Well there you have it Yea Forumsbros
Well there you have it Yea Forumsbros
sounds pretty gay
wtf im not sexist now
>giving a solitary fuck about the motives of characters in a movie based on a comic book
You are now aware that you live in a world, a terrifying world, where there are people right this moment who use terms such as "canon" and "cinematic universe" when talking about films and television shows. A terrifying world where imagined characters on a screen are required, according to those who discuss them, to adhere to "ground rules" set out by the creators of said-characters. A terrifying world where those that discuss these characters and their actions, are actually enraged if said-characters deviate from the mannerisms expected of them, the mannerisms that may have initially been set in the pages of a comic book.
Think about that. A comic book. For children. Yes, pictures and words on the same page, which are meant to be read by children, that are actually read by adults. Adults who then bicker and express their frustration at film-adaptations of these comic books not being "faithful". Faithful to a comic book. That's supposed to be read by young children. This is your world. This is the world of capeshit.
Terrifying, isn't it?
Yeah we get it. Carol is super special and awesome and any time she isn't on screen the Avengers should be asking "Where's our leader Captain Marvel?"
Is Stormbreaker Thor's manager?
She seems to have access to a time machine, but will Carol be angrier and louder?
literally who
>simpsons reference
>acting like he's above capeshit
He called her a battle ax?
But she likely doesn't even know what it is or that it will almost certainly be capable of killing her. She thinks she's all but immortal. The ass-kicking Thanos gives her will be the first she's ever truly endured as a super hero.
Of course she stands her ground. She's taken all comers. She thinks she always will. That's hubris, and unworthy of respect.
blank fucking autism stare
This is why I hate that movie. Brie can be a cunt and still make a good movie. But that the entire theme was the childishly entitled notion of 'I ain't got to prove nothing to no one' is... how does any adult think that's a something to teach children?
Dhe Master And Natalia
>Marvel History X
Imagine hanging on to the notion that there are objective criteria of pleasure that happen to stroke your ego trip
How many movies after Tony Stark is phased out do they do a 180 and drop her flat ass? I say 2. First one they'll just brush off as a fluke but when the second one bombs her career is literally going to disappear.
>stood her ground by not reacting to a giant hammer flying dangerously close to her head
Based, not reacting to threats is powerful or something
Stornk Females characters don't have hubris sweetie reality just bends to their will
What expression is she trying to convey here?
Wait a minute. Brie Larson doesn't have blue eyes ! The artist made a mistake !
Why is romance in mainstream movies so cold and asexual? There's not a single relationship in any bug recent movies that made me think "Yes, those two actually love and desire each other"
I hope she kills Thanos with ease. I want her character to destroy everything so we can end capeshit for good like Star Wars.
Marvel is not that dumb.
Based af
damn...it's clever and subtle writing like this that makes the comic book super hero genre so popular
> Black Widow: Was trained to be a killer from childhood, made unable to have kids, lost her humanity and had to regain it, lives with the guilt of having killed many.
> Scarlet Witch: Lost her country, lost her parents, lost her brother, had to murder the man she loves, then witnessed him get killed again, as well feeling guilt for her past actions, and also living as a fugitive and feared by people.
> Captain Marvel: Her dad wouldn't let her play baseball, was gaslighted, and Yon Rogg wouldn't let her use her full power.
ya know I never thought of it that way. pretty based if you think about it
Not at all
Thor wanted to show her his new weapon, he even says 'I like this one' as in he likes his new Axe.
It's true.
Captain, where's your manager?
Wouldn't it have been more impressive if she caught it or something? Just standing there seems like something a lot of people would do just because what the fuck else are you going to do when Thor calls his hammer? I've yet to see anyone really get out of the way or gasp or freak out or whatever, especially other heroes.
Somebody tell me what the fuck I'm missing.
>I merely smiled at an Asgardian God then he said he likes me. To live life as a woman is to live life on the defense
oh captain my captain
Brie Larson is going to ruin that movie
>he even says 'I like this one' as in he likes his new Axe.
OmG sO fUckin powerFul lol like Omggg I'm fucKing cummInnggg oMg muh fuggIn wOmaNz poweR ohhHh FuckKK
As a man, am I allowed to watch this movie?
Let's talk capekino lads
I dont know whats more pathetic
The fact the people care so much about this or the fact that someone made that picture to explain something that doesnt need explaining
Avengers Endgame trailer ending explained
Avengers Endgame trailer: HISHE when
It wasn't made for you. I want to know what the crippled transsexual black with downs syndrome thinks.
Extremely based and redpilled nearing four-digit IQ pasta
Just don't forget to tip Roberta and donate blood to failed dilation victims
She's so irrelevant they had to make this scene.