Do it before 1B and ye shall be forgiven.
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The movie was unwatchable dogshit.
And all it took was buying out all the theaters and forcing websites to delete negative reviews.
>Currently at $910 million
Tick tock /pol/fags
I have nothing to apologize for.
>source: Yea Forums
i apologize that humanity is so dumb that they watch capeshit
I have nothing to apologize for.
Sit, spin, and do a flip.
how many more phases of capeshit will we see?
I saw this with old people and even they knew it was garbage.
>still living in his own little echo chamber where only his opinions are right
Thanks for the $$$ goy.
I’m sorry Brie Larson, in admittince of defeat I’ll kiss your a-
T-t-there’s nothing there, literally lmao
They paid for it.
Least I can say I iddn't spend a dime.
Don’t push /tvpol/ too hard. They tend to throw fits of incel rage and go on shooting rampages at schools and mosques.
Jesus fucking christ its just a goddamn superhero movie. Why the fuck is there any argument or actual fighting over this? Why the fuck does it matter whether or not it does well, its entertainment, not politics, law, social policy, education, or anything that affects us.
But then again, you are an incel and hate women, so how valid is your opinion really?
Yea Forums BTFO
Thousands upon Thousands of women think this movie is shit. It's just Thor:The Dark world 2 all over again except they made it worse.
This is the type of shit they should be arguing about. I don’t want them anywhere NEAR those other things.
>people keep reposting my fanfiction bait
I love that you guys ate this shit up
Can shamewanking to Brie be considered as an apology?
Feige wants 10 more years of MCU. So...
>62% on RT
lol yikes
>supporting Aquaman
Are you retarded? They called it racemixing propaganda.
It's a retard filter, like said. If someone is dumb enough to get angry over which movie company is doing better, then they need to be distracted from actual important issues.
I torrented a 27gb remux and instantly deleted it after the opening scene
ok thanks for the random anecdote
y-you too
>it's not politics
Disney movies are propaganda.
literally this
>movies are propaganda
There you go
No, fuck marvel and fuck brie larson
You care more than I do.
This I’m also legit annoyed by this cuz I’d love to shit post for the (You’s) but I can’t for this. It’s one of the worst capeshit movies I’ve ever seen and is a huge drop in the factory line pleb structure that is the MCU. Winter Solider still the best.
>600 M
>like 3 weeks in theathers
>inb4 still count as a victory
>well, its entertainment, not politics
if only...
Disney bought the tickets.
No, Alita was unwatchable dogshit
Doesn't matter poltard you faggots said it was going to flop and now it's going to pass a billion. Keep telling yourselves Disney spent a billion buying tickets to inflate the box office though.
This reminds me of that zoomer song...
>"All we do is WIN WIN WIN, put your hands up! All we do is WIN WIN WIN, what?!"
Marvel is the most unstoppable force in the world and I love the power it gives me over DCucks. We always WIN!
This needs to be updated. It's already over 900M
Check'd. Also true.
I mean if it doesnt do over 1B thats just sad, imagine not making 1B with the company who made it buying up all its tickets.
it already reached 1 billion
user, you aren't contradicting him
I expected it to be filler to introduce the character for Endgame, but it was actually a good movie on its own
Eat a dick, incel
I apologize
w-who is that? That's not Brie Larson. This CAN'T be Brie Larson!
>Captain Marvel
mouse shills at it again.
That's an outdated graphic. The movie has made just over 900 million.
>you poltards said it was gonna flop
Nope, you trannys keep saying we said it when half of the posts were "It's too close to Endgame and has way too much marketing to flop." No way to prove it now so you keep bringing it up as an easy to win.
>Literally no one sees this fill
>Somehow makes almost a billion dollars