Does Bill Maher have Alzheimer's?

Attached: maher alzheimers.jpg (994x1001, 128K)

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Why is his nose so large?

and what good is that TV when you can't reach the remote?

Attached: pain the great educator.jpg (1280x720, 207K)

Being a liberal must be suffering.
I'd feel bad if they didn't get off on it.

Putting all your faith into the muller report and then tossing it out when it doesn't say what they want is not a good look for democrats.

He has chronic and incurable TDS. Many such cases!

does he really get his news from here?
what a fag

He's a big supporter of Israel!

Attached: clinton-3.jpg (384x594, 28K)

the absolute state of jews

Attached: 1553303800867.gif (511x512, 105K)

would pay to play

I love this clip.

he's a nazi

Attached: NaziNoses.png (909x419, 443K)

I don't pay much attention to American talkshow hosts. He's being sarcastic, right?

Trump is literally jewish

Attached: drumpf.png (487x496, 269K)

>lalalala traitor traitor I can't hear you I can't hear you
the absolute state

this is a man that was still blaming the HS students from covington catholic a week after the video of how they were harrassed by literally insane cultists and an indian was widely circulated

I wonder what Colbert is going to say about this?
He built his entire career on the Russian narrative.

He's pandering to the boomers. He probably doesn't hate them considering his daighter is jewed but he wouldn't have gotten far with anything less than a pro-Isreal platform do to the brainwashed Christcuck evangelicals of the US

Attached: download (1).png (611x860, 95K)

is that hilldawg?

I mean sure, but he is correct

the baby is a fake jew, since the mother is goy

damn homie, in high school you was the man homie, what the fuck happened to you

Attached: based doggo.webm (1150x618, 2.1M)