Comfy 80s trash

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I have no idea how I never even heard about this until a couple years ago.

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I found the whole movie on YouTube while looking for the trailer.

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This kino

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don't be tricked into thinking this is a JCVD movie. he's in it for maybe 20 minutes. the rest is a ripoff of the karate kid featuring a fat kid bully and the ghost of bruce lee.

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>remo williams
end your life

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Not that comfy but definitely worth a watch if you’re into 80s horror movies

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this should be on a turbo filter list with "kino"

underselling it

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Doom Asylum

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Cry more fag

Looks fappable

forgot we were posting trash

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Popular enough they actually made a sequel.

>high cut
>minimum pussy coverage

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the new shudder series is unbelievably bad btw

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The critters themselves in the trailer looked decent. Decent for trash.

The poster looks cool.

Remo is far from trash, it was highly acclaimed when it came out, probably because no one expected it to be anything but trash.

the puppets are fine. everything else... ooph. maybe i'll watch a bit more to see if it gets funnier. even gilbert gottfried looks embarrased.

20 minutes? More like five. It's trashy but also most comfy.

>Doom Asylum
Hey it's Kristen Davis from Sex in the City.

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Still searching for that old 80 z-movie about a hunter? bountyhunter? futuristic, with 3 o 4 bare-breasted girls (androids I think) that the guy rescue or something and the end when one of the girls, dressed as a nun, goes away with a bump or something.

undeniably a cobbled together mess but that tangerine dream score...

I hope someone leaks the orginal three and a half hour cut one day.

Just kidding, here’s your daily reminder that this is the best film of the 1980’s

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what do I do when stop motion sucks and it ruins the movie

sounds pretty rad gonna czech it out thanks op

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think that it was made in 1984 on a small budget you spoiled brat. besides the dummy head when he was fixing his eye looks 100x worse

I don't remember this scene in Predator.

That's arguable, but I'd say it's the best Terminator movie.

That's Commando, you dummy.

Please tell me the actress lives up to the poster art?

it's fucking linda blair what do you think?

then they shouldn't have done stop motion
it's the opposite of terrifying

OK, I should have noticed that.
Definitely one of the hottest 80s babes. I'll give it a watch then.

look i don't know what to tell you kid, if it ruins your immersion fine. nobody can make you like it

is this a sci-fi movie? or fantasy


This one?

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I'm gonna check this out.

Good luck watching it without a raging boner though
Then again, there's not much plot to get distracted from

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Wow. I used to watch this once every year as a child.

but i'm a boomer
quit being childish and you won't be scared of stop motion
stop talking shit or i'll post moral orel .gifs

Did you know it was written by a child molester, which is why it has the gay dream sequences?

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Stop motion can be extremely unsettling what are you talking about. Watch a tool music video

one of my favourite movies

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i liked the titty ship

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>The Heavenly Kid

It's more comfy (98%) than trash (2%) tho

It stars the kid from Iron Eagle, the mom from Malcolm In The Middle, and budget Johnny Lawrence

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I want to lick that font

Why didn’t the adventure continue bros? ;_;

Check out
Sybil Danning had an insane body.

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didn't they reuse this ship in another 80s sci-fi B-movie?

the movie is terrible but it was fun as a kid

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I used to fap to griifith and rae dawn chong in that one. Also, Cat Chaser (1989), I used to fap to the scene where kelly mcgillis gets fucked with a gun.

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fixed dat 4 u cuh

bit tubby round the tummy aye

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80’s nostalgia was a mistake. Corporate suits didn’t understand the irony behind the retrowave fad so now we have a bunch of cringey shit like this.

this is a hidden gem

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World gone Wild: post-apocalypse 7 Samurai with Adam Ant
Someday I'll compile a list of all the 7Sam homages/tributes/ ripoffs

We need more 20s/30s nostalgia

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It had the coolest movie car with a fake blower since The Road Warrior

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>PG movie
>2 nude scenes

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