Anyone ever take lsd??

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Public disclaimer. Don't watch Misery tripping.

Yeah, I drive down it everyday

Scary niggas on acid the movie

I've taken quite a lot of it as well as analogues. I really liked Gaspar Noh in my mid 20s. Who is the kino director for your early 30s?


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Yeah. There's no way anyone would ever be so un empathetic on LSD

More times than I could count.

I don't think I'd do it anymore though.

i wanna watch this movie but all the niggers are throwing me off

I've taken it too much. I know buddies that got early onset schizophrenia and shit from psych abuse. All things considered I got off lucky. Now I try to moderate it

Fucking loads back in the late 80s/early 90s.

I really enjoyed Bojack Horseman on lsd

Yes, but never around niggers, and definitely not around that many

It severely complicates your experience of the world. I actually don't recommend it to people. Sure you'll maybe become aware of subtle dynamics or cosmic patterns you hadn't been so vividly aware of before but you'll likely lose a firm and coherent footing in the world and any sense of pragmatism. Or to get that back you have to take on yogi levels of serious study and learning to learn to sort everything you learned out and navigate it with the simple certitude that someone without the experience has.

Derp, "learn... learn... learn...". I should 'learn' to proofread.

One gets the impression that Gaspar actually has real contempt for his characters, and maybe most people in general. They seem like total scum. And I don't mean for "doing drugs", I've done too many myself, but the disgusting way they behave towards each other.

Did psilopsybin mushrooms one time. Apparently my asshole friends thought it would be a good idea to give me three times the recommended dosage for beginners. They were totally right, it was one of the most amazing experiences I've had in my life. It was surprisingly therapeutic and helped me get over some issues that I didn't even consciously know I had. It also gave me a comparatively hippy-esque demeanor for the month immediately after so that was interesting.

People like this definitely shouldn't do LSD. If you're the kind of person easily enough persuaded that the chemical effects of a drug actually revealing "cosmic patterns" to you, steer well clear.

Sofia Boutella

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mushrooms are a lot better than lsd ime. lsd is the vaping of hallucinogens

You ever smoked DMT?

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i'm never gonna try any drugs thanks to this shitty movie

depends on your definition of cosmic patterns

*brings mic closer*

for me, it was Salem's Lot

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PSA don't watch Coraline on shrooms. It brings the movie to life but it was jarring, man

I've done acid maybe 7 or 8 times and it's generally been pretty good (except when I've had synthetics in my younger days). However shrooms have always made me sort of just shut down, and every time I've done them I've just wrapped myself in a blanket. The first time I was with friends and one of them did at least 100 whip-its and started vomiting all over himself which kind of turned the whole thing dark. The most recent time I did it was when I had just moved into a new house and it was a rainy day so I thought it would be perfect, but I ended up feeling so cold that I wrapped myself in a blanket which made it almost impossible to keep my eyes open, and when I wasnt doing that I was walking around the house trying to unpack shit because I hated having an unorganized house.

How do I do them right?

The fact that it is such a nebulous and ill-defined phrase should only sound further alarm bells that it is new-age spirituality nonsense. LSD gives you the feeling that you are having great revelations. It doesn't actually give you revelatory powers.

Yes. I was too busy experiencing the evolutionary history of my dna in my mind for hours to give a fuck what other people were doing though.

the dance hall was full of feral French pavement apes, even the sheboon completely chimped out, the movie was very realistic see early COPS episodes with black men on PCP

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The first step to doing any psychedelic right is to be in a safe and controlled environment (i.e not somewhere you'll have to watch a dude vomit on himself) that is familiar to you and that you are comfortable in (i.e not the house you just moved into with boxes everywhere), and to also be in a positive mindframe (depressive or down frames of mind lead to a real bad time) and with plenty of time to recover.

>thinking PC fucking P and LSD are comparable

Well I'm not that user and I wouldn't use that term, because it is ambiguous and has a lot of connotations already attached to it, but psychs absolutely can give you significant revelations. If you have the experience of surviving a serious car crash, then you're going to walk away from it with new outlooks, and likely notice things you never did before, because of the implications and the uprooting in what you felt your life was, and just the same having experiences on acid like having time warp and vanish, and seeing shapes that don't seem possible, is going to, if you actually think about it, make you walk away being unable to ignore the new contrasts you have in how the world seems to you. The issue is not letting it turn into crazy making, and to know that whatever goes on it all comes back to the baseline of the normal, sober world.

best is to be outdoors, i had fun sitting on the beach and watching the condos wave back and forth like grass
i also had fun just being driven around in my friend's car, felt like a spaceship

No I'm not a junkie loser that needs narcotic stimulants to feel good about myself

they are when blacks take them at high doses, and the two bucks, the ones that had the long conversation about muh dikin said they never did drugs before

I don't disagree at all with anything you just said, you're totally right. I just disagree with the often spouted hippie rubbish that taking acid immediately gives you insight into the nature of life and the universe, eg. by exposing you to "cosmic patterns" or some other such rubbish

You can't blame them though, their issue is ironic, they got the keys to the kingdom and try to use them to open any old door.

I see you haven't taken it then.

Yeah the guy vomiting wasnt really part of the plan but I should have know he'd do some shit like that. I did acid when I first moved into a different house years ago and that was amazing. It was this weird house from the 30s that had all this intricate plastering work on the high ceilings all through it. Was the night I moved in and my housemate invited some girls over that I'd never met and we just laid on the empty floor and played with fairy lights while eating frozen grapes and cereal straight out of the box.

I'm the user you had responded to, and I'm not suggesting that people who take it immediately become 'enlightened' or understand the nature of the cosmos, it's more just that you do get a really strong, visceral sense of the rich, intricate connectedness of things, etc... but not that you actually understand any of what you think you're experiencing, or come out of it articulating anything that describes what you felt you learned that in-depth.

I just mean more that it gives you a really rich sensory experience, plus a lot of complicated nuances in how you look at things that I think just make things more uncertain and difficult for you. A lot of people who trip too much seem to have trouble adjusting back to society because it all just seems to be 'whatever'. Not everyone, but I live in a town with a LOT of psychedelic users, and the streets are filled with casualties.

I mean, it's not that you come out of it 'understanding' more, but if anything have to put a lot of effort just coming back to terms with basic mundane reality, because you might have to develop a much more complex system for accounting for all these manifold impressions you had that threw you off-balance.

And I mean you might say that it's all simple and not a big deal, but I've known too many people who got thrown off track.

>be me
>experienced psychonaut
>at a bachelor party
>cabin in middle of nowhere
>eat 4 very potent edibles
>smoke a lot
>take three tabs of 200ug lsd
>doing lines
>everyone is expecting me to lose control
>be super chill instead
>checking out the patterns on the wood walls
>go to a strip club
>neon lights are cool
>a few black strippers
>one is very tall, like me
>the rest of the guys are still expecting me to lose control
>continue to be super chill
>have black punani in my face and neon lights flash across it
>all the guys are looking at me
>let out a deep hum that vibrates her vagene
>she gets chills and sits on my lap for a while
>she says the other guys are supposed to ask me why I'm so quiet
>tell her I'm tripping balls
>we go backstage to the dressing room area and smoke weed
>another black stripper joins us
>talk about how the night is going while we smoke
>tall stripper feels me up and says I must be special because most guys can't get hard while tripping
>tell her I'm experienced in that altered state
>she asks me how experienced
>tell her I can show her if she wants
>start get blown by the tall stripper
>other one watches then joins in
>fuck them both in an animalistic craze like gary oldman's dracula (pic related)
>they both orgasm a few times
>I concentrate and have the most intense orgasm in my life
>all over their faces
>they clean up and we smoke again
>go back to sniffer's row
>all the guys know what happened
>strippers tell them how it was
>go back to cabin
>eat another cookie, take another tab
>sit up all night on the patio looking at stars through binoculars while smoking weed
>sleep most of the next day after getting home
>find out eventually that the strippers were hired by the best man in advance
>other guys tell the story about what happened with me
>be known as a legend

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Actually, I've done LSD upwards of 20 times, shrooms a half dozen, DMT twice, and a collection of hallucinogenic research chemicals including 2C-B, 2C-E, 25I-NBOMe, and DOB roughly at least times collectively

2CE is so fucked. A friend of mine took it to a party and he lost any short term memory. He was running around hugging everybody and telling them he loves them, but not in an MDMA sort of way, just in a loudmouth obnoxious drunk way. He just started throwing himself into things and breaking stuff for fun, and was basically screaming any time he would talk. He seemed like he was having fun but holy shit, it was like the worst drunk I've ever seen times ten. How was it for you?

wow that's a neat story

To answer your question, OP: no.
No one has ever done that.

so you fucked prostitutes that were paid to fuck you.
wow user.

Also that's the easiest way to get AIDS.

2CB is a weird experience.

Whew lad that's a drawn out way of writing
>Did a lot of drugs
>Fucked a black prostitute

why would they hire them to fuck you when you weren't even the guy whose bachelor party is was?

>why would they hire them to fuck you when you weren't even the guy whose bachelor party is was?
>why wouldn't a guy who is getting married fuck prostitutes during his bachelor party so his wife can eventually find out about it later and divorce him and take half of his shit in the process?

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why does /pol think american blacks & European blacks are the same

>why does /pol think
you're already getting ahead of yourself there

it wasn't a typo

look at this faggot

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pol can't think critically. they can't even think at all. they only react to their cultural programming. they're like a sea urchin, only reacting to the most basic of stimuli
>if hungry, get food
>if pain, move
>if tired, sleep
>if people different skin color from me, shitpost

is this movie in english or frog

I take LSD once every year on my birthday. Helps me reflect on issues, achievements and failures and set new goals.


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I took 2 hits before school back in 2001. Me and my bro met up at mcdonalds and put the sugar cubes under our tongue and let them sit there for 30 minutes or so. Starting getting giggly in 1st period, then full effects in 2nd period. Next thing you know, a couple of planes crash into the world trade center/pentagon. We left school and took his dads boat out and just chilled on dobbins island.

is this the zoomer requiem for a dream

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