Attached: WillieWonka.jpg (425x263, 89K)
Whom did it better?
John Parker
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Tyler Stewart
Christopher Parker
Andrew Adams
nah he's a hack man
Carter Powell
Lincoln Rivera
Roald Dahl.
Camden Harris
I like the fruity look of the left, but right probably fits Willy Wonka better.
David Cox
Depp's just has more backstory and it was it's own thing. He did a fantastic job not copying Wilder's Wonka.
Jace Anderson
Marilyn Manson.
Anthony Campbell
johnny was so damn miscast. why the hell didnt they get christopher lloyd he is exactly what wonka is like in the book, with the pouffy hair and physicality
Evan Hughes
Depp actually acts more like how Wonka acts in the book. He's supposed to be an antisocial mess with a kid like demeanor.
Camden Mitchell
Depp had more flair and threw himself into the performance better. But the songs didn't seem to be catchy.
Gene played his usual self and had better writing around him while also having more practical effects which age better.
Johnny was hampered by Burton wanting to add to much quirkiness to the movie which turned a lot of people off especially when they could still remember Gene's Wonka that seemed like a nice old uncle figure even if he was being a sarcastic ass most of the time.
Camden Clark
Hard to believe that's Johnny
James Carter
>an antisocial mess with a kid like demeanor
incel wonka remake when
Easton Campbell
Michael Jackson?
Michael Cooper
Pretty much.
Jaxon Rodriguez
Willie Wonka by far.
Only thing Charlie did better was include the post-contest scenes about his relationship with his father. Everything else was shit
Leo Howard
It's "who" not "whom" you fucking mongrel. If the question is answered by "him", use whom. If it's answered by "he" use who. He did. Not him did. A correct usage of whom would be the question "to whom does this belong?"the answer being him, not he. Absolute nigger tier English.
Ryan Cox
Dylan Bailey
First saw the Depp version shortly after my relationship with the girl I was dating turned sexual. As is often the case when you start having sex with someone new, we went at it over and over and over again. But while taking a break we watched the DVD of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. So now the movie is forever associated in my head with a weekend fuck fest. Even worse is that the Ompa Lumpa wore latex in most scenes, so now Deep Roy also is associated with sex. I'm going to end up in therapy over this sooner or later.
Asher King
Epic Movie did
Gavin Powell
cringe post
Daniel Hernandez
this post puts me in mind of a 13 year old lying to their peers about what smoking weed is like for attention
Charles Price
hardcore bro
Adam Evans
You have to go back, you don't belong here.
Colton Jenkins
If I got back to /pol/ how will you know about the Jews controlling Hollywood?
William Walker
Tim Burton only ever casts about 3 actors in every movie he makes. I'm surprised Helena Bohemian Carter wasn't Charlie.
Joseph Stewart
...It's a common error user. Most people who aren't English majors tend to mix it up. Same thing with Laying vs lying. Just cool down your autism a bit.