How many movies do you watch a week? be honest

how many movies do you watch a week? be honest.

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I haven't watched a movie in 5 years.

I havent watched a single movie in my entire life.

I'm legally blind, I just come here to hear my computer read shitposts in a hilarious monotone

does youtube count as movies?

Less than one movie per week

zero through days 1-5 and then three a day for days 6 and 7. i should just stretch it to one a day but instead i get out 6 in two days

About three

I watch 4 a week with my friends, randomly generated from personal lists

But i could do with some help, I've an obscure Japanese film called "seishun no kiryû" I've rolled for next week but can't find a video anywhere online

I'm just here for the shitposting and racism. I do like youtube though and that's sort of like movies.

Imagine Stephen Hawkins going "sneed" and "for you" over and over

I got a SnapStory from Snapchat on Valentine's, does that count as a movie?

thanks, doc

Yo omg omg (oh my gosh) this cat going sicko mode

I'm watching Youtube right now. I haven't finished it yet, don't spoil it for me.

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>film board
>no one watches films
Imagine my shock
I watch 1 every night

i dont watch movies or tv

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WTF! You fucking sicko! This is one of those cats that’s been mutilated so that it can’t stand on its front paws. I’m going to report you to peta

Sometimes 0.
Sometimes up to 15.

nani is that actually a thing?

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Yes, it's done by the same people who make bonsai kittens