>"When I was a child the whole world was full of degeneracy. My father was a furry hunter. One of the brave men who protected society against degenerates who would harm it."
What did he mean by this?
"When I was a child the whole world was full of degeneracy. My father was a furry hunter...
This episode was fucking terrible.
>Hunts mythical monsters.
>Mythical monster is genuinely supernaturally dangerous in her ability to seduce men.
>Oh wait no she's actually misunderstood?
>She's dead.
>Here's her daughter who gets to live.
>British show up and are evil white men. There are literally no British women in the entire episode.
>They're all rapists.
>Suddenly magic steampunk shit everywhere.
>Suddenly sci-fi tier magic transhumanism.
>Protagonist makes a fox that hunts evil british men.
I have no idea what I was supposed to feel in this episode.
Wait, did someone actually make a full animation of that Ken Liu story?
lots of visible erect dicks in this one
was the writer a woman?
What do these even mean, beyond "Thing I don't like"?
Wahh, white men are portrayed negatively so its shit.
and yet you get mad when niggers, women and faggots write articles about being portrayed badly in media.
/pol/tards have no self awareness
I don't get why he couldn't live with his fox friend, I mean, since she lost her powers she couldn't seduce him anymore
They did indeed
Open a fucking dictionary
her powers never seduced anyone user, pay closer attention next time.
>implying bug chasers, scat fetishists, and furries are okay
that's what I'm saying, why let her be a hooker then
Degenerate is an adjective, so the definition won't help me when the word is being used as a noun, beyond "one that is degenerate", which doesn't help.
Who are they hurting?
Can provide a source that objectively demonstrates that?
he cant choose how she lives her life user, without her magic all she had was her looks, she wanted to remain independent(as far as a prostitute can be, i guess)
and now she will have to live on his expenses on top of being a vigilante anyway
Jesus fucking christ. DICTIONARY. READ IT.
>immoral or corrupt person
This is subjective, it's doesn't help at all to nail down what is specifically described as"degenerate".
>being this retarded
> making excuses for it
Both degenerates and their enablers get the rope user
Yeah, I can't imagine crusading against "degeneracy" but being unable to name a single, specific, "degenerate" thing. Pretty pathetic honestly.
Their families. They may as well be dead when they're that far gone.
You're fat fingers couldn't even tie a noose.
Fortunately you have OP's post to clear that up for you. Furries. Furries are what are specifically described as degenerate. Do you need me to walk you through the rest of the english language?
Being a disappointment to your parents isn't harming them.
Kek, instead of starting a relationship with her childhood beta friend she rather became a whore.
Just like woman in real life.
Why do they need to be crusaded against? Just ignore them like normal adults.
Who's crusading? What does crusading mean? That's an adjective and I can't imagine exactly what you mean in this scenario, also you aren't giving examples and I'm too much of a fucking mongoloid to understand basic English terms.
Crusade is not an adjective.
Incorrect. When you sink 18 years of sacrifice into raising someone you hope for better than that if you have a functioning mind. Imagine doing your best for years hoping there's some good in the world and ending up with a furry son. That is pain.
He doesn't have to, user.
Plenty of others will be happy to do it in his place.
It is not "harm" in the moral sense, such as murder or robbery. Also lots of people disappoint their parents without being a furry, you should know.
Holy shit. Now you're finally getting at something that could be mistaken for an informed question. They grow up so fast. I'm so proud of you. Get out there and ask the hard questions others are afraid to ask.
The story would have been much better if it had just focused the father son duo hunting furries and developing their relationship.
You haven't been paying attention if you think it's the physical pain that truly gets to people and makes them lament the suffering of life. Regardless of other disappointments being a furry is still far, far deeper down the gutter to literally everyone, bordering on irredeemable.
I just want to know what happened to the merchant's son. Did he ever find love again or was fox pussy too good?
Love, Death, & Robots my man.
Fuck off, newfag. You were clearly never around Yea Forums a decade+ ago.
Was curious about this too. When he was in bed was he just having a wet dream or was it actual magic?
...yes, you brainlet, and neither was degenerate in the context you originally started talking about it. See how that works? Jesus wept, how can someone be this dense?
It's hard to shove rape and the evils of civilized white men into a wholesome father-son story.
Degenerate is most commonly used as an adjective. Crusade is never used as one.
>Jesus wept, how can someone be this dense?
I think that's my line.
"Yes, very clever, user, for a furry."
>You haven't been paying attention if you think it's the physical pain that truly gets to people and makes them lament the suffering of life.
Must be nice to have the worst thing in life be having a furry child.
It really is worse than having a murderer or a rapist as a child.
Furries are banned from almost half the hotels in the country. The only people who even think about them anymore are "oldfags" like you who still sperg out over something that has never affected you in any tangible way, other then your own self-induced rage.
You can believe that, but you are wrong.
I do believe that and i am right. You should jump off a bridge, furfag.
Do you really need proof that the spread of AIDS is bad for society?
I'm not a furfag, but I'd be much happier if child was at least free and happy furry, instead of a jailed for life rapist or murderer.
It's genuinely one of the most humiliating outcomes possible for your children. They're spoken of like suicides and rightfully so.
>Im not a furry, but im totally okay with defending them
Nobody is buying that. End yourself.
>Maybe getting autistically angry about furries is dumb and a waste of time
>No u furry
Only furries would ever defend furries. This is a fact. Its a natural reaction to hate them.
I don't like furries or want to defend them. I just think talking about how much you hate them and jerking off about an imaginary "purge" is just as weird and stupid.
You are here defending them, this makes you an associate, thus you and your kind will face the same fate as they do on the day of the rope.
>they blew the fuck out of my mental disease, better act like I'm a disinterested observer
Yiff in hell furfag.
This is what I mean, this LARPing shit is so cringey.
End yourself.
furries also ruined good things like disney's robin hood or talespin
This. Classic animated works intended to bring joy to children and nostalgia to adults have instead become associated with furry degeneracy.
>He can't even watch Disney movies without thinking of furries
Get some help user
If you wont, i will. You will not be the first one who suffers for being a furry in my hands.
>Magic is disappearing because there is too much technology
>Magic creature is stuck in her human form and opts to become a hooker
>Hooker meets a powerful influential guy who wants to fuck robots and gets turn into a powerful cyborg
>Chinaman turns her into a character from Beast Wars
What the fuck
Whatever makes you sleep at night. But just know this, there will be a time when you will wake up with a noose around your neck.
Yeah, it definitely went off the rails toward the end. Honestly I think it would have been better if the boy had ended up hunting new machine monsters the way his father had hunted spirits.
People were not pissed about IRL furries you incompetent fuck. It's the fact that they spammed and took over boards/forums. Just like MLP.