"Fucking genius"

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No, the rabbits were descended from the rabbits used for experiments.

Movie was a 6/10. It was good, but it wasn't as good as Captain Marvel.

That's what I thought Peele was thinking but it's still a dumb fucking idea. Rabbits aren't a "self-sufficient" food source. You don't get 20 pounds of rabbit from 10 pounds of rabbit without constantly feeding them.

lol look up rabbit poisoning this chick is real fuckin dumb bro

>self sufficient
How? What do the rabbits eat? They reproduce and then live long enough to reproduce without ever eating?

Whats the tax policy in the tunnel system?

I'm really confused by this. How would that mean they don't need food? What does she mean?


I liked the movie just for it's weirdness but they're some stuff I'm still trying to understand.

Were the dopplegangers a metaphor for generic everyday marginalized people that get forgotten by society or is there a deeper meaning I'm too dumb to understand?

What exactly are the rules of the dopplegangers? Sometimes they feel pain from the original but other times they don't? Sometimes they copy the original except when they don't?

Also I just assumed they used rabbits because
>Rabbits "multiply" a lot which signifies the growing numbers and threat of the dopplegangers
>Whatsherface (forgot her name) was slowly descending and uncovering the madness of the situation and the rabbits were a nod to Alice in Wonderland.

go back

It means she's a normie, and like most normie scum she's a fucking retard.

its a lot easier to just ship grass or leaves or lettuce than other food sources. plus one rabbit can give birth to 9 rabbits at a time and can get pregnant while pregnant. so you can sustain a lot more people without it being noticed. who's going to investigate leaves being taken. or whatever rabbits eat, like pellets are a dollar for a million

>good source of nutrition
lma fucking o

Lmao that's exactly what maduro was thinking when he did the rabbit thing.
Venezuela was a shitshow, but at least they'll be remembered as an example of everything you shouldn't do while running a country.

>Rabbits just reproduce infinitely with no food source needed

Everything in this movie felt so surface level.
>Did you know that 11:11 is about the end of the world and its also a mirror image of itself?! WOAH!
Okay? Yeah, I definitely didn't notice that the first 5 times it showed up.

>rabbits as a food source

There is literally a type of starvation based on eating rabbits because your body gets poisoned by the protein without any fat to go with it.

It was a literal descent down the rabbit hole. Really nice visuals, but this is very much a style over substance film. It honestly NEEDS the allegory angle because it really falls apart under its own weight.

Every reply is praising her and "omg mind blown! xD", Jesus

Judging by their living conditions, it appears as though they lived in a socialist society.

Buns are friends, not food

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Actor today confirmed that the rabbits were not meant to be seen as a food source because its not possible. They were there because of the experiments as rabbits breed super fast.


the girl i have a crush on has a rabbit i should make an excuse to meet it