I don’t get the hate
I don’t get the hate
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too bad it's ps2 tier
I watched it and not only was it boring but I couldn't figure what the movie was about. It had nothing to do with Final Fantasy.
I've seen this, but I don't remember anything about it.
It really isn't. Those facial animations are still top of the line.
I remember liking this movie as kid, but I also remember waiting for Cloud to show up.
Average movie, awful FF movie
It was a lot better if you read the book. Too many things in the movie were explained ass-backwards.
what is this a gif for ants?
I guess people were expecting a Final Fantasy movie
The planet was haunted with space ghosts for deadly I can't recall.
>the book
It wasn't I hate white people, let's blame them for everything enough
meteor full of ghosts smash into earth or wherever it is
over time ghosts eat everyone except a few dudes in a city protected by energy shields
end of movie, they find out the meteor carries the ghost/soul of another planet that was killed or somethin
antagonist almost kills the earth's soul by dicking it too hard with a space laser that blows itself apart
then I guess they find the mcguffin and save the day somehow. I think it was a pure soul or something that makes the angsty meteor planet space ghost finally chill out
or that's how I remember it from whenever I saw it once it came out
though I guess I would actually call it memorable since I remembered all of that
Prime example of a film with SOUL.
>said Square Enix
mainstream critics aren't into scifi.
Plot didn't make much sense.
try to explain it to a roastie pleb
>it's animated sci-fi based on vidya
"Uhh, what are you a child?"
That's why the hate. People are close-minded plebs.
There was a novellized version of the movie that's actually a really solid Sci Fi film. It's paced a lot better and goes into the details about why everything is the way it is. For instance:
>It's explained that Aki's ship was an old construction shuttle that was used to build the Zeus Cannon. The only reason she has it is because it was going to be decommissioned, but they gave it to Sid. Otherwise spacecraft is fairly rare.
>All of Aki's tech is experimental next-gen equipment made by Sid, which is why everything she uses is smaller and lightweight.
>It's explained that despite Sid's research, he's regarded as a kooky old man because much of his theories are impossible to prove, despite the resulting technology working.
>By extension, the basis for Bioetherics is regarded as an implausible science, despite the fact that it works. Most of the professional scientific community thinks that Bioetherics is just a biochemical reaction, not that the technology literally runs off of soul-radiation, i.e. the "Spirits Within".
>General Hein lost his family when Barrier City San Fran was overtaken due to faulty Bioetherics generators. His character has a much more detailed backstory. In the book he thinks that the Aliens were possessing humans, which is why he despises Aki when he sees the recordings of her dream. He also believes that the barrier cities are basically cages. In he book, when it's revealed that there's a non-violent way to remove the alien threat he goes full-revenge mode to kill them, using the still experimental and (in the book) incomplete Zeus Cannon.
game looks stupid, but I suddenly have a nostalgia for the early 2010’s and references to forgotten movies. carry on user
Roger Ebert thought it was a wonderful movie and should have been the future for animated film.
Final Fantasy in name only
Story and characters were generic sci fi
but hey the CGI is pretty good.
To me it showed me(retroactivly) blizzard should have used their cutscene team to make CGI movie.
>It had nothing to do with Final Fantasy.
Anyone who says this has no idea what Final Fantasy is about.
Got the dvd when i was a kid and liked it alot, never played any of the games but could tell it was nothing like them. The cgi blew my mind, there simply wasnt anything like it except for pixar stuff, this was the first really good attempt at photo realistic people in a full movie... fucking 2001. Then i found the nude render of aki and it was a holy fuck moment, porn that looked real but wasnt real. Zoomers will never understand.
it is called Deep fakes. So yes, "zoomers" would understand boomer.
everyone kept dying, the movie was full of hopelessness and desperation. normies want to feel good after a movie not suicidal. I loved it
Remember when Aki Ross was going to be a digital actress that would appear alongside real people in other movies? What the fuck were they smoking?
>the disgusting contrarian hipster zoomer likes spirits within
Trash game, trash opinions.
They weren't entirely wrong, just far too ahead of themselves. We're seeing an increasing number of digital only characters, so it's only a matter of time.
>We want a James Cameron film but without Cameron
the idea?
but her? no.
Well right, you'd have to start with a white person.
>Final Fantasy in name only
it has a lot of Final Fantasy story tropes though
In the movie The Spirit's Within "phantoms" emanate from the Leonid meteor impact. They're crudely rationalized as "alien ghosts"
As you probably know, in FF9, planets have their own crystals which circulate souls in the form of Mist which normally would flow like FF7 lifestream. The mist is absorbed or infused into soil, becoming what is called magicite or materia. Of course, FF7 had it's own alien invader Jenova and a meteor crisis summoned with black materia. In FF8, the crystal pillar (which also came from the moon) draws monsters from the moon in an event called "The lunar cry".
And in Final Fantasy XI online, black magicite is created when "darkness" aka "emptiness" is exposed to "holy light". "The darkness" can actually crystallize inside a person which then stops their aging and makes them immortal.
It wasn't true Final Fantasy. Compare it to Advent Children which was based of actual FF lore and was a huge craze despite also disappointing many people.
>was based of actual FF lore
So was Spirits Within. AC was just based on a specific FF game.
ps3 graphics then? is there a 4k? i actually think the movie was a 7/10 and fairly interesting
i need to rewatch it
Most characters looks dead inside. Just like Polar Express.
CGI apart, I used to love it as a teenager, but in retrospective the plot is meh and boring in general. A solid 4/10
Spirits Within was better than the clusterfuck Advent Children was.
a solid dick in your mouth
>movie was full of hopelessness and desperation
Just like the real world.
Sam is cute
Jokes on you, Aki appears next to me in my bed and in my shower.
>It wasn't true Final Fantasy
Anything is Final Fantasy, if they say it is. What does FFI have to do with FFXIV?
Shes hot as fuck so why wouldn't you want her in more movies?
The movie had really hardcore uncanny valley
She's hot but obviously the technology isn't there at the time they made that statement.
I remember at the time thinking it was stunning even though I was annoyed it had nothing to do with FF. I actually thought the cgi looked lifelike back then. Now it's obvious but at the time it was high tech stuff.
It has nothing in common with the FF franchise.
It's literally Ghostbusters in Space, where the ghosts are Aliens that came in on a meteor.
ok movie, Hein did nothing wrong, great score
>It has nothing in common with the FF franchise.
Why say this when you haven't played any of the games?
The Kingsglaive movie that came out with FFXV was fun and visually stellar
It didn't strongly appeal to Final Fantasy fans because it was kind of FF in name only (FF are all different and unrelated but it was pretty different even by those standards)
It didn't appeal to kids because it was too mature for them
It didn't appeal to adults because they thought cartoons are for kids
it couldn't survive being just a modest success because they poured a huge amount of money on it's development
It was really just unluckily positioned to have everything working against, despite being a solid movie. At least the studio and tech they developed for it ended up being used for neat stuff.
Me too, watched it as 10-11yo and it was fine. But so was Jar Jar in Ep1 for me.
fuck me I loved this film, had the boxes set and everything
did Nomura write this shit?
anything that the collective "us guys" like (((they))) will shit on every single time.
what women?
I'll take your word for it just based on those trips.
Her face needs a slight rework
Also based who doesn't want a super hot super smart quirky hapa gf?
the film age good to this day
It wasn't a Final Fantasy movie. Would have been better received.
t. ff7 only ff game I played
The film is generic trash...
change the name to literally anything else and it's still extremely slow, dry, pointless, and incredibly boring.
It must suck ass then.
>the future for animated film.
uncanny ass cgi? he wasn't wrong