i just started my first episode of Rome
what am i in for
I just started my first episode of Rome
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i just noticed james purefoy, i like him a lot
hap & leonard and that witch hunter movie are kino
okay sorry for interrupting the capeshit
bases and red pills
greatness that was unfortunately cut short.
The star that shines twice as bright burns half as long. Thus was Rome.
You're in for one fun ride user.
cuckoldry, lots of it
I almost never rewatch stuff but I've had the inkling to rewatch this series. It's pure kino.
a man who has a gaulic look about him
Expect to be a SON OF HADES by the end.
>Mark "Never Defeated By You" Antony
>Midshipman Blakeney gets bodysnatched by a ginger and no one notices
>We two dear men, friends forever, were here. If you want to know our names, they are Titus and Lucius
Anyone know where I can find a good stream of Rome? I attempted this a few years ago and most places only have the first few eps.
In b4 someone suggests torrenting, I’m a poorfag with just a first version iPad that I use to watch everything
a life of asking others' opinions before you've done the homework to have one of your own
You dont need to stream, you need to get your life together fucks sake
Then how the fuck are you posting on here
Because I don’t have a laptop or computer? Fuck yourself mate, some of us don’t have mommy to buy us everything
Why don't you try getting a job?
Boring low budget show you'll drop after 2 episodes
really good on the first watch
holy shit why is half the show annoying bitches and their shitty subplots on the second
>low budget
It's Kevin Sorbo's Hercules tier
spartacus was better
On my iPad, obviously
First season is fantastic
Second season gets a little muddled because they condense so much of that era into one season
A show where all mockery of Jews, and their one god, is kept to an appropriate minimum.
an excellent time and several rewatches
You need to buy it yourself you dumb cuck.
HBO spent millions of dollars making it, it was not low budget
stunt cocks given as gifts
God this scene gave me an erection.
I like the female character's in Rome. Adds a bit of slice of life to it to balance out the heavy politics and war.
Do you losers really get off to posting this much bait? Like seriously?
the noble women were important actors in the politics, both in this show, and to a lesser extent, historically. Agustus's wife is actually even more monstrous than his mother (if I, Claudius is accurate).
Rome is the third best HBO series of all time, so you're in for a helluva good time.
God damn Ozfags have THE WORST taste. Sopranos? Sure I can understand that. But Oz? Get the fuck outta here
When the only social interaction somebody can get is (You)'s, this is what we get.
2 ordinary soldiers making their footprint in the grand scheme of history. Also true roman bread for true romans.
it's Pluto you boy loving Greek.
overrated garbage with no ending
spartacus is better
I'll not deny it but he is as roman as any of you
i want to play too
The 3rd best show ever made
Finally! A true Roman thread for true Romans!
Trannies and fags are NOT welcome
Your second episode of Rome.
Deadwood is the third in the HBO triumvirate my guy.
>If you don't mind killing the young cunny, I can do it tomorrow.
I, Claudius is not accurate at all. I don't believe for one second Octavian wouldn't have noticed Livia plotting and poisoning people left and right. She was a cunning but pious woman by all accounts.
Worst actor
Don't get too attached to Caesar. If you don't already know basic world history
Livia is a kino villain tho
Some of the greatest cinematic kino TV masterpiece that will make all other shows seem pale, empty, and crap in comparison. I'm still in awe that it was made in our millennium.
why do Americans always cast British actors in historical dramas about non-anglos?
Because yanks sound out of place
Also it was a BBC/HBO co-production
Why didn't we get an episode of Titus and Vorenus fucking or giving each other bjs?
Or at least an onsen episode w/ the two..
true roman bread
I would like to see a Roman series with characters that sound like The Sopranos.
>from pliant virgins, to learn-ed Greeks, Rufus has slaves for every budget.
They've got a long tradition of doing Shakespearean takes on these sorts of stories, hopefully giving them some more nuance than they would have had otherwise. A lot of brownish haired blue or brown eyed european dudes are pretty interchangeable regardless, at least as far as outsiders are concerned.
Is that season 2? He became a Praetorian (armour is Praetorian)?
Based and livia pilled.
That scene where Caligula gives her some tongue while groping her old saggy tits was pure kino.
Expect to get an education on how to capture, subdue, and sexually please Cunny.
It was great that it was cut short. Two great seasons of pure kino that covers the interesting parts of that time period.
If it were allowed to go on any longer than that, it would have been ruined by storylines about muh Romans are persecuting Jews in Judaea, and the messiah (Jesus) is rising against Rome, which has been done so many times before.
Good stuff but not historically accurate. I think it was unfortunately canceled after 2 seasons.
He was a console of Rome
Too much degeneracy even by Roman standards
The Eagle has Yanks. I remember it works but probably because it has Donald Sutherland in it.
>Based Chad-Antony
why isn't Purefoy in more? He can go from charming to menacing and back and its believable.
What is Roman Empire like on Netflix?
Fellow citizens of the Aventine...
unmitigated kino
Very Gaullish looking fellow altogether
I started watching that but it seemed like half documentary, half tv show.
off putting.
He does have a Gualic look, i bet his wifes not even from rome...probably some dacian whore plundered.
Are you in the US? It's streamable on Amazon Prime Video here.
My wife, MY WIFE, was born here in the Aventine! l am as solid a Roman as any man here!
Its time to play what is Vorenous saying.
>Stopping, dirty jews
it was one of his major campaign promises
I feel like i need a Make Rome Great Again hat now, but with latin characters.
that would get a lot of upvotes on reddit
People miss the point of this quote. Romans didn’t hate Jews for the reasons Yea Forums hates them, they distrusted and snarled at them for being monotheistic. Which is why the quote places the emphasis on “their one god.”
Shit and they get Caesar laughably wrong. Also “dude muh women were important Servilia was a strong independent women who was VERY important.” When all you see in the sources is that she’s Cato’s sister and she fucked Caesar once. Typical historical revisionism.
sell the ipad, buy a laptop. Use the laptop to do side on the internet..
The Eagle is set in Britain so you can’t very well have both the Romans and British have British accents
>gets penetrated more than anyone else
his death scene really disturbed me though, the way he was begging for his life and shit and timon just reks his shit and tosses him in a sewer, where he'll bloat and rot and be forgotten.
All he had to do was fuck qt thicc singing slave girl, and take a cock in the ass every now and then, and he'd have been set.
Purefoy is a guaranteed watch for me.
Even though he's in a lot of cheap shit.
>I don't believe for one second Octavian wouldn't have noticed Livia plotting and poisoning people left and right.
history really overrates augustus, when historians point to agrippa as the means to success.
>sell the ipad,
noone buys ipads
I thought that was obvious in the show.
their just goofing on their 'one god' *snicker*
he's the best character in the show
Why did cato wear the black toga?
was it a mark some senate position or something?
or did his leaky anus stain his whites?
any historyfags?
>And in general Cato esteemed the customs and manners of men at that time so corrupt, and a reformation in them so necessary, that he thought it requisite, in many things, to go contrary to the ordinary way of the world. Seeing the lightest and gayest purple was then most in fashion, he would always wear that which was the nearest black; and he would often go out of doors, after his morning meal, without either shoes or tunic; not that he sought vain-glory from such novelties, but he would accustom himself to be ashamed only of what deserves shame, and to despise all other sorts of disgrace.
Based and citizen pilled.
Wow, we're so alike.
Hey Caesar. Why dont you share the content of your letter with the rest of the senate?
I don't think his rank is mentioned again after becoming Primus Pilus of the 13th veteran legion in season one. Since Vorenus is often seen as being very close to Anoty in season two I'd say it's not unreasonable to think that Antony picked him as the leader of his personal praetorian guard.
Praetorians weren’t a thing until the empire. Vorenus would eventually become evocati (veteran re enlisting) and also promoted to camp prefect, which I believe is third in command of a legion.
pretty bad
>not unreasonable to think that Antony picked him as the leader of his personal praetorian guard.
at the very least he was definitely Antony's main nigger because he knew that even though he disagreed with what he was doing, that he was a man of honor and would do his job.
>Vorenus? Deep Thirteenth, him. He'd follow the Eagle up Pluto's arse!
>Permission to leave the legion, sir!
He ask for permission to desert!
*tips toga*
because to us the British accent sounds more "ye olde", even though the non rhotic accent the British use was developed AFTER the revolutionary war, and older English accents supposedly sounded more like the American Southern accent, but it'd just sound weird for all these historic figures to sound like Cletus from the Ozarks.
bromance the show
Mark Antony raping a sheep herder girl. No way they would show that shit today.
Based and scipio-pilled
was it rape though?
and they could easily show rape scenes today
>tfw we will never get a 2nd punic war show
>tfw we will never get the party with scipio and hannibal bantering
>Mark Antony has coupled himself to the sorceress Cleopatra, promising her dominion of all Rome! He worships dogs and reptiles, he blackens his eyes with soot, like a prostitute, he dances, and plays the cymbals, in vile Nilotic rites!
>2 episodes
*2 seasons
Can't rape slaves.
Guess its kind of like theft or unauthorized use of property??
Backed up by a legion of course.
childhood is idolizing rome
adulthood is realizing that the greeks were right
true enlightenment comes feom accepting the fact that carthage was the good guys
barbarian niggers are cucks
>He was a fuckin' consul of Rome, you dumb gyppo prick!
>American Southern
>Cletus from the Ozarks
What? Are you saying Cletus from the Ozarks is "American Southern"? Have you been to the U.S. before?
who the fuck doesn't have a laptop lmao
Yes, but I'm from the Rockies, I wasn't aware that there are different dialects of uneducated southern cousinfucker so ozarks is usually what I think of when I'm thinking southern, sitting on a porch chewing tobacco with a jug of illegally distilled moonshine by his feet.
>African sea jews
>"the good guys"
>17th century translation without Latin original
>inb4 it doesnt matter which translation you read
t. seleucid gayreek
Depending on who you ask the Ozarks aren't even in the South. You're thinking of hillbilly type accents which is different. Hillbillies are everywhere, not just the South.
Anyway I had heard before that the traditional Southern accent is the most similar to the English accent and it always made sense, I didn't realize how much the English accent had changed since then though. Interesting stuff.
He’s was the best part of resident evil
Basically the non rhotic accent became fashionable among the British upper class in the late 1700's, and then the industrial revolution hit and there was all this "new money", people going rags to riches kind of thing and they picked up on the non rhotic accent to make themselves sound more like nobility, which filtered down through the middle class till everyone was using some variant of it.
anyway.. when you're from the northwest, yes, the Ozarks is "Southern"anything east of the Mississippi and from Kentucky and Virginia down to the panhandle of Florida is considered "Southern" to us. Just like I'm sure anything NOT in those regions is considered "Yankee" to you, even though most non southerners would consider someone from New York to be a hell of a lot different than someone from Idaho.
My favourite bit is where he's a sassy but overall mild-mannered amnesiac who becomes a tutting, cold-blooded prick when he remembers that he's James Purefoy.
reminder that your beloved caesar, the great hero of western civilization racemixed with a sheboon.
You can download the old SD rips from mega.nz they are still up. Each episode is a .rar file though so you may need an app to extract.
>He goes on campaign for years and doesn't sample the local cunny.
What are you a boy loving greek?
Do you know what the word "Ozarks" means? The Ozarks are west of the Mississippi. The accent stuff is interesting but you're talking out your ass. I'm not even from the South.
people have hated and distrusted Jews for the same reasons throughout all of their history.
It really makes you think.
Did romans really do arm gestures when speaking in public?
I don’t think it’s just the fact that they were monotheistic.
Jews are semites, and Rome’s greatest historical archenemy was a semitic city state called Carthage.
To the Romans, anything semitic was intrinsically evil and untrustworthy.
he got the ozarks mixed up with appalachia
Have you ever seen an Italian talk?
I know I said Mississippi river and east but a lot of people will consider Missouri and Arkansas and Louisiana "southern" too.
Some people will even lump in East Texas.
>what am i in for
lots of red bush
>Heiress of the Greek dynasty
Americans cost more and can’t act for shit.
No I was specifically thinking of Arkansas.
there were no microphones so they helped people follow what they were saying
Because British actors ride the line where they’re familiar enough to American audiences that they can be perfectly understood when speaking their lines but also ‘exotic’ enough that their accents are suited to play roles in settings that are far removed from modernity and reality.
He was a CONSOLE of ROME!!11
Romeo+Juliet-style Sopranos edition modern-drama Rome would be interesting. It would work as a mini-series of a few hours, or a refined movie. I wanted to see prime Augustus as a second season/sequel, so that better happen this time. so Rome season 2 done right by the gods
Cicero was a savage
>Would you like us to consider your behaviour from boyhood onwards, Antony? I think so. Let us begin then at the beginning. Your bankruptcy, in early adolescence – do you remember that? Your father’s fault, you will say. Certainly; and what a truly filial self-defence ! But it was typical of your impudence to go to the theatre and sit in one of the fourteen rows reserved for knights, when the Roscian Law1 assigned special seats for bankrupts – and meant this to apply whether it was bad luck or bad conduct had caused the bankruptcy. Then you graduated to man’s clothing – or rather it was woman’s as far as you were concerned. At first you were just a public prostitute, with a fixed price: quite a high one, too. But very soon Curio intervened and took you off the streets, promoting you, one might say, to wifely status, and making a sound, steady, married woman of you. No boy bought for sensual purposes was ever so completely in his master’s power as you were in Curio’s. On countless occasions his father threw you out of the house. He even stationed guards to keep you out! Nevertheless, helped by nocturnal darkness, urged on by sensuality, compelled by the promised fee – in, through the roof, you climbed.
Yes, I believe Cicero writes about the proper hand gestures to give during oratory.
>Very Gaullish looking fellow altogether
When you're so used to Italians looking swarthy, you have no idea that the ancient Romans and the original population of the peninsula were essentially Germanic, before they got BLACKED
Actually Roman’s were black and the rest of the Mediterranean was white until Rome spread their swarthy genes. Stay woke.
That would explain Luca Brasi from The God father. It was beyond me why would anyone consider him White.
>Roman’s were black
Wrong an all accounts.
I don't know if that's necessarily the case.
I also think that Persia in its various iterations (Arsacid and Sassanid) was Rome's true nemesis, not Carthage.
Body language has always been important in speeches.
Rome got cancelled because they were planning to show the Jewish revolt in later seasons, imagine the butthurt from twitter over based Titus shitting all over their gay temple.
>talk shit, get your head and hands cut off and put on display at the Forum
>you'll never kill jews and take their menorah
oy vey :(
Rome and Persia unironically had more in common with one another versus Rome and Carthage.
Neither Rome nor Persia were ever at a point where they legitimately threatened each other’s existence. The wars between them ultimately went nowhere and just weakened them to the point where they became easy targets for the arabs.
If you still think that Carthage wasn’t that big of a deal, read about Hannibal’s campaign in Italy and the effects it had on Rome’s demographics, culture, and overall political outlook
the nu-male chickpea inspector vs the Chad fuckboi social climber
someone pls post the webm of that funny dance/ hand ritual that pompey does. i think he did that before the battle with caesar.
>Watch it Brutus!
he was inducted into the evocati
apparently they were a society soldiers deemed so valuable they could be called back into service at any time?
Alexander the great looked like THAT??
believe it or not you cannot decompress RAR files on an iPad. They are that useless.
Polly walker's nice rack
They were the re-enlisted veterans. Since Caesar spent 8 years in Gaul there were many soldiers who finished their official time as legionary but once the Civil War got going they went back to join Caesar or in many cases probably just didn't even leave.
This Cicero character looks like he's got the writer's chops about him.
Some of the roman graffiti was hilarious.
>III.5.3 (on the wall in the street); 8898: Theophilus, don’t perform oral sex on girls against the city wall like a dog
>what am i in for
a show in made in better times
can't imagine what it would like now