Disney bought the tickets.
Disney bought the tickets
Was a full house when I went. About 2 to 1 boys to girls.
Do we have evidence? If we can prove that Disney compelled non-profits to purchase tickets we can get Iger charged with securities fraud.
how would we even get evidence for this?
Leaks? Hacks? Disgruntled IT incels working for sham charities?
by LARPing on /pol/ as the deep state
DCucks delusion has no limits
Full house last night in the X Plus cinema I went to. We all paid extra for the superior screen, sound and reclining seats.
It would just take anyone working at a theater to show how many tickets were purchased for Captain Marvel versus how many were claimed. Should be right in their order management software. Any theater with online order keeps track of it so that they can figure out how their concessions are doing compared to their ticket sales/theater occupancy.
That's why I don't believe any of this horseshit to begin with. If Disney was buying enough of its own tickets to bloat hundreds of millions in box office, theater owners would be the first to notice the huge discrepancy and call them out for it. Nobody's scared enough of Disney to let it slide, especially because their deal with the company for how much of a cut they get hinges on concessions more than any other studio in the first few weeks. Unless conspiratards want to turn around and say Disney is paying the theaters so they can recoup their losses, in which case, fucking why? To make incels salty online? Get the fuck out of here.
>theater owners would be the first to notice the huge discrepancy and call them out for it.
Disney is the only studio still producing movies that draw audiences. There's no way they'd bite the hand that feeds.
you don't because nobody is committing securities fraud over a capeshit movie. The risk/reward is way too skewed. Nobody is risking billions in fines just to dab on incels.
Inverse devil is right
That would mean they wouldn't make a profit and so why make the movie?
Fuck off nerds
>disney bought the tickets
Right and Trump colluded with Putin to win the 2016 election
I lost thirty mil, so I spent another thirty
'Cause unlike Suicide Squad, thirty million can't hurt me
Fucking insane, the fuck am I saying?
Not only am I fly, I'm fucking not playing
All these little dcucks too big for they britches
Burning they little cinematic universe, fucking ridiculous
>The risk/reward is way too skewed
when the reward is a billion a movie, yes. yes you do.
That's both untrue and fucking retarded. Aquaman just did extremely well. Us had one of the biggest weekends for a horror movie. Horror movies in general are doing very well.
>when the reward is a billion a movie
>when the studio, prior to this, has been making money hand over first, suddenly decides to risk everything -- careers, profits, public trust -- to make /pol/cels an hero.
I saw it twice in a 1000+ seat theater. Both times it was nearly sold out. Many groups of young women went to see it together. As well as couples on dates. Both times the audience erupted with cheers when Carol BTFO of Yong-whatever and says "I don't have to prove shit to you incel" or whatever it was. Movie was a 7/10
Incels can keep crying about their empty 100 seat flyover state theaters, and le disney conspracy, and making youtube vid on how it will fail because le white male won't see it. It's funny shit. Movie will make a billion in the next two weeks. It will stay in theaters until endgame and get even more screenings (like black panther). It will make about 1.1 Billion in total.
and then you woke up
>yfw you forgot how fucking retarded /pol/cels were
get woke... make a billion dollars box office
>its illegal to buy tickets
>yfw you still want kikes to pay
they're paying the homeless to hold in their shit for 2 hours in a theatre
Even if Disney wasn't too greedy to even consider this, which they are, they would've spent just enough money so it wouldn't be declared it a flop.
The notion that they would spend 3-400 million dollars so it could crack a billion and receive a little good PR is completely nonsensical.
Nice meme Chester, give us another
Not only here but EVERYWHERE, in China and all over the world. It's the only explanation that makes sense...