What’s the worst movie you’ve seen? For me it’s Contagion (2011)
What’s the worst movie you’ve seen? For me it’s Contagion (2011)
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The pest
>Tfw no tinder in me country so i have to work extra to fuck braphogs and slampigs instead of having them a la carte.
What do you think she considers a bad movie?
Is this a Hinge advertisement?
THX 1138
the world would be a slightly better place if fat shaming was still allowed
>Almost every girl on Hinge I've seen is fat or ugly
>The app somehow doesn't notify you when messages come in
>The ones who match still never respond
Online dating is a meme
Toss up between Let's Be Cops or Spotlight
Warcraft (2015). Every other movie I have ever seen retroactively gains a point after seeing this abomination, this garbage, this brain-melting clusterfuck of a disaster of a calamity of a movie.
I'm sure there have technically been worse movies, like the kind of B-movies that Best of the Worst reviews. I'm sure that Attack of the Bleached Blonde Biker Bimbos is probably even more painful to sit through. But, relative to the budget it had, the time it took to develop, the built in audience factor, the creative freedom possible with such an established and loved lore, Warcraft was just ... reprehensible.
THX is no less than a 5/10, possibly up to a 7 if you really dig the concept and aesthetic. a strange choice for worst movie, you need to watch more things.
I used the big three at one point and Hinge was all religious/conservative women. Probably just my area though. You're right about not getting notifications half the time
>You need to spend hundreds of hours watching shit to find the worst shit reeeee
Taken 3 - editing gave me headaches
Identity Thief - Melissa McCarthy gave me headaches
The Dark Tower - worst editing in a "big" movie
Hidden Figures - "historical documentary" with a social message that was based on lies. Propaganda.
that's adorable
i would slam her.
wouldnt stick around afterwards though
Okay, fine! Yes, I would! Now leave me alone!
You absolutely fucking pleb. Literally never post on this board again.
How many hours of watching shitty movies then?
what the heck is hinge?
Disaster Movie
Didn't get all the way through
Rubber is, by far, the worst movie I've ever seen.
I paid money to watch Old Dogs starring John Travolta and Robin Williams in the theater
that's perfect weekday morning cable kino
even fatties in amercia wont fuck you unless youre fit and attractive
bad ben
The Strangers
Epic movie
Manos. Sure the big bad was cool as fuck but he was also in 2% of the movie. The rest of it was just silence and stupid bullshit.
I want to hug her
"MANOS" the hands of fate
Rebuild of Evangelion: You can (not) Redo (2012)
i mean jesus christ even the fucking title is so bad
retarded piece of shit
Some shitty obscure movie called Gremiln
It's about a shitty cursed box or something i don't remember
Fuck it, i'd probably go for it
Disaster movie
The sacrifice
Reservoir dogs
The Guvnors
>shit acting
>shallow, flat characters
>protagonist is a semi-mute retard and the antagonist is literally a gay autistic nigger
>ridiculous norf boomer holier-than-thou theme
>the worst, most unimpactful, most unnecessary twist i've ever seen in a movie
>final fight is a fucking joke with choreography/editing worse than the cops vs felons scene in the dark knight
>boring as all shit
>hammy and unrealistic
>drags on forever
>tons of cringy melodramatic moments and painfully amateur cinematography
>britcucks fucking love it for some reason
it was unironically one of the worst movies i've ever seen
Who’s that fatty female
Rusk00 on reddit
Checked and thanks
Level 1 Gunt.
im disgusted by that stomach but the giant tits are calling to me
How do normalfags even find this board? Contagion was absolute kino. Just because it doesn't have zombies doesn't make it shit, fucking retard.
But user it's like she has a nice, big third tit for you to play with
For me? It's Single Moms
I need more
>reposting my image
thanks for letting it live on
>How do normalfags even find this board?
This place hasn't been a super secret club for years user. YEARS. The war is over, the normies won.
They want "World War Z," not reality.
We seldom see realistic portrayals of epidemics in movies, and Contagion gets two thumbs up.
Grizzly Man.
>follow autist around for 2 hours while he reeeeees about bears.
>gets eaten by bear.
>we don't see him get eaten by bear.
>We seldom see realistic portrayals of epidemics in movies, and Contagion gets two thumbs up.
The first half of Outbreak is pretty good, though it devolves into schlock pretty quickly.
Could be worse desu, at least the kid is white
You're god damn right I'd destroy that
I don't remember that, perhaps it's time to watch it again. But even if so--I think I might know what you're complaining about--it doesn't deserve to be "worst movie" for anyone.
anything on mst3k
Holmes & Watson
my gf and I both liked Step Brothers so we figured "hey, how bad can it be?"
Turns out: very
Contagion is good.
Why would you even try to watch those? Are y'all retarded?
I haven't seen a single person, no matter what kind of movies they like, say that this movie is good.
What a mess. switching storylines every ten minutes, going nowhere with any of them.
>such an established and loved lore
Then you don't know shit about warcraft
she has a black baby in her second photo dude ive seen it
The Emoji Movie
A girl and I were in bed browsing netflix and I suggested ironically watching the emoji movie and making fun of it. She said that sounded fun so we put it on and it was so unbelievably boring we both fell asleep halfway through it.
it's probably the worst comedy ever made.
It's worse than any Sandler movie, because at least the Sandler movies always risked being offensive. H&W tried to be stupid AND woke, so it doesn't even appeal to the lowest common denominator by being offensive.
it's called "Netflix and Chill" not "Netflix and Heat Death of the Universe"
Bone Tomahawk
Does it exist beyond the plane of "so bad it's good?" Like would it be fun to watch knowing how bad it is?
Watch out for snakes
Manos is Spanish for hands.
Hands: The Hands of Fate
Knight of Cups
some parts are so shockingly stupid you MIGHT laugh at how ridiculous the scene is, and Will Farrell and John C Reilly are both fine, but the writing is almost anti-humorous. It's worth a watch if you are morbidly curious, but watching it never approaches anything one could describe as "fun"
I hate Tropic Thunder with a passion.
It reminds me so much of the movies it lampoons that it is just another one.
Thor Ragnarok. I hated it so much, shitty libtards destroying beautiful old Germanic stories entirely.
it was written by the same guy who wrote Holmes & Watson, Get Hard, and Men in Black 3.
I don't know why people liked it.
just imagine those whappers slapping you in the face. fuck
Must suck lving in the vatican bro
The Pool
Basically any French films
Do Leon and The Fifth Element count as frog films?
I'm legitimately curious who finds this funny or entertaining.
in spain is it called Hands: The Manos of Fate
Crank 2
Jupiter Rising.
Not objectively the worst but it was fucking disgusting.
This movie is a dumpster fire
cringe and not based
For some reason, this movie always stuck out as the worst movie I ever saw. en.wikipedia.org
But for some reason the past 4 or 5 years, everything has been bad. I have seen a bunch of movies that came out since Hollywood had the Trump meltdown that make that May movie look like fine art. Nick Cages "The Humanity Bureau" was a funny Trump Derrangement Syndrome movie. It was obviously made before Trump won the election and it was a what if scenario of "If Trump won the election" what the world would have looked like....... HILARIOUSLY BAD. But it's like "Get Out" in which, if you watch it as a comedy it's hilarious.
Airplane vs Volcano starring the amazing talents of Dean Cain
Dean Cain was actually a pretty good superman. That is obviously the only role he was good at.
Movie 43, how has no one mentioned this yet?
Contagion is only liked by the mainstream because the whole movie was based off a cuckold scenario. S()yB*ys love it when their lifestyles are portrayed as normal in TV/movies.
>The Humanity Bureau
Decent dystopia, I love how cheap it looks.
I might watch it again.
It was the actors that pulled it off, but barely.
Movie 43 made me laugh though. Any movie that can get a reaction out of me isn't that bad. Something like an Amy Schumer comedy special that doesn't even get a chuckle would be considered bad by my standards. Idiot juvenile comedy and slapstick is fine in my book, as long as I get at least a hardy chuckle.
>it's like she has a nice, big third tit for you to play with
Christ, at least wait 15 minutes for the lines to go away
This is her best angle, think about it, this isn't showing all the stretch marks, the skinrash on the innerthighs, the putrid smell hidden in the fat folds.
>single mom with little girl
Best combo.
The worst film I can remember seeing in the kinoplex is Battleship (2012).
Worst I've ever seen? Not sure, After Earth maybe?
Haven't they shanked you yet Ian
Head only
>not at least allowing titfucking
Anybody have some female online dating profiles with forceful, entirely unrealistic qualifications for potential mates? You know, the "must make $250k a year, be ripped, have a 7.5" cock, be willing to put up with my shit" kind of thing.
>Kal-El no!
Real ones? I'm sure they're out there but the worst I've seen are just about height requirements
watched that in secondary school to learn about viruses/infection lmfaooo
contagion was kino tho
Now You See Me is the worst movie i've ever endured
Fucking Boats, man.
At least it's not An Idiot Saves the President
Super Size Me
it goes against all her beliefs
Contagion is a great movie. If that's the worst movie you've seen, not sure I want to know your favorite.
For me
Meet the Spartans
Battle: Los Angeles
Probably Vampire's Kiss. It gets memed by reddit and Cage fans but holy shit it's very hard to sit through and only funny-bad for a few short parts.
>not going for the belly exclusively
The Legend of Hercules is the worst movie I have ever watched.
stretch marks are hot. they are literally an indication that her body has expanded in a short period of time.
It's like a combo meal
>an established and loved lore
You realize Warcraft 1's "lore" was pretty much non-existent? The movie was Jones' best attempt at rectifying that, and even then he had to change things he didn't want to change.
You did not play Warcraft.
Where the fuck do you live?
>t. didn't watch the movie
I personally really really hated seeing Date Movie. I was forced to chaperone my younger cousins to see it.
It's really sad how many obese women are out there who would otherwise be really cute. Many of them would be solid 8s if they just lost weight.
Thought this was a BDH thread for a second FUCK
Her name Amanda?