Tfw all those kino plotlines that happen in my dreams will never have a resolution

>tfw all those kino plotlines that happen in my dreams will never have a resolution

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>have what I think is an amazing dream with epic storylines and fascinating characters
>literally wake up with tears in my eyes at how beautiful it was
>write down everything I could remember
>come back and read it a day later
>it's a shitty jumbled mess of bizarre ideas that don't make the slightest bit of sense


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I had a dream last night that that I was showing people the second draft of a screenplay I wrote and everyone thought is was really good and when I woke up I was in the middle of ejaculating all over myself

It's pretty neat how your brain can literally just activate a "this was profound" signal and have you believing any random pile of garbage was profound.

That's what's so great about dreams.

>it's another "angel in the form of a dead historical figure tells me the secrets of how to create art" dream

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>tfw dreamed of gay cum kissing last night

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was it profound gay cum kissing?

>tfw another dream full of phallic imagery and a vagina dentata death

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>tfw all those fuck and suck plotlines that happened in Chuck's Fuck and Suck will never have a resolution

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Anyone have any kino dreams lately? Sometimes I wish I could dream more often.

I had a strange dream tonight. I was in a village i grew up in and went into the store (the only one in the entire village). The cashier acted like a condescending cunt before going into the back and i was waiting to check out with my twix for what seemed like a good 5 minutes, but she never came back, i got pissed off grabbed 5 mars bars from behind the counter, put them in my pocket and ran out. Nobody noticed it except this one little shit dog started chasing me, i kicked him a few times but he kept going, i ran all the way to a little bridge i have to cross to get to the store from home, run up hill and the dog is still chasing me, then out of nowhere a car appears in front of me and hits the dog behind me and then i started laughing maniacally (my best recreation) i woke up after that

I'm convinced dreams are paralel universes

I don't sleep, I just dream.

>have dream of being in love with someone and them loving me back
>the greatest feeling I have ever felt
>wake up
I should have died during that dream

>you will never get to view your dreams like a tv show or a movie

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>fall in love
>wake up

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>have a dream where a really hot girl spits on me because i refused to kiss her
don't know what to make of this

stop it mr Archangel why would I even go to Damascus I don't even know where it is, fuck off

that would mean i'm not actually a virgin

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this just happened to me

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All my dreams are grim and horrifying yet totally realistic at the same time. I constantly wake up and see figures at the end of my bed. My dreams are always about people rejecting me, chasing me, killing me or something bad I’ve done catching up to me. I’m so tired.


>be me
>dream starts with me being at high school and apparently I have a qt gf (looked like pic related)
>have a gift for qt gf and say she can open it later
>she says her class is going on a trip to somewhere and seems a bit anxious
>we kiss and I get to my class
>sit in the class
>suddenly the dream starts to have a narration, like a monologue at the end of a tv show episode or something, and in my voice
>it said "I soon got to know that my girlfriend had died in a car crash. I got through the end of the day depressed"
What did my brain mean by this

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It also means I have died already in 40 universes

>standing by a cliff with a pool of mud at the bottom
>jump in
>woken up by vertigo and a leg spasm

David Lynch made a career this way tho.

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>have dream
>remember when I wake up that I've definitely had that dream before
>forget all about it
what does it mean

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I can smell the pee

>week ago had a dream about cuddling with a girl in cinema
>it's the best thing I've felt in a while
>the very next day have a dream where I am kissing the only girl I've ever kissed some good 15 years ago
>since then desperately trying to go back to these dreams

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Directed by M. Night Shaymalan

>tfw always wondered what if dreams where glimpses at alternate possibilities or universes
>dream about loving wife
>wife gets isekaid after truck kun drunkenly mean her over several times
>dream shifts into dead wife’s awesome world she was reborn into
Woke up more sad about not being the one isekaid.

My dreams have recurring locations and take place in the same "universe". There's a village and downtown near a bay, a theme park, a city, and a specific freeway that are the same in every dream. I always wonder if it's a real place that exists.

My dreams are 90% mundane day to day shit and 10% vivid insanity that could be made into short stories.

doing psychedelics is the same way

Do you ever dream about celebrities or fictional characters you never consciously thought of as attractive only to suddenly be attracted to them after you wake up?

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>marooned on alien planet
>find small, toaster sized device
>inside is the conciousness of a fifth dimensional alien hivemind
>it can talk to me, but can't move
>dedicate the rest of my life to carrying it, trying to find a second device
>second device supposedly contains the second half of the hivemind
>device has found memories of the other parts of the hivemind
>talks like it in love with them
>after years of searching, finally find it
>its cracked and filled with dust
>it broke years ago
>device starts crying with a million different voices at once
>wake up with tears in my eyes

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>be me as a teenager
>dream about different life situations
>dream has time skips
>grow older
>beard gets thicker
>life gets easier we are all gonna make it bruh
>meet cute girl
>smile to her
>get in perfect conversation
>we get together and are a cute couple
>we learn to get rid of every little problem together
>get married
>being a father is tough
>get second child
>raising them gets easier after they hit the fourth year
>both the son and daughter learn to care for each other
>wife and I get older but never less happier
>i sit in front of a house and have tears in my eyes
>look at a picture of my dead wife
>hear a young manly voice say "dad are you alright?"
>wake up
>face is half wet
>cheeks have dry areas that feel like sand particles
i was fucking 11 and this dream fucked me up to this day. I never told this story to anyone I know.
Only when I woke up I realized it was a dream and that I was a kid. Everything went downhill from there tbqh

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>tfw you have the weirdest fucking dreams
One night I dreamed that I was in the ocean paddling toward the shore in a canoe and a "biker" gang on jetskis stopped me. They brought me to a giant stone wall floating on the water, with constantly changing numbers displayed on it. There were steps leading up to the wall. I asked them, "What is this? Some kind of combination?". One of them said, "No, this is a prison". Then, they forced me to touch the wall. Once I touched the wall, I started to hear the voice of Reviewbrah in my head louder than any other sounds I could hear. I can't remember exactly what he was saying, but I think he was telling me to kill myself and other discouraging things. In my mind, I thought this was supposed to prevent people from committing crimes. The voices caused me to become disoriented, so I started stumbling down the steps and across the water as if it were now a solid surface. Then the dream ended.

I never remember my dreams. Feels bad man.

I made really good films and tv series on my dreams, then I wake up to pee, go back to sleep again and can't keep it on track... Then I just get another different dream.

Paprika machine which let you see and record your dreams when

Poor animal. Cats subsist entirely on meat so if forced to eat fucking lettuce I can't imagine their misery

>go through an entire dream sequence
>when it ends, my dreamself reverts to the beginning
>go through the events again but with all the knowledge of what will come
>all my dreams are like this
>all are incredibly vivid and realistic
>every "story" is unique
what does it mean

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>have an absolute kino dream where you're in a complete utopia; you're the Chad of the universe and everything is falling in line
>fully aware of how great things are in this dream in your sleep but too happy to realise you'll wake up
>eventually wake up
>re-enter your shit reality and feel instantly miserable for the entire day

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cats don't know they're carnivores, they're fucking dumb and will eat just about anything.
that pic looks like the cat stole the piece of lettuce if anything

you are and you aren't
but then again there's a universe where every chad is a virgin as well
so everyone's a virgin

> I started to hear the voice of Reviewbrah in my head louder than any other sounds I could hear. I can't remember exactly what he was saying, but I think he was telling me to kill myself
Holy fuck

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you need to take more chances or the bitches'll think you're a fag

You have achieved heaven

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user, please, don't tease me like that, I'd do anything to return to some dreams, especially if they're actually a different reality

My first wet dream was a tranny fucking me and then he cut her giant dick with a knive and I got drowned in yellow blood

One time I had a dream so good that when I woke up, I felt sad and wanted to go back. Only happened once but holy shit, it lingered with me for several days

>have kino dream that ends what feels like the half way point of a film
>9 years later the dream comes back and continues exactly where it left off last time
Anyone else have this happen?

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>dream about a vampire killer Oswald Mosley in a Rapture-setting

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>Dream that I'm finally about to nail some girl
>Wake up right before anything happens

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>tfw still have dreams about her
why? it's been so long

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alien planet dreams are always kino

it's a fucking hassle but if you write down what you remember of your dreams when you wake up, you will start to remember more and more dreams each night.

start writing them down
I've been keeping a text document of all the interesting ones since 2016

I have wake up in my own house but with futuristic tech, I have seen entire lovies that don't exist, school friends that I've never met, going to college in a different city... this has to mean something and I'm sure it's paralel universes

you're probably god in another universe

I'm like fuck not this shit again

>Its another "my father appears in my dreams and he tells me how disappointed he is" episode

I hate reruns.

do you dream in television episodes?

>it's an I argue and literally battle with my dad because I never had the guts to do that in real life episode

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My first was with 5 succubus with wings and everything. All desperate for my dick. I came in seconds

my first was with my mom

when you are about to fall asleep you need to tell yourself "I'm gonna remember it" over and over again. you will realize that you dream multiple dreams per night and not only one or too.
when you wake up you need to type all dreams down but you need your phone near you. only getting up can make you forget everything. At this stage you cannot "interact" with the dream. You can't decide which night it will work but the day it works you need luck to wake up way earlier yourself or through an alarm clock. when you wake up completely tired after "witnessing" a dream as a passenger you need to lay down again right away and imagine a world or situation you desire. After falling asleep again you will be a passenger of that new situation you came up yourself. I never got passed this stage to get to lucid dreaming with complete control over my dream but I had my best dreams that way.

not that user but I used to; sometimes the dream even ended like a real episode would

I honestly can't remember the dreams I have 95 percent of most nights.

It's been a year for me. I smoke weed at night just to stop the dreams. (it works)

>have dream that i really need to use the bathroom
>have the greatest piss of my life in a beautiful bathroom
>wake up and ive pissed the bed again

why me

>super clingy brown android loli falls in love with me
>wake up. Didn't get the chance to fuck her



>doorbell rings
>it's the pizza guy
>pay him and take pizza to kitchen
>i'm fucking starving
>open box
>wake up

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This happens to me all the time

>his brain only remembers nightmares

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>it's a "you have a great life with a cute girl and your children" episode
>have to wake up

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My first was with that redhead from CSI

>>literally wake up with tears in my eyes at how beautiful it was

Is that you, Steven? Can I laugh in your face?

I remember having the idea for a cartoon series about two cave men who start a band together. I still think it could work

>it's a shitty jumbled mess of bizarre ideas that don't make the slightest bit of sense
That's because each idea was implicitly understood in your dream. There was more to be understood for each idea. You have to go deeper.

Sort of.
Have you ever had a dream where you personally know who the people are and the location you're in, but the people look different and the location looks different, yet you still know them and it? That's because you're connecting with your other self in a different universe. It's you, but it's not you if you know what I mean. Just like the people and locations that are who and what you know, but they aren't.
You'll notice that in these dreams you can't see your reflection and there's a good reason for that. You would end up having a severe existential crisis if you did. Because you would be looking at you...but the reflection wouldn't be you. That's when you end up with things like DID.
Dreams are serious shit senpai. They're a higher level that we can't even begin exploring the way we would like. I've recently been tinkering with an old VHS player and some components to create a "dream recorder" if you will. It records the electrical impulses and records them in a visual format onto the VHS tape. The pictures aren't always clear, but they help you remember the dream.
I've had the idea for a while, but I wasn't sure how to go about it until I saw that video of the cat having what it could see recorded (the video that's supposed to show that cats see humans as just big cats, it's some freaky shit). But when I was watching that it all became clear and I finally realized what I was missing from the construction. It has some teething issues (static, no sound, recording space etc), but it's better than nothing I guess.

Three years for me. It's strange how the dreams have changed over time but they never get better

>tfw had a dream where I was a drug lord but wanted out because I found out guys I worked with were snitching or some shit
>Dream ended with swats finding me, and I pulled a fake gun on them just so they could kill me.

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for me, its sneed

a way to see our own dreams woukd be the greatest thing ever

a way to re-watch dreams would be the greatest thing

>Dream that I check my phone and it's 06:30 and I'm late for work
>Jolt awake only to find out it's 02:30

lmao wagie nightmare

>Uncle died
>Drank his whisky
>Had a scary ass dream where he was strangling me and was screaming in my face
Either ghosts are real or subconsciously I felt shitty about taking it

That shit is the worst
>have a dream that I'm late for something
>try to get ready to leave but I'm losing more and more time on everything
>wake up with feeling of intense dread

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I used to only dream about work.

If I can get it to a practical stage I'll market it. I'm hoping to find a way of directly burning to a HDD or something to help with the storage limitations.

>having nightmare
>wake up in bed
>realize i'm still dreaming
>wake up in bed again
>realize i'm STILL dreaming
>wake up for real

This has happened multiple times

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>I started to hear the voice of Reviewbrah in my head (...) telling me to kill myself

>"Well hello, user! This is Running On Empty - Your Life's Review, and I'm your host, TheReportOfTheWeek!"

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I'm 28 but I still wake up like I have a high school maths exam for wich I have not studied

>amazing fantasy setting
>girls are hitting on me
>main hero with a goal
>love of my life is traveling with me on my adventures
>suddenly wake up
>lower back hurts
>eyes dry
>dark room
fuck you brain

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>Going outside to the park, going over credit card debt on my phone
>In this time, some big fat dude comes up to me, he thinks he’s going to give me life coaching. I tell him to fuck off, he tells me not to be passive aggressive, makes vague threats about being bigger than me.
>I decide to humor him, give him 10 minutes. He tries talking to me, has an awkward time being heard over the passing cars.
>Makes a few incorrect guesses about my life, my upbringing (“You were coming home every day to find your dad rolling a joint, right?” “Nope.”), I give him a few morsels of information that he has trouble accounting for (“My mother wasn’t doing drugs, but it was still a bad time, since my father was dead.”). Tries to bluster his way through it. (“ your mother, for her, it was always 100%, all the time, right?”.) (He said some inane crap like that.)
>One of his female friends walks up, talks to him. I ask her what this guy’s deal is. She laughs about how he thinks he’s going to be a life coach now.
>Defeated, the guy slinks away, laying back as if relaxed, trying to look like the whole thing never happened.

This is straight from my dream journal. I don't even know how my dreaming mind invented such a pitiful character.

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literally me holy shit. i hate it