>Past the age of 25, a man without a family, can be a bad thing
Is he right?
>Past the age of 25, a man without a family, can be a bad thing
Is he right?
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Uhm if by "bad thing" you mean "environmentally preferrable" then yes. I suggest you read up on the CO2 footprint of having a single child, to say nothing of fathering several children.
Stop making excuses incel, having children is the purpose of life
what about kissles virgin?
You should kill yourself to reduce your C02 footprint. It's environmentally preferrable.
Deeper purpose of life, however, is not ending all of it by exterminating the planet. Climate change is a global killer if we do not take drastic measures. Not having kids is the least. What people should be worried about is the TOTAL abolition of cars, airplanes etc. - everything that runs on gas. Tough but necessary to survive.
Unironically saying as an Indian, White guys musn't stop having babies.
A man who never went to their high school prom, had sex, went to college/university, got a job, built a career, own a vehicle, got a girlfriend, got married, own a house, and a have children can be a bad thing
Good goyim, and don't forget to keep paying taxes so we can send more foreign aid to africa so they can pump out numerous children.
>past the age of 22, a man without a college degree, job, job experience, hobbies, place of his own, computer, driver licence, very little money, no friends and no girlfriend can be a bad thing
never really understood this line to be honest
Smart people should be having more kids not less. The problem is the retarded masses shitting out kids constantly. Seriously a box of condoms costs close to nothing and prescription birth control is so readily available. How are retards still breeding so much!?
either you're putting effort into this or you actually believe this. So let me give you my thoughts on it:
Stupid assholes should not shit one future social welfare dependent waste of skin after another into this world.
Somewhat smart-ish people (and if you take more than five minutes pondering about questions like this, you already almost qualify in my book) should 100% get kids and raise them with strong values, including being responsible with the environment.
Also climate change is a hoax for at least 2/3.
no shit. they have nothing to lose, no stake in society, nothing to live for.
user asking the real questions
The more kids the more welfare they can collect!
/Our Pajeet/
such a lemming way to live, huh?
>A man without no very little money, no friends and a girlfriend can be a bad thing.
neither did I
cuz muh dick
Humanity has ascended past that base bullshit that's the purpose of life for a dog or cat who live 10 years. The purpose of your life is what you make it.
>>Past the age of 20, a man who still watches superhero movies, can be a bad thing
>prescription birth control is so readily available
it's much easier to get boner pills
that's the point
no one likes a smartass user
>the purpose of life is simply to exist, ergo there is no purpose
You retarded brainwashed moron, cars and airplanes account for tiny fractions for the total amount of co2 emitted, most of it comes from factories, coal factories, tankers, the shipping industry. We have to focus on stopping deforestation and starting planting a shitload more forests, these are what create carbon sinks and make the biggest effect
>Is he right?
Here is why.
The world population in 2019 is 7.5 BILLION people. In 1975 the world population was 3.7 billion. The world has DOUBLED its population in 44 years. If this doesn't scared the fuck out of you,IT SHOULD. Bringing more people into the world at this point is bringing us faster to a level of over-population that cannot be corrected. A man without a family is a good thing, because WE ARE FULL. THE EARTH IS FULL. POPULATION GROWTH HAS DOUBLED IN 44 YEARS, THIS WORLD HAS FINITE MATURAL RESOURCES, ROOM FOR HUMAN WASTE AND SPACE FOR BASIC LIVING. A MAN WITH A FAMILY IS A BAD THING.
>brought to you by the greater israel foundation
Then kill yourself to save the planet
Th entire Western nation could shit out 10 children/family and it still wouldn't even be a dent compared to what India, China, African countries, etc put out. The West is being replaced by immigration, not by natural childbirth, so why must the burden of the environment and overpopulation be put on us when other larger countries won't stop breeding?
But they're too smart to have children. Why do you think academics don't come out and say things like "well actually castrating yourself and HRT won't make you a woman"? Because they don't care. They're goy issues as far as they're concerned and they're above that. It's like Trotsky and Lenin talking about prole revolution while neither were proles (but both were Jews, so that should explain everything) and instead they would lead the proles in the revolution. Why? Because they were (((intelligentsia))), they weren't fucking proles. That's the goy role.
See The West isn't growing. Shithole countries won't stop breeding even if the West does. It's the same with pollution, all plastic dumped into the oceans comes from Sri Lanka, China, and India, among others, who have massive populations who consume disposables and no regulations.
Arguable the sole purposes of life is to procreate and pass on your genes.
>can be
he is technically right. however, the statement doesn't hold any value because of the >can be, which is nice way to manipulate low iq individuals without claiming anything
This. You should be getting drunk, taking drugs, fucking anything with a pulse (some without), and rent everything or get it on (((finance))).
I'm glad to see you aren't a goy.
Corporations shoving the responsibility for climate change to the common man is the biggest con in human history. The public needs to bear the damages but the profits of course are private.
>yeah don't have kids or eat meat or drive and the world will be saved
Get fucking real.
The only way to stop pollution is international legislation and cooperation between governments but that's too hard isn't it and more importantly gets in the way of the merchants profits.
It's all fucked (and that's a good thing!)
I absolutely love how rich jews who have brutally fucked the world with their own corporations' emissions and pollution have passed the buck to the average pleb and no one bats an eye
Nationalism that you are promoting completely adds to the problem I pointed out. You are literally INCREASING the problem with your "BUH THEY DO IT SO WE WANNA DO IT DO WAHHHHH". What a horrible, insepid mindset that you are promoting, the kind of mindset that has literally got us into this situation of excelerated population increase.
>Le Woman's Struggle
Get the fuck out of here with that reddit shit.
Any form of birth control is cheaper than raising a fucking child.
All he said is that if a white make a couple childs it's not a problem because their population is in stagnation.
The problem is all about nation a country like a country like Niger (lol) have a 7.2 birth per woman ratio but Germany is 1.5 so if a german couple decide to make 5 childs this is not a problem
unironically this, extensions on welfare was a mistake. welfare for the elderly, sick and disabled is fine, but way too many people get welfare who don't really need it, except now must have it because they turned themselves into breeding sows with 5+ children.
>Past the age of 30, a man without a mortgage and a Roth IRA can be a bad thing
What did he mean by this?
>how do you manage pain
I go for a walk on the beach
climate changes current trajectory points to warmer conditions with more percipitation.
Longer periods of warmth provide a longer season for farming.
The biggest risk to civilisation is not the Alarmist 2 foot sea level rise in 10 years, but a gradual, multigenerational rise of 3MM per year.
The planet fauna biosphere was suffocating due to Carbon Starvation, 33% of land mass on earth was barren. This is reversing at a rapid rate.
Antinatalism is a meme of 100+ IQ White people and no one else. Funny how that works out.
It's late 30s if you're a successful man.
>ruins his family by being a retard
>thinks he's worthy of passing judgement
Pretty much. I'm 29 and don't have a job and have never had a girlfriend or sex or even been on a single date in my life, all my friends are gone now, and seriously all I do is drink every day. I've given up on the idea of ever actually having a family, but it was never really that important to me in retrospect. I just used to think and feel about it differently.
I like the idea of getting a woman pregnant but nothing about actually raising children appeals to me. Am I fucked in the head?
Not really. I think a lot of people have that same kind of instinct but they don't say it because it's too blackpilling.
Or the joke answer is maybe you're just black.
based Jaquan
>Tfw only fat girls and skinny black girls find me attractive
I will never surrender to them bros. How bad can life be all alone?
>still live at home
>never even touched a girl
>no job, skills or future prospects
The worse part is I think about having a family everyday
28 here, can confirm
I think I’m just a realist. Years of family vacations where your wife is in a bad mood because the kids won’t stop yelling and fighting is not something I want to sign up for.
how did you get to this point? did you fall for the NEET/wagecuck meme?
No it isn't the purpose is to ascend, bringing another soul into this dimension is a fucked up thing to do
He was full of shit. Show made it very clear.
Have you ever had an actual job or driver's license? If so you're doing better than me, at 32 years of age.
My roommate is 27, she said she wouldnt mind going out with a guy or marrying a guy in his 40s, shes 122 lbs, has a cute face, you guys should hook up.
Based. Don't let these childless zoomers tell you otherwise.
Having kids is only fun if you’re wealthy enough to be able to afford a full time nanny that does all the bitch work desu.
damaged goods, not even being facetious
any woman who isn't taken by at least 25 isn't a good woman, or she would be taken a long time ago
Small town detected
I think a lot of posters come from small European countries where it’s still common to marry and have kids in your early to mid-20s. The only friends I have that did that stayed in my home town close to their parents who helped with babysitting and stuff. If you have ambitions to live in a major city in order to follow a certain career path, then you’ll most likely be putting off marriage/children until well into your 30s.
Jesus christ.
The brainwashing is real.
>Past the age of 25, a man without a wife, children, gainful employment, a home, a neighborhood community, friends, a sense of nationalism, belief in god and a church community, a V8 vehicle, a healthy savings account and a dog can become an incel alt-right terrorist
Is he right?
The available balance in my checking account says otherwise.
unironically you must be a virgin
>any woman who isn't taken by at least 25 isn't a good woman, or she would be taken a long time ago
Based and redpilled
>mfw this seems like a purposely unattainable meme but every man had this a few decades ago
Your chinaman is showing.
This poster , whose digits are nearly perfect, is right. It is the third world that is exploding and is doing so thanks to foreign aid.
>90% of the plastic in the oceans comes from 10 rivers
>6 in China, 1 the Ganges in India, 2 in Africa
>Africa's population has gone from 22 million in 1920 to 1 billion today
>Estimated to rise to 4 billion by 2050
>Largely consistent with levels of foreign aid given by the west
If you think 2 million immigrants in Germany alone is bad, wait until the populatin is quadrupled. Will that mean 8 million? No it'll mean billions, Africa is already past carrying capacity, which mean we won't take similar percentages of their migrants, we will be taking every single one that is added thereafter. Want to end overpopulation? But off all aid to underdeveloped nations, divert even HIV relief and Malaria research into something like fusion energy. Why Bill Gates thinks it will be a good idea to cure that disease i will never know.
You may not like it, but this is based and redpilled.
Cringe and basedpilled
Speaking from the perspective of an American it’s because the wealth disparity in the US is massive and continues to grow. I genuinely don’t know how any couple that doesn’t make at least six figures can afford to buy a home large enough to house multiple children in a good neighborhood.
>over-population cannot be corrected
>americans wait 'till after 30 to have kids
is this why everyone over there is a bed-shitting retard these days?
at least the morons in the EU can blame their oppressive governments, burgers don't even have that.
Not everyone but a lot of young Americans have been brainwashed into thinking they need to live in a cool major city in order to “make it”. We have a major issue with young adults wanting to delay responsibilities like marriage and children as long as possible.
doesn't help that every town in america outside of like six major metro areas sucks dick. everyone you meet is fat and retarded unless you live somewhere a studio apartment costs a million dollars. just finding a chick worth wifing requires moving there.
Pretty much, yeah. Sure if you work a trade job you can find lucrative employment in a smaller town but if you’re a STEM major of any kind, chances are you’re going to be applying to jobs in bigger cities.
yes this is concerning, and the American way of life is far worse for the planet than most, save the gulf states.
I think that the McMansion phenomenom has really fucked up housing. I stayed in a rented house in Florida couple of years ago and was fucking amazed by the level of micro-nation tech and shit that was in it. The size of it for 4 bedrooms would have housed 6 or more in Britain, where I live. The climate control running 24/7, the pool in every back yard, the sprinklers running whenever, the immese distance between things. I could not imagine ever taking taxis everywhere in Orlando, it is so fucking spread out. This house had two fucking living rooms.
I am convinced there was been the constant escalation of house prices for many reasons, but one is the need for bigger and bigger houses as status symbols has risen the average price, and smaller homes are usually in cities, whihc are expensive thanks to the business opportunities. You have been put between a rock and a hard palce.
I have family that live in an old english Victorian manor house and it was this size, with 100 other houses on teh row like it. Here, that is something nestled in teh hills for landed gentry to live in.Are you the user I was originally replying to? Just curious.
Considering im past 25 without a family and my life is a disaster, i think hes right.
jokes aside, this. theres plenty of fucked up damaged goods in their 20's who will shack up with you, if you're over 40 you shouldn't even care if its fake at that point.
Really great post, user. I’m not the original guy you replied to but I wanted to chime in. You’re absolutely right. Middle class housing in the US has practically disappeared, only to be replaced by housing developments filled with nothing but monstrous, expensive McMansions that are all squeezed in together and look exactly the same.
>jokes aside, this. theres plenty of fucked up damaged goods in their 20's who will shack up with you
Dunno, I'm in my early 30s and basically in the same general spot that this nearly 50 year old user is and I get more than my fair share of shit from absolutely everyone for being where I am at my age. I don't think even the rare 20 or early 30 something woman who actually enjoys fucking older men would be interested in an unemployed 50 year old virgin who still lives at home...sorry. Gotta at the very least fix your living and work situation before anything else.
hahahahahahahaha, seriously take note of how many young women are with older men these days. you are correct in saying that those older men probably have jobs though, and aren't virgins.
but what about the labor force?
>tfw 29yo kissless virgin
Daniel pls go
thanks user, I appreciate you took the time to reply as I really was shooting in the dark with the analysis of where the gap comes from, but glad to hear it resonates (or not glad, as the case may be).
I also think that places like London and San Fran and such are so expensive thanks to foreign money. In London, you cannot buy a two bedroom town house (not a big New York brownstone either, a little terrace job) for less than 1.5 million GBP/2.0 million USD. It is largely because Chinese and Russian billionaires buy it all up and never live there, just trading for the business opportunities and the chance to be close to Westminster so they can lobby politicians. Most houses in central London are vacant.
Also, the houses might be getting more expensive but look at how fucking stagnat wages are.
>In the 1970s, fast food workers earned 19x what they earned now, if you account for inflation and purchasing power of the dollar.
>Look at real tax rates today versus 1900 (some deus ex shit)
>Even if houses are expensive, they should theoretically be affordable as the population has gotten better educated generally and should command more for their labour. Unfortunately, mass immigration is stagnating these wages and college degrees are now a joke, so there is general precarity that doesn't keep up with the pryices of these lavish homes.
Also, they are fucking ugly and soul destroying. I have a feeling the only way forward is buying land going back to small homes on that land with multi generational living become the norm again, Amish style, rather than the stigma of living at home.
this isn't exactly true, plenty of people in the 50s for instance couldn't attain this. the difference was that the greentexted perfect 25 y/o was the culturally dominant standard, now he's under siege by previously suppressed bohemian-leftish elements who are now culturally dominant
Tell me more about this. I've heard that if it gets 2deg C warmer we'd overall grow more plants, but I've also heard it would destroy all coastal cities.
thats not my name
Notice how this is always pushed the hardest on whites and first worlders.
The other problem is that if you want to be a financially secure home owner by the age of 25 you have to either live in a smaller, more affordable town or get an amazing, high paying job right out of college. Even for those people lucky enough to be making six figures right out of school, they’re most likely living in an expensive city and paying off a large amount of student loan debt.
The Ting Tings pls go
thnx jew
>destroy all coastal cities
So nothing of value is lost, then?
Season 1: The best season
Season 2: The confusing season
Season 3: The boring season
Where will the show go from here?
Honestly why the fuck did I have to wake up this morning.
This is bait/copy pasta post and you’re falling for it
the flatter than Rachel McAdams chest in season 2 season