Is the simpsons as vulgar as family guy?
Is the simpsons as vulgar as family guy?
Just keeping an eye out, everything looks fine here
Generally no, but there was this one absolutely fithy joke from season 11 that I can't remember off the top of my head
It has some hidden dirty jokes, but is pretty mild compared to Family Guy.
Computer. I need you to find me the dirtiest joke in the Simpsons.
Relatively speaking, Simpsons did cross a lot of lines in l7ate 80s prime time
>domestic abuse
>animated nudity
>words like 'ass'
>most everything Bart did
>the glory hole scene at Chuck's
I used to watch Simpsons a lot when I was a kid.
After I beat Simpsons Hit and Run I stopped watching the show.
Should I start watching it again? Where should I start? is it worth it or should I watch futurama?
>Should I start watching it again?
>Where should I start?
>is it worth it or
>should I watch futurama?
okay so what should I watch late at night?
King of the Hill or Xavier Renegade angel are what I usually watch if I'm up late, what do you recommend
Episode 231 of The Simpsons
Nowhere near as lewd.
Sneed's fucking seed and feed
I recommend that you don't watch cartoons at all
>muh cartoons
>on a memeboard whose "jokes" are all funny pictures
Imagine being from reddit
Not him, but to answer your question desu i would kms
Kiss Mr. Sneed?
wow I love cartoons now
No, as based as your post is. To be perfectly clear, if I was from reddit I would kill myself.
Not even close, however it was far more controversial and was considered quite vulgar for the era it came out (early 90s)
Why were conservatives such pussies?
Formerly SNEED
dont listen to that fag, the Simpsons is great. Start at season 1
I don't get it
No, but that's how they were pushed aside in the 00s and they seemed lame compared. Actually when they get a bit too edgy it's unbecoming of them and makes it a bit awkward. It's a weird dynamic, like watching Jerry Seinfeld start to use the fuck word in every joke.