You don't like real girls

>You don't like real girls

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Why do incels identify with this movie so strongly?

>want to get drunk again
>putting off things lately
>that pure bliss feeling of booze

in time everyone on the planet will become an incel. but hey no one gives a shit, right?


Yeah, that scene made me wonder if K was a replicant.

Poor lad.

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I identified more with the women in the movie.

It's a shit test, retards. You're not supposed to smile back

Well Joshi basically was a guy so...

Look at the way her face is positioned at the 2 to 3 second mark. Shes suddenly faced with the idea that he is not really normal or healthy and her instinct is to leave cause no one wants to be around someone they can't understand or that doesn't jive with their way of life. She holds her posture but in her head shes flipped the table and ran for her life.

>Handsome protagonist
>Constantly fending off attention from females
>Remains loyal to his not real gf

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yeah wouldnt that be crazy? if the entire message of the movie was that despite his delusions and fantasies, K wasn't special? he was JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE? and did what he figured he could as another pawn in the game? another nobody replicant?
that'd be fuckin wack. if you were supposed to identify with the character designed to figure out he's unimportant and average like the average viewer.

haha incels dabbed on goteem xD

Luv was the real incel of the movie.

>Got rejected by someone who saw through her bullshit and spent the rest of the movie trying to get back at him

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How was she only hot in BR2049
How did Villeneuve do it

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What bullshit, exactly?

Roastie B

She asked a personal question meant to invigorate K. It was really transparent.

Well yes, she clearly liked him throughout the movie, even after he cruelly rejected her. Unlike K, she never had a JOI. She was the real incel all along.

>tfw nobody asks you invigorating personal questions

Do you enjoy your work, user?

>She was the real incel all along

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are you a real girl?

No, but you wanted questions, motherfucker.

>When the bitch thinks she could get away with crushing your AI in front of you

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>she will never look at you like this

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i'll rephrase then, buddy
>tfw no moderately attractive single girls ask you invigorating personal questions irl

>why are you following me?
>what the fuck is your problem?
>why don't you kill yourself, freak?

the joke here is she isn't a real girl, either.

She's not a replicunt.

she is, did you watch the movie?

Imagine being her husband and seeing this

Tons of girls get off on pretending to be whores.

So in the future that'll sublimate into pretending to be a robo-whore.

Sure I do. Why don't we go back to my place and I'll show you.

>>what the fuck is your problem?
>>why don't you kill yourself, freak?
everything. soon.

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you realize you're psychotic right?

She's a robot doing a robot test on a robot. Normally when someone smiles at you you reflexively smile or respond to it. His flat affect tells her that he's a fucking broken robot.

And she's a prostitute. She's selling a service. Normally if someone is trying to fuck they're being nice and responsive to smiles.

All this autistic projection and justification for why you choose to be a weirdo pervert is mind cancer.


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>t. redditfag


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>Normally when someone smiles at you you reflexively smile or respond to it

What? No.

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I don‘t, I only like watching porn.
Why would I need a real roastie anyway?
Literally no reasons.


Why they call 'slutshaming' bad, but incelshaming is okay?


a good haircut and a stylished hat can do wonders for you.
also she was wearing a HUGE coat that covers her whole bodyshape

maybe he just didnt like filthy whores why didnt she think of that?

being asked personal questions means you're desired? i thought it was just small talk

>she thinks she is a real girl

She didn't think that you donut. She was playing him there, and he didn't fall for it

>expecting npcs to be consistent or logical

I would if i had a biggie dickie

>Realizes Joshi was trying to use him for sex and left
>Realizes Luv was trying to get close to him and left
>Saw through what Mariette was trying to do and left
K is more of an alpha than anything

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what does this mean

has she ever been nude?

you're right, i only like cute femboys with small cocks

K is gamma

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imagine being one of the dozens of fat millionaires who have purchased a week with her and seeing this

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imagine being omega haha..

That is the least corroded piece of rebar I've ever seen. Did she get that fresh out of the factory or something?

Feminism is about making women less feminine?


"lacking ambition and confidence"? "can't keep jobs"?
that would be crazy. i would be positively suicidal if i were so hopelessly worthless haha

they chrome plate rebar in the future, silly


Hypothetically if K didn't die, would he ever have been able to put his pp in her? Is anybody allowed into her special clean room?

I mean I understand why he took the risk, he thought by reuniting Deckard with his daughter, after they caught up alone K would have been able to go in there for some hot reward sex with that memory qt but unfortunately his injuries were too severe.

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who gives a shit if she died, killing a broad with your dick is the ultimate fantasy

what people here call beta is actually omega. being beta is not bad.

The ultimate fantasy is to hold the antagonist's head in your hands, on their knees in front of you. They beg for their life and cry about how they'll suck your cock to live. And then you fucking kill them anyways. Crush their head right in your hands.

fucking delete this right now.

Underage b&

can't unring the bell, user

>Is anybody allowed into her special clean room?

user are you retarded? You didn't realize that the whole sickness thing was fake?

>you dont like real dirty whores


lel fag
the ultimate fantasy is to have a woman who loves you almost as much as your mother loved you, and to hold a son in your hands, relieving you towards death--knowing your legacy and genes will live on and that your life mattered.

The exact details of her story are kind of glossed over so we can't know for sure, right? She was placed in the orphanage at one point, then she says her parents (presumably the people who adopted her) had to place her there because she got sick.

shouldnt you be washing your car Greg?

It seems likely that she'd have a fucked immune system but as said we don't know for sure

this desu

>what determines your personality type is how willing you are to blend into society and play its games

well that explains a lot

>white male protagonist that was in another incel movie Drive
>multiple waifus
>meme director
>critics complained the movie is sexist and misogynistic

pure mystery!

>Tfw you realise you could masturbate just outside the glass, ejaculating over and over again on its smooth shiny surface while she recoils in horror but can do nothing to stop it as she’s trapped inside
H-Haha that would be gross right guys


trips of truth
nothing cosmic

>tfw Gamma too
No choice then, I have to wait for holographic waifus and buy this jacket.

with those trips, you can do anything

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>tfw you're delta
pls delet I have a girlfriend

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There was a lot of ass in this movie. The newborn is the most underrated

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Attached: Ana de Armas JOI Mackenzie Davis Mariette Blade Runner 2049 3.webm (1280x533, 3M)

do you think she wore flesh colored pasties or went full nude to entice the crew?
that's where you're wrong, kiddo

I was really impressed with the tech in this scene

we all were


You can briefly see her butt, along with two guys, in Freaks of Nature.

I have an idea for a cyberpunk movie about an Uber violent bounty hunter that is obsessed with perfecting his body, and saltwater taffy.

this kind of blew my mind bros. she's just like me. the future may actually be so crazy that female incels will start to exist.

How does a terminator get skin cancer
Jesus christ look at her skin

I may be a bit autistic about this but I hate it when people assume that you are supposed to work as they expect you to and then they don't even understand how selfish they are being in simple social situations like the one in OP even though it's a movie. Shit like that happens a lot in real life too. Like shit, just leave me be if I don't care, no need to be condescending about it just because I don't fill your social needs.

>The newborn is the most underrated
t. Yea Forums

In all seriousness, 2049 touched on something that we’ll probably see in a few more decades. AI girlfriends and robots that can act as romantic partners. It’ll change human dynamics irrevocably. Especially if you consider the real-life application of artificial wombs.

She was and that scene was one of the only really memerable and fresh thing about that movie.

Give her hell K!!

She looks like Bee Armitage.

Aren't fat women who complain they can't fuck a 10/10 chad because of beauty standards in the media just another form of Incel though? Blaming everyone else because they don't want to self-improve.

they have sex so no, obviously

Shut up incel

have sex

Ah, the collective action problem that kills Western Civilization.

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Hey I love psuedoscience! Alpha-Gamma-Delta here.

and feminizing men

tfw the Finnish speaking botwhore right before this scene.
Mega cringe acting
>watch out he's a bleidranner, they're fucking dangerous :DD

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