If his mom was dead the whole time, how did he have a conversation with her in front of that girl?

If his mom was dead the whole time, how did he have a conversation with her in front of that girl?

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What scene are you referring to?

That was an old conversation he had with his mom that he recorded on his iPhone.

hitchcock is a fucking hack who only does scooby doo shit
it's pathetic how all of his flicks have
>a scene with someone falling
>a stupid exposition scene
>his retarded signature cameos
>a scene with someone driving and a projected background
Psycho is actually kind of good outside from these lame points, but Vertigo is just pathetic. The story makes no fucking sense, the acting is awful, the pacing is all over the place
the only thing it has going for itself is that it looks good



wtf spoiler that shit

prove me wrong, please
I've tried watching most of his famous flicks, but all fall flat

yes, a spoiler for this 58 year old piece of cinema

Youre an idiot. You think you know film, and you dont. Fuck off.

Wild guess. Youre 24 years old

In th case you are serious with a serious and well considered opinion, I'll just give you my view on it. I'm not one of the people ou replied to.
>Someone falling
The scene is kindof goofy now thanks to the effects but that is because of a really strapped budget, look into how hamstrung the production was from day one. As the for fall, I think it was to maximize the shock of the face of the detective and the gruesomeness of his injury, and stp it from turning into torture porn with multiple stabbings. A reason why the shower scene was staggered

>Exposition scene
Which one?

Every director has a quirk, but luckily it is a small one and most people just get a kick out of it or ignore it as it is literally him getting on a bus.

>projecte background
again, budget. Easier than getting a driving rig and filming on a restricted piece of road and getting permission to shut a highway down etc.

I actually agree, it is not nearly as good as Rear Window, the Jimmy Stewart/Hitchcock kino. It's not as bad as a ll that but it is less good than most of his other big films.

Hitchcock is indeed the ultimate pleb filter. As in anyone who likes his stuff is truly a pleb.

same user as Have you tried Rear Window? This is where I fell in love with the guy. The sense of claustrophobia and isolation, the pace, the inevitability of some of the shit you see unfolding and the feeling of helplessness. It is nail biting kino.

>Which one?
the one with the psychiatrist explaining his problem
the same thing happens in nearly every hitchcock movie, there is some figure there to explain to the audience what went on
>Rear Window
I enjoyed it far more than the other Hitchcock films, but it still suffers from some of the factors that I pointed before, exposition being the worst
Also, that scene with the light bulbs is pathetic and laughably bad
I honestly don't get why his movies feel so dated. Orson Welles and Bergman, for example, are his contemporaries, and made tight budget films that still hold up a lot better than Hitchcock's.
Same thing with directors that came before.

>the one with the psychiatrist explaining his problem
Yeah, maybe it was a otuch too much, but I don't know how much of a trope split personalities were at the tme in 1960.

>Rear Window
honestly I dunno how to do RW withotu exposition a little. He has to explain to his gal what is going on and she has to convey shit she has found during her Solid Snake missions etc.

>Light bulbs
Yeah, the action should have been a struggle maybe, but it is a small sin to commit

he made very different films. Welles and Bergman are far more universal with universal themes. There are no real themes in a hitcock suspence thriller, just the thrills. Therefore, if you are used to the rush of better mor effects driven thrillers today, like Panic Room (maybe the best thriller kino imo) then they may feel a little parochial. If Hitchcock had done something like a Bergman soul searcher, maybe it would have been the finest piece of cinema for decades to come.

>Panic Room (maybe the best thriller kino imo)

Vertigo is good because the actress at the time was a seriously hot piece of ass and the soundtrack was kick ass. Sometimes that’s all you really need. The plot made no sense on second viewing but on first viewing it’s really a total what the fuck.

I see you are a man of taste too. Are you the anti-hitchcock poster? If you like panic room then Rear window is probably the only one that comes close. The Birds is also a real nail biter though.

>Rear Window
Is this a weird anal sex reference?

>Kim Novak
Patrician taste user, not as good as Ingrid Bergman in Rear window though. When she leans in for that tender kiss in the first scene, holy shit she was so beautiful I didn't even wanna fuck her (does that make any sense to anyone else?)

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Does Psycho have a scene of someone falling

That was Grace Kelly in rear window, but Ingrid Bergman makes me so fucking hard in Notorious.

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The detective is sneaking up the stairs of the house and the camera hovers over him and the mother jumps out as slashes his face and he takes a wee tumble down the stairs.

You mean Grace Kelly in Rear Window
Or Ingrid Bergman in Spellbound

shit I dunno why I said Bergman, I knew it was Kelly. I'm tired. Nah mate, they are those classic beauties that I don't wnat to lewd. I knew I would make love to them, but I don't get wood on for Grace Kelly looking that elegant and shit, it's a strange kind of attraction. Kim Novak was a bit more slutty looking though.

yeah, just addressed my plebian act below. I am just sleep deprived and got teh name wrong, I pictured Kelly though, just got the wrong name.

Who was the first actress who was easily lewdable?

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Hitchcock worked backwards, he wanted to film a certain image or try some technique, and then had his writers to write a plot around it.

Not many of his films have a logical plot, but that was never the point. Also, if all those things are Scooby Doo cliches is because he made them cliches. He made those techniques popular. That is why he needed the exposition scenes. You dont need them, because you have been exposed to decades of derivative Hitchcock clones.

This nigga probably doesn't like David Lynch because he thinks his movies don't make sense.

Is Vertigo sort of a proto-Lynch film? It feels very similar.

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