Hey tv are there any good movies about social media besides that one about Facebook and zuckberg
Hey tv are there any good movies about social media besides that one about Facebook and zuckberg
>that one about Facebook and zuckberg
Pick one.
>"Ya giving my info to corperate to sell and monetize me is so awesome"
I have plenty of friends and 0 social media. You don't need that shit bros
social media is cancer
I'm a creep I'm a weirdo what the hell am i doing here I don't belong here.
Oh boy, yet another twitter thread regarding a tweet posted by a literally who that barely got any attention and that will probably get more attention in this thread than in Twitter himself.
Time to be outraged, fellow millennials.
Hey tv are there any other good movies about jannies?
Wait, what the fuck?! THIS ISN'T MOVIES! YOU TRICKED ME!
Dog filter. Scratch that, any instagram filters.
Eighth Grade
social media is for women
woman are despicable, that is, worthy of hatred and contempt.
>Warning Signs of latent homosexuality
Creating twitter screencap threads.
Yea Forums is social media
Nah, it's just all you millennials who are a generation of autismos.
The rest are fine.
categorically false
Yea Forums is for trannies
>no one had anything negative to say about the nature of woman until current year
The depravity of the lesser sex is a perennial truth.
Anti social media
good will hunting
>No Snapchat or Instagram... Not even a Facebook. He's a ghost, sir.
>records don't even list him present for prom
who is he talking to anyway? if the person doesn't have social media then this dude is literally talking to himself and shouting into the ether at an "opponent" that doesn't even share the same space as him
tfw don't even have a cell phone
searching was really good, although it focuses on a kidnap, the screenplay and the tell through internet is amazing
No, it's men and women got along fine in other generations.
It's you millennials who are throwing an autistic fit of rage over
All of you who were born between 1985 and 1995, kill yourselves already, you are just a bunch of dysfunctional autists.
lmao you fucking npc
stop larping as a boomer
Really like this girl, really pale and her moaning is cute.
No, I'm 20, i'm gen Z.
Even I understand what being an adult is, why can't any of you?
The 2010s were your chance to have the cultural spotlight, and all you did was turn politics into a goddamn joke full of autistic screeching over how many niggers there are in shitty superhero movies.
Why do you millennials refuse to grow up?
>All of you who were born between 1985 and 1995
Everybody born after 1933 should kill themselves
>i am a corporate tool and everyone who isn't is crazy/weird/creepy
yeah, that's a yikes from me
>zero social media
>unironic waifufag
>still have a large group of socially acceptable friends
Why are you crying?
>be 20 years old
>computers exist
>internet exists
>still bluepilled hard
Zoomers most retarded generation
What do redpilled people do, pretend internet shitposting is going to save the world?
Millennials haven't done anything but make an ass out of themselves. The entire generation will probably get memory holed.
After all, all millennials have done is be given a perfect world and try their best to ruin it by screeching over dead ideologies like nazism and communism.
i don't get it. does not having any of those things make you a creep? because i don't have any of those things.
what you consider socially acceptable is probably bottom of the barrel to most people
Who is she, my fellow weeb
Unironically every normie female I talk to who finds out I'm not on social media thinks it's a little odd at first, but eventually concedes it's smart to not be wrapped up in petty bullshit 24/7 and actually communicating with people. Also the single ladies like knowing you're not easily accessible to other bitches. Literally only zoomer soiboys are this obsessed with social media.
You’re going to have the exact opposite views in 5-10 years when you get more experience in the world mate
How do you get a cute girl in 2019 without at least having a Facebook? All these dating websites require it. Also most women will in fact think there's something wrong with you if you don't at least have a Facebook.
Mobile phone number, after you meet her and approach in real life.
Nothing sadder than a conservative teenager.