Joan of Arc - Black hair and blue eyes

>Joan of Arc - Black hair and blue eyes
>Anne Frank - Brown hair and blue eyes
>Olga Nikolaevna Romanov - Chesnut hair and blue eyes
>Tatiana Nikolaevna Romanova - Auburn hair and blue eyes
>Maria Nikolaevna Romanova - Brown hair and blue eyes
>Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova - Brown hair and blue eyes
>Kitty Genovese - Black hair and blue eyes
>Sylvia Likens - Brown hair and blue eyes
>Junko Furuta - Black hair and blue eyes

What is it about the combination of dark hair and blue eyes that makes so many /his/fags' " dicks hard?

Attached: kaya scodelario.jpg (3630x2722, 441K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Best Skins girl.

Attached: effy.jpg (853x481, 75K)

>only censors nude floating around and not the full version


seems /his/ has good tastes

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>IMAGINE waifuing a thot with a kid

>ywn save any of them

Attached: Civil War Fort Battle.jpg (1000x915, 294K)

hmmh even her nude selfies are tasteful

the real wait is for the Gemma Arterton masturbation and dirty talk video and the Kate Beckinsale pics

>>Anne Frank - Brown hair and blue eyes
there's no color photos prove it

when did this gappen

Attached: Tower_of_london_812.jpg (2592x3888, 2.19M)

very recent, many of these have turned out to be true and gemma and kaya have promos going around

Attached: chrome_UgMpt0VI0w.png (579x431, 58K)

When it's a legit white girl, it's not really "black" hair. It's just very dark. If you compared it to a Japanese person's hair, it would be obviously lighter.

That said, whatever the proper name for that color hair, near-black hair/light eyes/pale skin is the most kino phenotype. If a girl's overall attractive, hair color isn't a big deal though.

I will say that the most common medium to slightly light brown hair are the least interesting/attractive. Blonde, dark red, and near black hair are more attractive.

oh man, the day I see the Arterton and Hayley Atwell leaks will be one of the happiest days of my life.

Attached: gilmore-girls-alexis-bledel-lauren-graham-rory-lorelai-hot-dvdbash25.jpg (720x885, 250K)

> Hayley Atwell

good news, there is a pic of 18 year old atwell covering her tits and its confirmed to be her by atwell herself

Arterton in Byzantium is one of the sexiest women I've ever seen. She's freaky hot.

Attached: anne frank6.jpg (500x485, 33K)

Those 2 are my most wanted. Especially Kayla.

Good shit, but I hope there is more.

btw in this pic Hayley is really a fucking 10/10

Attached: Hayley Atwell prom 18 years old.png (507x913, 689K)

superior white ADN

Attached: toptier1335270788495.jpg (960x692, 44K)

Any pregnant nudes of celebs?


actually a legit 10/10

>skinny enough for her ribcage to show

>thot with a kid
>>married and had her first child at age 24

She's got her life more in order than 90% of Hollywood you fucktard

Attached: 13658332_189431968139332_1843830412_n.jpg (984x984, 78K)

It's a god tier combo, for both men and women

I feel sorry for people with brown eyes. They're so soulless in comparison

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are we looking at the same person?
oh wait, you're an ugly western whiteoid with deranged sense of beauty and everyone around him is ugly as well

neta alchimister

>actually a legit 10/10
he doesn't know


>I feel sorry for people with brown eyes. They're so soulless in comparison
Yeah, I bet Gemma Arterton and Ben Affleck (in his Chad days) cry themselves to sleep every night... Beautiful people are beautiful people; hair/eye color plays little role. They just elevate a 9/10 to a "10/10" depending on your preference.

Literally everyone on that list died prior to the advent of color photography so there's no way to prove any of them had blue eyes.

you can have the blondest/blackest/redess, bluest/greenest eyes in the world and you can be fat and ugly and it means fuck all, its a good bonus if youre attractive

Yes, but why?

What makes it so beautiful?

Attached: AnneFrank_001-ALT.jpg (687x1117, 531K)

Dark hair, olive toned, light eyes. Look up classic beauty standards of Ancient Greece and Rome. That is the ideal. The SJWs of today are trying to twist it into some bizarro shit.

For me it's Madeline Stowe in Last of the Mohicans when she's tied of with her hair loose.

Attached: MV5BNzRmMTQ5ZWMtYTNhMC00MGUzLWJjM2QtNjcyMGY2YTUzZTBiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjM0ODM0NDk@._V1_.jpg (1000x725, 113K)

green and blue and green/blue eyes are better looking regardless of how attractive a person is, and I wouldn't mate with a brown eyed girl, but I've seen a couple beautiful women with light brown eyes. Dark brown eyes are unfortunate, but if a girl is hot, light brown eyes can work just fine.

fake and gay

You have to get a girl first before you get choosy

>olive toned
I wouldn't refuse a hot olive toned girl, but milky white skin is heavenly.

I've been with 15-20 women. Lost count. Sorry if you're having trouble getting women.


Agreed, especially when it has a bit of a pink/reddish hue in certain areas

>hair/eye color plays little role
eyelet detected

how do i get a green eyed greek beauty girl?

what makes them swoon?
i see a model girl on instagram that lives like 15 mins away and i want to wife her

Attached: 1530220939768.jpg (690x579, 49K)

Yeah, look at this hideous creature...

Attached: Gemma Art.webm (1920x800, 2.69M)

actually vomit-inducing

notice how they have her close her eyes for most of it. there's a reason for that, eyelet.

>whatever the proper name for that color hair
It's just dark brown/brunette

its not fake you fag, there is 20+ pics

Damn user, you're gonna make Ben even more depressed if you tell him the truth about his hideous face!

Attached: giphy.gif (540x220, 647K)

yes, ben affleck is ugly, eyelet

>tfw my eyes are grey

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Damn, he could’ve been a chad, but he’s an eyelet

Kaya got molested as a child :^(

I'm firmly anti-dark brown eyes, but Arterton is a sex goddess. You've gone too far in your bias.

t. the reason non-whites are allowed to exist in white countries

you are weak.

Okay anons. I'll go gather Affleck, Bale, Arterton and Atwell and burn them alive alongside myself, for being genetic failures. Sucks desu, but what can (you) do, right?

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Greek women act unapproachable. It’s their thing. Dads raise them to have a princess complex. But they want it as much as any other woman. The ones who are still back in the motherland are better. They’ll cook for you too. Greek-Americans are spoiled brats.
t. Greek guy

>dark brown eyes
>dark brown hair
>in the sun hair is golden orange
am i turning into trump?

Attached: 1525649625486.jpg (640x492, 40K)

cheers mate, we don't want you lot existing

all the best girls do

ive fucked 3 girls all into weird shit like knives against their throats, being choked out, having their asses borderline fist fucked. 2 were groomed and molested by older men aged 10-15 and 1 heavily hinted at it and mentioned various things like it

There's only one way to find out.

Attached: Trump covfefe china.png (379x960, 488K)

>Greek-Americans are spoiled brats
yeah the girl im e-stalking has the traditional thot clothing wear (gucci shit all over) and it makes my dick rock hard

im not sure how i can make her love me though

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>Natalie Portman (full nude)

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This disgusts me

Don't ask stupid questions

Attached: Anne Frank x University Greys.jpg (2147x2997, 1.04M)

>tfw was one of first trump supporters
>only liked him because people made fun of his hair
>i have the same exact hair style so it felt like a personal attack on me

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Money and designer clothes will do it. Good luck bro. What’s her IG if you don’t mind sharing? Just wanna look lol

>Anglos have a percentage of brown eyes second only to the Meds
>Ben Franklin considered only Anglos white, and Meds honorary whites, thinking N*rds and G*rmanoids were impure
>N*rds and G*rmanoids are the only ones pushing the "muh blue eyez" meme
When did you realize (((they))) have been diluting the meaning of whiteness all along?

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You're out of control man. I don't want nonwhites anywhere near me, but I would live in Arterton's orifices if I could. But yeah, she'd be more beautiful with blue/green eyes.



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S'Okay NORD BVLL. Imma remove myself massa.

Attached: AmazingAtheist.jpg (800x450, 38K)

Gaels have the highest level of white eyes outside of Scandinavia. And Benny boy certainly had no issue with the Gael.

No, Anglos have one of the highest percentages of light eyes outside Scandinavia.

>I don't want non-whites near me
>but I wish I could live inside a non-white
silence. your eyes are forfeit. surrender the white man's oceanic windows to the soul and find yourself some shitstained irises instead.

Dark hair and light eyes contrast each other well. It's that simple.

Attached: fimmel.png (1296x1080, 1.95M)

not bad.

Lmao I don’t blame you

>Arterton isn't white
Okay. Carry on.

pipe down eyelet

It's a mystery

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georgian women were the most sought after for the hareems of Persian kings for millennia for their blue eyes and dark hair.

I have light green/light blue central heterochromia. And a massive Nordic forehead, and light blond hair (NOT light brown). I'm almost surely whiter than you. Sorry I think Arterton is very attractive.

>ITT: SEETHING Insecurelets
Imagine believing that eye and hair color are what determine whiteness!

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not anymore you dont. you gave all that up when you wanted an eyelet.

>whiter than you
pipe down yank, you're whiter than no european. not even the italians.

>half of the brown hair brown eyes men LITERALLY died a virgin

sorry about your brown hair. Must have some moorish genes. haha

Would love to have them tag team my dick
I am sure I am alone in this opinion

>says the literal mongrel from the land of the mutts
Pure-blooded Gaels have always had dark hair and light eyes.

yeah her vomiting on my dig from gagging

>spends the whole thread saying brown eyes make you nonwhite automatically
>b-bown h-hair is o-okay

Attached: 1553550583048.jpg (413x395, 67K)

imagine having a gag reflex so poor that it gets triggered by something that barely passes your teeth

ever tell em you understand why it happened?

dont forget pale skin, very important

Attached: 1489371874405.jpg (655x983, 112K)

You are an American mutt. You will NEVER be white. I understand that as a mutt, you don't understand what it's like to be a European, and so you don't understand what actually consitutes a white person, but you'd do well to stop embarrassing yourself by announcing your ignorance to the world.

it must suck to only get parenteral total nutrition

>You are an American mutt.
Try again, Sven.

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one of them wanted me to play a pedo and talk to her like she was 14, obviously i obliged


Attached: laughing.webm (960x540, 1.13M)

An absurd amount of women are into this. It usually manifests itself in the "daddy" shit.

lol what was that like
how did she feel about what happened?

>pipe down yank, you're whiter than no european. not even the italians.
>then backpedals
Okay Sven, you won... Don't you have to watch your sister get spitroasted by a bunch of niggers now? I assume she'll want you to record it for her.

Attached: 1540117994454.jpg (2047x2047, 227K)

>blue eyes

Honestly think you fags obsessed with race are pathetic, and race is likely the only positive trait you believe you have.

>might be a NEET
>with no hope of doing anything meaningful with my life
>but at least I'm white

Fuck off back to /pol/, the echo-chamber where you belong.

This is getting embarrassing. If you have brown hair, you're not as white as a blonde. Period. No matter how desperately you babble nonsense about Americans and Europeans.

Again, sorry you have brown hair and you're not as white as blonds.

was just a lot of dirty talking around her being 14 and a lot of mixing of disgusting and taboo talk about how good it was and how good she was for doing/liking it

pretty fun

Oh fuck off cunt. As if the Nordicists aren't bad enough. Go set up your daughter with the biggest, blackest nigger if you don't care about "race and shit".

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what actually happened "to her

she finished uni and went off to some mundane job in london, probably has some boyfriend now

Right, you realise that I said "not even Italians" so as to indicate that they aren't considered white and that yanks are even lower on the totem pole than them, yes? You Greeks are on the same level as Italian. Maybe even a rung lower because, well, look at you.

>fuck off back to /pol/
Ah, the eyelet is from reddit. What a shocker.

>Gaels are not whiter than Germans if the Germans are blonde
Gaels are literally the most famously white humans in the world. So white that they may as well be transparent. Can't step into the sun without burning to a crisp and so on.

Again, you yanks know nothing about whiteness. And you never, ever will. Mutt.

Attached: 664[1].jpg (752x395, 36K)

oh christ take it back to stormfront

pipe down mongrel, your betters are speaking.

i meant at 14 or whatev



Damn user, now I'm sad. Imma go kms to appease (you), Blue Eyed BVLL!

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hahhaaah you're a dumb mick. I'm an Anglo, so I'm better than you (and every other mick) in every way, ON TOP of being phenotypically and genetically whiter than you.

Again, you lack a giant nordic forehead and blond hair. You've really fucked up whatever nonsense you've tried to argue.

>muh fancy name for micks
hbahahaahaah. Loser culture of colonized brainlets.

oh, she said she was always a bit older for her age at 14 and met a 32 year old guy some how and they would text, meet up, he would give her cigarettes and alcohol and he would coerce her into jerking him off, sucking his dick and he would lick her out. eventually tried to fuck her in a borderline rape scenario where he tried to keep her in a room and smacked her around before she could escape home, they never charged the guy, and guess what shes was into? being smacked, tied up and tons of stuff like it

>ywn pull your peener out of Lorelai's turd cutter and then make Rory suck you off while you're still covered in her mom's ass juices

Attached: gilmore-girls-alexis-bledel-lauren-graham-rory-lorelai-hot-dvdbash10.jpg (2600x3140, 1.07M)

>I'm an Anglo
>genetically whiter than you

Attached: Matsu.gif (250x180, 954K)

Protip, mongrel. When you want to prove you're not a "loser culture of colonized brainlets". Don't spell "colonised" the way that the colonies spell it. Your own words are evidence that you are merely a colony. Good job.

heh women

I really don't care, and the fact that you focus so much on race is probably why you are such a miserable human being.

I don't care, and I'm better off mentally and emotionally for not doing so. Whereas fags like you rage through every day and night.

>I'm better off mentally and emotionally


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Have fun with niglets as your grandkids!

Attached: 1517083909723.gif (245x245, 2M)

I want you to fuck off because race is not the subject on Yea Forums, and you morons shit up every fucking board with your nonsense that belongs on /pol/.
I wouldn't care because they would be my grandchildren first and foremost.

>i wouldnt care
look at the utter sate of you. if your parents knew you wanted to toss away their family line that has been untainted for thousands of years, i bet they'd wish they'd aborted you.

>I wouldn't care because they would be my grandchildren first and foremost.
>my grandchildren first and foremost
>my grandchildren

Attached: 1549023161694.gif (322x178, 2.56M)

>Thinking shiting out a potato head is having your life in order
I can smell the inceldom from whatever shithole you are posting, bonus point for the Peterson book you probably jerkoff to.

this isnt real

yes it is
it came out and since then a lot of it has come true

>>Junko Furuta
Fuck you for reminding me, you are not ahwwwright

scherzinger, hyland, bell, maggie Q, olsen, larson have come out with gemme and kaya promos floating about, its not fake m8

this thread

Attached: 2dd.jpg (600x600, 40K)

They know I don't care about race, largely because they don't care. That might be hard to understand, but that is my reality.

I was raised to judge individuals on their own individual merits, and it has worked pretty well for me.

Also get over yourself, everyone's bloodline changes over time. Humanity is not meant to stand still, but it organically grows and evolves.

Your family, my family, all families. Whether you like it or not.
They still would be, it is not a hard concept to comprehend.

Autists shitposting about eye colors make you sweat? There's barely any cheesecake. This is a wet fart of a thread.

>They still would be, it is not a hard concept to comprehend.

Attached: 1513532166946.gif (480x369, 3.03M)

prove it then u shills


>4 posts admist a sea of shitposting
Shit user, I'm cuming buckets, somebody help!

Attached: hmmsighm'lad.gif (980x490, 2.22M)

>wannabe white, brown-haired round-faced mick's insecurity is rocketing off the charts
you need therapy or drugs

stay mad eyelet

Attached: 1437061862089.jpg (4000x4000, 1.91M)

Where can they be found?

Imagine caring about any of this

Attached: E222387A-A5AE-49DD-A257-8F46194BF8A3.jpg (803x616, 87K)

im on hour 3 of nofap man, cut me some slack

>you use Z instead of S
This is really a great point to support that a backwater bunch of hicks are "white" even though they've contributed almost nothing to science, literature, etc. compared to the UK, US, France, Italy, and Germany.

You need to find a way to deal with your lack of blond hair that doesn't deny reality. You're like a creationist or flat earther. You believe whatever you want as long as it coddles your feelings.

That's why micks are shit, and the UK, US, Germany, and France are all far superior countries

Okay Seamus, calm down.
>haha le x hour of NoFap
Lurk moar before you try and fit in.

Attached: tenor.gif (498x276, 1.52M)

Reminder that all women prefer brown/dark eyes in men because it is seen as dominant and threatening whereas blue eyes are seen as soft/effeminate

stay mad nordlets

Attached: med masterace.jpg (633x568, 81K)

she's like the second stage evolution of kaya scodelario

Attached: thor.jpg (1200x1859, 1.33M)

be nice




>Reminder that all women prefer brown/dark eyes in men
No. Some surveys say they prefer dark hair (understandable--I'm blond but dark hair is my favorite on a woman). No need for you to be insecure. Plenty of women love Italians.

>actually believing this
Women like what's exotic. In Northern countries they prefer the Med look. In SOuthern countries, they prefer the Nord look. It's different enough to be unique, but not /that/ different like niggers and shit. Gingers are either loved or hated regardless of the place.

Look into Genealogy, beyond pictures and youtube videos.

some of us take one for the team. it's a hard life being the best of the best.

and this is the Final stage evolution

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>posts a toilet and when it looks like a solar flare or jupiters surface

cope harder u faggot lol the most beautiful women ive ever seen in a sea genetically defective blue dots is audrey tautou and france agrees with this

they all need to rape me

how? anally? or force your hard on into them?

i don't have a choice, it's rape!

darker, paler Biel I could find.

Attached: 380972.jpg (720x900, 68K)

so if eva strapped you to a bed face down ass up you would let her ass fuck you hard with an 8 inhc strap on while she talks to you her dirty french accent?

Right here with you brother

i wouldn't have a choice i would just have to accept it

Blondes are better.
>tfw no Nazifu

Attached: 1553433818744.jpg (576x605, 56K)

good boy

Attached: Eva-Green-Vanity-Fair-Italy-Cover-Photoshoot05[1].jpg (799x1000, 250K)

>let her

blondes are for plebs

Attached: 1545933729309.jpg (316x341, 30K)

Long Haired Blondes? Sure. But Short Hair Blondes are Top Tier.

Attached: jSh80e6.jpg (600x900, 37K)

Artificially brunette Saoirse is fine, but I prefer platinum sersha.

Attached: 100035.jpg (765x800, 83K)

i guess if eva wants to ass fuck you, no matter your objection you are getting penetrated

Attached: Eva-Green-Hot-Images-1[1].jpg (600x895, 97K)

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Think it is from the same shoot.

Attached: EG-FF.jpg (1920x1080, 158K)

chicken legs, no ass

no idea user

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You can’t even save yourself fat fuck what makes you think you could’ve saved them

My dick

lol why do these stupid bitches still not understand that if they take nudes, they'll get hacked and leaked? are they retarded?


>*creates western civilization*
>some nordcuck says you´re a nigger because you have brown eyes

Attached: learn-the-difference-nordcuck-mediterranean-it-could-save-your-life-8572591.png (500x403, 87K)

It's a promotion for whatever new movie is coming out. Saying the photos were "leaked" is just a way of keeping their "dignity"

>why are recessive eye colouring and skin tone appealing
>why do people like flowers