Being famous and having lots of money is actually..... BAD!

>Being famous and having lots of money is actually..... BAD!

ITT post movie premises that you're tired of.

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name ONE (1) movie that does this

If it's actually good why haven't you done it, user?

You've never seen a movie where people are rich, famous and depressed?

What? Read the OP again.

So here’s the problem with your thread premise: You’re trying to apply your outsider looking in personality to this scenario but it’s highly unlikely that you would behave the same way if you had become rich and famous in the entertainment industry in your early 20s.

that pika is qt

name ONE (1) movie that does that

Less Than Zero

its only bad if youre a dumbass who keeps airing out dirty laundry

there are plenty of rich people who get to keep their dignity because they never smoked crack in highschool or had relationships with crazy people. hell they could have but still be smart enough to keep shit in wraps

Any Korean movie, sometimes japanese and chinese movies.

do you mean as a bad experience or morally wrong?

Pretty good.

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>movie is about a guy who's depressed and unsatisfied with his life
>he feels this way despite having a wife/gf

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Citizen Kane

>guy is suppose to a social outcast and freak
>has sex multiple times

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It's not even just movies. TV shows that have the 'switching lives' episode where one of the characters gets to be a famous actor are so blatant about it when it's just having to do an ungodly unrealistic number of takes.

>there's a montage in another language

Having loads of money is never bad, however being famous can be a nightmare if you don't know how to handle that.

Characters never know how to handle that because A) that's the conflict the plot revolves around and B) we can't let the proles understand how to game the system

I know, it's such a curse sometimes.

This is why I hate scrubs. JD is an awkward nerdy ugly fuck yet women are constantly throwing themselves at him. BULLSHIT

He's a doctor, user.

> White men are evil
> Blacks are saints

Everybody knows niggers are subhuman

"Somewhere" (2010) directed by Sofia Coppola

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>> White men are evil
>> Blacks are saints

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>The protagonist isn't actually the protagonist of the story.

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You are a qt