>it took 9 fucking seasons for them to finally do a snow episode
Holy shit finally
Who ready for comfy winterkino
Walking Dead Thread
>a bunch of literal who's and characters everybody hated got killed off
This show sucks.
Why don't they move to an island?
>killing off henry after all this development & even a time-skip
WHY,what was the point of having him way back when as a kid if all your going to do was kill em off when he's older anyway
>Enid and Tara
RIP to those big milkers.
did Henry died a virgin just like Carl?
>can show this sort of thing on national television
>god forbid you say fuck or show a titty
And deal with pirates? no way
>not preferring clothed jiggly cockteases to nudity
You’re still watching this show?
Let it die dude
Who died? I no longer watch this trash.
Who even watches this anymore desu?
Nobody hated Enid.
yus, pretty sad desu
Consider your expectations subverted, shitlord.
It's advertisers being retarded, which is why subscription channels can get away with fucks and tits.
Henry, new Carl
Tara, governor's lesbian girl
Grandma no one cares about
One of Negan's wife
Highway man following his leader
Highway leader, wanted to watch a movie
A bunch of redshirts, Tara (the chick Glenn saved in the prison escape), Enid (the Jew girl Carl was in a relationship), and Henry (the stick kid Morgan was training, who grew up in a timeskip). Henry was honestly the biggest shocker, despite other characters' seniority. He straight-up took the reigns for Carl's comic story and they did a decent job building him up to be the center of this whole Whisperer thing. I was genuinely surprised, I never thought they'd do it after the focus he got this season.
>Negans whole eeny meeny miney moe is him making fun of well thats racist.
>Lydia gets raped all the time.
>Your leads are white manly man and his son who slaughters children
>Little ass kicker is born and then two weeks later the governors lilly shoots and kills lori who falls ontop of the baby.
>minorities exist and its not like HEY LOOK I EXIST.
>Most of your original black characters excluding morgan and tyrese are piece of shit criminals, gay or both.
>Carol burns coal
>Coal meets coal
>Gets blown by coal while carol cries and watches.
>Carol personally pays the toll.
>Children were decapitated.
>Hershel sees his entire family die before him before begging god for death
Goodbye Henry. You were a bad Carl anyway.
Is that kylo ren?
I thought Henry was miles cuter than Coral.
when she still sucking and you still nutting
How did Tara and Enid die? I saw the whisperers and stuff. Was it them?
I honestly forgot this was still on. I thought the season ended weeks ago.
So happy Tara is finally dead. Shame it took far to fucking long though. She should have died during Terminus.
the walking kino. this season and this ep in particular are great
>he believes he'll see winter
Kek, no dude. The season is ending and they pulled the same shit back in season 2 with their winter prepping. It'll cost AMC too much to film in the snow, this show is all about profit so they won't dare waste money on difficult filming conditions.
*reads akame ga kill! once*
>that over dramatic music during the head scene
>that gay monolouge the pajeet gave at the end
Why are the show runners so incompetent?
>season 9 has worse ratings per episode than any other season in the shows history
>Korean cartoonists invented heads on sticks
>Faggy gook bullshit is responsible for the "heads on spikes" trope
Amy Schumer really let herself go. Her piglets are going to be so disgusting.
Nigga the entire finale is based around them having to deal with a blizzard
Don't remind me about her new shitfest on Netflix. The muh vagina jokes are going to be interesting. Imagine being her kids and one day growing up and seeing your mother constantly talking about her vagina.
>one episode means you'll see a whole season of it
lel. this is all you'll get of the snow, next season will time jump again and all the snow will be gone.
Did giga-tits die? Was it on screen?
>they didnt have the balls to kill off Rosita and her unborn baby like in the comics
Why do they keep avoiding baby deaths?
They should have killed Ezekiel, the blind chick, and the dog too. Metal Gear Carol and Daryl are the only good things left on the show.
This has been the best season since season 1. You guys are missing out.
Giga tits died offscreen and has her head on a pike in OPs pic.
I half agree with you. First half of this season was actually really good and had some decent plot going on but then the second half and the entire Whisperers shit has been pure shit.
Negan is still in the show user
That's like saying this has been the most solid bit of diarrhea in the shit pool. The show is hot garbage and will always be.
Think Negan will be the one to kill Alpha like in the comic books?
>the dog
fuck you, go drink bleach
The Walking Crybaby
Season 1 was actually good though. It will be hot trash from this point on though, it will never be good again.
9gag has really changed its format from what I remembered of it.
Offscreen. They could always have scenes before it happens, follow by Henry's last interaction with Alpha.
>inb4 next season has individual flashback episodes of each characters last moments
fuck, more
doesn't negan kill alpha in the comics?
>Filler beach episode at Oceanside with Tara and Enid canceled
It’s gonna be Carol or Lydia. Carol because she’s the 2nd most popular character and Henry’s death was the most poignant. Lydia to cement her as the new Carl to Daryl’s Rick.
Seriously, killing Henry to make Lydia the central kid character is a great move.
I swear I saw an asian guy that looked JUST like Glenn in this episode. Who the fuck was that? Is Glenn actually alive?
I'm here for her to become Judith's big sister figure
Link to tonight's episode?
>you can fucking show this on tv but you can't show a female nipple (even in a non-sexual way) or say a bad word
how can you even try to justify that
I don't watch this show, why were they killed like that?
dude you've posted this like three times
For shock value.
You can watch other things if you really want to see a tit.
sent ;)
Jackass stunt gone wrong.
The main antagonist was majorly butthurt after her daughter told her to fuck off and that she preferred living with the protagonists, so this was a big fuck you to them and also a marker for territory if they don't want any more conflict.
I posted it in the last thread not realizing there was a new one and that it was already on page 10
I'm not complaining about not being able to see a tit, I'm complaining how networks force creators to censor nudity/language at the expense of the show's quality (remember the blurred nipples on the classical painting in Hannibal? or everytime Breaking Bad used a curse word it'd get muted/blurred no matter how pivotal it was to the scene?) but showing a bunch of bloody decapitated heads still showing signs of life for over a minute straight is perfectly acceptable. Why is that okay but nudity/language isn't?
imo this is the best season in the entire show, prove me wrong you cant
the new characters are all great, and the writing is the best its ever been
Legit kino. It's like they sat all the writers down and forced them to rewatch all the earlier seasons so that they could pretend past seasons actually happened for once, and maybe figure out what was going so wrong.
>Tara got killed off
>kill Henry, literally the whitest Captain America motherfucker on the show
Message received, Kang. 4 more years if Trump it is :^)
This, glad that cunt is gone
Yeah no one cares about your homo opinions. Can I just say that CANT CAROL EVER GET A FUCKING BREAK??
Just when I thought this show couldn't get any worse.
>wastes a season developing a new major character just to kill him off.
>Entire season is about the next generation and passing the torch yet they insist on killing off the young characters instead of older ones with no interesting plotlines left available
>their "red wedding" is still mostly literal who's other than Tara who was long overdue and boring anyway.
This was their chance to get rid of the bloated past their prime cast but they killed their kids instead. When does a show get past the point of subverting expectations and shocking "nobody is safe!" type garbage and just move straight into bad storytelling?
At least season 8 made for a solid ending headcanon wise. Though I personally like to end it at No Way Out. With Rick and Carl gone and the writers insistence at never changing the status quo in a meaningful way it's just an unsalvageable mess.
They don't seem to do as much stupid shit for plot reasons as the have the past couple of seasons. It's still there, but nowhere near as much. It is kind of sad that this season is better cause of that though.
>the walking dead
How they gonna walk with no legs XD
lydia is the new main kid, and judith. those redshirts were garbage actors, who gives a fuck
compare them to daryl and carol, and michonne. those are great actors
youre insane if you think some teens should take over
Why does Hollywood hate tits? Even going so far as to chop them off at the neck?
You say this every year
I'm going to be mad if they sideline Negan next season
Killing off Enid and Henry is just bad writing. Especially when you've got so many other redshirts with no passing the torch style connections.
They've been watching too much GoT, being shocking just for the sake of it.
apparently him having little screen time this season was on purpose, and he'll get more later on. i just hope they release him in the season finale this season to make up for it all
How and why did Alpha NOT put Ezekiel on a pike? Like wtf. He would have been the biggest emotional gut punch to the other characters.
What happen to Maggie? She just disappeared. Did I miss that part of the show?
If they follow his comic story, he will have a rather large role next season.
This is what happens when you put women in charge.
It's more important to pander to the fans than kill off characters whose deaths would have substance.
It's why Henry (important to the plot but the fans hate him) died instead of somebody like Jerry (who fans love and would make a solid impact but has no relevence)
Think of the children!
They are only allowed to kill off white people now.
Passing it off is all they can do retard. Michonne is leaving this season. Carol will follow any season now. They need to build up ppl who will stay
Her actress has a new show on CBS or something and never renewed her TWD contract with AMC. Last I heard they were still "in negotiations", and this was months ago. So they wrote her out of the show for now by saying she just left for some reason and is just out there somewhere.
People still watch this gayass show?
Wasn't he in the theater? They would have had to kidnap him from there. Taking the leader from there might have been too suspicious I guess.
carol stays, her and daryl are with it till it sinks
and they are building up lydia, magna, yumiko, connie and luke as the newfags. those are actually good characters, not those hilltop teens that got shrekt
I really don't understand what they were getting at with her being captivated by the portrait drawn of Ezekiel and Carol, and then just going and NOT killing Ezekiel for no apparent reason. Did she decide she has no beef with them because they weren't part of prior conflict? Did she have a soft spot for what he seemed to be doing for his people, especially after Ezekiel personally showed so much hospitality to her, even if she thought that way of life was a joke?
>the 3 main characters of the comic books, Rick, Carl and Michonne, will be gone from the show by season 11
What the fuck are the show runners going to do? How do you fuck up a show so bad from its source material?
where's that hilary double and the helicopter faggots at
>kill dumb bitch Tara
>kill Teen Milkers
WHY. Fuck, no more jiggly webms.
Still not watching this shitshow though. I checked out after Season 8.
In the comics Ezekiel was put on the pike. Rosita too. AMC just chickened out.
Magna and Luke are ok. The rest of the new people fucking suck. Especially that weird shemale black kid.
gotta cut costs somehow.
Kill off anyone with more than 3 seasons time in
Truthfully the show stopped following the comics exactly a long time ago.
No Rick, no watch
I like the deaf girl
Maybe she thought the best way to hurt Ezekiel was to kill his kid.
I thought that was the deft chick's brother?
it wouldve been stupid if they killed exekiel and rosita. good that they didnt
Kek. Dude do you remember the first half of this season where they were building a fucking bridge and characters were introduced that meant jack shit because there was a massive time skip.
Fuckin kekskkkkkkk!!!!!
It was kind of hilarious how she was first supposed to be some mysterious link for carl, then turned into the next big leader, then turned into future doctor, then the time skip happened and she just turned into some 17 year old girl who was a fuckdoll for some 30 year old ex fugitive. Like she was one of the most dead characters, she hit rock bottom then got dead.
Kek imagine if she died that far back? Nothing would be lost. Still wish tdog was alive :(
Do you actually think they're going to follow through with making her the kid character? I think after this season she's just going to quietly fuckoff like when they reintroduced Morgan to the show then you never saw him for episodes at a time.
Just a chink. I thought the same.
Yea was hoping for some heavy hitters but when I saw the road people on the pikes I knew we weren't getting anything good.
Honestly I'm watching all this and just thinking shit I wish rick were there. He'd have just pushed alpha into that pit of walkers and be done with it.
They actually still follow the comics pretty closely, they just manage to change just enough to fuck things up.
The show honestly became an unsalvageable mess after Carl died. Though Glenn's fake out death just to revive him and give him his comic death was the tipping point. If they had just allowed Glenn to die poignantly and fittingly as a consequence of being a moralfag at the dumpster they still could've given Negan his relevence killing Abraham and threatening Rick without the mental loops that lost viewership. Carl dying was really a non-negotiable though. It should've never happened.
There was a throwaway line about how in the timeskip after the Michonne shit happened, Maggie took her baby with her to that other group's settlement. The writers are brushing her under the rug while there are contract disputes with the actress.
Its the deaf chick's sister.
honestly why didnt daryl stab alpha when they were alone
who killed who? I haven't watched this show in over a year.
>Michonne shit happened,
The what?
They follow the comics, except they kill people nobody even knows instead of having meaningful deaths.
Or just push her. He didn't have a knife on him but they were standing on a jaggedy ass fucking cliff overlooking a horde of walkers. She'd be as good as dead if not just trampled
>rosita, muslim and priest are still alive to continue cuckold subplot
absolutely hilarious. of course they wouldn't kill a pregnant woman. they will probably kill the priest, and have the muslim and eugene fight over who is the cuckold
Let's all take a moment of silence for Tara's huge titties
They didn't have the budget to have Daryl push Alpha down a greenscreen pit. I mean shit, did you see how shit that shit looked?
She had a shotgun on him, but just would look completely away from him for a good amount of time.
The flashback in the last episode. If you didn't watch, Michonne let a group of people into Alexandria who ended up raiding the food supply and kidnapping Judith. After she had to kill them all to get Judith back, she went full closed borders with Alexandria and relationships with other communities eroded for some reason.
I need that damn Rick movie now
For a small moment, it looked like they were going to make her and Daryl the bad guys against Rick.
Rick would've done it
Ever since Darabont was fired, all the money goes straight into the actor's and producer's pockets. That's why Darabont was fired. He wanted to put the money on the actual fucking screen.
The horde scene was just embarrassing, Alpha and Norman looked shopped in. And remember the deer? Christ.
Its weird how Rosita being pregnant with Sadiq's baby is from the comic, but Gabriel's involvement is only in the show. Like they purposelly wanted to cuck Eugene, despite him being married to Rosita in the comics.
bottom left is unnerving.
>Legit kino
Would I be correct in assuming that you're the kind of individual that liked BvS?
Proving yet again the left cant meme
Hannibal tv show.
That picture is so lame, its just some guy with red eyes. At least try to make him look bad.
Fuck off with Darabont. The show had its best seasons after he was fired.
With mads?
Not talking about the writing, but the film making ofit. Season 1 was filmed like a movie. Every season since then has been filmed on a soap opera budget with soap opera camera techniques. There is nothing cinematic about the show.
finally that fat lesbian is gone but cutie patootie is just a shame
Coral doesn't float.
Seems like a big crock of shit that Alpha can somehow abduct that many people when she is alone and surrounded by a ton of people...I know some of the people were taken when they were outside the walls but it is still like she single-handedly kidnaps 4+ people
Why dont they just leave the zombie-people land and go somewhere else?
When is Negan going to finally save this stupid show, who is even in charge now that Rick is gone.
took them long enough to make some godsdamn kino
is this the way it has to be, long stretches of drudgery to get some short kino?
Like in every zombie media?
Yeah but not every area has some kind of freaks in zombie faces. They could go to canada or something
this show was kino in seasons 1-5
season 6 was semi-kino
it hasn't been kino since
next season
negan and daryl romance when
I know they went to Mexico in Fear of the Walking Dead.
>that moment midway through Season 6 when it looked like they had brilliantly orchestrated Rick's arc from hero to villain for six years and it was finally going to culminate
>tfw they just fucking dropped it unceremoniously in favor of pulling a meme villain out their ass
It's been nothing but downhill ever since.
S1/2 were great.
Then it was meh until Negan. His irreverent bullshit made it kino again. I haven't watched the new season but I assume it blows ass.
pleb, season 3 was great outside of the last few episodes(merle's death ep excluded), season 4 was better, and Season 5 was the best season the show's had
Wtf are you on about?
Continually killing the "kid" without the payoff of seeing them actually grow up just makes people hate the character more. An eternal scrappy doo without meaning or purpose.
Coral is unalived
how are the zombies not freezing during the winter lmao
Fuck, it's like, if only for a brief few moments here, you could legitimately convince a non-watcher that this show was actually good and worthy of how much attention it's gotten over the years. The cinematography, score, shooting location and perfect weather, Carol and Daryl's acting, the callback, it was all genuinely solid. I particularly like the somber shot of Daryl walking up the hill with the wind. It just doesn't feel like typical Walking Dead, you know, several years straight of amateurs and freelance writers fucking around in the woods, the people Frank Darabont went on tirades about it e-mails. It feels like someone actually knows what they're doing here.
They huddle together for warmth.
I'm still waiting for somebody to carve all of the fluff out of this show and make a solid 3-4 season kino with all of the good parts and removing all of the filler.
explain to me right now how a zombie can be alive for 10 years
yeah, great episode, captivating all the way through. I dont know if better than the red wedding, but same feel as that one
They eat a lot of brains.
Anyone have the MGS variant of this?
What cuck plot i keep hearing with rosita? Is she willing sleeping with multiple ppl?
Hopefully Enid does what Beth did and immediately resorts to getting her tits out on camera for minor roles.
Beth didn't have tits.
>Carol & Daryl & maggie feel negan needs to die
>They all appear to agree rick is in the way
>Tfw jk lololol
Source on beth getting her tits out
why all of their heads on a stick? I understand it was offscreen deaths according to those other posts but why? Never watched this since season 5.
how the fuck do you let yourself get surrounded by zombies in the middle of the forest
How are zombie heads growling when they are just heads and tongue and no lungs
Masters of Sex
>rosita, muslim and priest are still alive to continue cuckold subplot
Pls explain for those who gave up the show? Sounds hot. Is this a willing threesome thing?
its to mark the territory
rival faction said they control everything south of that and to stay the fuck out
Thank you user
In this case, the whispers guide zombies by walking with them.
The main antagonist (pic related, leader of a group that wears zombie skin to hide among/from the dead) gets pissed that her daughter sides with the protagonists, so she does it out of spite and to mark her territory in a halfhearted truce after threatening them with a giant herd she has in a valley.
Exactly that, priest nigger & Muslim doctor tag team her while Eugene watches from his window. 100% serious
Eh it should have been Ezekiel. It would have put conflict with Henry and Lydia because saving her cost him his dad, and the fact her mom killed his dad. He would have realized there were consequences for his white knighting bullshit and maybe become more cynical and interesting, instead he just dies a good boy.
>Tara, governor's lesbian girl
Oh shit, they killed the fat lesbo? That's good.
rosita had sex with muslim. he knocked her up. she has an affair with the priest who will raise the child, after getting convinced by eugene to do so, and then, both of them realize it's better to have her together and DP her while eugene watches from the distance.
why dont they let eugene join, just once
They literally don't know how to write anything that makes any impact or has any weight so they just self-cannibalize and kill off characters. It's Hack Writing For The 21st Century, Toddler Edition.
Sunk cost fallacy
Why would they?
That would be too interesting for this show user, get real.
because he's the smartest of them all and deserves a go
that's how it should be in real life too
Because Rosita wants both the cocks for herself.
They fear the turbo autist cock
Lol bullshit, really? Is there a scene of the 3 of them sleeping together? Will look it up if so
You can stop pretending you'd be the smartest, there's no loopholes in which you have sex.
Kek'd 2bh
What's on the Pike?
>Eugene giving sex tips/positions he read in a book to everyone as he tries to conduct an orgy that would be "most pleasurable for all participants"
Would he have let her do it if he'd known then what we know now?
Shouldn't all the nuclear power plants have gone into full meltdown mode by now? It's been like 9 years since the apocalypse started. The cooling rods have to have worn out by now.
At this point, who's even left alive from the original cast? Darryl "Plot armor" Dickson?
What happens when that happens? They just blow up or what?
Daryl and Carol. Daryl can't die because he bring in the wet roastie demographic. They'd lose so many nasty middle aged women if they killed him off that they wouldn't recover. I'd expect Carol to kick it soon. They can't resist killing off characters as a substitute for good writing.
The radiated water leaks out, then turns into rain with evaporation, then radioactive rain rains down on the earth and kills all life slowly by surely for 200,000 years. They should be seeing black rain by now.
Bullshit i cant find this scene anywhere about a rosita tag team
Daryl and Carol are all that's left of season 1. Rick and Maggie are alive, just gone. Michonne is all that's left of season 3. Eugene and Rosita are all that's left of season 4, after Tara bit it. So yeah, not much of the old cast left at this point.
Its so bad but they literally killed off the white big titty bitches
Did you really believe people that use the work cuck for almost anything but it's true meaning?
I pirate it to hatewatch it
It just gets worse and worse lol
They killed her off without a flashback gangrape scene from before she found Alexandria.. Very disappointing.
Weird how many jews and blacks disproportionately survived the apocalypse
What emails?
Keto diet
He went absolutely ballistic behind-the-scenes after having to deal with AMC and the producers. This was after they screwed him out of the full-length season 1 he wanted, and before they cut the budget and fired him. They really did him dirty.
Cus he is white and sjws write the show
so they killed off the waste. would you rather they built up a main character and then killed them instead?
that reminds me, even z nation touched on that in an episode
>kill off all the white people
>leave the one POC alive to warn the others
what did they mean by this?
this. feels like a yuge wasted opportunity for some shock value
reminder that none of this would have happened under neegan's leadership
all of his supposed evil would have easily prevented this nonsense by maintaining stronger discipline
and dont forget that all of this is fantasy, people who are this evil don't participate in continuous, public, slaughter of each other, because they are smart enough to know that it's suicidal
Thats why they keep Daryl single and available. Just like Hitler hiding Eva from the public. The roastie factor.
It's a good thing all his people are safe and thriving under his discipline.
I seem to remember some of you professional dick tasters saying Durrl was going to die a couple days ago... How does it feel to know you're wrong and have piss weak LARP skills?
we ran the numbers on this, and seeing pregnant women die with their unborn babies only appeals to 0.0002% of the population, most of them from /pol/, so it was deemed unprofitable.
I'm saying that Rick is the antagonist of this story, it was only because Rick was even more charismatic and disciplined, and exercised that power foolishly, that so many people died
and again, all of this is fantasy, people like Rick do not actually exist, those types of ideals would be destroyed and replaced with practical brutality in a wartime scenario, and with much less crying
so Neegan was the accurate interpretation of the Rick character, Rick was just the writers fantasy, which is hardly surprisingly given what manner of people these writers are, they continuously fantasize about fanciful ideals overthrowing proven truths
what happened to the chinese pizza kid?
what about the governor
grinding their teeth
it's called stridulation
He helped the turtles defeat Shredder in Secret of the Ooze.
Nuclear power plants are the dumbest fucking shit
it's the exact same thing?
white man bad and christian God bad is the subscript of this entire show
Yeah who needs clean energy anyway!!
But pregnant women murdering their unborn babies appeals to 50% of the population
am i supposed to recognize any of those heads? I stopped watching about the time Daryl got taken by Negan
But its not clean. And it carries incredible risks and massive longterm overhead.
50% of the population of gurochan, maybe
He had a date with a gal named Lucille.
So, they just couldn't bring themselves to kill Carol's BBC huh.
DON'T YOU FUCKING START. or i will find you and i will hurt you, even if i have to bribe hiroyuki into giving up your IP.
The US population
All it takes is some natural disaster and those power plants meltdown.
It looks pretty gud desu. But than again it's always like this. They can make some kino from time to time, but ur average episodes are mostly straight up garbage. It was like this when Glenn's head was caved in. The only tool they have for keeping viewers interested is shock value. The acting, the writing, the cinematography, the use of special effects and cgi, these are like the worst amongst popular tv shows.
When Durrl and Lydia went back to the headless pikes it sounded like they were playing this for a moment
You'd only know Tara (the girl who was formerly with The Governor) and Enid (the girl at Alexandria), then. Henry was introduced the episode before the one with Daryl being held prisoner at The Sanctuary, but he really wasn't that important until season 9.
Why does that pic give me a boner?
He also wanted the seasons to be 6 episodes max and not draw shit out but AMC saw the profits in making a long drawn out soap opera.
Connie a cute
Just once I'd like a post apocalyptic show or movie to address this. Unmanned nuclear plants WILL melt down, and it takes a hell of a long time to deactivate them.
Unless there was some sort of damage to the containment units there'd be no leakage. And even then it would be negligible in the grand scheme of things. It definitely wouldn't wipe out life on Earth.
End of the season they would ally with the pirates and and fight against a zombie kraken.
I'm not so sure that's how it works. Chernobyl fucked things up in a way beyond that and the effect was moderately minimal. Life still goes on in the zone and the levels are safe enough now to actually visit. The whole planet wouldn't be affected but immediate areas might be.
Can someone please tell me: What happened to all the guns? Are guns no longer politically correct enough for TV?
Is that dude just sitting around with his face all sliced open?
They're trying to subtly Game Of Thrones the show a bit.
Didn't Eugene also just a season ago start making brand new ammo?
Guns and White people are being phased out.
Today's purge is part of that process.
Look forward to a multikulti diverse apocalyptic Utopia free of crime and hate
He got cucked so hard that he got a brain damage and cant do smokeless powder anymore.
>He wanted to put the money on the actual fucking screen.
>6 episodes max
PFFFFFFFFFFF what the fuck was he expecting? What, did he think he was gonna break new ground reinvent film-making and sit atop the fucking pantheon as the eternal god supreme or something? It a shitty tv show based on a shitty comic about drama with occasional zombies... Holy shit, I bet that choad loved the smell of his own farts.
You're right, I much prefer 16 episode seasons with 8 episodes of pure filler and another 8 episodes of plot that should've only taken 4 episodes to wrap up.
Its a shit show either way. Its been shit since the first episode and it will continue to be shit until it ends Try and cope.
s1 was promising which is why the show got so popular to begin with.
>Shouldn't all the nuclear power plants have gone into full meltdown mode by now? It's been like 9 years since the apocalypse started. The cooling rods have to have worn out by now.
Nuclear plants don't work like that. The "cooling rods" are actually control rods that absorb neutrons. Drop them fully into the uranium and the reaction stops. The uranium is actually fairly benign. I've held the fuel pellets in my hand.
So if you assume they SCRAMed the reactor before evacuating the plant, there's nothing to melt down and residual radioactivity is only an issue within a few hundred yards.
>Not a single gun seen in post time-skip season 9 save for the 6 year old firing a .44 (lol)
Not very subtle
>for some reason.
Read the fucking comics, retard. That's what they're there for.
I thought the comics were there for the writers of the show to completely ignore?
Was this the season finale?
next episode
>yaaay we are out of work!
Im willing to forgive the death of Enid because they killed Tara. Now we just need to get rid of Carol and the King
>black preacher dude and pregnant Puerto Rican Rosita
Eugene is literally the white guy prepping the Black bull this season.
Nope, one more episode to go.
It's funny that her glasses are still on lol.
Also strange that humans devolved into a bunch of shitflinging apes in such a short amount of time just because they couldn't check Facebook anymore.
Is this better than the 100?
>s1 was promising
literally when?
Even stranger that these dumbasses havent died
because of an infection already after wearing literal corpses and living with walking corpses for almost a decade.
People are laughing but there actually were pirates in FTWD.
more punished carol?
Would be a great spin-off, after escaping the land overrun by a deadly virus, the survivors are facing another insidious unseen killer....scurvy.
"see that star there jewdith, thats nigger tdawg. he was a good friend"
>Enid (the Jew girl Carl was in a relationship)
Man I missed a lot dropping the show half a decade ago. Carl had a big titty GF?
i got work for enid and addy if you know what i mean
how did they allow the kingdom to fail? did jerry and his fat muslim wife eat all the food?
facebook doesnt exist in TWD
they tan the skin
>Replacing the man who made Shawshank redemption with a literal who who made the worst seasons
He's heavily drugged.
that's cultural appropriation. As a romanian gypsy, my culture of removing kebab by impaling their heads is mine only. Please let me know who should I contact for reparations, I demand 500m NEETBUX.
In 1747, James Lind began studying treatments for scurvy on ships. He selected 12 men with scurvy for his experiments. Lind divided the men into groups and gave each group additional foods to consume along with their regular diets. The group that was given citrus fruits saw an improvement in their symptoms. Lind determined that citrus fruits could be used to treat scurvy but the cause of scurvy was still unknown.
In the late 19th century, Axel Holst and Theodor Frolich were studying ship beriberi. Holst and Frolich wanted to use an animal model to study ship Beriberi. They chose a guinea pig, which happens to be one of the few mammals that cannot produce Vit C. Holst and Frolich believed that ship beriberi was caused by a nutritional deficiency so the guineas pigs had a diet that consisted of various grains. Instead of developing ship beriberi, the guinea pigs developed the symptoms of scurvy. In additional experiments, Holst and Frolich gave the guinea pigs cabbage, lemon juice, or apples and most of the symptoms of scurvy disappeared. They also found that if the cabbage was cooked, then the cabbage was less effective in relieving scurvy symptoms. The results of Holst and Frolich’s study were very influential in the experiments of J.L. Svirbely and Albert Szent-Gyorgi (SG). SG first isolated Vit C from adrenal glands and called it “hexuronic acid”. He continued to study the acid and its oxidative and reductive properties. In 1930, SG partnered with Svirbely, who had previously worked with vitamins. They divided guinea pigs into 2 separate groups. 1 group was fed boiled food, which is deficient in Vit C, and the other group was given food enriched with hexuronic acid. The guinea pigs with the Vit C-deficient diets developed scurvy while the latter group was healthy. SG named hexuronic acid “ascorbic acid” due to its anti-scurvy properties (ACS). SG determined that scurvy was caused by a deficiency of ascorbic acid, also known as Vitamin C.
My mom takes drugs but they don't do that to her.
your mother isn't being drugged by hannibal lector
Who? Man I miss one WD episode and they already introduced ANOTHER character?
if anyone's going to survive and thrive in a zombie apocalypse it's hannibal.
>Literal cannibal
The didn't kill Ezekiel? That's what made that scene good/sad in the comic.
which episodes were better than this one? seriously think this might be the single best episode in the entire run
theres still shit he can do and develop
was the oceanside bitch a newfag or recasted?
>Sneed... Heh... you mean SNEED!?
>we....are the sneeding sneeds
such an iconic line
I miss Rick
New actor playing an old character. She's supposed to be the girl who wanted to kill Tara when she washed up on Oceanside.
Formerly alive
Fuck this fucking gay as fuck fucking show. How in fuck could they kill best girl Enid? She was the only hot one on the show. Fucking dropped.
rick isn't dead tho
Anyone know the name of the qt jewgirl with glasses actress?
So did that black guy who went missing on the bridge with Tara ever show up again?
kelley mack
he went to compton to form a rap group
so they killed off Carl to replace him with a younger Carl, and then they killed the new Carl anyway..?
Oh yeah, can't let them kids turn 18 or they have to pay them like adults.
It's a little weird that they opted not to show the actual deaths of the people who were piked at the end. Seemed kind of rushed unfortunately.
Nah I think it was done just right
Now they can concentrate on Judiths gunslinging.
Is this stroke or non-functioning auism?
Maybe, I still would have liked to see a bigger struggle during Siddiq's story.
Judith is obviously the new Carl. Wears the hat, forms the bond with Negan, total "bad ass" with a gun, etc. Even though she's like 8 or something.
The way this show is going, wouldn't shock me at all of they killed Carl just to insert some girl power into this shitty story. Apparently everyone is either gay or in an interracial relationship now too, so why not, goy?!
I love how all of a sudden they don't have guns now too.
Rick's alive somewhere else. Which Andrew Lincoln implied to be in another region of the US or possibly another country, whatever the Walking Dead movies will be about, he says it will finally explore the state of larger world beyond just Georgia.
All we know is that the US, Mexico, France and Spain all have Zombies, not much is known beyond that.
Are the comics still going strong? Or are they hitting the same bumps (aside from character deaths) as the show? I haven't read them, but I've been told that Rick is barely a 'huge' part of the story in the comics anymore, so what is actually going on now?
the comics are worse then the show unironically
the current arc is extremely stupid and boring
care to elaborate as simply as possible?
Rick and some others have linked up with a huge evolved community of like 50,000 people, and Rick is like a diplomat to the new group and there's some like civil war shit breaking out in the new place
idk, I dropped reading it monthly, I'm not the user you replied to, but this arc is awful
kindergarden level philosophy disputes communism vs capitalism or some shit, not even joking
there's a LGBT+ character called princess who's into fucking niggers, not even making that up
All I know is that Kirkman supposedly does have an ending in mind for the comic, even if AMC milks the show to death.
>I do plan on doing at least 300 issues, but if I'm having this much fun then I won't stop there. Also, if I suddenly start having a lot LESS fun, I may end it earlier, but I don't see that happening.
how the fuck did they abduct that many people
I don't see how that will transition well to TV. Though with the way things have been playing out so far who knows where they will take this.
How many issues is he at now, around 200? I don't know the comics too much, but an ending sounds so lame at this point. It just seems like it will be so forced since the story has been dragging on for so long.
I bet the show version will be better than the comics
and for the latter, apparently Rick is going to die at some point before the ending
alpha tells them that enid is drunk and doing a private striptease
That's an oddity with how much hate and flack the show itself has been receiving these past couple of seasons. How long do you believe the show has before it totally loses momentum? Also, does Kirkman have a say in the TV show?
I wasn't aware about the eventual death of Rick in the comics. I'm assuming Carl is still going strong, however?
Just shut the fuck up about all this political shit. you read to much into it. please take that shit back to /pol/
It's like 10 issues from 200, they say it won't go on for much longer but then Kirkman has also said he wanted the comic to outlive the show so who knows.
Honestly don't know how he can continue writing it at this point, is there anything good after the Whisperer arc? The commonwealth stuff sounds like an interesting concept but that sounds like it isn't going anywhere either. What can Kirkman pull out of his ass next to drag this story out to 300 issues?
I know nothing about comics in general so excuse my ignorance, but how long does it take to put out 100 issues?
>Puerto Rican woman is pregnant to a middle-eastern guy in a show about zombies
>Goddamn jews this is a zionist plot argghhh
carl poppa is the main guy in the comics, he's great
as for the show, they want it to go for 50 years, but I dont know what they're going to come up with after maybe S11 or 12, and even that's stretching it
>10=whisperer war and intro to commonwealth
>11=civil war
>12=??????? obviously there's going to be plenty of gay niggers, that's certain
>it's totally normal for every single relationship in a series to be either interracial or homosexual, goy!
fuck off retard