>groans in delight
Groans in delight
>so... han solo
Reminder they spent 15 Million on this shit.
>another gross alien fucked that thing so luke could drink his gross blue alien goo
praise wosh!
i hate rian johnson so god damn much
now I'm trying to picture how those things mate
its mouth looks like a flacid dick
do you think multiple males inseminate or just one? do you think it gapes?
I'd rather see Sheev naked desu
I honestly feel really bad for Mark Hamill. Can you imagine his elation when he found out he would be in the new star wars and his soul shattering when he saw the final film? It was his legacy and it all went to shit.
I hope the money he got gives him some comfort.
someone post the webm
My dad works at Disney.
He says that in the first draft, it was an animal version of a fat guy in leather bondage gear who pushed out turds into Luke's "picnic" basket.
They decided on this thing instead because it was more disrespectful.
>implying Luke didn’t knock it up personally
I fucking hate how human-like its nipples are. Couldn't they make it look more like cow udders?
one the one hand I feel bad for him, on the other hand until he goes full Mel Gibson he sort of deserves it for being a good goy.
Rian has to have some kind of fetish, no? why else would he go to such insane lengths?
Rian Johnson and Kathleen Kennedy are both gentiles you spastic retard.
jewpilled gentiles. what's the difference?
subverted your expectations, didn't it?
You don't even know what the word gentile means.
Yes yes it did.
Now I have tit fuck fantasies about space cows.
Just like godamn Bill... Bill Cosby
no, they're shabbos goys working for (((Disney)))
Luke’s expression after milking and drinking it always kills me.
>”god fucking damm this alien milk is the shit”
Why would you feel sad about a rich famous celebrity
Like a hobo on sweet wine.
here you go, confident retard:
I don't know, empathy?
I think this scene is pretty cool. I enjoy concepts of human / alien relationships like this. Star Wars has been lacking in the alien department IMO
alien/human crossbreeding is biologically possible in the SW universe.
Why would you feel empathy for a rich famous celebrity?
Mark Hamill: "oh no my legacy in a children's film whatever shall I do? *buys yacht*"
wage-slave user working his ass off to get even 1/100th of what Mark Hamill has: "Oh no that poor man! I better post about this online asap! *sucks his boss' cock*"
the only good alien is a dead one
>alien/human crossbreeding is biologically possible in the SW universe.
Perhaps, if you're below a certain midiclorian treshold.
I don't get it. she looks like a regular twi-lek.
Human-twi'leks have vitiligo
K, temptation to knock one up gone.
Can any students of the art of film making explain the purpose of the sloth scene?
la extraterrestre...
Rian thought it was funny so they put it in
This. Here's another hybrid though he just looks human.
where are you getting all these pictures of hideous children?
Isaac and Rebekah's two sons were both 'gentiles' or nations.
now that's an atrocidad
What's wrong user? You don't like alien biology? Just relax. Roll with it. Think of all the young children gradually learning about sex and their sexuality watching their laser space wizards show.
Yeah but I don't care about that user.
tfw sheev got the last laugh
Because I can imagine myself in Mark Hamill's place, and feeling shitty because some corporate mongoloid ruined something that meant the world to me.
Sure he has it better than most people, but he feels pain too and he looks like a decent guy, so why would I be prevented feeling bad for him just because someone has a shittier life?