Any kino about nigger """""""""""""""""""presidents""""""""""""""""""" who illegally wiretap the homes of private citizens who happen to be running for president against their chosen trainwreck candidate and is now going to jail? No, I ain't gonna ask the faggots over at /pol/
Any kino about nigger """""""""""""""""""presidents""""""""""""""""""" who illegally wiretap the homes of private...
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Haven't seen this one in a little while. Where you been?
formerly commander in chief
>tfw it's actually true now
what the fuck went so wrong bros
Based king nigger poster
What are some films about crimes committed by the Obama administration?
Good to have you back
oh yeah we're just two humble CEOs ya know
as a single parent of two children I'm supposed to be making $260k? WTF?
>is now going to jail?
>Nixon wiretaps his political opponent's hotel room
>entire country chimps out and he has to resign to avoid impeachment
>Obama wiretaps the entire country, including his political opponent
>nobody bats an eye and Democrats unironically spout "muh scandal-free presidency"
was this guy really the president? Like i have the word president associated with his face in my mind but that doesn't seem right. Of America? How come it feels like that didn't happen?
Because he's a monkey. It's only going to get worse from here.
probably not going to serve time but the media is starting to turn the narrative to save themselves
How was it possible that this nigger ruined decades of race relations and relations with common Americans?
Bush opened the floodgates for wiretapping everyone with the Patriot Act. that's how Obunga got away with it
>Nothing in Mueller report
>CPL is probably going to prison
>SPLC president had to step down foe being racist and sexist
>Jews and Kebabs getting ready to bomb each other some more in Gaza
>Former CIA chief John O. Brennan Crying
>HRC Emails released
>child porn extradition doj
>Court docs announce NXIVM leader was a pedophile and produced child porn
>Avenatti arrested
>Allison Mack in news again
>Rachel Chandler in news again
>New Zealand shooting FF
>Mark Geragos fired and is going to jail with Avenati for the same wire fraud and was the lawywer on the NXIVM Case.
>Nunes suing Twitter
>FISA warrant will be declassified
>Barr saying journalists will be arrested as a "last resort"
>Trump saying treason was committed and that the deep state has done evil things
>Sarah Huckabee Sanders saying committing treason could lead to death penalty
What is SPL and SPLC?
they both need to be in prison
The Southern Poverty Law Center is a (((civil rights organization))) that needs to track the nonwhite percentage of the population by decade in America and Europe for (((some reason))).
Sneed's Peed and Leed
I literally fucking love you. Never stop fighting, OP.
What are some films about about promising to prosecute people to win an election and then admitting it was an empty ploy three weeks later?
>Daniella Diaz