Is there a worst remake in the history of cinema?
Wow, and I thought that the shot-by-shot Psycho remake was bad.
Is there a worst remake in the history of cinema?
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it was pretty good tbqh.
Are you kidding me, right? There was almost nothing of value in this movie besides the concept of aggressive/running zombies.
Pleb's opinions general?
It's actually the best tbqhm8. It's also underrated for being a leader in zombie reboot era of the 2000s after 28 Days Later.
No it was comfy and I unironically liked the cast/characters.
i liked this dvd extra
the rest of the movie was shit though. pretty hilarious that he aped shots from tom savini's remake as well
weak bait but while we're on the subject this and the Hills Have Eyes remake are some of the best horror remakes ever.
I think you're in the minority here, Dawn of the Dead: Synder Kino Edition is generally liked by most.
But you're probably just lookin for (You)s
It had paper thin, unsympathetic characters making stupid decisions to advance an abortion of a plot. The original was low budget kino with significant social commentary, this was just a shit sandwich with a diarrhoea French dip.
>making stupid decisions to advance an abortion of a plot.
Fueled by emotions, selfishness, or panic user.
28 Days is so much better than this shit that it offends me that you compare the two.
All the cast is more disposable than used tissues. I truly went expecting a great film. I loved it when it was young and always remembered it being "the good Synder's movie". And in the credits my expectations went to the roof when I saw that the writer was James Gunn, but boy, this movie is bad.
>kino with significant social commentary
so did this
it has cuckold propaganda and anti white ideals
>mutt tells the black one to try the vanilla stuff whilst licking her finger
>making stupid decisions to advance an abortion of a plot.
the original was even worse in this regard... like WAY worse.
Write a character who's sole purpose is to show a sex scene and have it killed with a chainsaw by accident.
Bravo, James Gunn, BRAVO.
Fag with shit opinions
It's fine until it falls off the rails in the third act with that stupid bus.
I agree with all the opinions this user just stated. ITS BREAKFAST TIME
>28 Days
The zombie film that turns into brit jungle fever fantasy after the 1 hour mark.
Point break remake. This and hills have eyes remake are kino
embarrassing post tbqhwys
both the original and remake are great
I guess 15 years have passed, and so now it's time once again for stupid faggot contrarian zoomer to reject the stuff they didn't grow up with "just because". I, the knowledgeable and sage 35 y.o. boomer, will tell you all your business, and set you in your place. Bleatings will follow after I lay down the true conventional wisdom.
The original (1978) Dawn is the best zombie film. Its remake is an enjoyable though bleak iteration. Happily, each of these is much better than the VERY dismal Day, which is reguarly wrongly conceived here as a good picture. I am right, and I am based and redpilled, and better than all of you. Day a shit. Suck my root, faggots.
>tfw I saw this in theaters when it came out
Idiot. This movie was directed by Joss Whedon.
FUCKING BASED AND REDPILLED user BTFO the little zoomies.
>I guess 15 years have passed, and so now it's time once again for stupid faggot contrarian zoomer to reject the stuff they didn't grow up with "just because". I, the knowledgeable and sage 35 y.o. boomer, will tell you all your business, and set you in your place. Bleatings will follow after I lay down the true conventional wisdom.
>The original (1978) Dawn is the best zombie film. Its remake is an enjoyable though bleak iteration. Happily, each of these is much better than the VERY dismal Day, which is reguarly wrongly conceived here as a good picture. I am right, and I am based and redpilled, and better than all of you. Day a shit. Suck my root, faggots.
As a 44 year old GEN Xer who hates boomers, this user speaks the truth.
I hate to be one of those "people", but I've always loved the idea of "Day of the Dead" 1985 more than the actual movie, it has it's moments but it's by no means great or total shit.
What they both get right is that instead of making it about survival it instead focuses on the situation at hand and just how inevitable it is that they'll succumb to a shitty fate. That's actually the horrifying thing about zombie films. In reality people would go mad at the prospect of the dead eating the living.
>plebs actually defend the zombie baby shit
It was good except the last leg of the movie.
>"We're protected in a fortress with everything we need"
>"Hey let's leave on a chance there's an island that doesn't have zombies on it"
It was such a forced final act to get them on the bus. It was just so fucking stupid.
I'm more of a connoisseur than you are. I've never even seen a good movie.
>significant social commentary
>Write a character who's sole purpose is to show a sex scene and have it killed with a chainsaw by accident.
>Bravo, James Gunn, BRAVO.
In the extended cut, she does have a sex scene with her tits bouncing whilst riding the Modern Family Dad villain.
>It's fine until it falls off the rails in the third act with that stupid bus.
Absolutely faggot opinion. there were BUSSES you ignorant incel slut, some fun special effects and you didn't know who was going to make it.
Didn't it go from a zombie movie to like Rambo towards the end?
Yeah it goes full retard when they get a wild hair up their ass to leave for some reason.
You're right! I thought that sequence was dumb as shit but now I see the light since they had two buses and fun special effects.
>>significant social commentary
The original was made when shopping malls were killing main streets and "one stop shopping" didn't exist outside of KMART and SEARS. People didn't like what those malls destroyed and covered with concrete - mostly forests and open land that people enjoyed
being in a giant building where old people did laps under nasty fluorescent lights was completely alien back then.
One of tvs most lovable innocent dads is a fucking prick and a highlight of this movie. Best character is cj and when I try to explain to people why this movie is good and the importance of character developement I point to him.
>Beginning of the movie he is a dick wants to be the only one in charge tells the civilians I would sooner kill each and everyone of you than get killed by those things(paraphrased a bit possibly)
>loses power
>Gets humbled
>Realizes that they have to work together.
>Values input from others about situations
>When the escape falls to shit he stays behind to sacrifice himself to save the very people he once threatened to kill if it means he survives.
Fucking based and if you dont like this movie you are a troll, have shit taste, or are a child from a generation that is now so completely fucked.
Western remake kinos are
>True Grit
>3:10 to yuma
Wait, you sure the sex scene was only in the extended cut?
>Imagine being this pleb
This. The sex scene is in versions. Based Snyder
>You're right! I thought that sequence was dumb as shit but now I see the light since they had two buses and fun special effects.
It takes a big man to concede their missteps, I accept your realization and am glad to be here to help fellow kino-soirs.
The scene itself is extended is what he meant.
My only gripes with the movie:
*CGI baby
*Bad casting of black thug and his stupid foreign girlfriend
*Not enough to do in the mall unlike in the original.
>dude we have a coffee shop, lets just stay here the whole time except in a montage
>Is there a worst remake in the history of cinema?
>Wow, and I thought that the shot-by-shot Psycho remake was bad.
The intro to this "remake" is one of the most kino intros for editing, music and pacing in the history of Zombie and Horror Movies.
I would put it in the top 100 out of ALL intros for ALL movies.
The only intro that holds a candle is probably Friday the 13th II.
Thanks again user. To think I was watching movies all wrong this whole time judging them on the strengths of the story and characters when I really should've been paying attention to stuff like the cg explosions and blood.
>this was just a shit sandwich with a diarrhoea French dip.
This is without a doubt one of the most Reddit posts I have seen here in ages.
This person still watches South Park and has never ridden a bicycle without a helmet, pure pleb and should be ignored when not being ridiculed.
I thought the baby was a puppet? Also, it was barely in the movie at all.
>weak bait but while we're on the subject this and the Hills Have Eyes remake are some of the best horror remakes eve
Agreed, it's a great remake. They just can' seem to get this right anymore and have been consistently disappointed in almost every attempt.
The Evil Dead reboot was about the closest anyone has come in the recent future. I never thought I would say that, but there it is.
>Thanks again user. To think I was watching movies all wrong this whole time judging them on the strengths of the story and characters when I really should've been paying attention to stuff like the cg explosions and blood.
>willingly watches a horror movie and only concentrates on character development and story arcs
> too underage to ever know that people here used to buy Fangoria magazines and look forward to horror kino.
>knowingling wades into a bait thread and attempts to be superior and tips his sticky fake kino fedora all over the place while me and my crew laugh at him.
Carry on raging incel normie faggot
>running zombies are the worst
>>making stupid decisions to advance an abortion of a plot.
>the original was even worse in this regard... like WAY worse.
none of the underage pewdiepie fans here have even seen the original and most likely the remake because they're too busy watching other zoomers play video games in between masturbating 4 times a day in between not holding girls' hands.
no racist speak please. white supremacy is illegal on 4channel
>entire scene dedicated to it
>barely in the movie
You know, I think Tesla would not have given one flying fuck about gender politics.
>You know, I think Tesla would not have given one flying fuck about gender politics.
He wouldn't, if the free range mental patients didn't decide that "gender theory" was science in the current year.
How long was that scene compared to the movie running time? It really was barely in the movie.
>bait thread
Got me there. If it's just for the lulz though you could stand to be funnier.
>he doesnt remember the literal slow-motion gun battle in that scene that takes 5 minutes
t. zoomer
>Got me there. If it's just for the lulz though you could stand to be funnier.
zoomer faggot demands every else entertains him and adds nothing of value to the community.
WHAT A SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Ummm, I could totally be funny if I tried
I could write the next 4 responses you have planned too if you want faggot.
All your points are good, but I enjoyed the actual character developement and the way certaib characters interacted with one another the action is solid throughout its your core cast that makes it better.
But yes I agree there being two buses and fun special effects as well as your general assessment of the assclown you be mocking
>t. zoomer
how absolutely dare you. While you were practicing flossing for your grade school dance I was cutting lawns to buy Iron Maiden T-Shirts from the Oriental Pearl for $12 at the Quakerbridge Mall in between playing Punch Out at the SPACEPORT arcade you cunt.
Don't even try me child.
So are we talking about the babies screentime or like the moment she goes to labour until the baby is killed. Babys in it for under 7 seconds and that whole her going into labour, nig vs hag shootout and the babys demise are like 5 to 8 mins long in total. The guy who wasnt even in the mall had more of a presence in the movie
I was high as fuck when I first saw the remake. I thought it was pretty good. Not great
>this is what based and redpilled looks like 90s plush cartman
>All your points are good, but I enjoyed the actual character developement and the way certaib characters interacted with one another the action is solid throughout its your core cast that makes it better.
>But yes I agree there being two buses and fun special effects as well as your general assessment of the assclown you be mocking
Lets not ignore the DVD extras of the gun store owner slowly losing his mind in a 35 minute video cut with videos of his daughter and the goldfish.
It's one of the few DVD's I own that I have watched all the special features and rewatch the entire dvd whenever I'm sick.
Really, 5 minutes is a lot of screen time?
>Really, 5 minutes is a lot of screen time?
It's all relative. When I first saw BVS I was convinced that half of the movie was everyone yelling "MARRRTTHHHHAAA" over and over again.
I rewatched it on a stream a few weeks ago and it's like a 3 minute scene.
Best special feature/deleted scene ever in a dvd.
Why did you say that name?
Cut out the Mekhi Phifer character and the movie is like 10% better. He just didn't fit in. Most of the actors played their parts pretty subtly (other than like Steve who was supposed to be over the top obnoxious), but he was just in your face cliched.
Only part of the movie I think is pretty dumb is when they outfit those mall shuttles. I can suspend a lot of disbelief, but I have to draw the lien when it turns into an A-Team montage of welding shit on the shuttles and everyone having all these random skills that barely anyone in the average group has.
My favorite part of the movie is the end credit scenes where they reach the island.
It was the proper ending.
either way what store you shop at isn't "significant social commentary" nor is there anything insightful in the film itself
>Cut out the Mekhi Phifer character and the movie is like 10% better. He just didn't fit in. Most of the actors played their parts pretty subtly (other than like Steve who was supposed to be over the top obnoxious), but he was just in your face cliched.
Him and his Russian mail order wife were the low points of the flick. He has zero character arc. His screen presence is so shit, I actually cared about the hick truck driver woman who he shot.
He was good for exactly one scene, the cop negro telling him to "wash his ass and say 3 hail marys".
I've welded before, even took a class at the community college to make some custom lattice for plants in my yard. It's not hard. If 1-2 dude knew how to do it, it's not a stretch to imagine them teaching the others to help out.
I mean, everyone's seen mad max. If it's the end of the world, you best believe I'm going to make some time to make some Apocalypse zombie killing busses for the first time in my life.
Oh no, OP a faggot as usual. Sad!
>either way what store you shop at isn't "significant social commentary" nor is there anything insightful in the film itself
OK "babies first shit post" (that's you). Please regale us with your unlimited and patrician knowledge of "significant social commentary" you pretentious dork.
oof, the boomer can't even think up a way to defend his shitty film
>oof, the boomer can't even think up a way to defend his shitty film
oof, the kiddy deflects and ignores the point he made and can't defend.
It's your move if you haven't figured it out Pewdiepie foot soldier.
you're trying to make me prove a negative you senile retard, the onus is on you to prove the film has what you claim it has.
>that retarded chick running after a stupid dog
I remember rewatching and thinking how poorly the plot was advanced with that nonsense.
First 10 minutes are brilliant, but the film goes downhill from there. As a remake, it's poor and the only similarity it shares is the mall location. As its own film, it's a decent action flick to toss in every now and then.
>you're trying to make me prove a negative you senile retard, the onus is on you to prove the film has what you claim it has.
Incorrect, for the THIRD TIME. A critique of consumerism might not be a fresh take for kiddies who have been drilled with it as early as 5th grade in the current year, but for the original DAWN OF THE DEAD - and it was still valid for the remake (it was referenced a couple times as a "nod" to the original)
You disagreed with what Romero has stated on FILM, and you have disagreed with me and half the board.
This is where we wait for you to copypaste your counterargument from someone smarter than you - or you could just stall and shitpost more and prove my point.
Even if you didn't take a class it's not like you can't teach yourself this shit overtime just by trial and error. People underestimate how much shit even a mong can come up with when he has nothing to do but survive.
>>that retarded chick running after a stupid dog
>I remember rewatching and thinking how poorly the plot was advanced with that nonsense.
It wasn't the scripts fault, it was the actress. She didn't sell it. She lost everything, her family, life, friends and dog - then she finds the dog - and the group sees the dog as a took to gain access to an armory, not a companion to cope where her PTSD.
I haven't seen this movie in a long time. What did they do to the buses except cut and weld stuff on it?
The only level-headed likeable character in the original was the black cop. Everyone else was a fuckin moron.
I thoought it was notably better than the original.
Lot of early zombie movies are pretty bare bones too.
Isn't it because the girl leaves and zombies get in when rescuing her?
>The only level-headed likeable character in the original was the black cop. Everyone else was a fuckin moron.
Qunten, just because your mom only fucked black dudes and you had no real father in your life doesn't mean you have to only like the black character and ignore the based Tv repair man/father and CJ - not to mention Ana.
>Dawn of the Dead is one of the best Zombie films ever made. It combines a decent storyline, good acting, nice cinematography, good dialogue, good soundtrack and is genuinely scary.
>From it's brilliant realised and scary opening, Dawn of the Dead holds you by the throat and doesn't let go. The action is pretty much non stop and at times it becomes unbearably tense. As well as a huge amount of gory scenes to keep bloodhounds satisfied it throws in a number of human interest sub plots as the survivors come to terms with their predicament. This stops this being just another one dimensional gore-fest.
>What elevates it above most of is that it has characters are not only interesting but totally believable. All the cast do a good job in particular Michael Kelly as the power crazy CJ and Sarah Polley, Jake Webber and Ving Rhames as the main survivors.
>This is an incredibly entertaining film packed full of memorable scenes. Most films are let down by their ending but this one is highly satisfactory if a little bleak. Anyone that likes Zombie movies is almost certain to like it. In my opinion it is pretty much the perfect Zombie movie. Highly recommended.
I wonder if we'll get a new zombie moving exploring the death of malls due to the nigger menace.
Manlet cop was an annoying ADHD mong. The pilot also ruined everything because of their stupidity. I'm sorry but you have to settle for based nigger cop.
I don't think any actress could have saved that. Endangering the group because the dog got sent in as bait? They even told her the zombies weren't after the dog and she still ran away with the truck. The character was terrible plain and simple
>I wonder if we'll get a new zombie moving exploring the death of malls due to the nigger menace.
You know, you're just being an edgy little /pol/ack, but it's true.
I think that if there was some sickle cell mutation that caused only negroes to go full Congo cannibal at American shopping malls it would be a good movie and have underlying SOCIAL COMMENTARY that faggots here could actually understand - since empty minded consumerism for the sake of consuming to fill an empty void is such a impossible concept.
Imagine some white presenting character succumbing to the disease due to being part black and not realizing it.
>based Tv repair man/father and CJ - not to mention Ana.
Who the fuck were those people? Keep projecting your strange fetishes all you want, it doesn't change the fact the only good chemistry in the movie was between dry erase boards lol. Every one of the characters in the DOTD remake are so bland, and uninteresting I gave no fucks about muh bleak ending. The main character, Ana has no personality, the guy she dates I guess has as much personality as her. So the relationship is boring, and no one gives a fuck about it. The characters that do have some personality are one-dimensional(douchebag is a douche, creepy gay guy is a creepy gay guy) I will give it to you that some of the opening is scary, but they blew their load there
Has anyone else ever noticed that the first remake of Day of the Dead follows almost the exact same story beats as AVP: Requiem?
Anyway you try to spin it, it's retarded. They could've just had a weak spot in the mall the zombies found and that would've been better.
>>based Tv repair man/father and CJ - not to mention Ana.
>Who the fuck were those people? Keep projecting your strange fetishes all you want, it doesn't change the fact the only good chemistry in the movie was between dry erase boards lol. Every one of the characters in the DOTD remake are so bland, and uninteresting I gave no fucks about muh bleak ending. The main character, Ana has no personality, the guy she dates I guess has as much personality as her. So the relationship is boring, and no one gives a fuck about it. The characters that do have some personality are one-dimensional(douchebag is a douche, creepy gay guy is a creepy gay guy) I will give it to you that some of the opening is scary, but they blew their load there
so you concede that there was another character as good, or better than ving rhames? I love it when anons argue my point against themselves and "win".
Am I the only one here who has had heals of dreams about zombie apocalypses? Especially getting stuck in places like supermarkets/malls with lots of cute girls, for some reason theres just something really sexual about zombie apocs.
>Anyway you try to spin it, it's retarded. They could've just had a weak spot in the mall the zombies found and that would've been better.
ORRRR, hear me out now, the gangsta nig nog with the zombie baby loses his shit and is hiding out in the mall for a few months trying to kidnap people for his baby to eat and finally sabotages the whole shebang when they finally find his hostage and kill his baby.
He could have went full John McClain against the good guys!
What's 44 like? I'm hitting that in a couple of months, is it getting scary yet that were closing in on 50.
I'm not the user you replied to. I don't concede shit.
I can see how you don't like it but saying that it's the worst remake ever is some of the biggest bullshit I've read here.
They were running out of food so they would of had to leave at some point
>What's 44 like? I'm hitting that in a couple of months, is it getting scary yet that were closing in on 50.
just had a full physical, slightly elevated liver counts - probably due to my cocktail of drugs for medical issues - missing a spleen and apendix, but overall great.
Little salt creeping into the sides of my hair and chin, and some aches and pains here and there - "sleeping wrong" has never been more true than now.
but, if you're out of shape, or made shit life choices - there's always time to turn it around. I'm doing lots of outdoor shit now, some relatives have bad knees and backs and can't do anything anymore - even ride in a jeep.
I play gold instead of basketball now, I don't get trashed anymore and I feel pretty good.
I was medically retired from the military so I have a monthly check and free healthcare, so I am going into middle age with BOOMER-TIER benefits.
That picture's a fucking lie those goddamn Lindt chocolate bars don't ever break cleanly they always snap unevenly and leave a big sliver of the next piece broken off. Goddamn smug fuck, listening to the sound of mediocre chocolate division like this is some fucking game. I'm going to go break one of those fuckers right now just to see how badly it comes apart.
>in the original
Fuckin zoomers aren't learned reading comprehension nowadays.
Day has my favorite song in a movie of all time, and it's Savini at his best. It's my favorite of the trilogy
>Fuckin zoomers aren't learned reading comprehension nowadays.
I concede I made an reading is fundamental error, but for fuck's sake - no one here was even close to discussing the original in the previous 10-20 posts.
At least hold out as long as you can to see if the zombies start to rott or not
Kek it's one of the very few cases where remake is on par with, or even better than, the original.
First piece out and it breaks like shit.
I've been listening to the soundtrack this whole thread.
based chocolate poster with patrician music taste
Cabin fever is a helluva drug
>that scene where the zombies are tearing him to shreds and his voice gets all high pitched
Terrified me as a young boomer.
The baby was real. They covered it in applesauce to simulate afterbirth, used a green light in its eyes to edit later with cg to make them look like zombie eyes.
t.watched the bts
this scene I think
You did a great job of refuting his points there user. Well played.
Give some examples or shut up, zoomer.
Total Recall is the worst remake.
They start planning the escape while they're still safe, that part just forced them to kick it off early
I think you just want to shoot people, user
Op, you are trying too hard.
Snyder is a shallow moron who could never understand the satire of Romero's film. This is why he uses religious symbolism frequently because he thinks it makes him look "deep"!!!FACT!!!
>There was almost nothing of value in this movie besides the concept of aggressive/running zombies.
Return of the Living Dead did it better!!!FACT!!!
>It had paper thin, unsympathetic characters making stupid decisions to advance an abortion of a plot. The original was low budget kino with significant social commentary, this was just a shit sandwich with a diarrhoea French dip
Astute assessment and 100% correct!!!FACT!!!
>28 Days is so much better than this shit that it offends me that you compare the two.
28DL would have been a masterpiece if that faggot Boyle had stuck with the original downbeat ending where Jim dies in the hospital!!!FACT!!!
>The original (1978) Dawn is the best zombie film
WRONG, it's 3rd after Return of the Living Dead and Lucio Fulci's Zombie!!!FACT!!!
>Idiot. This movie was directed by Joss Whedon.
>creepy gay guy
The baby was animatronic it's eye's were CG/Planar tracked though.
The characters in it are absolutely butt-fuckingly retarded.
Not even "standard horror movie retarded" but fucking "60 IQ is probably being generous" retarded
Sure, even smart people can make dumb decisions in the heat of the moment, or long-term dumb decisions when emotions are involved (e.g. keeping Bitten Preggers alive is understandable) but practically nobody in the movie ever makes a decision that isn't retarded
Aja is fucking amazing.
Criminally under rated practical effects smorgasbord. The zombies were unrivaled in detail until Walking Dead came around.
Hey me too user. I'm probably going to watch it again soon thanks to you guys. Have to give this guy props, literally carried a half hour one man show
The original is dogshit and only boomers/Xers think it's good because of nostalgia.
I did once, scariest fucking dream ever and I had to risk my life coming out of an airvent for a candy bar.
End them user. You are the only one who can.
this is better than the original and THE CRAZIES, another remake from romeros, is also better.
romero is overrated and manage to become a worst filmmaker one movie after the other.
I'll try.
The remake was better than the original and you are a pretentious idiot for thinking either of these movies are cinematic enough to even discuss. Go review superhero movies faggot.
Worked fine, pic won't upload for some unknown reason.
I like Dawn of the Dead (1978) but I don't find its 'social commentary' to be particularly well executed. I doubt the satire of consumerism is what has people coming back for more.
I think Romero's later films show that Dawn.(and Night) were flukes. Day and his other later films had way too much focus on social commentary and this kills their pacing. They are boring. I'm glad we have Dawn and Night but Romero is a flash in the pan director.
Uh...where'd you get that pic? From a small internet community?
zombie genre is for cucksoy videogamers. notice how only low-tier directors do them.
romero embrace the 'social commentary' because of the 'WOKE' end of night of the living dead, even if the guys kill the black man thinking he was a zombie and the actor was choose because he was the better they could have and not because he was black - he did a good audition, that was literaly it.
them, after the whole critics talking about that ending, he decides to embrace that every one of his zombie movies would have social commentary and its... shit.
consumers are zombies, the military are zombies, everybody i dont like is a zombie, basically.
way too bitter and simplistic, really. take out the great gore effects - for wich he is not responsible - and youve got nothing of substance, just some shitty movie to horror fans pretend theyre deep.
While i didn't like this one there are worse remakes out there. Every time they remake I am legend it somehow gets worse.
Last man on Earth > Omega man > I am legend.
>besides the concept of aggressive/running zombies.
Which 28 Days Later did two years earlier