Definition of problematic.
This is the only film I've seen that I felt was dealing with a long time. Normies think Jordan Peele is hot shot tho.
Definition of problematic.
This is the only film I've seen that I felt was dealing with a long time. Normies think Jordan Peele is hot shot tho.
what was up with the shit tier sound effects for the suppressed guns
I thought they sounded pretty good
Vince Vaughn eating in his car
Anyone got a torrent of this yet
Rarbg and Yify have copies, faggot. If you know what a torrent is, you should know to look there before asking.
I really liked it. Roughly 3 hours and I had no idea what was going to happen next for about 2/3 of that time. Very surprising to see that when so many thrillers are dumbed down.
Absolutely no balls to show niggers for what they are. Peak dishonesty is the scene where a bunch of nogs bully a white throwing a can of soda at her. Yup, thats how it usually goes IRL
>If you know what a torrent is, you should know to look there before asking.
So this is the power of abortion bucket babies
Rarbg is fine, yify tho... yuck
This director is legit retarded. He has no idea how guns work or how fist fighting looks
zahler really has become the incel best boy lmao
Can someone pls post torrent it's blocked in my country :(
Have sex
I'm not sure wtf you're trying to even say
He's saying real niggers are worse than portrayed in the film. And they are.
These are easily searchable public trackers. I don't expect everyone to have memberships to hdbits and the like.
What was with all the symbolism of lions in the movie? With the game, the documentary and the lions on the walls in the bank. That went over my head.
essential incelcore
I'm in Aus so most sites are blocked, and I'm not a big fan of free VPNs
What were you expecting user? An extended 40 minute rape scene that ends in murder?
All the black characters in the film are criminals, except for that one crippled kid (and he spends all his screen time wasting his life with vidya) - what more do you want?
I think it was about safety. Maybe. Mel watches it with his daughter to make her feel safe. Then Slim thinks about it and wants to spend time with his brother after it's over.
I think it was more of a motif than a symbolism.
Or.. just a good film and you're too much of a faggot to not realized how stupid and brainwashed you sound to type that.
Explain what a movie about vigilante cops has to do with incels
Anything that is meta critical of the hive mind must be attacked. This will redpil a lot of film lovers. They will be forced to see the ugly side of SJW censorship.
Twelvies just keep saying "incel" online to fit in.
The movie isn't about showing a woman stripped naked pissing herself or a long ass scene of a man digging in the entrails of a corpse. It's kinda hard to buy "my daughter had soda thrown at her" as the final straw that causes Mel's character to turn to crime.
>isnt' above*
That was just the last straw his wife is also half crippled so that adds to it
So why does Vince Vaughn's character keep saying "anchovies"?
He's playing an Italian from NY
yeah... but that's not really a thing that NY italian's say, is it?
at least it wasnt laser sounds like most movies
mels character points out in the movie that as she develops physically she's more prone to rape than simple bullying so the movie makes that general point for him. although its not as pol as his opinion
>t. school never bothered testing his IQ