Why is this ugly square headed bitch being cast in everything
Why is this ugly square headed bitch being cast in everything
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i'd give her my white cock just to spite her
built for BWC
This is how it works in Hollywood, you fuck the right people, you get roles.
no idea, and ironically she's racist and doesn't want to work with white men... so why the fuck she does it?
Why are you being so hateful about her looks? Don't you have any ugly friends or family?
Another wealthy, privileged, racist and sexist moron
she's cute desu
Brie Larson does not apply
Brie Larson doesn't need to
She is given
>2 white guys holding 2 umbrellas for her in the rain while she bashes white men
>I don't wanna turn up on set and see a bunch of black people, no offense
Racist piece of shit
the jew nigger agenda my friend, also so powerful
Because she’s a 10/10 for Amerimutts.
I don't know why does that ugly shaved head meme gender bitch from billions have to get into john wick and probably shoehorned into more shit
I just figured it was rich kids LARPing as actors. Like Cara Delevingne and Olsen...only Olsen actually happens to be genuinely attractive. The rest is a nepotistic push from mommy & daddy.
btw why is there feds baitthread with over 250replies? the abducted one
>The ideal mud person.
>ugly friends
Hell no
>ugly family members
None that i'd consider my bloodline.
Ugly people are a scourge user, dead ends to genetic lineages who should not be celebrated but much the opposite.
Because she's acceptably black(mixed) but not too black(11:59pm with niggest facial features) while curly(not straightened) hair.
cara delevingne?
Imagine the smell.
>Why is this ugly square headed bitch being cast in everything
Well, she's black, that lands you parts. Perhaps she is also gay ?
Ugly nigger dyke!!!FACT!!!
She's the mutt version of Brie Larson
There are so many beautiful mixed girls but they keep picking this ugly loudmouthed Buttaface because she regurgitates their politics.
Movies are supposed to have beautiful people
That woman still looks like an ugly mutt even if she's almost white
hollywood bias hiring lightskinned negroes. how about some darker ones? baka
I remember you from Blu-ray .com
Light skinned blacks are easier to light in the same scene as whites is one of the reasons. She’s mixed too which is a boon for Hollywood, a woman, and woke. She’s pushed to try to get 3 markets.
You're a retard. By that logic no old people can be in movies.
It's perfectly possible to be old and beautiful.
this is accurate
Who should've been Gandalf? It couldn't have been Ian Mckellan, because he has wrinkles, and so he can't be in movies.
And William Dafoe couldn't play Green Goblin.
Anthony Hopkins couldn't play Hannibal Lector.
And we also can't have biopics of ugly people, so O'Shea Jackson Jr. can't play Ice Cube in Straight Outta Compton, because Ice Cube is not beautiful.
Hollywood HATES black people so they get the ugliest bitch they can find. Foreign audiences are led to believe that this is black beauty and talent. . . . . . . . . .
>Has literally the same facial structure, though exaggerated, as Elsa Jean
>Which would make sense because she isn't white neither
Interesting. So this is the FAS cranium that National Geographic were talking about all of those years ago. And it's beautiful.