What was his tax policy?

Attached: sheev.jpg (474x316, 12K)

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Probably quite heavy after the destruction of the first Death Star

I’m afraid the tariffs will be largely imposed when your goods arrive

>"Pay me or die"

A 30% on the inner galaxy planets and 10% on the outer rim planets. Oh and tatooine got a 50% rate cus, FUCK HUTTS AND MUTTS

despite being a Sith, was Sheev a good leader? I'm thinking yes.

>Your overconfidence in your tax rate is your weakness
>Your faith in your corporate shares is yours

7% flat tax rate

Whatever his Toydarian handlers told him to do

None. The Empire was socialist.

Prove me wrong, motherfuckers!

ayyys must give up their hoarded wealth and garnish all wages, humans are given cozy jobs in the galactic empire and get a bracketed reduction in taxes


Didn't the war start cuz of high taxes on trade routes? Palpy should've lowered taxes

Based. But let me tell you about the promising alternative known as the Flat Tax.

I guess you want me to say 66 or something?

>executive order 66


Heavy tax on droids and defense contractors.

>The local banks will decide your fate
>I am the central bank
>not yet


>prove me wrong

The rebellion was made up of immigrants and feminazis. Nuff said

>I am altering the federal funds rate, pray I do not alter it any further

he brought peace to the galaxy

Do you think he secured the bag?

Get help. You’re no match for him, he’s a CPA

Attached: 1544918677122.jpg (960x1180, 401K)

>banking clans
literally a big nosed alien with a nasal accent. how did the Clone Wars get away with this?

Attached: (((muun))).jpg (250x333, 16K)

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Why did Lucas fail so hard to make thr Empire a hateable antagonist? I personally never thought they did objectionable and their military discipline and unity was quite admirable.


According to the EU and the first draft of the New Hope, the Empire was clearly socialist as a cold war parallel to soviet union. They nationalized everything, and some cut scenes they were even nationalizing moisture farms on Tatooine. Sheev was basically space Stalin destroying the corrupt plutocratic old order and the ayy lmao monopoly holding (((merchants))). When did you realize that Sheev was basically right?


Attached: john_mollo_starwars_costume_sketchs_1.png (1054x866, 1004K)

Wait how could one tribe of people control all the banks that just doesn't make sense its gotta be simply a large widespread multigenerational international coincidence.

But religion is tax-exempt! Jedi is a religion!

Attached: Tax Return.jpg (653x367, 38K)

He was nationalizing commerce in the central systems

destroying alderaan was enough unless you are a fucking edgy teen

it was everything, rome, soviets, nazis...

>has a space station the blows up entire planets
>bodyguard chokes out officers

>Now young Skywalker....you will file.