What's your favorite Seinfeld scene?

What's your favorite Seinfeld scene?

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I like the sequence when Kramer is telling the story about saving the severed toe and driving the bus

so 90's

The sleeping under your desk episode

I like when Kramer called that guy a nigger

that scene where jerry tells george that the jacket he bought is very expensive but won't tell him how much he paid for it, and george goes crazy coming up with prices while jerry just looks at him.

Why was he sleeping under my desk?

Look it up

hard to pick a favorite but the first one that came to mind was when that women thinks george is crazy and he jerry wears the thick glasses

>he seemed like he didn't recognize you
>that's because he doesn't wear glasses
>that man was wearing glasses
>don't you see? he was doing it to fool lloyd braun

That episode where Jerry inherits the family farm and has to move out to the country.

That wasn't a Seinfeld scene, that was Michael Richards, the actor who plays Kramer, at a comedy club

There is no episode in which that occurs

The episode where the guy thinks Kramer is actually autistic.

Georges dad gets pasta stuck up his ass.

any time George has a job interview


When Kramer almost guesses George's ATM card pin.

Kramer commits a moving violation in which the blame is entirely his then he becomes a black person's butler. Hilarity ensues.

The one where Elaine is a whore

the episode where kramer kicks down the door to an occupied bathroom stall and takes a big shit in the guys mouth screaming the nigger word really loud

i like the one where the seinfeld is sarcastic and the kramer is eccentric

This is a great choice.
What's so perfect about this whole episode is that we know that George isn't crazy, but from the girls point of view George seems fucking nuts.

The one where Jerry gets stuck in line behind ISIS at the grocery store.

When Jerry moggs three generations of Mandelbaums

There's an ep where Jerry is mad that Banya is getting his laughs, so he decides to bomb on stage.
He goes out on stage in rainbow suspenders and does jokes like "What the deal with lampshades?". And Kramer is fake laughing hysterically.

When Kramer dries his clothes in the pizza oven

When George's thing shrinks from swimming and the girl walks in on him

Any episode in specific you have in mind?

Frank, if aunt baby were alive today, how old would she be?

>she'd never make it

There's one where Elaine says a jazz player is "sponge worthy" and makes him eat her pussy out. After that he can't play his instrument anymore.

The one where George's father yells

Well you're fun

I immediately thought of this one:

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all great selections
best one

>Kramer keeps getting nosebleeds
>End of the episode him and Jerry are on the bus
>Kramer says he's falling apart or something
>Jerry embraces him and music plays
Not my favorite scene, just bringing this up: Was this a reference to something? Seemed really weird and out of place, and it was never followed up.

>When George's thing
who doesn't type PENIS on Yea Forums?

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don't know if this is a meme but it was a reference to the midnight cowboy ending which has Jon Voight in it which ties everything together

>Was this a reference to something?
It was a reference to Midnight Cowboy.
In that ep (I believe) George bought the Jon Voight car. And Jerry was wearing cowboys boots because Kramer gave all of his sneakers to the Mom and Pop shoe store and they skipped town.

Coulda been a reference to something; there's an episode where Jerry is asked to be a godfather but fucks up and they make Kramer the godfather instead and the episode ends in a reference to the ending to the ending scene in Godfather with the closing door. Wouldn't make sense to anyone who hadn't seen the movie.

Oh, I've never seen that. I don't actually watch movies, I just come here to shitpost.

Midnight Cowboy

Coming up with the menage et trois plan.

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Jerry! Jerry!
>That was your best friend
...yeah, but he doesn't wear glasses
>That man was wearing glasses


>George tells the story of his gf believing he's a marine biologist because he pulled a golf ball from the spout of a whale that Kramer hit into the ocean.
>Kramer after he sees a naked woman from his window and they're having a no fap contest. "I'm out... I'm out, I'm out of the contest!"

>a game of global conquest being played by two men who can barely even run their own lives

When Elaine isn't wearing a bra, I think it's the episode his apartment gets robbed

>who is this?

Million to one shot, doc, million to one.

George going over to the black family's house to watch Breakfast at Tiffany's was some of the first cringe comedy I remember seeing. It was so awkward.

the bet

>feats of strength
>george esting trash

This whole episode is fucking genius in how complexly layered it is. How did they do it lads?



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>ywn excuse yourself to use the bathroom but really go to remy's room and steal a pair of her dirty panties

Yes, yes lets all have a chew.
Now this is what the holidays are about. 3 guy sittin around chewin gum.

I'm laughing just typing it.

Larry David. Have you ever heard of Curb Your Enthusiasm?

>prime Julia Louis-Dreyfus will never look at your cock this way

It hurts lads.

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I love this one.
Kramer smoked so much, his face turned into a goblin and jerry tells him he looks terrible.
The whole scene was so funny, jerry broke character like 10 times in the bloopers.

Also the merv griffin show, where kramer thinks he runs a talk show. The interactions on the set with the rest of the catch are bloody hilarious

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Yet another "this ep would never air in the #metoo/pc/sjw/blm/zoomer world" episode.

The episode where kramer started screaming nigger on tv and he had to go on a public show to apologize and everyone just laughed at him

Those are great

"Wait, are minute Jerry, are you telling me that you drugged a woman in order to play with her toy collection? Newman lets take a commercial break".

>Also the merv griffin show, where kramer thinks he runs a talk show. The interactions on the set with the rest of the catch are bloody hilarious
>turn tape off

This is probably my favorite gag on the show lol

So many episodes wouldn't air today.
The cigar indian statue or whatever is called, would be deemed racist.
Or the one where a girl thinks george and jerry are gays

>the episode where Jerry refuses to call the tranny "ma'am"

kek, i'm already laughing just thinking about it

We already have Always Sunny which is basically Seinfeld with bigger narcissists

>am I crazy, or is that a lot of gum

Do you have any conceivable reason for even getting up in the morning?


Remember the Puerto Rican Pride Parade episode? That was a great episode but everyone got all butt hurt about the burning flag bit so it's never shown in syndication

The new season was trash though but seasons 1-10 were all kino

>you gotta bring the japanese guys that had sake in the bathtub down here
>uncle leo?
Lost my shit every fucking time

Jerry goes to confession.


never understood the hate for that episode
that scene where they're all trying to use the bathroom at that house showing was great

>you sometimes forget there are zoomers here

>if the board is so impressed by suffering, why don't you tell them the astonishing tales of costanza?
>i should
>your work in this field is unparalleled
>i could go bumper to bumper with anyone on this planet


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At the cigarette company
>We believe Mr. Kramer exudes a... rugged masculinity
>Kramer smiles at her, looks hideous
>Rugged? The man's a goblin.
My friends and I said "The man's a goblin" to each other probably about two hundred times in our lives. So fucking funny.

For those who don't know, gas ovens used to run on propane and it was possible to commit suicide, which is what George was pantomiming

the funniest part is that George somehow knew where he was lol

george does the opposite


>the one where George puts on an engagement ring to pick up chicks
>the one where George misinterprets his date's offer for coffee at her place
>any scene where George shouts "IS IT LUPUS?"
George is my self insert and I hate it

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But without the DEEPEST LORE

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>no funeral
man classic simpsons was great

Too many to pick from. These are the ones off the top of my head.
>He yelled "Cartwright."
>Cartwright? Who's Cartwright?
>I'm Cartwright...
>You're not Cartwright.
>Of course I'm not Cartwright!
and the one where the Ross's troll George into showing them his fake Hampton house
>And I have horses too.
>What are their names?
>...Snoopy and Prickly Pete.


That screenshot is from an episode of Friends.

that ENTIRE episode went over your fucking head

repetition is a hell o a drug
i'm starting to lose my shit everytime i see you fuckers

>we know

why? she bitches about a dude pulling his cock out without her wanting it how is that not exactly like something that would air today?

kek, the lawyer jacky I think it is his name, is a great character

That time jerry caught george flapping to sissy porn

Sneed's Feed and Seed
Formerly Chuck's

this one sticks with me, although it's probably because I rewatched the episode recently
also the one where George smokes a cigarette in front of his fiance to get her to break up with him is wonderful too

You know what I fucking love, user? When the first post is the best post.

you care far too much about "muh ESSJAYYDUBYA" meme that the internet has told you is a problem that exists in real adult land.

the scene where the yankees think george is dead and steinbrenner tells his parents, only for frank to abuse him for his trades, is a classic


The message he leaves on Jerry's machine makes it even better

>You're Batman...
>I am Batman!

When Jerry and George got mistaken for a nazi spokesman. The whole limousine trip is kino as fuck.

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She's Jewish, no surprise there

i've only seen this ep once, it's never on reruns
they dont air the early first season eps often either

>they dont air the early first season eps often either
Good, they’re awful


Jacky is priceless

Then whyyyy

Frank Costanza telling Jerry's dad over the phone that they are moving to Florida in their community for the sole purpose of Jerry's parents not wanting the Costanzas there. That scene kills me.

>"Hello Morty, this is Frank Costanza..."

Also, the entire sequence of Festivus at the Costanzas house is incredible. The airing of grievances with Kruger is the best.

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goddamn elaine is so hot



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>"Susie didn't commit suicide! She was murdered! By JERRY! SEINFELD!"

George's sultry Nazi crush returns not that long after that episode as Poppy's daughter who wouldn't taste Jerry's pie.

Always thought it was a little odd that a show as huge as Seinfeld was getting at that time brought back the same actress for two notable speaking parts.

deepest lore

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When peterman thinks Kramer wants heroin and throws him out of the office

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A lot of the best ones have been mentioned so I'll have to say the scene where George wants to order an anti baldness product from China but doesn't speak mandarin, so he gets the pizza delivery boy to talk on the phone, and when George asks if the product really works, the delivery boy says "you'll look like Stalin"

Killing me with this

>He took... IT out
>oh no!
>oh yes

Don't really have a favorite scene, I'm a big fan of the series in general. I always crack up at Larry David as Mr. Steinbrenner though.

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>Not only that, I broke his thumbs!

>George panicimg at the kids birthday party when the fire breaks out and he's tossing kids aside and pushing people out of his way to get through the door.

this whole part never fails to make me lose my shit youtube.com/watch?v=4diUdRy2YL4

Mickey is a very underrated character. That episode where he and Kramer have that med school gig is one of my favorites.

>Jerry do you have any ipecac?
>Why what happened?
>It's Mickey! He swallowed twelve aspirin!
>Oh My God did he overdose?
>...No, it's just too much.

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>Jerry, this is Frank Costanza, Mr. Steinbrenner's here, George is dead - call me back.

The one where Kramer gets a deli slicer and George asks Kramer to impersonate a Dermotologist to do a skin cancer screening at George's job and Kramer discovers a suspicious mole on George's boss body and wants to slice it off with the deli slicer.

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Came here to post this.

Also, this:


Unironically the ending scene to the Bizarro Jerry episode. Also that whole episode.

>they feed the fucking cat with thin slices of meat that they slide under the door
yea that's a funny one


the one where i fuck ur mom

I like the one where the fags intimidate Kramer and Elaine out of an armoire



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Based newman

>when you realize your parents are like georges

that one where newman uses the crew's faces as masks and kills them. it was really weird, i think it only aired once
oh wait if the entire episode took place in the limousine it would've been in the series top 10 episodes for sure

post the rest


The A-Team had reappearing actors all the time.

I always think of the one where Low-Flow shower heads were installed in Jerry's and Kramer's apartments, and they couldn't wash the shampoo out of their hair. Kramer buys a shower head out of the back of some shady guy's van that was used on circus elephants, like it was a drug deal. Then at the end Kramer turns the thing on in the shower and it's so strong that it knocks him over.

Lt. Bookman scene in Jerry's Apartment

>"Maybe's that gets you off, you and your good time pals"

No episode will ever top the Yadda Yadda
That episode had like 5 fucking punchlines I was in tears by the end

The end is gold youtu.be/xr7NJ8UujSo

>"Well I got a flash for you, joy boy! Party time is over."

The Kennedy assination spoof from the Keith Hernandez episode is all gold.
>"There had to be a second spitter"

>Ned's very well read.
>Or, maybe he's just very well "red"

Jerry stealing the marble rye from the old lady will never not be funny

Same, my guy. It's bizarre how accurate it is

Kramer doing the Indian call out of the taxi to Jerry and his tonk gf

When jerry and george get stuck with J Peterman at dinner and jerry bails

>I understand no hard feelings, george and I will miss your company

Oh no! The correct answer was “Moops”

I wish I could do this with my desk so bad, it's all dirty and cold under there.

You took his pen? Why’d you take his pen?

That was a damn good episode

honestly this move has always worked for me, but I usually wait to we're inside, and I have a big penis

The episode where Jerry and the gang run out Babu the Indian business owner from the block.

Was the mannequin modeled after Elaine?

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the episode where elaine starts hanging out with jerry, george, and kramer’s doppelgängers

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>he didn't watch the after credits sequence

what is this haircut called?

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fuck you i was gioing to post that

80s cut

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>You're living in the past, man, you're hung up on some clown from the SIXTIES, man!

The Haircut

Receding jewfro

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festivus is pretty fucking great

>You know you really need some help. A regular psychiatrist couldn't even help you. You need to go to like Vienna or something. You know what I mean? You need to get involved at the University level. Like where Freud studied and have all those people looking at you and checking up on you. That's the kind of help you need. Not the once a week for eighty bucks. No. You need a team. A team of psychiatrists working round the clock thinking about you, having conferences, observing you, like the way they did with the Elephant Man. That's what I'm talking about because that's the only way you're going to get better.

You have autism.

Don't be so disgusting.

She's a Jew.


>The sea was angry that day, my friends - like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli

The ending of The Marine Biologist is my favorite moment in the history of television

>Good for the tuna.

I like the one where Jerry dates a Louis and he acts like Clark kent, with the race and all that.

>Pushes happy Elaine out the way
>Move bitch

Also the one with the Trinidadian race runner and his alarm doesn't go off

Both most kino stifileds episodes


was that clown jon favreau?




Bubble boy was bizarre.

When Jerry effortlessly picks up and moves the TV in the hospital room in front of all of them.

Not sure tbqh but I'll bet Puddy was in it.

They laugh about it and move on instead of ending with a powerful and poignant lesson about patriarchy

the sein

>What the hell does that mean?
Jerry Stiller's delivery was absolutely perfect.


you sound like a 37 year old millennial who hasn't done anything but get fat watching network TV since high school.

youtube.com/watch?v=ceNUNEIFAPw prob this

I like the one where Jerry and Kramer switch apartments because the bright Kenny Rogers' Chicken sign bothers kramer.

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No soup for you.

Of course.
