*dies like a weak bitch*
*dies like a weak bitch*
they didn't know what to do with him
So does Phasma.
Reminder that RoTJ is hot garbage and far worse than any of the prequel films.
*gets popularized from what he could have been*
it's far better then TPM and AOTC
Yes they did, they gave him his comeuppance. They just didn't know that fans liked him so much.
Same with Maul. And yes, despite the lies you've seen in Clone Wars/Solo movie, he DID die in The Phantom Menace
He only became popular after through Toys. Lucas said if he'd known he would have given him a better death
>makes a really cool character with a great backstory
>throws him away in a slapstick death
people shit on nuwars but they forget why it was wrenched from this sperg's hands in the first place
they didn't realize how popular he would become, same with maul
Hell no.
>awful Sesame Street tier puppets in Jabba’s palace
>practical effects are overall somehow much worse than they were in Empire
>entire battle on Endor is anticlimactic and cheesy as fuck
>fat Han Solo
>dialogue/acting that is as wooden and cringey as anything in AoTC
The only redeemable parts of RoTJ are the scenes with Luke, Vader, and/or the emporor.
I enjoy RotJ on the whole but holy fucking shit the entire thing is a toy commercial. The first act is on the Jabba's palace play set filled with dozens of new Kenner action figures and the rest is a big ad for cuddly wuddly Ewok stuffed animals. Everything new from characters like Ackbar to Nien Nunb to ships like the white imperial shuttle, Jaba's skiff, and the A-Wings, B-Wings, TIE Interceptors, etc. all just toys.
it was a really cool death desu
just like the whole franchise.
he survived tho in canon
maul is not popular
maul is pretty fucking popular dude, so much so he was brought back to life. he even appeared in the fucking solo movie
>they didn't realize how popular he would become, same with maul
Bullshit, they knew exactly how popular Maul would be, he was featured heavily in all the advertising.
>maul is not popular
Bullshit, Maul is one of the most iconic characters in Star Wars.
No, he didnt
This, being eaten by a sandy butthole is much more badass than being forced to kill yourself.
George wanted him back, therefore it's megacanon.
He did, you stupid moron. They brought him back once in the EU, then in TCW and even made a cameo in Solo because of how popular he was.
>Savage Oppress is canon