me link someone that does know something.
we don't know what we can do yet
Yes user, your attention span can't cope with anything bigger than Yea Forums memeposting.
Let me do the TL;DR for you: space colonization is not feasible even with nuclear fusion or antimatter as energy sources.
This is just my fucktard opinion but the point to which we've gotten was a fluke. The hope that one day we'll become space-faring species is just delusional wishful thinking by atheists who traded the Bible's promise of paradise to Foundation's promise of space.
One day some cataclysm will wipe us out, or almost so, and like the dinosaurs became chickens and kiwis, we will regress to something lesser. That will be the way of things.