Depression and Loneliness

Can women ever understand or relate to characters like Travis Bickle?

Do they even know what being depressed feels like?

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Instagram was down for a couple hours last week so yes, they do know what it feels like

Is this movie like Blade Runner 2049? I really like that movie and this looks similar

In a word: no.
Don't let that for a second make you think they won't try to convince you otherwise, though.

Travis was depressed and lonely because he had trouble fitting into society following a stint in Vietnam. Being able to understand or relate to that has nothing to do with gender.

Not similar at all, protaganists might seem similar because they both suffer from loneliness but that's about it

Nope. Women only get sad over trivial stuff like acne or like men not being attracted to them. Women don't understand depression and repressed violence.

You should all spend less time on Yea Forums.
Matter of fact, I’m going to spend less time on Yea Forums.

women in your country must suck ass

>incels identifying with a movie character that literally mocks them

Absolutely. While it may be more common on one side of the fence than the other, any human is capable of reaching the lows of a completely anti-social, clueless psycho.

It's clear this fate befalls women far less often than it does men, but there's a wide enough range of circumstances for it to be possible.

Agreed. There are depressed and lonely women out there, but there are simply way more men that fall into this group (for alot of different reasons).

Taxi Driver is more relevant now than it was back in the 70s
It predicted crazy white men going on a rampage due to sexual frustration, also explores porn addiction of white men and consequences of it.
It predicted white women fucking niggers left and right (the scorsese scene), and white men being very mad about it.

That's why, Yea Forums loves Taxi Driver so much. That's why they identify with him. Travis, is in fact, an embodiment of an average white boi that browses Yea Forums. An Incel archetype, that don't know how to act around women. A guy that dreams of "dealing with rampant degeneracy" while being a hypocrite that participates in the degeneracy, by watching pornography. Not to mention his obsession with saving an underage prostitute, a typical pedo incel white knight scenario.

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Scorsese didn't age well at all.
It's interesting to see the Vietnam vets suffering this and also now the lonely men going through something similar. Even though the vets went through war and hell.

Not everyone who posts here is as big of a loser as you.


Shit, forgot an important one

of course not

ITT: overweight/underweight white men that are fearful of acknowledging that men are violent and seek outlets for it.

No, women don't feel depressed and are constantly happy because they have it on easy mode and only males experience the hardship of life. Now, I hope that you will eventually grow out of whatever this phase is and realize just how fucking stupid your post is. Watch films like Repulsion or Sympathy For Lady Vengeance and fuck off.

Too bad it's precisely for whom this board is.

women are NPCs,they dont have any complex emotions


Yea Forums incelling aside, that's actually a really interesting question. I wonder if there are any women that find Travis Bickle relateable, I feel like his personality is built on being an almost creepy / fringe male member of society.

I knew a girl who had suicidal ideation. That means you constantly fantasize about ending your life. She thought she had diseases and wouldn't eat. She was hooked on prescribe drugs her therapist dolled out like candy.

She told me she wanted me to kill her and she thought I would go through with it. Like that's one reason she liked me. Which was probably the most hurtful things a person has said to me. She started asking about my gun.

I realized I would never be happy with a person like that in my life so I sabotaged it to get me out without focusing her rage on me.

She was beautiful too. Like those goth Instagram girls. She cooked for me and was kinky. Hot.
But I had to get out.

I think she was depressed but...I don't think she meant the shit she said. I'm pretty convinced most of it was for show and shock value but she lost the lie long ago. Being crazy was her identity not her reality.

She told me once she wrecked her car to kill herself but she didn't. I saw her car parked around town not long after.

I think she had a slew of men lining up all the time and when I cut her loose she turned on me eventually. She didn't keep any of her pledges of love or deep companionship and just blamed the failed relationship bon me.

I think crazy women are adept at using crazy and depression to look a certain way to get what they need out of people. I think psychosis just sharpens their predatory biology and I think they are way too selfish to kill themselves. She just wanted to punish me and use her depression as a tool.

Being depressed is sexy today. It's how girls market themselves.It's just a tool for them to get sympathy, get money, get attention, get men. Whatever.

I think she'd wired her brain to live depressed as a coping mechanism for being a person.
But I doubt she was ever lonely. Or ever felt the pain of failure or wasting away. Or desperate for anything. She was just on drugs or being an attention whore all the time.

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my mother just had a mental breakdown because I didn't like the brand of tuna she bought from the store today

im gonna go with no

>Afghan war vet
>Somehow affords small apartment alone in major city (NYC with suspension of disbelief)
>Drives for Uber
>Addicted to Pornhub
>Becomes obsessed with liberal protester girl
>Takes black pill after rejection, probably starts browsing Yea Forums
>Bonds with camgirl while driver her
>Gives self a Jimmy Darmody haircut, obtains 3D-printed guns and builds an unserialized 80% AR
>"Rescues" camgirl by shooting up the studio she works in
How do you like my remake and who should I cast as nu Travis

Nothing wrong with violence

No such thing as loneliness, you fucks are just insufferable fucks with shitty personalities

Ha! Yeah man, me too. In fact this will be the last time i ever go on Yea Forums.

let me guess you're a neet

Women are also far more likely to willingly seek help than men do.

>First Post
>Best Post
Only Spartan women would/could understand

>no such thing as loneliness

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No, user, they can't. Only *special* people like us can possibly understand. That what you wanted to be told?

the ones likeliest to reject people like you and the OP then. glad we cleared that up

fabricated and homosexual


>No such thing as loneliness
That's actually true for me. I'm almost always alone, but I never feel lonely. I hate whenever I have to be with people. Being alone is comfy.

>Didn't "age well" over 42 years
What did user mean by this

Nice blogpost and redditspacing. Noone cares

I love how people project their own insecurities on others

People are also more likely to help women if they seem depressed or lonely. Just message some beta orbiter or join some discord group and everyone lines up to talk to you.
But if a man is depressed and lonely, people just think that hes a creepy incel etc and should just man up.

Alcohol is mans only true friend.

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>But if a man is depressed and lonely, people just think that hes a creepy incel etc and should just man up.

Except men don't talk about being depressed and just go for the bottle, at which people just think you're an alcoholic.


Ofcourse not, females have problems comprehending the concept of isolation/alienation. The concept of finding purpose. The concept of selfless morality and self-sacrifice for the greater good.

All strictly male themes.

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Depression for women is that they're not getting enough attention!!!FACT!!!

my sister has genuine problems including BPD and depression and it really hurts to see her being a gigantic knot of suffering.
She hurts herself, denies any sort of help, suddenly isolates herself and pretty much loses it every time something goes wrong.
She often drives others away or at least thats what she thinks, and thats why she hates herself. I feel like shit every time I meet her and she just cries in the corner and I dont know what to do, or at least how, I know what to do but I just cant because 'tism. And if I try I fail or she just isolates herself more

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She has a condition, not the same


if she has BPD maybe its best she isolates herself. those people are usually pretty toxic and manipulative

Hug her more often

Alcohol is shit.
Stop drinking for some month and you'll see how better life becomes

>she hurts herself
>suddenly isolates
>she just cries in the corner
user it's very possible that she's only manipulating you for sympathy and attention. i guarantee she doesn't cry in the corner when no one is around to see her do it.
t. grew up with a borderline mother

no, they mostly suck dick

Women experience depression differently from men, because they're taught to show their pain as it results in them being swarmed with positive attention. If a man shows his depression, few women want to deal with that and other men typically just go on with their lives or just go out drinking with him. But most men don't show it and suffer in silence.

Women are playing Candy Crush on easy and men are playing Dark Souls no death play through.

I was answering the second question.

Just give her a big, strong hug and tell her that you'll always be there for when she needs you.

I can't understand how beautiful women get depressed. Like pic related. Those are cutting scars on the inside of her raised arm (you can see them more clearly on NSFW pics). How does that happen? How does she not have a fleet of men lined up to take care of her?

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Men are the niggers of gender. They are 50% of the population but commit the overwhelming majority of violent crime

>depressed women
>society is crumbling around me, time to drown my sorrows in fine wine

>depressed men
>ooga booga i cant get laid time to get a rifle and go on a shooting spree

Sweet insight, I have a similar story but with a women pretending to be a femcel and by her words she is full of anxiety. Such a unique snowflake, being a beta orbiter to such girls is such a failure for a man. It's all bs with women.

What movie is this?

That kind of thinking makes you idolize women and turn into a trapfag. Women are more prone to anxiety because of biology and since they are social creatures they crave attention like crazy via means like cutting arms and such.
The shy innocent looking girls are even more shittier, at least insta hoes are more straight forward.

God, I hope you don't come across at such a sweet introverted anime girl, for the best of you.

Taxi Driver

>women can only be lonely/isolated if they're mentally ill
Thanks for the confirmation

not really, no. how would you even imagine the female equivalent of travis bickle? women can't see themselves in his shoes so its impossible for them to understand him.

Hey OP

Have sex



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How do you deal with your loneliness, bros?

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Binge drinking

It's only romantic and mysterious if guys feel sorry for themselves. If women do, it's just considered pathetic.

After year 27, you become content with it to the point that you can't imagine it being any other way.

>Being depressed is sexy today. It's how girls market themselves.It's just a tool for them to get sympathy, get money, get attention, get men. Whatever

Precisely. Being "depressed" also means nobody expects any responsibility for your actions so thots can treat everyone like shit while expecting to be treated like fragile queens.

black dick*

If she is doing porn I doubt she is happy. And she may have a fleet of men that think they are ready to take care of her, but none of them would be her choice. Who knows, maybe she wants to reject those men since she is ashamed of having naked pics on the internet. And those men aren't good choices anyway.

I’ve thought about this before. The most unrealistic part about remaking Taxi Driver now would be the fact that Travis Bickle’s apartment in modern day Manhattan would cost like $2500 a month.

Women cannot feel depressed because even at their lowest point there's somebody out there willing to plug their holes.

>has a job
>served in the army
>almost got a gf
>wannabe hero
he was a failed normie

the blood effects and soundtrack are pretty bad, the movie is 6.5/10 at best

In the original screenplay, the pimp guy was black but they toned it down because so many evil characters were already black.

He was a loser by 1970s standards. No one could have predicted the level of worthless NEET losers that the internet would create.

It's true, but really the best male (white male) characters are somewhat similar in this regard. Even Ignatius Reilly, protagonist of Confederacy of Dunces, a comedic novel, has so many things in common with Travis (and men who enjoy Taxi Driver) than other, more serious characters in movies whose general lifestyle etc are similar to his.

Generally on social media, especially twitter and Instagram, depression is becoming more talked about, but more as a "badge" or a norm than a problem. You see lots of "as someone who as anxiety/depression..." in comments and responses. It seems like even if it he stigma is being erased, people treat having depression like entitlement or status of rather than the disease it is

Very Lynchian

Based phone poster

instawhores irrevocably BTFO

Had a borderline personality girl that I dated who had this fantasy of me killing her, she was living her own hell and wanted out.
She attempted suicide before because of the scars covered up with tattoos.
I got out before the real damage could be done, christ that shit still haunts me.

Too literal. Afghan war vets are rare. The contemporary Travis will have gone through something both very common (Vietnam vets were drafted after all) and vaguely traumatic. A divorce is similar, as is modern college education.

He would be a white male in his mid-to-late 20s, underemployed but too far gone to care about a career or long-term prospects any more, living week to week, isolated in some large town or city, detached from his loved ones, friendless, naively childlike but also jaded and exhausted by the world he's found himself confronted by, bonding only with male companions in a similar position to himself who he doesn't really know and whose conversations consist largely of him just appreciating their company (even if they don't acknowledge him) or using them as an outlet for his occasionally intense emotions. He would fall in love with some girl who reminds him of a childhood crush, and who is herself relatively innocent-seeming despite her age, and who earns more than him and is far better-adapted socially speaking, despite betraying signs that she too yearns to meet someone who can comprehend her secret loathing and darkness. He would overcompensate for his utter lack of romantic experience by trying to appear masculine and experienced sexually, and this would mar her impression of him, causing her to think him a sleazy guy looking for a hookup. His apologies for seeming that way would be sincere, but as for his motivation whose to know; years of masturbating to pornography has confused his own understanding of whether he's as innocent as he likes to think. Deprived of love, deprived of status, but still desperate to be the lone cowboy who proves his worth to the townsfolk, he looks for the most foul creatures poisoning that town and views them as a means of redemption. The most obvious poison would be the criminals, alien to that land, so different to himself, multiplying, so apparently indifferent to law, virtue, honour, beauty etc.

Try my best not to hurt others, take my anger out on myself mentally (and by smoking a lot), reflect on how depressing the world is and feel somewhat relieved.


What's the point of even asking if any affirmative answer will be met with
>stop pretending to be a girl

Which movie is this from?

Darude - Sandstorm

Honestly most of this reads like a mumblecore movie from the mid 00s.

Be careful user. I'm like you. One day you might randomly meet someone. And then you like her and she likes you. You go out. You spend time together. And suddenly you remember what it is like being happy after so many years of dreadful indifference. And then it ends (because you've been a shut-in sperg for so long) and every second after becomes an agony knowing what you're missing out on.

The shell of isolation is very fragile. Once it's broken, you'll have a storm of hell to deal with. The brain has curious ways to protect itself.

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Nice blog I've seen this episode too Truman

Any recs?

Just answer the question retard, we're not here to fawn over you.

Most movies by the Duplass brothers or Noah Baumbach are about underemployed betas.

Any specific recs please?

>One day you might randomly meet someone
thank god I never speak to women and won't ever have to worry about this

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The Puffy Chair, Jeff Who Lives At Home, Cyrus, Kicking and Screaming, Greenberg, I’d throw Garden State in there too I guess. Your mileage may vary since a lot of these types of movies are very indie and self indulgent.

Thanks mate, appreciate it.

True af.
I've had that happen to me and it was hell of a ride.

It didn't predict those things, they were happening then too

At this point in life who cares if they can relate do you wanna date a man or woman?

love yourself

Honestly that kind of thinking belongs elsewhere, not on this board but I know how it feels. Either that or your gay and I didn’t pick it up in your post user.

But believe that previous user’s advice, the odds of you finding a girl that likes you are 1 in a Million but that's better than living your whole life know you’ll be forever alone.

It sticks with. I've dated a lot of crazy though so my feelings are pretty shaved down. I move on and find pleasure where I can.

That's why you always have side chicks. Gotta float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. It's exhausting but women give you no choice

haha fagggot

there are a lot of ugly women out there

delete this

I mean you can't orbit anybody. I keep tabs on girls and gauge if I can get in there and if not, I focus my attention on real prospects. But it's more being with insane women drags you down. You can't win, so don't play. For me it was just my mental health over pussy.

Your problem is looking for love. It's a fairy tale we sell ourselves with shitty music and pop songs. Not trying to be edgy but...look for fun. Life is going to end real soon.

sure is /r9k/ in here

/r9k/ will always be the foundation of Yea Forums, user. tfw no gf is a universal feel that most of us can relate to.

Women are only good for cooking, cleaning, and vaginas

Women from current year will categorize him as an Incel .

I'm the helen keller of slaying muff

>/r9k/ will always be the foundation of Yea Forums, user
yeah bro tranny worshippers are truly the foundation

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Forgot to mention I'm titling it RIDESHARE and it's clever if you think about it ;^)

Definitely casting de gews, female leads are definitely Anya Taylor-Joy or Elle Fanning, James McAvoy is talented and wee enough to play Keitel 2.0, and Robert of Niro will cameo as a mean old rich conservative man getting a ride

Why did Travis take Betsy to a fuck picture? Was he deranged?

Savage and truthpilled

It’s been posted before, but it’s because when he went alone he always saw couples there, as pictured in the film, so he thought that’s what couples did usually

Go to /fit/ and develop a habit of working out.
You'll still end up lonely

>tranny worshippers are truly the foundation
4chins has always had an obsession with over the top homo erotic stuff. Whether it's ironic or not I have yet to determine myself

I think he was completely out of touch. He knew people go out and see movies, and he knew the movies that HE liked. So he put two and two together

You don't try to suicide, you either do it or you don't.

The movie is not about sexual frustration it is about living in a world of filth as a decent human being. Travis wasn't a dick or anything but he didn't like what he saw on the streets. He lived in the muck while pompous shits pretend that they will help the poor and the common man. Travis help a 12 year old girl get out of prostitution. Most people would dissaprove while turning a blind eye on it. Oh and Travis didn't take her to a porno. He took her to an x rated film. Big difference because obviously no penetration. Taxi Driver is about discipline and self-improvement while taking matters into your own hand instead of being a pussy who sits on the sidelines. You are the equivalent of the Albert Brooks character.

based retard

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He forced himself to do it subconsciously because deep dpwn he wanted her to hate him to push himself deeper down into the pit of despair. Or something like that,
Travis was a maniac and not a hero. The point of him saving iris was to justify the murders to himself and because he fucked up the Palantine assasination. It was a random outburst of violence that could just as well have been directed on someone else and then Travis would have been seen as a criminal and a murderer.

>tries to talk the girl out of prostitution
>kills her pimp and saves her
>her parents write him a thank you letter
>romantic with girl
>comes back from Vietnam to a strange world
>thinks people like x rated movies now

Travis was reasonable. He realized Palentine was a stooge that wouldn't change shit. He never even came close to killing him and one could argue he never intended to.

those fucks have no clue what actually being depressed means. they think it's about being sad and shiet.

He tried to pull a gun on him during the erally and ran away after the secret service stopped him

You don't really know if he would have killed him or not. I think he was more obsessed with the IDEA of killing him rather than actually killing him. Like the fantasy of it

You're meant to project yourself onto a movies protagonist retard

>She attempted suicide before because of the scars covered up with tattoos.
I got out before the real damage could be done, christ that shit still haunts me.
Are you me user? same exact shit happened to me 5 years ago