Why is he such a grumpy old bastard? He literally hates everything.
Why is he such a grumpy old bastard? He literally hates everything
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he makes gay soĆ½toons for homosexuals and delinquent weedsmoker women
of course he will feel inferior to literally anything
Hes a senile boomer thats upset about the world not being the way he wanted it and also treats his son like shit.
I still like his movies though
Someone post that gif where he sees some horror animated creature from a game and he calls it an "insult to life itself" and that he is "deeply offended"
Honestly thought it was a dick move. I could understand he has a friend with a motor disease but what the fuck does that have to do with 3d animated TEST footage?
The best thing he couldve done was advise the direction they SHOULD be taking. Instead he reveals his boomer self. Pathetic really.
ITT: angry weebs
>He literally hates everything
My god, he's us.
what a fucking prick
He's an extremely successful Japanese boomer, once a Japanese achieves some degree of international fame, they start thinking their peers are inferior.
that's pretty based if you ask me
AI is fucking shite
the sad thing is that because of their culture they have to respect what he says because he is an oldfag even though he is full of shit
>AI is fucking shite
Spoken like a true boomer
holy kek
>that's pretty based if you ask me
>AI is fucking shite
this he BTFOd them good
>stop insulting Islam
What did he mean by this?
He's a luddite impressionist coming from a nation that was brainwashed ny its government and then nuked for pretensions of industrial and divine power. I mean just imagine how mentally ill he must be.
because anime actually was a mistake
Miyazaki likes to throw about horrible indictments of anything he sees, but he's totally blind to his own actions. His last movie was about thedesigner of Japan's Imerial war planes becoming okay with designing machines of death because design is his passion. He's a sad forgetful boomer (from the country that got boomed no less)
you have seen the same video right?
Yes I have smartfuck. And hes 100% wrong.
those poor bastards
he browses Yea Forums
He based
He is annoyed he came second in the annual "Japanese Burt Reynolds in Boogie Nights Lookalike Contest"
Got too high profile to fuck kids. At first he thought could do it just fine and it was good for him, but now he just resents his life direction and all round him that brought his success.
lol fuck him
A plane isn't a weapon until you strap a weapon on it. Well, except in imperial Japan.
fuck off with the 'feminism' bullshit
Yes I agree fuck Miyazaki for putting feminism in his movies
>what a fucking prick
you mean the chubby asian who opens his mouth instead of apologizing profusely and exiting quickly, right?
By that standard he shouldve also made a biopic on Bohr or Oppenheimer.
this is NOT what i meant
look at the absolute state of anime now. Just shitty humor, stupid facial expressions, looking up girls skirts, characters moaning and grunting for 90% of the episodes
so you like feminism?
last good anime was 8 years ago
no it's trash. women shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Miyazaki's feminism is about the only decent feminism I've ever seen put into practice. His female protagonists are actual believable girls, not just insecure imitation of male cliches or overcompensating mary sues.
The rest are good things, fag. Only pacifism is negotiable in times of trouble.
So having cool women in a story equals feminism now? You know some landwhale womyn wrote this.
imagine showing this retarded ragdoll vibrating across the floor and expecting any other reaction
Not him, but nobody's going to be impressed by your ill spirited bias
He's the the one living filmmaker that is still true to his values and still makes box offices blockbusters. ''no violence in my movies'' he lives and dies by that gospel. There's no one else like him.
Probably referring to Mufti Gosling.
Yes women belong in the kitchen and have the primary role of taking care of children. Everything that says otherwise is on a spectrum of bad (feminism).
you're on the spectrum
you smell like fish
honestly understandable reaction
it's contrary to everything he's ever worked on
it clashes completely with his old school style of animation and his drawing style
his body of work is all about highlighting beauty in the world and nature in a carefully presented way, and then you show him this garbage looking moving thing? I don't know why they even bothered
If you never read Nausicaa manga you are a pleb forever.
>no violence in my movies
I'll have you know that I shower everyday.
Have you never seen Princess Monokoe? Lmfao, how the fuck are those believable girls?
it's because you smell like fish
Is this an argument? Its just empty bullshut.
Maybe the spectrum of genius
also nausicaa hentai where she gives birth to insect babies
It is when the guns are integrated into the airframe and the design contract is for the Imperial Navy.
>imagine being this cucked
Have sex sweetie.
okay dude I swear I do not smell like fish please stop making up things to make me look bad.
He just has better taste than you.
Did he insult some trash you like?
They aren't. But neither is the male hero. It's a very mythological feeling film once it gets to the forest. Everyone's power level is earned in the context of the story.
Mononoke is the beast-man trope and represents the wild in relatable human form. Like Enkidu or Conan. Lady Eboshi is like the avatar of humanity and technological society. The giant wolf is a giant wolf (with a vagina).
There have been way tougher girls than eboshi and san is emotionally fragile as fuck,and never actually wins a fight,also the formerly prostitute girls are really just workers as well as people raised in an envirement that didnt treat them like muh little princess,so of course they wont be dumb staceys
women just aren't good at anything does deal with with cooking cleaning or raising children. it doesn't make you an incel to state the obvious. If you can't take this red pill maybe you should try reddit.
>who ever creates this has no idea what pain is or whatsoever
>*almost in tears*
>This is just our experiment
seems like someone learned a little bit about pain today.
Have you seen spirited away and My neighbor totoro? They're one of the most realistic children put on screen.
I can smell your vagina from here
I'm torn, one one hand the new guard is trying something new and trying to be creative and are proud of what they've accomplished. It's exactly where he was decades ago with experimenting.
On the other hand, this looks like shit and I have no idea how it's applicable to what they're trying to achieve and he's right that it's inhuman at its very core.
He's pretty great for not placating them and talking them up, but the goddamn pain in their eyes seeing their hero dash their work aside is heartbreaking.
>no violence in my movies
Are you retarded?
>On the other hand, this looks like shit and I have no idea how it's applicable to what they're trying to achieve and he's right that it's inhuman at its very core.
Test footage looks like shit. Oh. My. God. What a fucking shock. Its as if its A FUCKING TEST
>He's pretty great for not placating them and talking them up, but the goddamn pain in their eyes seeing their hero dash their work aside is heartbreaking.
The fuckwit couldve pointed them in the right artistic direction. Instead he spergs out like boomer.
calm down
This post is a disgrace to conversation. Inhuman. Disgusting.