What went wrong?

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Writers went from trying to copy Shakespeare to trying to copy Twilight

Fuck off, OP.

that's pretty good. mind if I use this?

best character on the show. he shouldn't have been killed off.

>Lady Shansha, I believe you lied under oath when you said your aunt Lysa jumped through the Moon door? Does this not matter?
>Ah, I shuppoze we are taking a crippled boy's dreams as facts, then? Should all trials be settled this way?
>Do great deeds not weigh in on my innocence? Saving you from the Lannisters, returning you to your seat in Winterfell, saving your brother and bringing the Vale into your service. A fair trial is the least you can offer me.
>No? Very well. I shall demand trial by combat.
>Not even that? Fine, then the Night's Watch will serve me well enough, with the dead on the way you need every man you can spare.
>No? Very well, but you are a Stark, my lady. I shall not accept your sentence if you are not the one to look me in the eye and take my life yourself.
>Or, whatever, just have the goblin bitch mutilate my throat with my dagger. Then burn my body.
>Or you can just leave my corpse on the floor. That would be acceptable as well.

Kys petyr is kino

He never stopped trying though, he was manipulating Sansa and Arya and trying to keep his firm hold over the Stark business. This thread is dumb-o

It's called character development. Ever heard of it???

Wheres "i shuppose"

if he dies this way in the book we riot

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He was the best character but his death was a long fucking time coming.

This, Petyr Baelish should have been there right up to the final credits.

But it was probably better he died than letting D&D ruin his character anymore.. they clearly didn't understand his character.

I always figured that he would be the final antagonist killed after the night king but it would be in a "not so fast" type moment right at the end where he'd be fucked over by sansa, varys, royce and all the rest he fucked over kind of like yu yevon in FFXII

That's off the table ashwehlh

I laughed pretty fuckin hard

>Wait a fucking shecond, Im on trial? For fucking what? Killing the bitch that wash gonna kill you?
>What the little cripple sociopath thinks he shaw me do shomething? Why dint we ashk what the fuck he wash doing beyond the wall? Who did he shee there?
>You got raped? Well shawry, it wash a beautiful night, he sheemed like a nishe lad.
>I ate under thish roof salt and bread, you cant kill ke like dish. Youd be a hypocrite!

these are both true. his character became very flat. 1st-2nd season baelish was amazing.


Season 3 & 4 Baelish is still kino and 5 had scenes with Sansa and Lord Bolton that are pretty good but after that its easy to see how the writers are hacks and have no idea how to use him

was getting killed part of his master plan?

>Implying the books will be finished at all.

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>responsible for setting the events of the entire series in motion
>noted to be the most dangerous man in the world by the most well informed man in the world
>repeatedly says that his ultimate goal is "everything"
>does nothing, dies like a bitch

personally, i stood up and clapped when he died

I always figured he was going to die because Catelyn (and by extension Sansa) was the one point where he was obsessed and had a failure of logic/reasoning. It's very oversimplified in season 7, but in the books and to some degree in the show it's shown how obsessed he is with Catelyn and then he is trying to replace her with Sansa. It could have been written better (especially with including that confirmed deleted scene with Bran) though

I don't watch this show but he seems like a hothead and a small guy.

He got arrogant and more to the point, got sloppy. Littlefinger kept winning and finding ways to force people into his debt (see him saving John's ass by showing up at the last minute during the Battle of the Bastards to bail the Starks out).

He underestimated a bunch of things:

1. That John would see through his shit and while keeping him around as a necessary evil, would do the captain sensible thing and pretty much freeze him out of his inner circle and not let Littlefinger hold saving his life over his head so as to have power over him.

2. He truly thought he could fix shit with Sansa, after handing her over to Ramsey and Roose. Yes, he saved her and John's hide and helped them kill Ramsey. But the very act of forcing her into the Bolton's hands killed any faith she might have had in him being a good person and made her realize that he only saw her as a stupid pawn to bullshit and use for his own selfish agenda.

3. Mishandled Bran and Arya Stark. Giving Bran the dagger was a huge mistake. And thinking he could turn Arya against Sansa was a bigger one.
He would have been better served avoiding Bran and Arya entirely, or in the case of Arya, find some way to put her into his debt in hopes of creating complications in her being able to kill her.

But the biggest problem was trying to stage a coup via Sansa while John was away. He truly got fucking greedy and arrogant and pushed his luck way too far. He should have just hung back, let shit die down, and possibly go back to the Vale and fortified that position as a fall-back place for the Stark in the event shit goes down and they need him again, once again putting John into Littlefinger's debt.

This is what happens when you pander to a numale, female audience.

UnIronically not even the same character anymore


i agree with you to a point. the whole turning arya against sansa isn't outlandish though. didn't he pretty much do that with other starks? (been awhile since i watched show)

Do you guys not think it's plausible that he paid a faceless man to die in his place?


Not really, D&D and that smart, they made Littlefinger dumb like them, he didn't even notice his plans were falling apart until SHANSHA PLEASE

They're not smart at all, but they could still retcon the death in this fashion. I'm not ruling it out.

>What went wrong?
you for thinking that littlefinger would actually "win" "the game of thrones"

Hilarious shit....I mean, like, really? You really are shocked that Stannis is dead? Really, you though he was going to "win?" So many fucking retards on Yea Forums jesus...

>implying he's dead

on a sidenote I love the over the top editing in that video, almost makes me believe it might happen (even if I do know D&D would never attempt something like this at this point in the show and were reduced to teleporting characters, zombie bears and bad poosay. Fuck I hate D&D)


He didn't fly so good

>i stood up and clapped

I always thought the final scene of GoT would be Littlefinger and Varys back together in the throne room talking philosophy neither having advanced nor fallen from their position

GRRM wasn't writing shit so they had to cram an ending in two seasons.

My money is on Daenerys swooping in and taking the Iron Throne for herself with no effort. She's been recieving things on a silver platter for a while now. Thr books make it even worse.

>Bran's testimony is literally "I was there. I remember it. Reincarnation."

Handing Sansa over to the Boltons instead of just keeping her with him in The Vale was the true retard move. Everything after didn't matter as he lost his major key to total victory with that.
>stay in unconquerable castle with Sansa's complete trust and legitimate ally for saving her
>become King of the Vale through his bullshittery
>defeat the scraps left over of the winner of Bolton vs Bastard vs Stannis
>now control the entire North
If everything goes the same with the southern half houses imploding through civil war King/Queen hot potatoe he would easily become the most powerful person in Westeros. Endgame should have been him on the Iron Throne for half a minute and just long enough to get BTFO by zombies and dragons where his schemes would be powerless against.

God I wish this were true

This is what happens when you run out of source material

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No one expected him to win but that doesn't change that his character was turned into the same borderline retard that everyone else is. I think the only somewhat clever thing to happen all season was Euron leaving like a bitch to trick everyone and secretly going to pick up the Golden Company. Although the fact that no one questioned it is retarded so it balances out

No it's called you're a retarded tranny that will never ever ever get laid

I feel so sorry for this guy. Imagine being this much of a baelish fan only to have all your theories turn to ash when the next season comes out.

The Double D's just want off the fucking show. They want to tie it up and be done with it.

>Consider that you go into this thing with good faith to make a really great show for a book you love, and the writer is a total asshole who wont' finish it.
>it becomes the biggest thing on TV, just about because it's so well done and a pretty good copy of the books.
>you make grimdark a household meme
>then the years drag on, the shitty actors want more money, the hype gets exhausting and you've wasted a decade of your fucking life making somebody else's story... at all times surrounded by bookcel faggots that hate your work, a money grubbing studio, and a bunch of idiots and moron actors.
> So you say fuck it and throw your hands up
>Muh explosions. Muh action movie tropes.
>Lets get this shit over with and get some Disney bux and hire somebody else to put with this shit.

I don't blame them that much DESU. Honestly the books suck and need an editor. I like their adaptation. And if they just want to shit out the ending because they are sick of all of it, so be it.

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I still don't get what his plan was with telling Cersei that Sansa was in Winterfell, and that he would take her head.


The real answer is the directors passed the books. They have no idea how to write a complicated plot with Finger, so we got season 7's Little Finger acting in a completely retarded way.

number 2 was truly the worst offense. They had an entire interesting subplot with him and sansa, with her learning the ropes and possibly becoming more 'evil'. But no, they made her a victim again for an entire season.

D and D are utterly helpless without the fat man's books.

he flat-out acted as if bran didn't exist. right after he had just been given a perfect demonstration of bran's omnipotence

>Tell that to Zod's snapped neck


Not a bookfag, but I really miss the 4D chess that balish and the bald dude appeared to be having, using houses and kingdoms and pawns

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There were several people playing 4D chess in the books, like Tywin and Doran Martell, but most were rulers while LF and Varys were just resourceful assholes.
Read the books if you have the time. They're not some great thinkpieces but they stay focused on politics far longer than the show.

Should have bashed him to death with a ladder.

Kino ending

I have a hard time imagining myself disliking Aidan Gillen but Baelish was always a fairly silly, caricaturish figure.

>retarded D&D don’t know how to write good characters
>therefore they kill littlefinger


>There were several people playing 4D chess in the books

You got me thinking about cyvasse with that observation. Turns out it's been merchandised as well.

I looked it up, but I'm not seeing any official versions, just fan made shit based on speculation