Perfect TV shows dont exi-

>perfect TV shows dont exi-

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top tier coats
top tier sweaters
top tier setting
absolutely great taste, user

the young pope
true detective s1
the terror s1
truly the perfect single seasons of any tv show

So what setting is gonna be in second season?

You don’t want to know

man they really made Hickey an asshole, that fucking smug cunt

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It better not be some lame Roanoke

meet me at the passage and see what happens

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>no you irish fuck, Im crashing this expedition with no survivors
what was he thinking

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Great actors and setting but it was often boring to me and everything with the shitty cgi bear just sucked. Much better than the book though.

>The next iteration will be set during World War II and center on an uncanny specter that menaces a Japanese-American community from its home in Southern California to the internment camps to the war in the Pacific.
>feat. George Takei

>WW2 again
>nothing to do with exploration and expeditions going so wrong people start eating eachother
at least they could've made it about the race for the south pole, or the Mallory climb of Everest since nobody knows what happened to the two besides falling

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If they're going to do concentration camps they should at least do the kino one

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nah the first season only included a minimal amount of fantasy, what you're proposing would mean the entire plot would be based off of fantasy

>manbearpig arrives

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>twink gets his booty lashed

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What was the point of hickey killing the inuits again
He didnt even take the food

too boring

the amount of anons tripping over each other to anoint this cgi polar bear show the greatest show ever made was truly embarrassing

the bear doesnt actually show up a lot considering he's a main ''villain''
its mostly about the people turning on eachother

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Where does Blanky fall on the chart?


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True friend?

tied with Fitzjames

True men then?


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