>detention over the weekend
do Americans really do this?
Detention over the weekend
Maybe in the 80's highly doubt it's like that now
>I'm gonna knock your dick in the dirt
we dont even do detention anymore period, too many nonwhites.
no, kids run the schools now. yet somehow teachers want more money
I was a high school student in the 80s. Teachers had the weekends off nobody had to do detention on the weekend.
Does Barry White know you raided his wardrobe?
Is there a chance that's just your memory not working anymore?
i did saturday detention once in middle school back in like 01. it was a fucking blast
Class of 1986 here, and nobody had detention on weekends and even on weekdays, no longer then a 1/2 hour - 45mins.
Saturday detentions are a still thing, but the usual detentions happen after school during the weekdays.
he did it to get some of that goth puss
She looked better before
Now she's a conventionally attractive chick with BPD! That makeover worked!
Yes but maybe not everywhere. I live in South Florida and there is this thing called internal suspension. Or IS for short. It's in school suspension during classes, basically taken into a room for the duration of the day doing nothing but reading or organizing something like books, or weekend IS which is just being in the auditorium sitting doing school work or reading for 3-4 hours
I had saturday school once. I forget what I did but I basically just helped the mexican janitors out around the school. We got tacos for lunch and then I went home. Went better than expected tbqh.
Yeah, I had Saturday school detention pretty often for tardiness. There's not 4 fucking people though, it's more like 80~
She literally looked better before and I didn't even think she looked that good then, but this was a clear downgrade. This still looks ok, but it's pretty cherrypicked and if you see it it motion they gave her a worse look. It's really something for actual boomers.
No. There is such thing as Saturday school though but it's usually something that's planned out ahead of time like absences or some shit. No school district in the country could afford to do spontaneous detention.
In-school suspension is the current method.
>take a bunch of 40 year olds
>call them high school kids
Class of '03 here. I regularly had 3 hour detentions. This was standard, not a special case. If you got detention, that's how long it was
This is the type of behavior students get away with now. Detention would result in a civil rights lawsuit or protest.
Based white boi
Yep Same class, 3hr on Friday after school.
Canadian here our schools weren't aloud to keep us past closing without permission from our parents so detention was just during lunch on school days
They did.
Some of the staff were in on weekends where there were extracurriculars.
i had multiple 5 hour saturday schools which meant you sit in a room for 5 hours on a saturday and do nothing
They also go to work at weekends
Did girls really lose their virginity much later back then?
not anymore actually. most schools got rid of detention
>have to not only babysit, but attempt to teach 30+shitheads for 8 hours a day
>want to pay them min wage
no wonder the country is going in the shitter
Back then girls had a reputation to uphold
Earlier actually. Statistically
No. The average age of virginity loss has actually increased for both ages over time, the flip-side being that people also get married later now.
In my town seniors had to go to Saturday school if you missed too many days, or else you couldn't walk during graduation. Can anyone explain to me how that makes any sense? Was it just as a deterrent or what
Young people all have arrested development now because of antisocial entertainment and fear of getting exposed on social media.
There is a reason why stuff like inceldom is gaining more and more attention. Late virginity and incel behavior generally hurts men more but women are affected by it too.
Most schools abandoned it by the 90s, but who knows what went on in the 80s. Back then to graduate you had to take woodshop, metal class, auto shop, and home ec. By the time I was in high school, only poor kids took that shit and none of it was required.
since 2010 both boys and girls have been having sex later
Teacher fag here and sort of. I've never work at a school that does straight detention on Saturdays, at least a public school that does it. I did work for a private that would do something similar because the kids lived there and it was easy. Since I started working at public schools detentions are rare. We're encouraged to find another way because so many kids have excuses like not having a ride, their parents aren't home to help discipline them, it would become a civil rights battle, etc. Honestly, I think I've given to two detentions in the past five years and I really should have given a lot more. But it's so much easier to just reprimand the kid and send them to in school suspension or punish them my own way. Gets rid of the paperwork and the potential battle with the family. I don't think my discipline has ever been supported by the family now that I think of it. I can barely convince parents to let their kids stay after school to make up tests. sEvery single parent Ive spoken to thinks their kid is an angel and doesn't agree with anything you make the kid do. I once removed a boy from my class because all he would do is sit at his desk and put on headphones and never do anything. It was an honors class and I told him he wasn't acting like an honor student. I had him put in the class next door to mine which is a regular class. some paperwork went home and the parents signed it, because it was all done by guidance. However the boy must have complained and the mom called me two days after I moved him to call me racist and tell me l I had it out for her son. It became a battle with the administration because I had to prove that wasn't true. How ridiculous is that?
No, they lost it really early. Usually middle School. that's why it was such a big deal she was still a virgin in that movie. Both my parents told me stories about how much sex kids would have in junior high, and how basically everyone in high school acted like most college kids today. And even that might be changing. I don't hear anything about college kids having crazy parties anymore. Sure in the news, but at my own circles I don't think anyone I know who's still in college actually parties like even I did back in the 2000s. People don't realize how much social media damaged American culture
>Training to become a public school teacher
Are teachers really underpayed in America?
Society is fucked. We are moving to the right of this chart.
Elite kids go to private high schools with some classes being 10 students to a teacher, they learn what bromides learn in college, these high schools cost 30,000+ a year and fed kids directly to the elite colleges.
Normie kids go to classes with 40 kids, can pass with little effort, taught just enough to be able to file taxes and follow orders and maybe fill out lab reports (but not actually be able to build the machines or anything) and basically represent modern peasants.
Not him but it depends what state you live in, in California, with a masters degree they are paid well and get amazing benefits and amazing pension and are basically set for life. In Alabama they are paid shit and get treated like shit
>he actually turned up for detention
why the FUCK would you allow yourself to be punished? I never turned up, any times they tried to punish me I just never turned up.
Sounds comfy.
What amazes me now is that schools are letting students use their cellphones throughout the day. I graduated in 2012 and during that time if a teacher even saw your phone it would be taken away.
I assume they just have to allow it now. Not because it benefits the students or anything but because its a battle they can't win anymore. During a day they would probably have to take away dozens of phones worth 700+ each, which would be a liability to hold on to.
Society is fucked. Give me one good reason cell phones should not be locked up between 8 am and 3 pm?
Hey need to make the classes harder and more in depth too, so you actually have to pay attention and are rewarded for doing so.
What does social media have to do with american culture being damaged?
If you can have a social life through a phone or computer, what need is there to go out and fraternize with people in person?
Detention was always after school, on weekdays, for us. No longer than 30 minutes.
If they needed something more extreme you got ISS, which was in school suspension. This could be for an hour to an entire day, to an entire week to an entire month. You'd go to school normally, but be kept in a room with other ISS kids. You were put at desks with walls on every side and any speaking, of any kind, resulted in an extension of your ISS.
The higher punishment was out of school suspension, where you'd still be responsible for all your school work but with no classes or help from a teacher. You were still expected to get passing grades. This could be for the entire remainder of a school year, or shorter, depending on what you did to get it. You'd still be sent lesson materials, tests and exams.
Obviously the end game was expulsion.
No matter which you got, none of them bled into your own time on the weekends. Our schools always had an on/off campus rule. Once you were off campus you typically weren't their problem unless you had out of school suspension (which they almost never gave out, I think one ISS kid got out of school because she got super sick and that was it).
Even fights just outside the campus they didn't want to deal with. Not their problem, not on their time.
This was also after the days they shut down the ability to leave campus during school hours. You couldn't leave to get lunch or anything. The one exception came with the tech class expansions to several graphic art and other studios outside the campus, but you needed a super clean record and permission beyond all reasoning to be allowed into those programs. Which I had, and it's how I got a graphic design job while still in highschool based on the work my instructor showed a local printing business.
no, I hear schools are locking them now.
I let students use their phones sometimes during class. For quizes or to let them look up material.
Frankly I'd much rather have that that every student had a tablet. As a teacher it's easier to keep in check, and it's easier to do the aformentioned things with (quizes and looking up material). On top of that, most of the book companies provide online environments where the students can make (extra) assignments.
Social media is so rampant now though, and it affects the kids. Everyone is in this state of inertia, many are afraid to stand out. If they do, half the world will know in seconds. When I was a kid, you had these large seperate subcultures. Now, of the 8 classes I teach (about 200 students) there is 1 (one) metalhead, and 1 (one) emo girl. The rest is just "normal". That's the true "crime" of mobile phones.
If they want to dance and be noisy fine, but stepping on his desk and dancing over him? If he hadn't lashed out, it would have just been a sign people could walk all over him. School rules be damned, she had to go down.
The reality of it is that we live in an instant communication world now and parents expect to be able to immediately get in touch with their kids and vice versa. I am not saying they are allowed to sit there on instagram instead of paying attention but until the class actually starts they can use their phones.
What exactly would be the reward there? School has been used mostly as a daycare for a while now. The ones that want to learn and do well are going to do that. The ones that don't won't put effort in no matter how in depth they are.
>a deterrent
this, but not only this.
sometimes, the money the school gets is a multiple of the number of full days attended (x many hours per day per student).
When kids skip school, it fucks up the budget, saturday school is a make up day which restores the funding.
Even when the current fiscal year is unaffected by absense, funding decisions about the coming year are impacted.
saturday school got scheduled for attendance if it was for absentee or habitual tardiness. thats how they recoup the money for missing hours of asses in seats. this was the 90s
You do realize that social media is used concurrently with in person socialization right? Like when people can't interact with each other they do so over social media solely because they are not able to in person.
>What exactly would be the reward there?
You are lost.
Because it is distracting for the kids that want to learn nd it has been proven they make you remember less of what is said. Even tablets are a meme, it has been shown you learn and remember more with a pen and paper. And when your cellphone alerts you you forget whatever was said by the teacher during that time. Then you ask 5 minutes later uhh what?
That image is at least 5 years old
>dancing on the desks and being nosy is fine
>the one white kid
>can we please learn something?
I had internal suspension at middle school in 2001, which I remember vividly because that's when I first read harry potter but in hindsight what the fuck is the point of IS, it's literally just making kids miss class so you might as well send them home and not waste a teacher/room. I shiggy hope these fags don't think they're somehow doing the parents' job
>punish them my own way
Calling the police now
The 90s was also no child left behind times, where they'd keep pushing you up through the years with passing grades even if you were failing. The schools were getting better funding based on how many students passed. So all the students passed.
Used to be a thing in bongland if you consistently got loads of regular detention, 9am to midday. Also used to do full day ones in school holidays but that was more for failing students
>it has been shown you learn and remember more with a pen and paper
I know. Some collegues wanted to scrap the books all together. To only let the students learn from the tablet. Luckly I (and a couple others) was able to stop it. For me the ideal setup for a student would be a text book, an assignment book and a tablet on the side for extra work. Mobile phones are not needed and can be put away.
The point is to separate the disruptive kids from the kids that aren't being disruptive. Its not that they are trying to do a parent's job they are just dealing with problem caused by poor parenting.
And now you have dickheads who are too stupid to tell the difference between "where," "were," and "we're" and think the Earth is flat.
Gen z cope. You dont even know what in person socialism is. All that shit does is keep you linked to relationships with people that arent nearby anymore instead of forming new relationships. They dont even talk to people next to them anymore.
Back in the day if you went out you were gone and disconnected till you got home. That meant several things, one over looked is:YOU HAD TO MAKE PLANS if you wanted to do anything, now Stacy can leave you on the hook till minutes before you are sopped to met up incase chad makes better plans and calls her . Every plan is "well maybe, we will see".
>parents expect to be able to immediately get in touch with their kids
Bealive it or not there is exactly zero benifit to that in 99% of cases and several negatives.
You are so busy with whether or not you could, you don’t think whether or not you should
Out of curiosity what are the negatives of having a pdf on a tablet compared to having a text book?
College is a lot different than high school in general though, high school you are still drilling fundamentals like math and history, which is better when you do it by hand, you remember it better
Yeah it's called saturday school. You really needed to fuck up but not quite bad enough to get suspended. I got one for bringing porn and empty alcohol containers to school. I think i might have actually gotten two for that if I remember right.
Why has no one mentioned the movie in the op? What is it?
>in person socialism
You can abourd it better, mental memory of where the info on the physical page is, easier to take notes. But dont take my word for it, look at the research.
A good pdf s better than a crappy text book though, a lot of textbooks are dumbed down for people who get tired and distracted with anything longer that a paragraph before there is a picture or graph. A static pdf is much better than "interactive" boooks though
Are you really this disconnected from a healthy social life? I am not a teenager but I have family members who are and I see how they interact with their friends. They make plans with each other and go places with each other, when they can't do that they will facetime each other or play xbox together.
As the other user said, it has been proven that you're less able to remember and study from a pdf than from a physical book. It has to do with the way your brain works. When you read and study, you not only remember the words but also their place and context on the page. You basically make a mental map of the text that helps you remember it. You don't have that with a pdf, because you just scroll up and down on the same "page" so to say. On top of that the light of a screen can be tiring to the eyes. And then you got the added distraction of notifications and that youtube and instagram are 2 taps away.
Many students complain about it too. Some choose to print pdf's or still make their assignments on paper. So it's not only because I didn't grew up with it (I'm 29).
it's literally a porn
emilio estevez in john hughes
It's The Breakfast Club. A classic so it's assumed everyone knows it.
>I'm gonna lick your ass till it bleeds. DON'T fuck with me.
Things still happen of course, there is it’s a subtitle difference.
You cant even suggest "let’s go to this restaurant, it was pretty good and is close to us" because everyone has to check the yelp reviews and if they see a pic they dont like they poopoo the idea, so everything is a passive aggressive hostage situation. And you never no how many people are going to show up because 2 or 3 always get a message from someone else they think is cooler 1 hour before you were going to met up.
Valid points and I hope the research was done correctly and without bias.
Sometimes it is difficult to look at arguments between teaching and technology because you will always have those few people that will claim something like "kids need to learn cursive, its a valuable skills in today's society!".
You either have 0 references to what its like to have friends, or your friends are terrible people, or you are just fucking with me.
The use of tablets/mobile phones in class is sometimes hailed by the management as "21st century skills" and we the teachers are forced to partake in seminars about the "gamification of education". It's all bullshit and makes management look good and modern, but doesn't actually help teaching at all. And if it does, it creates other large problems (distraction for instance) that we as teachers need to deal with next.
Well I post on Yea Forums so
>your friends are terrible people
Is likely the right answer
I wonder what happened next
It really does suck that the tools that in theory should help educate people are also the main source of why people don't learn.
And it will only get worse because the underachievers will become worse and worse as time passes by and then their kids will be even worse off while demanding even more instant gratification because they're too dumb to understand what's good for them. Then these people will be partly in charge of social media when they grow older. It's a pretty scary thought.
Yeah. I don't think tablets or mobile phones will go away, but I do think that in time we're able to more effectively seperate the serious part from the social media/fun part. We just haven't had the time to deal with it properly.
Instant gratification is what makes you come to this site. You don't understand what's good for you either.
I've been teaching for 10 years. Public schools for 7 of those. And yes, it wasn't what I went to school for it it's not what I dreamed of myself doing. I had a stem degree but couldn't get any jobs in research or corporate because I graduated college during the recession. I tried to do a lot of other things like the Peace corps or just working retail but the market was flooded with guys just like me,even the Peace Corps, so I didn't stand out. I ended up going to grad school for teaching because the program was 90% paid for. Now I'm stuck with a wife and kid and the benefits are too good to pass up. I make less than a lot of my friends but I have really good health care, life insurance, and a lot of time off so I can't complain. Even if I made about $10,000 more than I do now I'd be satisfied. but I haven't gotten a raise for the past three years because our state budget is a mess and both the current governor and the former Governor hate state employees. I don't need a six figure salary. I just want to have money to save in the bank. My wife and I break just a little over even each month. It sucks.
Nail on the head, and on. The only thing that gets me to sleep at night is knowing that at the very least I made my kids better citizens. No joke. I teach science and they love it, and they ask really insightful questions especially my senior and Junior classes. I know that none of them will contribute to society at the level of the elites and they are just as much a peasant as I am. However if they decide to vote and care about their world, that's really all I need to do. I'm not making the next Einstein but at least I can make someone a little civilized
Such beautiful cultural enrichment.
I do agree that the underachievers will achieve less but I don't think that will hurt the achievers much. What I think really effects whether or not a student will succeed is how well they were raised.
I've always seen this posted on pol and I thought it was fake. Then I saw it and she was actually speaking these words. It's uncanny.
Is it an urban school or an actual decent school?
I can't stand being around most kids for more than 2 minutes. They're even more obnoxious reflections of their narcissistic parents. If I had to spend 5 days a week around them I'd probably seek peace in death.
Teachers barely work 8 months out of the year, are off on virtually every holiday including Spring Break, get breaks in between classes, have their teaching agenda laid out on a silver platter for them, are practically immune to firing once tenured barring the most egregious offenders, get great benefits packages and are compensated well above minimum wage yet they endlessly bitch about how much they earn in an effort to hike up taxes permanently to further line their pockets. If they wanted to earn even more money then they should have chosen another field, because nobody forced them to become teachers. Fuck off.
What changes have you seen over those 10 years on how students act and specifically with technology? I assume you also taught at private schools? What are the differences there?
I work security at a high school. They still do Saturday detentions for the real fuck-ups.
Cops are the same. Everyone and every movie quotes the meme that cops make 38K a year or whatever. Yet, every cop I've every met makes at least $50K a year and have insane fucking benefits and protections. I met one cop at the gym who makes like $70K a year and he has only been a cop for like 6 years.
This is complete bullshit. During the breaks they aren't pissing around, they have to go on courses and work out the next years teaching. They get 1 month off every year just like everyone else, except they can't choose their holidays. If you want to talk about people who don't do any work, talk about CEOs.
>you want to talk about people who don't do any work, talk about CEOs.
CEOs pull 80 hour weeks on the regular and often work 7 day weeks. You might mean board members. Dont shit on ceos, while overpaid, they do actually fucking work.
oh gee, this will enrage the incel
Retarded incel
Well this thread was doing fairly well with having some decent conversations but now its clearly going downhill.
> they have to go on courses and work out the next years teaching.
While they fuck around because they're teaching high school or lower and they already know the core material they're teaching.
>They get 1 month off every year just like everyone else, except they can't choose their holidays.
They get Spring Break and 2-3 months off in between school years.
>If you want to talk about people who don't do any work, talk about CEOs.
I didn't say they don't do any work you illiterate nigger. I said that they are already more than compensated for having such a cushy job. All they do is indoctrinate kids, stop acting like they're martyrs.
>have a cousin that graduated and he can't even read
Are you alright?
Teacher here, we're expected to constantly keep up with research and attend mandatory trainings. The content changes each year, the chemistry you learned is nothing like what we teach today just like we don't teach aether and spontaneous generation anymore. Even if it didn't, content knowledge is like 10% of teaching, I fucking dare you to get little Timmy with an IEP to pass his exams armed with nothing but an understanding of algebra. Also summers are unpaid, most teachers I know work summer jobs.
Tbf, at least cops get shot at (more often). But yeah, every year it's the same with these people, "we don't make enough so raise taxes!". Taxes go up, they get raises, but they never shut the fuck up about how much they earn. They just keep rabble rousing to the point where our taxes are increasing exponentially. The Revolutionary War was sparked by what, a 3% tax? Imagine if they were alive today.
12 years ago they couldn't even force me to do detention after school, let alone on a weekend. It's not like they can lay hands on you to stop you from just walking out of the building.
>the chemistry you learned is nothing like what we teach today
Chemistry hasn't drastically changed in the last 19 years you disingenuous retard. Stop pretending that you update the curriculum. The book publishers just change chapter orders around to make new editions to Jew taxpayers into shelling out more for "new books".
Spontaneous generation? Are you for real?
You knew what you were getting into before you became a teacher so stop bitching.
Cops getting shot at is a meme unless you work LAPD or Chicago
>middle aged guy shitposting with a bunch of kids
I hope that doesn't happen to me
You would be a better troll if you didn't randomly say Jew and the rhetorical questions.
Its Barry Manilow you dumpass
You're probably the only kid in the thread.
I'm not trolling, but you're definitely on the wrong website. You know what I said to be true therefore you don't even bother to refute it.
>do Americans really do this?
Nah just sad, loser teachers with nothing better to do than hold a group of children hostage on the weekend. Most teachers are closet paedos desu.
No I have just been here long enough to know not to bother. I am not the person claiming to be a teacher.
>No I have just been here long enough to know not to bother.
Uh huh sure, a whopping 2 years amirite?
> I am not the person claiming to be a teacher.
Sure you are, samefag. Otherwise you wouldn't have felt the need to say that.
One time I got three days of in school suspension because I knocked on a door during exams to deliver the school newspaper. Bitch didn't even have a sign on the door and half the class was fucking around on their phones and that whore still sold me out, how the fuck was I supposed to know cunt
"Teachers", or leechers as I like to call them, are the scum of the Earth.
they dropped the teaching part if were being honest, and babysitters dont usually even make minimum wage
It happened to me in 2005 in Hawaii. It was actually pretty chill, because it was over a bullshit fight that wasn't even serious (we were just play fighting and some dumb soccermom called the cops on us). Because the police were called, and because I think the principal was under fire for embezzlement, he put us on weekend detention to show that he was a big man, all in control and shit, so he made us come for Saturday (it was also a church/school combination, so Saturday service was going on at the time too).
>About a dozen of us altogether, 6 girls and 5 boys
>5 boys came because of the fight thing
>6 girls came for various unrelated reasons
>1 football coach to look over us as we just talked and did homework and shit
>Coach got hungry and said if we gave him money, he'd drive down to the mcdonalds literally right down the street and get us our shit
>1 sophomore girl clearly had a crush on the coach and asked to go with him, and we all went "oooooooh", but she didn't give a fuck, and the coach didn't really give a fuck either, so I guess she ended up going with him, and there was a rumor the rest of the year that they were fucking, but the rumors were unsubstantiated, even though I believe them
>We all knew each other's faces but didn't REALLY know each other, and so we made plans to go to the mall after this was over
>It was actually really fun and we went to the mall afterward and chilled out and we all actually went from "oh, I know that dude, but not well enough to say hi" to "hey, wanna hang out later"?
So I guess you could say, in a way, the principal's idea actually worked and we ended up bonding and becoming much closer. That's the only time I've ever had weekend detention at school.
People like you are why teachers like me fail white children on purpose.
why are all john hughes' films centred around children...?
Only in spirit. I'm 26
>going to detention
just keep your grades up, fags, then they wouldn't have bothered you
Imagine still posting on Yea Forums in your 40s and 50s. Fucking kill yourself, you're obviously a failure
Get the fuck off my board, boomer faggot
>The 90s was also no child left behind times
You're such a retarded faggot. No Child Left Behind was signed into law in 2001.
I see they don't teach grammar to leafs
No in real life they just let old fat male teachers spank the 12 year old girls until their butts are swollen instead of detention.
Posts like these are why girls don't touch your dick
>Give me one good reason cell phones should not be locked up between 8 am and 3 pm?
Burger schools are constantly being shot up, so someone has to call the cops
What kind of zoomer faggot hasn't seen the fucking breakfast club
didn't the actors all hate each other?
>Chad and Bad Boy get girls
Just give them guns instead.
Sounds like bullshit press copy
that's a girl
>During the breaks they aren't pissing around, they have to go on courses and work out the next years teaching.
Imagine believing that, my mother and both her parents are/were all teachers (grandparents have been retired for decades obviously) and they'd all agree that teachers are some of the laziest people you'll find, and the work they do is highly overrated, my mom absolutely despises other teachers because they're all so fucking lazy and entitled
>School has been used mostly as a daycare for a while now
So is college, increasingly. I feel that since the 1990s college has been used as an extension of high school for most people. Another 3-4 year buffer before you actually have to go into the world.
Why are you saying your mother and granparents are lazy and entitled? Show some respect.
I didn't go to school for it but was qualified bc it's not hard.
Can you give some examples of why you think that is?
Imagine posting in your 20s.
Supposed to be partying and banging chicks and having fun.
No you are here telling people who have lived life that they are to old for the internet.
You my young loser friend are the one who needs to kill yourself.
God speed!!
>waiting for Big Ben to Bong
do the British really do this?
>delinquent or problematic kid skips school constantly
>gets suspended so he doesn't have to go to school
Weirdest thing about movies about school.
>this user got a real life breakfast club experience
lucky, i went to saturday school once in high school and we weren't allowed to talk to each other so everyone just did homework or word search puzzles for 6 hours
Will always crack me up how far left dude looked 10 years older than everyone else
In-school suspensions were arguably more tedious and standard where I went to school. Plus they couldn't expel anyone who wasn't doing something that warranted calling the cops so an out-of-school suspension was an option for kids too much trouble to keep an eye on.
I was put in the unique position of being suspended in-school for about five months. So, Breakfast Club every day I suppose. Every day was spent in a storage room a few doors from the office and the secretary would drop off a package containing the day's assignments. I'd usually finish everything by 10:30 and be bored out of my mind the rest of the day.
Most of February was spent dicking around with an old PC that I found out had The Incredible Machine and the usual early Windows games accessible through DOS.
There was also a qt who'd transferred in too late in the year to join a regular class, so she was put in a different area and we'd get together and play on the PC or just chill. First girl I ever asked out and made out with, but she broke it off when she realized I was two grades younger than her.
Saturday? Oh, no. It's Friday detention. Schools are becoming 4 day weeks.
Why does everyone need a college education (which is what you seem to be implying). We need trades, oversaturation of people getting degrees has made the degrees themselves fucking useless now.
I live in a fly over state so really sex, drugs and alcohol are the biggest past times. I mean we sort of have nature but it’s nothing crazy. We’re like Kansas with trees
I’d probably kill myself if I lived in Indiana, Oklahoma or Kansas tbqh
They don’t work on holidays, summer or spring break, get a lot of 3 day weekends. And tons of days they can be absent and get a substitute to come in
I had a teacher who missed 90% of his Fridays in the second semesters and they’re all paid for
Ideally they should have the option for teachers raises in taxes so if you put your tax money towards that then your children can attend a school where the teachers are paid more. I doubt their would be a difference tho desu